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张玉光  唐政 《材料导报》2015,29(20):144-147
结合第一性原理计算和动力学蒙特卡罗模拟研究了稀磁半导体(Ga,Mn)As中Mn杂质的沉积动力学规律。利用第一性原理计算和爬坡弹性带方法计算了Mn杂质的跃迁势垒和结合能,并把这些能量作为动力学蒙特卡罗模拟(Ga,Mn)As微观结构演化的输入数据。结果表明在外延生长退火下长时间的微观结构演化的背后机制是Ga空位调节Mn原子在Ga子晶格上进行扩散。这种扩散会导致Mn原子的聚集,进而降低了居里温度。此外,随着退火温度的升高Mn团簇聚集的速率也更快。在高温退火下容易导致相分离。  相似文献   

Wurtzite (Ga,Fe)N bulk crystals were, for the first time, successfully grown by AMMONO and chemical transport methods. The magnetization measurements of (Ga,Fe)N crystals revealed the coexistence of paramagnetic and ferromagnetic contributions. The paramagnetic component was shown to be growth condition dependent. The Brillouin-type behavior was observed in the samples obtained by both methods. Some (Ga,Fe)N samples (especially those codoped with Si) grown by the chemical transport method show a Van Vleck–type paramagnetic behavior.  相似文献   

MBE-grown (Ga,Cr)As has interesting electric and magnetic properties. Ga1–x Cr x As with x = 0.1 exhibits short-range ferromagnetic behavior at low temperatures. This is manifest in several anomalous properties: magnetization does not scale with B/T; fitting M(B) requires a model of distributed magnetic cluster or polarons; and inverse susceptibility is nonliner in T (non-Curie–Weiss) at low fields. At room temperature, the conductivity is activated and Hall measurements yield a hole concentration of 1020 cm–3, indicating that chromium acts as an acceptor similar to Mn in GaAs. For decreasing temperature, the conductivity decreases by eight orders of magnitude and follows exp(1/T 1/2).  相似文献   

We have prepared (Ga,Mn)N : Sn epilayers on sapphire(0001) substrates by RF-plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy. We found that codoping with Sn enhances the incorporation of Mn into a GaN host crystal. With increasing the Sn content, the offset ferromagnetic magnetization component tends to disappear and the epilayers become completely paramagnetic. The effective spin number is S 2.5 without Sn, whereas it decreases to S 2.0 when Sn is incorporated. n-type conduction starts to take place when Sn contents exceed beyond the Mn contents.  相似文献   

Recently, we have reported that the spin-polarized holes generated by the irradiation with circularly polarized light can change the magnetization orientation of III–V ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As via p–d exchange interaction. In this paper, we report that a small portion of change does not return to the initial state after the light is turned off. This residual component, named as the memorization effect, exhibits ferromagnetic characteristics. This fact strongly suggests that small magnetic domains having the perpendicular magnetic axis are rotated by photogenerated carrier spins.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated by SQUID measurements that (Ga,Mn)As films can exhibit perpendicular easy axis at low temperatures, even under compressive strain, provided that the hole concentration is sufficiently small. In such films, the easy axis assume a standard in-plane orientation when the temperature is increased towards the Curie temperature. The findings are shown to corroborate the predictions of the mean-field Zener model for strained (III,Mn)V ferromagnetic semiconductors.  相似文献   

We have fabricated a series of field-effect transistor structures with a thin (Ga,Mn)As channel with thickness t of 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, and 5.0 nm, and investigated the effect of electric-field E on their magnetic properties. The Curie temperature T C showed a clear dependence on the magnitude of E, and its controllable range became larger with decreasing t and reached 15 K for the device with t=3.5 nm, which corresponded to 32% of T C of the layer.  相似文献   

We have successfully synthesized the system Sr1 −x La x Ti1 −x M′ x O3 where M′ = Cr, Ni and Co by using conventional solid state ceramic method. Powder X-ray diffraction patterns of the different compositions show the formation of single phase materials. Measurement of AC conductivity as a function of frequency at different temperatures in the range 300–550 K show that conduction in these compositions occurs due to hopping of charge carriers between localized transition metal ion sites.  相似文献   

We have studied properties of quaternary alloy magnetic semiconductor (InGaMn)As grown on InP substrates by low-temperature molecular-beam epitaxy (LT-MBE). A large MCD peak whose intensity is larger than 500 mdeg for (InGaMn)As was observed. This peak intensity was about three times larger than that of typical (GaMn)As films. Relatively high Curie temperature of 83 K of [(In0.53Ga0.47)0.88Mn0.12]As was observed by Hall measurements. The carrier concentration of [(In0.53Ga0.47)0.88Mn0.12]As was estimated to be more than 1.0 × 1021 cm–3 by using the Curie–Weiss fitting of the Hall coefficient R H, indicating that more than 40% of Mn atoms are activated. This means that (InGaMn)As has a higher activation ratio of Mn as acceptors than (GaMn)As.  相似文献   

The influence of strain on the anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) and magnetic anisotropy (MA) of (Ga,Mn)As is systematically investigated in layers grown on relaxed (In,Ga)As/GaAs templates. By choosing different In contents, the vertical strain ε zz in the (Ga,Mn)As layers could be varied over a wide range from tensile to compressive, including the case of (nearly) zero strain. The AMR and the MA of the as-grown and annealed samples were probed at 4.2 K by means of angle-dependent magnetotransport measurements. The respective resistivity and anisotropy parameters, determined by an appropriate fitting procedure, were found to linearly vary with ε zz . The MA was additionally manipulated by preparing narrow stripes from the (Ga,Mn)As layers, resulting in an in-plane uniaxial contribution to the free energy, which is not present in unstrained samples.  相似文献   

An effect of alloying two ferromagnetic semiconductors (In,Mn)As and (Ga,Mn)As on the ferromagnetic properties of resultant (In,Ga,Mn)As alloys is reported. For conditions close to lattice-matching to InP substrates, y = 0.53 in (In y Ga1–y )1–x Mn x As, ferromagnetism up to Curie temperatures T C = 100–110 K could be achieved for a Mn composition x = 0.13. Trends in the Curie temperature in (In,Ga,Mn)As are compared with (Ga,Mn)As and (In,Mn)As as a function of Mn content. Hole concentrations determined from magnetotransport, taking into account the anomalous Hall contribution to Hall resistance, gives p/Mn = 0.03 ratio to Mn composition in metallic case for x = 0.13. We mention the possible role of chemical ordering (short range) of Mn impurity atoms on hole concentration and, consequently, for the ferromagnetic properties.  相似文献   

Dynamics of photoinduced magnetization have been studied in ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As thin films by time-resolved polar Kerr rotation. Ultrafast (150 fs) magnetization rotation has been realized using both chirality of excitation light and pd exchange interaction. We also report on the occurrence of photoinduced magnetization precession in longer time domain. This is initiated by a change in hole concentration and resultant change in magnetic anisotropy. The overall behaviors of these photoinduced magnetization dynamics are discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the correlation between magnetoresistance (MR) effects and the type of conducti- vity in paramagnetic Ga1–x Mn x As with x < 0.5%. Series of samples of (Ga,Mn)As with different codoping levels of Te have been prepared by metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy (MOVPE). With increasing Mn-content from doping levels to x = 0.5% in paramagnetic Ga1–x Mn x As, the MR at 1.6 K changes continuously from positive to strongly negative. This manifests the complex interplay between p–d exchange induced valence band splitting and the metal–insulator transition. Codoping with Te leads eventually to a dominant conduction band transport. It is characterized by a small negative contribution at low magnetic fields to the parabolic MR similar to that found in highly n-doped diamagnetic semiconductors. It shows that the Mn-induced conduction band splitting is much smaller than the valence band splitting, i.e., |N0| |N0|.  相似文献   

We report current-induced magnetization reversal in a ferromagnetic semiconductor-based magnetic tunnel junction (Ga,Mn)As/AlAs/(Ga,Mn)As prepared by molecular beam epitaxy on a p-GaAs(001) substrate. A change in magneto-resistance that is asymmetric with respect to the current direction is found with the excitation current of 106 A/cm2. Contributions of both unpolarized and spin-polarized components are examined, and we conclude that the partial magnetization reversal occurs in the (Ga,Mn)As layer having smaller magnetization with the spin-polarized tunneling current of 105 A/cm2.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of direct current (dc) conductivity has been reported in thin films of a-Se95M5 (where M = Ga, Sb, Bi), in the temperature range 219-375 K, in order to identify the conduction mechanism and to observe the doping effect of different metals on amorphous selenium. It is found that the conduction in high temperature range (314-375 K) is due to thermally activated tunneling of charge carriers in the band tails of localized states; and in the low temperature range (219-314 K) conduction takes place through variable range hopping in the localized states near the Fermi level. Current-voltage (I-V) measurements at high electric fields (the field dependence of dc conductivity) have also been carried out for the samples of present system. The analysis of data shows the existence of space charge limited conduction (SCLC) in these glassy alloys. The density of localized states near the Fermi level is calculated for these alloys using dc conductivity (Mott parameters) and SCLC measurements data. The properties have been found to be highly composition dependent.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline ceramic samples of sodium bismuth titanate with simultaneous doping at A and B sites have been studied for the influence of these dopants on the electrical conduction mechanism. A.C. conductivity measurements were done on the prepared sample in a wide range of frequency and temperature. These studies revealed that the conduction in the sample arises due to hopping of bound charges. Four-term power law is used to characterize the frequency dependence of a.c. conductivity. From the temperature dependence of the exponents, the a.c. conduction in the samples is explained.  相似文献   

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