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The effects of supplementing diets with sulfate or glycinate Cu, Zn, and Mn on blood neutrophil function were examined in 27 late-lactation Holstein cows having a mean (± standard deviation) days in milk at time of neutrophil assays of 216 ± 31 d. Cows were assigned to 9 blocks of 3 and were grouped by parity, milk production, and days in milk. Cows within each block were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments: (1) control diet devoid of supplemental Cu, Zn, and Mn; (2) diet supplemented with Cu, Zn, and Mn via sulfates; and (3) diet supplemented with Cu, Zn, and Mn via glycinate form. All cows were initially fed a control total mixed ration with basal mineral concentrations of 8 mg/kg of Cu, 35 mg/kg of Zn, and 35 mg/kg of Mn for 30 d. During the treatment period, cows fed diets with mineral supplementation via sulfates or glycinate forms had target total dry matter dietary concentrations of 18 mg/kg of Cu, 60 mg/kg of Zn, and 60 mg/kg of Mn for 30 d. Control cows were fed the control diet devoid of supplemental minerals for an additional 30 d. In vitro neutrophil functions were measured after 30 d on experimental or control diets. Percentage of neutrophils phagocytizing, intracellular kill, and phagocytic index did not differ among treatments. Serum concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Mn were also not affected by dietary treatment after 30 d. Results from this study demonstrated that dietary Cu, Zn, and Mn supplemented either as sulfates or glycinate form for 30 d had no effect on either in vitro blood neutrophil function or serum concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Mn in late-lactation Holstein cows.  相似文献   

Sewage sludges containing high concentrations of zinc, copper and nickel were added separately to samples of two soils, a silty clay loam and a sandy loam, on which pH levels between 4.5 and 7.5 had been established; there were also treatments with sludge of low metal content or no-sludge. Soil-sludge mixtures were either continuously cropped with ryegrass or kept uncropped in pots in the glasshouse for 6 months. Zinc and nickel concentrations in 0.1 μM calcium chloride extracts of soils from the cropped pots and in solutions displaced from the fallow pots decreased with increasing pH over the range tested, but copper concentrations remained steady above pH 5.5; individual metal concentrations in ryegrass tops followed the same pattern with pH as those in extracted solutions. Squared correlation coefficients (R7) between shoot metal concentrations and concentrations of metals in EDTA, DPTA or calcium chloride extracts or displaced solutions, when taken over all soil, pH and sludge treatments, were >0.60 (P<0.001). Ryegrass yield reductions occurred on soils contaminated with each of the three metal sludges when soil pH was 5.5 or below.  相似文献   

The response of white clover to addition of lime was studied in pots with an acid permanent grassland soil (pH 4.1), and a comparison made between a commercial cultivar (Blanca) and a white clover indigenous to the acid soil. The yield of both plants increased markedly with addition of lime, but the native genotype reached maximum yield at a lower pH. In both cases, however, only relatively small adjustments of pH were required to produce considerable increases in yield. The addition of lime reduced the amounts of Al and Mn extracted by 1M ammonium acetate and 0.01M CaCl2, and increased exchangeable Ca. It was suggested that, although plant contents of Mn were high and those of Ca low, the effect of lime was not on the clover plant per se but on nodulation and the supply of N through symbiotic fixation. When no lime was added, both plants contained concentrations of N below that suggested as critical, and had only limited numbers of nodules on their roots. Excess Al and/or Mn, or insufficient Ca may have been responsible for inhibition of nodulation at the low pH of the unlimed soil. Although the indigenous plant also grew poorly when no lime was added, it displayed a number of characteristics which may assist its performance and persistence under acid conditions in the field.  相似文献   

One calcareous and one sodic soil were treated with solutions of either sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) or sodium perchlorate (NaCIO4) to increase their sodium (Na) saturation before extracting with sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) to measure the recovery of native plus added phosphate (P). The Na2CO3 additions also increased pH, and by comparing with the NaCIO4 treatments, it was possible to separate the effects of added Na and pH on extractable P. For the calcareous soil both added Na and increased pH led to increases in the amount of NaHCO3-extractable P. For the sodic soil the amount of extractable P was mainly affected by pH, with little, if any, effect of the added Na. The suitability of the Olsen test for soil P for Na-affected soils is discussed.  相似文献   

介绍了采用微波消解试样,电感耦合等离子体质谱仪直接测定花粉、人参、黄芪中微量钴、铜、锰、锶、锌的方法.该方法操作简单、快速,检出限低,准确度好.为进一步研究花粉、人参、黄芪与微量钴、铜、锰、锶、锌的关系.提供了很好的分析方法和信息.  相似文献   

A survey of the levels of some essential and non-essential trace elements in different types of rice available on the Swedish retail market was carried out in 2001–03. The types of rice included long and short grain, brown, white, and parboiled white. The mean levels found were: chromium (Cr)?=?0.008 mg kg?1, copper (Cu)?=?1.9 mg kg?1, iron (Fe)?=?4.7 mg kg?1, manganese (Mn)?=?16 mg kg?1, platinum (Pt)?<?0.0003 mg kg?1, rubidium (Rb)?=?3.3 mg kg?1, selenium (Se) =0.1 mg kg?1; and zinc (Zn)?=?15 mg kg?1. Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used for the determination of Pt, Rb, and Se, after acid digestion. All other elements were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) after dry ashing. Intake calculations were performed and it was concluded that rice may contribute considerably to the daily requirements of the essential elements Cu, Fe, Mn, Se, and Zn if rice consumption is high. The levels of some elements, e.g. Fe and Mn, were significantly higher in brown compared with white rice.  相似文献   

研究了不同质量浓度锌锰共同添加对微拟球藻(Nannochloropsis oculata)生长及营养物质积累的影响,结果表明,不同质量浓度的锌锰胁迫对培养液中藻细胞密度的影响和单个藻细胞中营养物质的积累不同。当培养液中Zn2+质量浓度为60 μg/L,Mn2+质量浓度为400 μg/L时,藻细胞密度、蛋白质和粗脂肪含量最高,分别为8.5×108个/mL、0.59 mg/mL和0.71 mg/mL。当培养液中Zn2+、Mn2+质量浓度分别为40 μg/L和600 μg/L时,藻细胞密度为6.2×108个/mL,单个藻细胞中蛋白质含量和粗脂肪含量最高,分别为0.98×10-9 mg和1.83×10-9 mg。  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to characterize changes in serum trace mineral concentrations in cattle with experimentally induced Staphylococcus aureus mastitis. Nine primiparous Holstein-Friesian cattle were challenged with approximately 150 cfu of Staph. aureus ATCC29740 by intramammary infusion on d 6, 7, and 8 of lactation. Serum Cu, Zn, and Fe concentrations were determined immediately before and at 24, 48, and 72 h after the final intramammary infusion of Staph. aureus. Infection status (cfu/mL of Staph. aureus), milk somatic cell count, and mastitis score were also determined at these times. Infection resulted in a decrease in mean serum Cu, Zn, and Fe concentrations to 89, 83, and 81% of preinfection concentrations at 24 h postchallenge. One-way analysis of variance for repeated measures demonstrated a significant change in serum zinc concentration. The reductions in trace mineral concentrations were of less magnitude than observed following experimental E. coli mastitis.  相似文献   

The distribution of trace elements, toxic metals and water-soluble carbohydrates was examined in the leaves, stems and inflorescences of perennial ryegrass and white clover, with and without sodium fertiliser. Copper and manganese were observed in both species to concentrate in the leaves and stems and iron and molybdenum in the leaves. In clover, nickel concentrated in the inflorescence. Differences in mineral concentrations between fractions were related to the mobility of the metal and its function in the plant. Sodium fertiliser approximately doubled the cadmium content of the leaves, stems and inflorescences of both species, reflecting cadmium mobilisation from the soil. The sodium fertiliser also reduced the zinc, copper, manganese and iron contents of grass but not clover and increased the molybdenum content of clover but not grass. Water-soluble carbohydrates were increased by sodium in grass but decreased in clover. Differences between the two species appeared to relate to nitrogen fixation by clover but not grass. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

目的 研究安徽省市售4类鸡产品鸡肉、鸡蛋、鸡胗、鸡肝中铜、锌元素的含量,并分析铜、锌元素在不同鸡产品中分布特征,为人群合理膳食和补充微量元素铜、锌提供参考。方法 采集16个地级市市售的4类鸡产品,依据GB 5009.268—2016《食品安全国家标准食品中多元素的测定》对4类鸡产品中铜、锌含量进行分析,采用SPSS17.0对数据进行统计分析。结果 237份样本中鸡肉、鸡蛋、鸡胗和鸡肝中铜含量的平均值分别为0.41、0.59、0.85、3.68 mg/kg,锌含量的平均值分别为12.50、12.95、27.14、39.66 mg/kg,鸡肉、鸡肝、鸡胗和鸡蛋中铜、锌含量的分布相同,都为鸡肝>鸡胗>鸡蛋>鸡肉,且4类鸡产品中铜、锌含量有显著性差异,且P<0.05。不同地区(皖南、皖北、皖中)4类样本中,部分含量差异有统计学意义。结论 对于本地区人群来说4类鸡产品可作为人体摄入铜、锌主要来源之一,鸡肝和鸡胗因铜锌含量较高不易长期过量摄入,但当机体铜、锌缺乏时,鸡肝和鸡胗可作为营养补充的重要来源。  相似文献   

Six commercial dairies from south central Idaho were surveyed to estimate the whole-farm surpluses of magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn). Mineral imports and exports were monitored in a 12-mo period and samples from the diets, feeds, feces, urine, and manure were collected at regular farm visits. Soils from manure-amended fields were sampled in the spring and fall. In all cases, the largest import of Mg, S, Cu, and Zn to the dairy was with purchased feeds, from 91 (S) to 97% (Zn) of all imports. The major mineral export item was manure [from 60% (S) to 89% (Cu) of all exports] and forages, in the case of a dairy with a large land base. Export with milk represented on average only 8.6, 25, 2.1, and 11% (Mg, S, Cu, and Zn, respectively) of all exports. Thus, the conversion of the imported feed Mg, S, Cu, and Zn into milk was rather low (on a whole-farm scale): 5.6, 11, 1.4, and 5.2%, respectively. Concentrations of Mg, Cu, and Zn in the lactating cow diets from the participating dairies exceeded National Research Council (2001) recommendations on average by 85, 34, and 73%, respectively, which contributed to the inefficient use of imported minerals. Whole-farm Mg surplus varied from 4 to 54 t/yr (3 to 19 kg/cow per year). The efficiency of use of imported Mg varied from 27 to 88%. Sulfur surpluses were from 9 to 52 t/yr (12 to 40 kg/cow per year). Copper and Zn surpluses were also significant (average of 59 and 585 kg/yr and 0.05 and 0.4 kg/cow per year, respectively). The average efficiency of use of imported S, Cu, and Mg was 44, 62, and 56%, respectively and, as with Mg, varied significantly among the dairies. The results from this study suggest that reduction in the concentration of dietary Mg, Cu, and Zn is potentially the most efficient way of reducing overall excretions and whole-farm surpluses of these minerals.  相似文献   

Pulp is a residual product of the sugar industry resulting from the total extraction of sugar contained in the root of sugar beet and is normally used in the form of pulp or pellets as food in the cattle industry. The objective of this work was the simultaneous determination of zinc, cadmium, lead and copper in pellets and dried pulp. For this we have developed a method of analysis using anodic stripping voltammetry in the differential pulse mode (DPASV) at a hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE) and compared the results with those obtained by means of electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS). We conclude that DPASV can be used as an alternative method to ETAAS to determine low concentrations of Zn, Cd, Cu and Pb in such samples, having the advantage of allowing the determination of all four metals simultaneously. From the analysis of real samples it can be concluded that Zn is present in the highest concentration, ranging from 3 to 30 mg kg?1, while Cd, Pb and Cu concentrations were always lower than 1, 8 and 8 mg kg?1 respectively. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

525只1日龄罗曼褐壳蛋鸡随机分为5处理,每处理7重复,每重复15只鸡。所有处理使用一种基础日粮,统一添加碘和硒。铜、铁、锌、锰四种微量元素添加方案如下,A组不额外添加;B组按50%NRC标准直接添加;C组和D组将日粮铜、铁、锌、锰总量补齐到2倍和3倍NRC水平;E组以基础日粮铁含量与NRC标准比值为基准,将其余微量元素校正到同样倍数。铜、铁、锌、锰添加形式均为硫酸盐。结果表明,1~18周龄生长蛋鸡典型基础日粮中添加铜、铁、锌、锰不影响采食量(P>0.05)、期末体重和能量表观代谢率(P>0.05),过量添加降低日增重和饲料转化率(P<0.05),但提高蛋白质表观代谢率(P<0.05)。随日粮微量元素水平增加,排泄物铜、锌、锰含量线性增加(P<0.05),铜、锌、锰表观代谢率呈先增加后降低二次曲线变化(P<0.05)。西北地区典型蛋青鸡基础日粮中铜、铁,锌、锰已满足需要,无需额外添加。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Food acidulants, β‐carotene‐rich vegetables and sulfur compound‐rich Allium spices are known to improve zinc bioaccessibility from food grains. This animal study evaluated the positive influence of these promoters of zinc bioaccessibility on zinc status during zinc repletion in Wistar rats previously rendered zinc‐deficient by feeding a zinc‐deficient semi‐synthetic diet for 4 weeks. Groups of these zinc‐deficient animals were subsequently maintained on a zinc‐containing grain‐based diet for 2 weeks. Various experimental diets consisted of the grain‐based diet supplemented with (1) carrot, (2) onion, (3) amchur, (4) carrot + amchur and (5) onion + amchur. RESULTS: Zinc deficiency was confirmed by lower zinc concentration in tissues and bones and lower activity of zinc‐containing enzymes. Zinc concentration was 10–15% lower in serum, liver and kidney of zinc‐deficient rats. Bone weight in zinc‐deficient rats was 20% lower than that in normal rats. Activities of zinc‐containing enzymes (hepatic superoxide dismutase and alcohol dehydrogenase and serum alkaline phosphatase) were lower in the zinc‐deficient group. Animals fed diets supplemented with these promoters of zinc bioaccessibility showed better zinc status in tissues and bones compared with those repleted with the control stock diet. CONCLUSION: This animal study supports the claim of promoters of zinc bioaccessibility for improving zinc status, which may find practical application. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Formononetin concentration in red clover herbage, determined by high performance liquid chromatography, was assessed in field, greenhouse and growth cabinet experiments. Formononetin content decreased in Hungaropoly swards from 5.6 mg g?1 DM when harvested in early May to 3.5 mg g?1 DM when harvested in mid-June. In the regrowth the sward with the shortest regrowth period had the highest concentration content (6.8 mg g?1). In a pot experiment from vegetative through to the ‘dying inflorescence’ stage, formononetin concentration declined by 57% due to both a reduction in the concentration in stems more than in leaves and an increase in the proportion of stems in the dry matter. A temperature regime of 23/15°C (day/night) advanced flower appearance and adversely affected growth rate compared with 17/13°C. The lower temperature regime resulted in a higher formononetin content in expanded leaves (28% increase, mean of two harvests) and expanding leaves (17% increase). Incubation with β-glucosidase increased the amount of formononetin extracted in the stems. Phosphate fertiliser reduced the concentration of formononetin, 96 kg P ha?1 reducing formononetin content by 32%, relative to red clover grown in soil with a low P content. The results are discussed in the context of the grazing management of red clover swards.  相似文献   

The effect of mild water stress on the response of herbage grown in sandy or loam soils to sodium nitrate fertilizer has been investigated. Sodium nitrate was applied at the equivalent of 32 kg Na ha−1 to perennial ryegrass and white clover grown in pots with sand, loam and mixed soils and irrigated daily. One half of the pots were subjected to water stress by withholding irrigation water for three days each week. Water stress reduced herbage yield but did not affect the response to sodium fertilizer, except that the ash concentration of grass was increased only when water stress was applied as well as sodium fertilizer. The sodium fertilizer increased herbage sodium concentrations and decreased calcium and magnesium concentrations. It also increased the potassium concentration in clover and in herbage grown in sandy but not loam or mixed soils. Clover and grass had similar sodium and magnesium concentration, but clover contained more nitrogen, potassium and calcium than grass. Therefore, under the conditions of this experiment, the increase in herbage sodium concentration with sodium fertilizer was consistent and not affected by water stress, soil type or herbage species. Changes in herbage potassium concentration, however, were inconsistent, which detracts from the value of sodium fertilizer for reducing hypomagnesaemia in ruminants. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

采用微波消解——火焰原子吸收光谱法,对编号为GBW07604杨树叶、GBW07601人发的质控样及10个甜菜块根样品进行重金属铜、锌的检测,并且对这两种金属元素的最低检出限、精确度、准确度及样品差异进行分析。结果表明,应用本方法测定的铜、锌的最低检出限分别为0.0056mg/kg、0.0298mg/kg;铜在甜菜块根中的含量较低,在浓度范围0-0.8μg/mL与其吸光度呈良好的线性关系,线性方程为y=0.14579x+0.0006,相关系数为0.9999。锌在浓度范围0-0.5μg/mL,与其吸光度也呈良好的线性关系,线性方程为Y=0.07157x+0.0002,相关系数为0.9997。实验表明,本方法及仪器条件适合甜菜样品中铜、锌的检测。  相似文献   

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