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ABSTRACT:  A means to accelerate fish sauce fermentation without adversely affecting fish sauce quality was investigated. Starter cultures prepared from Virgibacillus sp. SK33, Virgibacillus sp. SK37, and Staphylococcus sp. SK1-1-5 were added separately to anchovy that was hydrolyzed by 0.25% Alcalase at 60 °C for 2 h followed by 0.5% Flavourzyme at 50 °C for 4 h. The mixtures were then adjusted to contain 25% solar salt and incubated at 35 °C for 4 mo. α-Amino contents of all inoculated samples were higher than the control (without the addition of starter culture) during the course of fermentation. After 4-mo fermentation, the samples inoculated with Staphylococcus sp. SK1-1-5 contained the highest α-amino content of 733.37 ± 13.89 mM while that of the control was 682.67 ± 3.33 mM. Amino acid profiles of inoculated samples showed similar patterns to that of commercial product fermented for 12 mo, with glutamic, aspartic, and lysine being predominant amino acids. Virgibacillus sp. SK33 appeared to decrease histamine content of fish sauce by 50% when compared to the control. Volatile compounds analyzed by GC–MS of all inoculated samples fermented for 4 mo exhibited a similar pattern to those of the 12-mo-old commercial product. Samples inoculated with Staphylococcus sp. SK1-1-5 produced higher levels of volatile fatty acids and showed similar sensory characteristics to the commercial fish sauce fermented for 12 mo. Staphylococcus sp. SK1-1-5 is a potential strain that can be applied to produce fish sauce with overall sensory characteristics of traditional fish sauce in shorter time.  相似文献   

为探究鱼露酿造的新工艺,以淡水鱼下脚料为原料,粉碎成鱼糜与80 g/L盐、沪酿3.042米曲霉制成的酱油曲混合后,在静磁场环境下培养发酵生产鱼露.在不同静磁场环境下40℃发酵30 d,通过测定鱼露发酵过程中氨基态氮、总氮、挥发性盐基氮、无盐固形物、总酸、pH值和非酶褐变的变化,分析静磁场环境对鱼露发酵工艺及其品质的影响...  相似文献   

We report that the lees in salmon fish sauce consist of Tyr and Phe. The concentration of free l-Tyr (2.0 mM) was almost same as the saturated concentration (2.4 mM) in water at 20°C. This result shows that lees are formed by Tyr precipitation due to its saturation in the sauce.  相似文献   

本文通过对酱醪中耐盐乳酸菌的筛选,成功分离出一株耐18%盐度的乳酸菌,经过16S r DNA测序鉴定,确定为一株植物乳杆菌。在酱油酿造过程中添加该耐盐植物乳杆菌,无盐固形物、氨基酸态氮、还原糖和总酸含量等理化指标都有所上升。经过液相测定,发现酱油中乳酸含量比空白增加2倍左右。挥发性风味物质中酮类和酚类物质增加2倍左右,醇类物质稍有增加。本研究为进一步安全有效提高酱油风味物质奠定理论依据。   相似文献   

庄桂 《中国酿造》2007,(10):43-45
利用玉米提取淀粉和蛋白后的副产品玉米皮渣作为糖化曲的原料,再利用糖化曲水解玉米皮渣制取糖化液,补充氮源后制备液体酵母培养基,进而利用该培养基培养液体酵母,并且利用酵母自溶技术将其制成生产酱油用的酵母自溶液。结果表明:利用酵母自溶液配制的酱油,其全氮达到1.50g/100mL,氨基酸态氮达到0.78g/100mL,同时酱油的鲜味也得到了明显提高。  相似文献   

对酱的总酸、氨基酸态氮和食盐的测定方法进行了改进,将几个单独测定的项目合并为一个连续测定过程,测定了三个样品中的总酸、氨基酸态氮和食盐含量.结果显示,一次性连续测定法RSD在0.4%~1.9%(n=6)之间,平均回收率100.4%,具有简便、快速、准确等优点,令人满意.  相似文献   

The production of ‘Yu-lu’, a Chinese traditional fermented fish sauce, was replicated in the laboratory with little adaption in order to study the chemical, microorganism and sensory changes associated with the process. Yu-lu was made by incubating mixtures of small anchovies and 30% salt (salt/fish, w/w) at 30 ± 5 °C for 180 days, then rising the incubation temperature to 50 °C for 7 days. Changes in total soluble nitrogen (TSN), TCA (trichloroacetic acid) soluble peptides, formaldehyde nitrogen, total acid, total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N), trimethylamine nitrogen (TMA-N), composition of amino acid, the non-enzymatic browning index and total plate counts of Yu-lu were observed. TSN, formaldehyde nitrogen, TCA soluble peptides, total titratable acid and non-enzymatic browning index increased throughout the fermentation period. Glutamic acid, lysine, leucine and valine were prominent in Yu-lu. The results from QDA test showed that incubation after 180 days for a week can accelerate the flavor formation of Yu-lu.  相似文献   

该研究旨在利用外源蛋白酶和曲霉菌YL001缩短沙丁鱼鱼露的发酵周期.将沙丁鱼鱼肉分为2组,一组仅用外源蛋白酶发酵(鱼露A),另一组用外源蛋白酶和曲霉菌YL001复合发酵(鱼露B).2组样品先在35℃下发酵30 d,然后在室温下继续发酵150 d.结果表明,发酵180 d后,鱼露A、B中氨基酸态氮含量分别为7.6和10....  相似文献   

外加成曲发酵去除鱼露腥味的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶兴无  高冰 《中国酿造》2007,(12):46-47
以添加米糠、藠头皮制得的成曲对鲢鱼下脚料发酵水解,进行去除鱼露鱼腥味的实验,以感官指标为评价标准,将其与普通成曲的处理方法对鱼露的去腥效果进行对比,结果表明,使用添加有藠头皮的成曲,藠头皮的添加量为小麦重量的75%,对蛋白酶活力影响较小,去腥效果好,鱼露的风味感官评价较好。  相似文献   

Halophilic lactic acid bacteria were isolated from fish sauce mashes fermented at 1 to 12 months. Seven out of sixty-four isolates were selected according to their proteolytic activity and growth at 25% NaCl for characterization and investigation of volatile compound production. All selected isolates were Gram-positive cocci with pairs/tetrads and grew at 0-25% NaCl, pH 4.5-9.0. Results of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed 99% homology to Tetragenococcus halophilus ATCC 33315. The restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns of all isolates were also similar to those of T. halophilus ATCC 33315. These isolates were, thus, identified as T. halophilus. All isolates hydrolyzed fish protein in the medium containing 25% NaCl. Intracellular aminopeptidase of 7 isolates exhibited the highest activity of 2.85-3.67 U/ml toward Ala-p-nitroanilide (Ala-pNA). T.halophilus strains MS33 and M11 showed the highest alanyl aminopeptidase activity (P < 0.05), and produced histamine in mGYP broth containing 5 and 25% NaCl in the level of 6.62-22.55 and 13.14-20.39 mg/100 ml, respectively. Predominant volatile compounds of fish broth containing 25% NaCl inoculated with T. halophilus MS33 and MRC5-5-2 were 1-propanol, 2-methylpropanal, and benzaldehyde, corresponding to major volatile compounds in fish sauce. T.halophilus appeared to play an important role in volatile compound formation during fish sauce fermentation.  相似文献   

在食品质量安全准入市场制度下,国家规定酱油出厂要作8项以上检验合格方准入市。按国家标准GB18186-2000准确检验头油中氨基酸态氮含量占酱油出厂8项检验合格具有十分重要作用与地位,特别是它与4项质量技术指标检验合格还具有纲举目张的连带关系。  相似文献   

研究了不同发酵温度(35、25℃、自然)对高盐稀态酱油原油品质的影响。结果表明,高盐稀态酱油在25℃下发酵品质最好,发酵60d后总氮含量为1.23g/100mL,氨基酸态氮为0.74g/100mL,总酸和还原糖分别为2.03、3.37g/100mL,pH为4.60。25℃下发酵酱油的氨态氮含量与35℃和自然发酵的酱油相比,分别高出了11.68%和8.55%,而且25℃发酵的酱油其游离氨基酸总量也最高,为55.67mg/mL,其中必需氨基酸占43.97%,鲜味氨基酸占29.20%,甜味氨基酸占22.06%,均高于35℃和自然发酵的酱油。25℃发酵酱油的赖氨酸含量为3.91mg/mL,分别比35℃和自然发酵酱油高出16.37%和15.69%。   相似文献   

酱油中氨基酸的组成与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄毅  锁然  李娜 《中国调味品》2012,37(3):101-104,107
分析酱油中的氨基酸。结果表明,酱油中不仅含有丰富的氨基酸,而且8种必需氨基酸含量比例超过31%。酱油中呈味氨基酸丰富,使酱油滋味鲜美。酱油含有维持人体正常生理活动的功能氨基酸-γ-氨基丁酸。酱油中的氨基酸均衡,其具有很高的营养价值。  相似文献   

Shoyu is the Japanese name for soy sauce and the most popular liquid condiment (seasoning) used in Japanese cuisine as well as in cuisines of other oriental countries. Shoyu is prepared by digesting mold-cultured soybeans and wheat seeded with an aspergillus (koji in Japanese) in the presence of sodium chloride. Gyoshoyu is produced when the soybeans and wheat are replaced with fish. Both Shoyu and Gyoshoyu have high level of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging activity. Hydrogen peroxide is produced in green tea after exposure to air. To find a safe and economical method of preventing the production of H2O2 in green tea, effects of Shoyu and Gyoshoyu on H2O2 level in bottled green tea were examined. Both Shoyu and Gyoshoyu suppressed the production of H2O2. Gyoshoyu decomposed H2O2 possibly because of the presence of a thermostable catalase, while Shoyu did not. Some components of Shoyu and Gyoshoyu may be useful to suppress the production of H2O2 in green tea.  相似文献   

苏媛媛  郭慧 《中国酿造》2019,38(11):125
探讨甜油和酱油中两种关键营养成分氨基酸和还原糖的含量差异,分析原料不同、工艺相近的两种调味品特征指标存在差异的原因,并提出甜油和酱油存在的优势和缺点。结果表明,甜油中氨基酸总量和鲜味氨基酸谷氨酸低于酱油,甜油和酱油中氨基酸总量分别为15.86~23.21 mmol/L和31.69~46.04 mmol/L,其中谷氨酸含量分别为2.94~7.54 mmol/L和20.62~35.34 mmol/L;但每类氨基酸含量差距不大,比较协调;甜油中甜味氨基酸比例较大,为49.41%,酱油中的鲜味氨基酸比例较大,为71.19%;甜油中还原糖含量(14.24~27.53 g/L)高于酱油(4.80~8.26 g/L)。因此,酱油因高氨基酸和谷氨酸含量鲜味明显、口感厚重,适合烧制菜肴,而甜油口感协调、丰满,适合炒菜和凉拌菜;另外,甜油中高含量的还原糖含量能够改善菜肴质量、色泽和口感。  相似文献   

鱼露风味浓郁、独特,是部分地区传统调味品。传统鱼露发酵周期过长及含盐量太高限制其发展;但低盐、速酿鱼露存在香气不足的缺陷。通过添加增香微生物加快鱼露香气形成或改善鱼露香气是提高鱼露品质的重要方法。本文综述了鱼露香气物质常用的检测、鉴定方法,归纳获得21种鱼露中最主要的特征香气物质,总结了10株改善鱼露香气的微生物,基于微生物氨基酸代谢途径,分析了鱼露部分特征香气物质产生机制,以期为鱼露品质改善提供参考。  相似文献   

为了考察不同固形物浓度发酵(30%、33%、37%、41%)对高盐稀态酱油滋味物质的影响,研究了不同固形物浓度发酵过程中酱油氨基酸态氮、总氮、还原糖、总酸、游离氨基酸组成和肽分子量分布等滋味物质的变化对酱油呈味特性的影响。结果表明,发酵固形物浓度越高,酱油盐含量越低,保留的中性蛋白酶活力、氨基酸态氮、总氮、还原糖及总酸含量越高。对比不同固形物浓度发酵酱油的关键滋味物质发现,酱油肽分子量分布主要集中于1~5 ku(50%左右)和小于1 ku(30%~40%),1~5 ku肽段所占比例随发酵固形物浓度的增大而提高,且具有呈味作用的游离氨基酸在高固形物浓度下得到提高。感官评价表明,37%固形物浓度下发酵的酱油鲜味、酸味最为突出,苦味最弱。整体上,提高固形物浓度使酱油的滋味更加浓郁。   相似文献   

该实验利用顶空固相微萃取气质联用技术(HS-SPME-GC-MS)对不同发酵时期的鳀鱼鱼露挥发性物质进行检测,采用相对气味活度值(ROAV)并结合感觉阈值评价了挥发性风味物质对总体风味的影响,通过聚类分析探讨发酵过程中的关键性风味物质。结果表明,共检测出178种挥发性风味物质,其中酸类(2.99%~30.02%)、醇类(13.97%~41.77%)、醛类(8.67%~51.61%)总量明显高于其他类别的挥发性化合物;随着发酵时间的延长,挥发性物质种类和含量逐渐增加。发酵0、3、6、9、12、15个月鱼露的主体风味物质分别有9、11、8、9、9和10种。发酵过程中筛选出9种关键性风味物质,包括丁酸、(Z)-4-庚烯醛、癸醛、壬醛、3-甲硫基丙醛、(E,Z)-2,6- 壬二烯醛、3-乙基苯酚、丁酸乙酯和苯酚。  相似文献   

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