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We present a decentralized market-based approach to resource allocation in a heterogeneous overlay network. This resource allocation strategy dynamically assigns resources in an overlay network to requests for service based on current system utilization, thus enabling the system to accommodate fluctuating demand for its resources. Our approach is based on a mathematical model of this resource allocation environment that treats the allocation of system resources as a constrained optimization problem. From the solution to the dual of this optimization problem, we derive a simple decentralized algorithm that is extremely efficient. Our results show the near optimality of the proposed approach through extensive simulation of this overlay network environment. The simulation study utilizes components taken from a real-world middleware application environment and clearly demonstrates the practicality of the approach in a realistic setting.  相似文献   

In this study, we consider an environment composed of a heterogeneous cluster of multicore-based machines used to analyze satellite data. The workload involves large data sets and is subject to a deadline constraint. Multiple applications, each represented by a directed acyclic graph (DAG), are allocated to a dedicated heterogeneous distributed computing system. Each vertex in the DAG represents a task that needs to be executed and task execution times vary substantially across machines. The goal of this research is to assign the tasks in applications to a heterogeneous multicore-based parallel system in such a way that all applications complete before a common deadline, and their completion times are robust against uncertainties in execution times. We define a measure that quantifies robustness in this environment. We design, compare, and evaluate five static resource allocation heuristics that attempt to maximize robustness. We consider six different scenarios with different ratios of computation versus communication, and loose and tight deadlines.  相似文献   

This research investigates the problem of robust static resource allocation for distributed computing systems operating under imposed Quality of Service (QoS) constraints. Often, such systems are expected to function in an environment where uncertainty in system parameters is common. In such an environment, the amount of processing required to complete a task may fluctuate substantially. Determining a resource allocation that accounts for this uncertainty—in a way that can provide a probability that a given level of QoS is achieved—is an important area of research. We have designed novel techniques for maximizing the probability that a given level of QoS is achieved. These techniques feature a unique application of both path relinking and local search within a Genetic Algorithm. In addition, we define a new methodology for finding resource allocations that are guaranteed to have a non-zero probability of addressing the timing constraints of the system. We demonstrate the use of this methodology within two unique steady-state genetic algorithms designed to maximize the robustness of resource allocations. The performance results for our techniques are presented for a simulated environment that models a heterogeneous cluster-based radar data processing center.  相似文献   

医疗资源配置优化是云医疗系统高效运行的核心决策,然而,由于这种新型互联网医疗服务系统具有多组织协同、上下转诊以及诊疗时间不确定等特点,上述问题可以描述为需求不确定情形下核心医生服务时间分配优化问题.构建一个以最小化最大医疗服务成本为目标函数的云医疗资源鲁棒配置优化模型,通过引入决策者对患者诊疗时间和转诊概率两种不确定性...  相似文献   

Heterogeneous computing (HC) systems composed of interconnected machines with varied computational capabilities often operate in environments where there may be inaccuracies in the estimation of task execution times. Makespan (defined as the completion time for an entire set of tasks) is often the performance feature that needs to be optimized in such systems. Resource allocation is typically performed based on estimates of the computation time of each task on each class of machines. Hence, it is important that makespan be robust against errors in computation time estimates. In this research, the problem of finding a static mapping of tasks to maximize the robustness of makespan against the errors in task execution time estimates given an overall makespan constraint is studied. Two variations of this basic problem are considered: (1) where there is a given, fixed set of machines, (2) where an HC system is to be constructed from a set of machines within a dollar cost constraint. Six heuristic techniques for each of these variations of the problem are presented and evaluated.  相似文献   

为了提高分布式计算环境下资源分配的效率,提出一种基于新兴古典经济学的资源分配方法,其重点关注如何提高整个系统的性能,使得客户得到的整体效用最大。通过将资源分配问题转化成专业化分工问题,应用超边际分析求出分配方案的最优解,从而进行分配策略制定和分配结构的动态调整。仿真试验证明,该方法能够有效地对分布式计算环境下的资源进行分配。  相似文献   

根据用户访问网格资源的历史信息,采用分类算法对此信息进行挖掘,得出用户使用集群资源的访问规则和模式,在此基础上构造一种基于分类挖掘的资源调度模型、用户调度UA算法以及资源调度CDMRA算法,分别将用户请求调度到各个集群中闲置的CPU资源.实验证明,采用基于分类挖掘的资源分配策略相比其他算法可以减少资源分配过程中对资源的重新分配次数,可以提高网格资源的利用率.  相似文献   

云计算环境下的服务调度和资源调度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云计算中的服务调度与资源调度对云计算的性能有重要影响,在分析现有云计算调度模式的基础上,针对云计算数据密集与计算密集的特点,提出分层调度策略以实现云计算中的服务与资源调度。分层调度策略对任务进行划分确定作业优先级,并通过数据局部性和总任务完成率对资源进行分配。数值评价部分应用分层调度与已有调度进行比较。实验结果表明,所采用的调度有效提高了资源利用率,为云服务的进一步研究提供了思路。  相似文献   

We investigate two distinct issues related to resource allocation heuristics: robustness and failure rate. The target system consists of a number of sensors feeding a set of heterogeneous applications continuously executing on a set of heterogeneous machines connected together by high-speed heterogeneous links. There are two quality of service (QoS) constraints that must be satisfied: the maximum end-to-end latency and minimum throughput. A failure occurs if no allocation is found that allows the system to meet its QoS constraints. The system is expected to operate in an uncertain environment where the workload, i.e., the load presented by the set of sensors, is likely to change unpredictably, possibly resulting in a QoS violation. The focus of this paper is the design of a static heuristic that: (a) determines a robust resource allocation, i.e., a resource allocation that maximizes the allowable increase in workload until a run-time reallocation of resources is required to avoid a QoS violation, and (b) has a very low failure rate (i.e., the percentage of instances a heuristic fails). Two such heuristics proposed in this study are a genetic algorithm and a simulated annealing heuristic. Both were “seeded” by the best solution found by using a set of fast greedy heuristics.  相似文献   

Policy based resource allocation in IaaS cloud   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In present scenario, most of the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) clouds use simple resource allocation policies like immediate and best effort. Immediate allocation policy allocates the resources if available, otherwise the request is rejected. Best-effort policy also allocates the requested resources if available otherwise the request is placed in a FIFO queue. It is not possible for a cloud provider to satisfy all the requests due to finite resources at a time. Haizea is a resource lease manager that tries to address these issues by introducing complex resource allocation policies. Haizea uses resource leases as resource allocation abstraction and implements these leases by allocating Virtual Machines (VMs). Haizea supports four kinds of resource allocation policies: immediate, best effort, advanced reservation and deadline sensitive. This work provides a better way to support deadline sensitive leases in Haizea while minimizing the total number of leases rejected by it. Proposed dynamic planning based scheduling algorithm is implemented in Haizea that can admit new leases and prepare the schedule whenever a new lease can be accommodated. Experiments results show that it maximizes resource utilization and acceptance of leases compared to the existing algorithm of Haizea.  相似文献   

徐雅斌  彭宏恩 《计算机应用》2019,39(6):1583-1588
针对缺乏PaaS平台下资源需求的有效预测与优化分配的问题,提出一种资源需求预测模型和分配方法。首先,根据PaaS平台中应用对资源需求的周期性来对资源序列进行切分,并在短期预测的基础上结合应用的多周期性特征,利用多元回归算法建立综合的预测模型。然后,基于MapReduce架构设计实现了一个Master-Slave模式的PaaS平台资源分配系统。最后,结合当前任务请求和资源需求预测结果进行资源分配。实验结果表明,采用该资源需求预测模型和分配方法后,相比于自回归模型和指数平滑算法,平均绝对百分比误差分别下降8.71个百分点和2.07个百分点,均方根误差分别下降2.01个百分点和0.46个百分点。所提预测模型的预测结果不仅误差小,与真实值的拟合程度也较高,而且利用较小的时间开销就可以获得较高的准确度。此外,使用该预测模型的PaaS平台的资源请求的平均等待时间有了明显的下降。  相似文献   

In today's world, large group migration of applications to the fog computing is registered in the information technology world. The main issue in fog computing is providing enhanced quality of service (QoS). QoS management consists of various method used for allocating fog-user applications in the virtual environment and selecting suitable method for allocating virtual resources to physical resource. The resources allocation in effective manner in the fog environment is also a major problem in fog computing; it occurs when the infrastructure is build using light-weight computing devices. In this article, the allocation of task and placement of virtual machine problems is explained in the single fog computing environment. The experiment is done and the result shows that the proposed framework improves QoS in fog environment.  相似文献   

云环境下公平性优化的资源分配方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
薛胜军  胡敏达  许小龙 《计算机应用》2016,36(10):2686-2691
针对云数据中心资源分配不均、效率不高、资源错位等问题,为了满足不同用户的需求,达到多种资源分配的公平性,实现资源的高效利用,提出了全局优势资源公平(GDRF)分配算法。GDRF算法采用多轮分配方式,即先通过用户已分配资源量确定分配资格,每轮再通过全局优势资源共享比和全局优势资源权重来确定具体的分配用户,分配过程充分考虑了资源的匹配情况,采用了max-min fairness思想的渐进填充方式,并且将多资源分配公平性统一度量模型运用到了算法中。实验基于一个Google集群数据模型与基于占优资源的多资源联合公平分配算法作了比较。实验结果表明,GDRF算法分配的虚拟机总量提高了12%,资源总利用率提高了0.5个百分点,公平评估值提高了约15%,并且该算法的资源组合分配的适应度较高,使得用户需求和供给更匹配。  相似文献   

异构Map-Reduce环境中资源分配策略直接影响其响应时间,如何利用有效的策略将计算任务分配到计算资源是亟待解决的问题。利用和声搜索算法对异构Hadoop集群中的计算资源分配问题进行优化。对问题进行建模时考虑了异构计算机集群中各节点的处理能力、带宽和线路质量和源数据位置等因素对计算资源分配的影响,利用和声搜索算法优化资源分配策略,以期在满足用户需求的前提下提高系统的响应时间。并用Gridsim对算法进行仿真实验,实验结果表明利用和声搜索算法可以达到减少系统响应时间的目的。  相似文献   

云计算中虚拟机资源分配算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决云计算中虚拟机部署预留方案浪费大量资源和单目标部署方案不够全面问题,提出了一种基于组的多目标遗传算法虚拟机资源分配算法.该算法分成组编码和资源编码,资源编码根据虚拟机历史资源需求进行整合编码,通过改进的交叉和变异操作,将物理机器个数和虚拟机占用物理机器资源整合.实验结果表明,该算法有效减少了物理机器个数使用和提高了物理机器资源使用率,达到了节能目的.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous parallel and distributed computing systems may operate in an environment where certain system performance features degrade due to unpredictable circumstances. Robustness can be defined as the degree to which a system can function correctly in the presence of parameter values different from those assumed. This work develops a model for quantifying robustness in a dynamic heterogeneous computing environment where task execution time estimates are known to contain errors. This mathematical expression of robustness is then applied to two different problem environments. Several heuristic solutions to both problem variations are presented that utilize this expression of robustness to influence mapping decisions.
Bin YeEmail:

The article considers the resource allocation and scheduling problem in a grid computing environment. The article proposes system optimisation scheduling (SOS) that provides a potential solution of joint optimisation of objectives for both the resource and application layer, which combine both application-oriented and resource-oriented scheduling benefits. Grid systems will strive to find an optimal relation between user satisfaction and resource utilisation. Utility functions are used to express grid user's Quality of Service requirement, resource provider's benefit function and system's objectives. In order to verify the efficiency of the proposed scheduling algorithm, we compare the performance of application optimisation scheduling, resource optimisation scheduling, SOS with a traditional Round-Robin algorithm. The simulations study the effect of the request rate and task-to-resource ratio on the different scheduling algorithm.  相似文献   

Resource reconstruction algorithms are studied in this paper to solve the problem of resource on-demand allocation and improve the efficiency of resource utilization in virtual computing resource pool. Based on the idea of resource virtualization and the analysis of the resource status transition, the resource allocation process and the necessity of resource reconstruction are presented. Resource reconstruction algorithms are designed to determine the resource reconstruction types, and it is shown that they can achieve the goal of resource on-demand allocation through three methodologies: resource combination, resource split, and resource random adjustment. The effects that the resource users have on the resource reconstruction results, the deviation between resources and requirements, and the uniformity of resource distribution are studied by three experiments. The experiments show that resource reconstruction has a close relationship with resource requirements, but it is not the same with current distribution of resources. The algorithms can complete the resource adjustment with a lower cost and form the logic resources to match the demands of resource users easily.  相似文献   

网格资源分配是网格计算中的关键问题之一,引起网格研究者越来越多的关注。网格资源分配的过程就是任务与资源映射的过程。在分析已有的网格资源分配方法的基础上,首先提出了一种基于Agent的网格资源管理模型,主要由用户层、客户服务层、信息服务层、区域管理层和资源层组成。在此基础上对基于Agent联盟的网格资源分配方法进行了研究,最后给出了实例分析。  相似文献   

针对基础设施即服务(IaaS)环境下多租户使用安全服务时由于安全资源有限和安全资源分配不均导致的效率低下问题,提出了一个租户安全资源调度框架。首先以最小最大公平算法为基础,结合Fair Scheduler的调度思想为租户设定了最小共享量和资源需求量属性;然后通过安全服务资源分配算法在保证租户最小共享量满足的前提下,尽可能公平地满足租户的资源需求;最后结合租户内任务调度和租户间资源抢占算法,实现了租户安全服务调度框架。实验结果表明,在随机资源分配条件下,安全服务资源分配算法与传统资源分配算法相比在资源利用率和作业效率上均有明显提高,安全服务调度框架可以有效解决多租户安全资源的分配和强占问题。  相似文献   

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