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This paper presents an algorithm for obtaining a small frontwidth. This feature is of interest when employing the frontal technique for solution of systems of linear equations in the finite element method. The performance of the algorithm is assessed by several examples at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

A frontwidth reduction algorithm is presented with an execution time which may be traded against its primary memory requirement, making it possible to optimize the performance of the algorithm on a particular computer. With an amount of primary memory O(E1/2), where E is the number of elements, the execution time of the algorithm is O(E3/2), in two or three dimensions. The algorithm has two parts: first, new node-based data structures are derived from the conventional element list, then these structures are used to reorder the elements for reduced frontwidth.  相似文献   

An algorithm is presented for reducing the frontwidth of finite element meshes. The technique takes an arbitrary input scheme and reorders the elements so as to reduce the frontwidth. A number of examples are presented to demonstrate the reliability and effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

A new algorithm is presented for automatic renumbering of systems of interconnected nodes so as to minimize the bandwidth of the connectivity matrix. This is necessary to reduce storage requirements for banded matrix solution techniques. The method is based on those due to Cuthill and McKee1 and Gibbs, Poole and Stockmeyer.2 Under test against several other algorithms on a range of 20 examples of various types it always performed at least as well as, and in most cases better than, the best of the other methods. Seven examples are given in the paper, comparing final bandwidths with those produced by seven other algorithms.  相似文献   

顾小萍  方亮  唐劲松 《声学技术》2007,26(5):1068-1069
1引言合成孔径声纳依靠相位重构目标二维声图,存在固有的相干散斑,影响图像的判读。相干散斑抑制是合成孔径图像后处理的重要内容。  相似文献   

降维与分类一直是机器学习的研究热点,在很多领域有着成功的应用.针对基因数据分类存在特征维数过高、冗余数据和高噪声等问题,现提出一种基于Relief F和自适应粒子群(APSO)优化的混合降维算法.即先通过Relief F和APSO算法选择特征子集,然后使用超限学习机作为评价函数对基因数据进行分类,最后通过循环迭代得到最优的分类精度.实验证明,混合降维算法与已有的算法相比分类精度更高、更稳定,它适用于基因表达数据降维.  相似文献   

邢思宇  马璐  乔钢  王巍 《声学技术》2014,33(4):309-316
主要研究了多输入多输出正交频分复用水声通信中的峰均功率比抑制技术。针对传统选择性映射算法(Selective Mapping,SLM)需要将所选加扰相位序列的序号作为边带信息传递给接收端的缺点,提出了一种改进SLM算法,从判决反馈的角度设计图样检测器对所选加扰相位序列的序号进行判断,节约了边带信息传输,克服了传统SLM算法系统的误比特率性能依赖于边带信息准确性的问题,提高了系统的频带利用率。通过仿真验证,改进SLM方法能在不损失峰均功率比抑制性能的前提下,在接收端能够准确地解算出所选择的加扰相位序列序号,实现无边带信息传输的可靠水声通信。  相似文献   

An automatic algorithm is presented for reducing the bandwidth of symmetric interconnectivity matrices. The technique takes an arbitrary input scheme and reorders the nodes so as to reduce the bandwidth. A large number of examples is presented to illustrate the reliability and cost-effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

Similarly to other optimization algorithms, harmony search (HS) is quite sensitive to the tuning parameters. Several variants of the HS algorithm have been developed to decrease the parameter-dependency character of HS. This article proposes a novel version of the discrete harmony search (DHS) algorithm, namely fuzzy discrete harmony search (FDHS), for optimizing capacitor placement in distribution systems. In the FDHS, a fuzzy system is employed to dynamically adjust two parameter values, i.e. harmony memory considering rate and pitch adjusting rate, with respect to normalized mean fitness of the harmony memory. The key aspect of FDHS is that it needs substantially fewer iterations to reach convergence in comparison with classical discrete harmony search (CDHS). To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first application of DHS to specify appropriate capacitor locations and their best amounts in the distribution systems. Simulations are provided for 10-, 34-, 85- and 141-bus distribution systems using CDHS and FDHS. The results show the effectiveness of FDHS over previous related studies.  相似文献   

An algorithm for reducing the profile and wavefront of a sparse matrix is described. The scheme is applicable to any sparse matrix which has a symmetric pattern of zeros and may be used to generate efficient labellings for finite element grids. In particular, it is suitable for generating efficient labellings for profile and frontal solution schemes. Empirical evidence, obtained from analysis of the 30 test problems collected by Everstine, suggests that the new algorithm is superior to existing methods for profile and wavefront reduction. It is fast, requires only a small amount of memory, and is simple to program.  相似文献   

This paper presents an algorithm for nodal numbering in order to obtain a small wavefront. Element clique graphs are employed as the mathematical models of finite element meshes. A priority function containing five vectors is used, which can be viewed as a generalization of Sloan's function. These vectors represent different connectivity properties of the graph models. Unlike Sloan's algorithm, which uses two fixed coefficients, here, five coefficients are employed, based on an evaluation by artificial neural networks. The networks weights are obtained using a simple genetic algorithm. Examples are included to illustrate the performance of the present hybrid method. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王帆  陈明惠  高乃珺  张晨曦  郑刚 《光电工程》2019,46(6):180572-11-180572-8
光学相干层析扫描(OCT)作为一种新型无创高分辨率扫描方式,在临床上得到广泛应用,但是OCT图像本身存在严重的散斑噪声,这大大影响了疾病的诊断。本文针对OCT图像中的乘性散斑噪声,改进了两种原始字典降噪算法。该算法首先对OCT图像进行对数变换,采用正交匹配追踪算法进行稀疏编码,以及K奇异值分解学习算法进行自适应字典的更新,最后通过加权平均以及指数变换回到空域。实验结果表明,本文改进的两种字典算法能有效降低OCT图像中的散斑噪声,获得良好的视觉效果。并通过均方误差(MSE)、峰值信噪比(PSNR)、结构相似性(SSIM)以及边缘保持指数(EPI)四个指标评价降噪效果,与两种原始字典降噪算法和传统滤波算法相比,两种改进字典算法降噪效果优于其他算法,其中自适应字典算法表现更好。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine an optimal trailing edge flap configuration and flap location to achieve minimum hub vibration levels and flap actuation power simultaneously. An aeroelastic analysis of a soft in-plane four-bladed rotor is performed in conjunction with optimal control. A second-order polynomial response surface based on an orthogonal array (OA) with 3-level design describes both the objectives adequately. Two new orthogonal arrays called MGB2P-OA and MGB4P-OA are proposed to generate nonlinear response surfaces with all interaction terms for two and four parameters, respectively. A multi-objective bat algorithm (MOBA) approach is used to obtain the optimal design point for the mutually conflicting objectives. MOBA is a recently developed nature-inspired metaheuristic optimization algorithm that is based on the echolocation behaviour of bats. It is found that MOBA inspired Pareto optimal trailing edge flap design reduces vibration levels by 73% and flap actuation power by 27% in comparison with the baseline design.  相似文献   


The technique to estimate the three-dimensional (3D) geometry of an object from a sequence of images obtained at different focus settings is called shape from focus (SFF). In SFF, the measure of focus — sharpness — is the crucial part for final 3D shape estimation. However, it is difficult to compute accurate and precise focus value because of the noise presence during the image acquisition by imaging system. Various noise filters can be employed to tackle this problem, but they also remove the sharpness information in addition to the noise. In this paper, we propose a method based on mean shift algorithm to remove noise introduced by the imaging process while minimising loss of edges. We test the algorithm in the presence of Gaussian noise and impulse noise. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm based on the mean shift algorithm provides better results than the traditional focus measures in the presence of the above mentioned two types of noise.  相似文献   

选取PCA、PLS线性降维算法,LLE、LTSA、ISOMAP、FastICA非线性降维算法对光谱数据降维并建立PLS预测模型.结果表明,线性降维算法中建模效果最好的为PCA算法;非线性降维算法中建模效果最差为FastICA算法;在黄酒近红外光谱降维中非线性降维算法优于线性降维算法.选取ISOMAP-PLS和BP非线性模型对光谱数据进行建模.结果表明,ISOMAP-PLS预测效果优于BP预测效果从而验证非线性降维算法结合PLS建模的可行性.  相似文献   

This article presents a new mixed method for order reduction of higher order linear time-invariant systems using Eigen permutation and the Jaya optimization algorithm. The Jaya algorithm is an algorithm-specific parameter-free optimization which requires tuning of standard control parameters only. On the other hand, the Eigen permutation retains the dominant poles of the original system with simultaneous cluster formation of the remaining real and complex poles. The numerator and the denominator polynomials of the reduced order model are determined using the Jaya optimization and Eigen permutation approaches, respectively. The proposed method results in a stable reduced order model for a stable higher order system. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated using numerical examples of single-input–single-output and multiple-input–multiple-output systems. Furthermore, the results are compared with well-known existing techniques available in the literature.  相似文献   

A multiscale strategy using model reduction for frictional contact computation is presented. This new approach aims to improve computation time of finite element simulations involving frictional contact between linear and elastic bodies. This strategy is based on a combination between the LATIN (LArge Time INcrement) method and the FAS multigrid solver. The LATIN method is an iterative solver operating on the whole time‐space domain. Applying an a posteriori analysis on solutions of different frictional contact problems shows a great potential as far as reducibility for frictional contact problems is concerned. Time‐space vectors forming the so‐called reduced basis depict particular scales of the problem. It becomes easy to make analogies with multigrid method to take full advantage of multiscale information. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

提出减震结构被动控制系统优化分析数学模型,结合优化模型特点与主要优化算法的数学原理,选取模式搜索算法进行结构减震被动控制系统参数优化分析。通过编制目标函数程序,实现了Matlab模式搜索工具箱与Ansys减震模型的接口。多峰值函数的极值求解过程印证了模式搜索工具箱在解决该类优化问题时的有效性,而框架减震模型参数优化分析过程表明了优化程序的可行性以及优化结果的准确性,最终不同地震波下的优化分析结果证明了优化程序在减震结构参数优化中的稳定性。  相似文献   

在研究数据挖掘技术的基础上,建立了旋转机械故障诊断的特征挖掘模型。针对传统粗糙集归约存在的最佳约简不唯一和约简计算时间长的问题,提出了一种以熵重要度为指标的最佳特征评价方法和一种基于遗传算法的粗糙集特征归约算法。最后,设计并实现了一个专用特征挖掘工具RMFMiner,通过转子故障模拟数据集和UCI机器学习数据库验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

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