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Investigations of Fat Utilization of the Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdnerii, R.) I: Use of Raw and Refined Soya Bean Oil in Comparison to Refined Sunflower Oil in a Synthetic Feed Mixture Three vegetable oils (raw soya bean oil, refined soya bean oil and refined sunflower oil) were used as fat components in a synthetic feed mixture (standard diet. These three proved utilization figures of 0.08 and better as well as PER-values of more than 2.50 on an average could be achieved. Between raw and refined soya bean oil no differences were found, whereas sunflower oil showed a somewhat worse utilization.  相似文献   

Investigations of Fat Utilization of the Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdnerii, R.) III: Use of Linseed Oil, Maize Germ Oil, Olive Oil, Lard and Tallow in Comparison to Sunflower Oil in a Purified Food Mixture The use of various feeding fats of animal and vegetable origin is reported with respect to the suitability in the nutrition of rainbow trouts. All investigated fat components led to food utilization numbers of <1.0 and PER-values of >2.0. There were no pathological-anatomical modifications of the internal and external organs within the testperiod of ten weeks. Linseed oil led to a better utilization than sunflower oil and lard. The utilization of maize germ oil, olive oil and tallow was only insignificantly lower. All up to now investigated fats seem to be suitable as single components in the only food for rainbow trouts.  相似文献   

Investigations Concerning the Effect of Synthetic Antioxidants in Comparison to Vitamin E and Selen in Feed of Rainbow Trouts (Salmo gairdnerii R.) During a feeding test with rainbow trouts three groups have been fed with the technical antioxidants ethoxiquin, BHT, and Loxidan in comparison to a control group with selen and vitamin E as well as to a neutral group without a corresponding addition. concerning the fattening results, there were no differences among the various groups. The feed mixtures with antioxidant additives only showed a low increase of peroxid value up to maximal 20 mmol O2/kg fat, whereas the increase in the control group and in the neutral group achieved values of more than 200 inspite of freezing storage. The haematrocrit and haemoglobin values showed a continuous increase during the tst period of 20 weeks. Only in the neutral group these values decreased quickly. As in this group also a significant refusal of feed occurred, feeding was finished after the 12 week. The GOT-, LDH and CK data, measured in blood serum, are higher in the group with technical antioxidants than i the control group. This is caused by the vitamin E-/selen additive. In the neutral group without any antioxidative addition an especially high increase of the GOT and LDH data was detected.  相似文献   

Studies on the Structural Stability of Margarine In certain cases the stability of the structure of margarine is considerably impaired due to recrystallization of the solid phase. Microscopic studies, differential thermoanalysis and chemical methods were employed in order to gather an insight in the relationship between the composition of margarine fats and the occurrence of such structural alterations.  相似文献   

Investigations of Productive Capacity and Seed Quality of Linseed Dodder (Camelina sativa Crtz.) 6 Linseed dodder origins were examined on two positions, during two seedtimes and two N-steps for productive capacity and seed quality. The yield showed high differences of position with 10.3 dt/ha in Groß-Gerau and 18.4 dt/ha in Nauheim. In case of early seedtime the average crop amounted to 16.0 dt and 11.5 dt in case of later seedtime. The yield could be increased by higher N-dose from 11.7 dt to 15.8 dt/ha. The total average of the study was found at 13.7 dt and 24.0 dt/ha were obtained as maximal crop. The thousand grain weights differred in dependence on origin between 0.8 and 1.3 g and were hardly influenced by the remaining test parameters. The oil contents were found between 37.1 and 40.9 %and the protein contents between 23.4 and 30.1 %. Both ingredients are negatively correlated with r= ?0.8711. The fatty acid pattern of the oil was nearly the same in all varieties. As average values 6.5 % palmitic acid, 2.3 % stearic acid, 16.2 % oleic acid, 18.1 % linoleic acid, 39.0 % linolenic acid, 13.2 % eicosenoic acid and 2.6 % erucic acid were calculated. The tocopherol contents of the oil differred from 539 to 779 ppm and were particularly influenced by the seedtime. With r = ?0.8707 they show a certain negative correlation to the oil content. The amino acid composition of the protein and the mineral contents of the seeds indicate no influence by the test parameters.  相似文献   

Studies on Sulphochlorination of Paraffins. VI. Studies on the Sulphochlorination of Individual Alkyl Chlorides The products of sulphochlorination of individual C2–C7 alkyl chlorides were studied by means of 1H- and 13C-n.m.r. spectroscopy. Gaschromatographic determination of the isomers formed was possible after the reaction of the chloroalkane sulphochloride mixture with dimethyl amine in ether. In no case geminal chloroalkane sulphochlorides were formed. Vicinal chlorosulphochlorides are formed, but substitution in greater distance from the chlorine is preferred if possible. Thus higher alkyl chlorides yield only very little amounts of vicinal chloroalkane sulphochlorides. The relative rates of sulphochlorination of alkyl chlorides were determined by competitive reactions.  相似文献   

With technical grade polyisobutylenes (Oppanole B of BASF), light scattering in n-hexane, osmotic pressure in toluene, and intrinsic viscosity in different solvents are measured. The data are used to derive polydispersity, degree of coiling, and coil expansion of the samples. The undisturbed dimensions are estimated.  相似文献   

Studies on the Use of Extracted Rapeseed Meal (Erglu) in Feeding Pigs Extracted rapeseed meal of the Erglu variety (low in erucic acid and glucosinolate content) was evaluated as protein feedstuff in growing pigs. In a starting ration (step 0) containing soybean (18%) and barley (72%) the extracted soybean meal was successively exchanged by an equivalent amount of protein from extracted rapeseed meal up to a level of rapeseed meal (24.6%) and barley (65.4%) (step 6). Growth was similar in all experimental groups. However, feed consumption and feed requirement increased with increasing proportions of rapeseed owing to lower content of utilizable energy in extracted rapeseed meal. No effect due to feeding was found with regard to quality of the slaughtered meat, whereas a linear increase in the size of liver and thyroid was found with increasing proportions of rapeseed in the ration.  相似文献   

Investigations of the α-Tocopherol and Selen Need of Rainbow Trouts (Salmo gairdnerii, R.) and Pathological Deficiency Symptoms in Case of Ratios which are Rich in polyen Acids Basing on first investigations about the need of α-tocopherol and selen of rainbow trouts (Oberbach and Hartfiel 1987) further tests with different ratios of selen and tocopherol have been carried out. The additions in a synthetic diet were 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 ppm selen in comparison to a standard ration of 0.2 ppm Se and 40 IE dl-α-tocopherol (1st test) and 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 IE dl-α-or 20, 40, 60, and 80 IE d-α-tocopherol (2nd test). Because of the parameters mortality and haematocrit value a unique addition of Se of 0.3 ppm in the last third part of the test was sufficient. A new feeding of the deficiency groups without selen and 0.1 ppm selen with 1.5 ppm Se or 400 I% dl-α-tocopherol showed that a success could only be achieved by vitamin E. the test with vitamin E showed in the 18th test week that those trouts which had got no or only 20 IE of tocopherol addition/kg feed, had significantly lower haematocrit values and haemoglobin contents. The criteria were normalized, however, during the further test procedure up the 44th week. The haemolysis tendency of the erythrocyts decreased with increasing vitamin E supply up to the 30th test week. After 308 days only in the group without or with 20 IE dl-α or d-α-tocopherol/kg feed a light tendency to haemolysis could be detected. For the parameters GOT, CK and LDH amounts were found in the serum, which showed a dependency on the amount of tocopherol additions. The results demonstrate a detriment of liver and muscles in case of vitamin E deficiency. By light microscopy an increase of rabdomyolyses was found in case of such a dificiency.  相似文献   

Investigations on the Relationship between the Thermodynamic Stability of Cocoabutter and Storage Stability of Chocolate In a previous work
  • 1 H. Witzel u. K. Becker, Über die Kristallstruktur der Kakaobutter, Fette · Seifen · Anstrichmittel 71 , 507 [1969].
  • , the crystalline structures and molecular arrangements of unstable pre-β-form and stable β-form of cocoabutter could be elucidated. In the present work, attempts were made to determine quantitatively the amounts of pre-β-form and β-form of cocoabutter in chocolate by x-ray technique. Furthermore, the influence of the amount of unstable pre-β-form on the rate of formation of fat bloom was investigated. It was found that the quantitative determination of pre-β- and β-forms is not possible. However, from the intensity of some x-ray reflexes conclusions regarding the resistance of chocolate towards the formation of fat bloom can be drawn.  相似文献   

    Studies on the Crystal Structure and the Molecular Conformation of the Fat Phase of Butter Comparative examinations of butter samples are carried out at different temperatures of preparation ranging from 15 to 35° C by means of electron microscope pictures won by freezefracturing technique and of X-ray diffraction patterns. While an increase of temperature from 15 to 25–30° C causes a liquefaction of the crystalline aggregates, contained in the interior of the fat globules, the main part of the outer globule shell remains unchanged. However, in case of a further increase of temperature to 35° C practically all fat globules and crystals in the interglobular fat phase of butter melt. Nevertheless, many water droplets, existing isolated with their characteristic covering of small and thin crystal platelets, still remain in existence. It is concluded that in the region of the outer globule shell as well as in the region of the crystal platelets of the water droplets the triclinic β modification dominates. In contrast to this fact the predominating part of the β′ modification is to be found in the deeper melting crystal layers of the interior of the globules. This is true for the interglobular fat phase, too, in which the part of unsaturated fatty acids is especially high. Further on the arrangements of molecules in the β and β3′ regions of butter are discussed, whereby the numerous lattice defects are particularly mentioned.  相似文献   

    Summary of Investigations Concerning the Effect of Certain Feed Components on Stability of Milk and Bacon Even if lipidoxidations in metabolism are necessary, on spontaneously running autoxidations in the body must be kept a close watch. In animal products oxidative damages can occur as a consequence and simultaneously sensoric changes. Finally men will have advantages and disadvantages of the stability or instability of food. The effect of feed on milk and bacon quality has been investigated in a series of feeding trials. Oxidation of milk leads to a taste of oxidation or metallic savour. Oxidation of bacon causes because of getting rancid a shorter stability, which can be tested by an acceleration of the oxidative progress in laboratory. An extrapolation of the results in milk and bacon should be carefully transferred to the oxidation of the cell membrane. Investigations of cows and pigs have demonstrated that the unsaturated fat of the feed diminishes the stability of the animal products. Antioxidants, having been taken up, and vitamin E improve them facing the oxidations in milk and bacon. Hardened fish oil, added to the feed, had a favourable effect on milk and bacon stability as on the savour. Mineral substances, fed to animals, had no significantly oxidative effect. Additions of copper showed that the fat in the porc liver was of greater stability against oxidation. An addition of molybdenum did not change the activity of xanthineoxidase in milk either. This enzyme had an activity which correlated with the antioxidative properties of milk.  相似文献   

    Comparative Gas Chromatographic Studies on the Fatty Acid Composition of Lard and Goose Dripping Comparative gas chromatographic studies on the fatty acid composition of lard and goose dripping revealed differences, especially in the content of stearic and oleic acids. The ratio of stearic to oleic acid was 0.39–0.60 (average 0.49) for lard and 0.08–0.13 (average 0.11) for goose dripping. When 10% lard was added to goose dripping the aforesaid ratio was 0.15–0.18 (average 0.17). Therefore the ratio of stearic to oleic acid can be taken as a basis for the detection of about 10% and onwards of lard in goose dripping.  相似文献   

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