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卡扣,英文名为SnapJoints或SnapFit,顾名思义是一种能快速连接的功能型产品(部位)的统称。当代生活中,小至玩具、日用品,大至家用电器、汽车等各个领域都能见到卡扣的踪影。目前应用最广泛的是塑料材质的卡扣。 相似文献
本文以心型台灯塑料注塑模具设计与制造为毕业设计题目为例,结合当前模具企业实际生产的现状,阐述当前模具专业毕业设计的现代模式,并介绍注射模设计的主要过程。 相似文献
基于UG的模具CAD/CAM设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
王志峰 《数字社区&智能家居》2007,1(2):465-466
CAD/CAE/CAM技术被模具行业所广泛应用.现借助Unigraphics软件对模具CAD部分进行参数化设计,并通过草图全约束和建立零件家族进行尺寸驱动,完成高效建模和模型修改;CAM部分使用UG对凹模部分进行模拟加工并获得自动编程G代码.提高了生产效率. 相似文献
一、协同平台建设必要性 传统航空航天产品的设计通常采取"设计-制造-试验-改进-设计"的串行模式,尽管在结构设计方面采用CAD软件、电路设计采用EDA软件、性能分析采用CAE软件--由于不同学科的软件相对独立,产品的性能指标往往是通过大量的试验来获取特征参数. 相似文献
陶永 《机器人技术与应用》2013,(2):28-28
北京航空航天大学以高速、高精、重载等高性能工业机器人发展需求为牵引,基于三维CAD建模以及运动学、动力学CAE仿真分析算法等核心工具,搭建CAD/CAE集成的标准体系架构,攻克工业机器人建模和仿真、工业机器人系统轻量化结构拓扑优化、运动学及动力学与精度设计、高性能几何造型内核、模型库与数据库、知识驱动的设计导航等核心技术,构建基于运动学、动力学和有限元仿真的、与CAD/CAE技术相融合的工业机器人设计开发平台。在此基础上,探讨该平台的市场化开发商业模式. 相似文献
彭荣利 《CAD/CAM与制造业信息化》2013,(6):68-70
计算机辅助设计技术在注塑模具开发中应用广泛,设计方法多样,应根据具体情况进行选择。本文以电子产品塑料外壳为例,根据产品结构特点应用Pro/ENGINEER组件模式设计注塑模具,有助于提高生产效率、降低成本。 相似文献
CAD/CAE/CAM技术在现代汽车模具设计和制造中具有重要作用。本文立足于上海大众汽车有限公司对车身覆盖件模具(CAI)/CAE/CAM系统的需求,论述了上海大众汽车覆盖件模具CAD/CAE/CAM系统的软硬件平和系统的结构体系。本文介绍的CAD/CAE/CAM系统已在上海大众的覆盖件模具设计制造和冲压工艺规划中开始应用,并取得苦于成果。 相似文献
基于CAD/CAM/RPM的快速模具制造技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
一、快速原型制造(RPM)技术 快速原型制造(Rapid Protoyping Manufacturing简记为RPM)技术是基于离散/堆积成形思想的新型成形技术,是计算机、数控、激光和新材料等最新技术的集成与发展,是先进制造技术的重要组成部分。它由三维CAD模型直接驱动快成形系统制造复杂形状三维物理实体(原型),是继数字驱动设计(CAD)和数字驱动制造(CAM)之后的又一项为制造带来巨大变革的数字化制造技术。 RP的基本原理如下(见图1): 通过三维CAD软件建立物理实体的三维CAD数字模型; 根… 相似文献
This research extends our previous investigation of the automation of the preliminary design stage to the layout design stage of the cooling system design process. While the functional aspects of the cooling system are considered during the preliminary design stage, the layout design stage addresses both the functionality and manufacturability of the design. A graph structure is devised to capture a given preliminary design and a graph traversal algorithm is developed to generate candidate cooling circuits from the graph structure. Heuristic search is employed to develop the cooling circuits into the layout designs by generation of tentative manufacturing plans. A framework for fuzzy evaluation of the layout designs is developed to rate the various design alternatives generated. An experimental system is implemented to verify the feasibility of the approach, and examples generated from the system are presented to illustrate the major steps of the automatic design process. 相似文献
This paper describes a knowledge-based and object-oriented approach for the design of the feed system for plastic injection moulds. The gating system of a plastic injection mould plays a significant role in producing a quality part. Designing of this gating system entails a great amount of effort from an experienced designer and it is time-consuming. CADFEED (Computer-Aided Design of the FEED system of the plastic injection mould) is developed to accurately and efficiently design the type, location and size of a gating system of a plastic injection mould. This system provides an accurate and fast means of obtaining solutions based on the users' requirements, which are easily handled by the rating algorithm in the system. CADFEED generates acceptable solutions at a lower cost than most traditionally and commercially available analysis packages. This system can be used to verify designs proposed by the design engineers. It can also help novice engineers in the understanding of mould design. Another important feature of CADFEED is that it is a low cost system, which uses AutoCAD and an expert system shell on a personal computer. This feature makes CADFEED easily affordable by small-scale industries. 相似文献
In order to improve the performance and efficiency of truss structure optimization, this paper presents a general framework that embeds and seamlessly integrates commercial CAD and CAE software through common programming languages and application programming interface (API). Along with the automatic CAD/CAE integration, an adaptive metamodel-based optimization called sequential radial basis function (SRBF) is applied to truss structure optimization involving sizing, geometry and topology variables. SRBF distinguishingly features two-loops searching strategy, the “inner loop” and the “outer loop”. The “inner loop” aims to search a feasible point through updating the factors of the augmented Lagrangian function. With the improved significant sampling space (ISSS) method, the “outer loop” sequentially generates new additional samples to update the RBF model. The continuous relaxation method is developed to deal with the mixed-discrete variables during the truss structure optimization. Applied to practical truss structure optimization problems from small scale to large scale, the proposed framework demonstrates feasibility of the CAD/CAE integration system during the structure modeling and analysis, and facilitates the truss structure optimization process. The comparison results between the SRBF and other approaches show that SRBF improves merit of searching global optimum and reduces the computation cost. 相似文献
C.G. Li 《Computer aided design》2008,40(3):334-349
The cooling system of an injection mould is very important to the productivity of the injection moulding process and the quality of the moulded part. Despite the various research efforts that have been directed towards the analysis, optimization, and fabrication of cooling systems, support for the layout design of the cooling system has not been well developed. In the layout design phase, a major concern is the feasibility of building the cooling system inside the mould insert without interfering with the other mould components. This paper reports a configuration space (C-space) method to address this important issue. While a high-dimensional C-space is generally required to deal with a complex system such as a cooling system, the special characteristics of cooling system design are exploited in the present study, and special techniques that allow C-space computation and storage in three-dimensional or lower dimension are developed. This new method is an improvement on the heuristic method developed previously by the authors, because the C-space representation enables an automatic layout design system to conduct a more systematic search among all of the feasible designs. A simple genetic algorithm is implemented and integrated with the C-space representation to automatically generate candidate layout designs. Design examples generated by the genetic algorithm are given to demonstrate the feasibility of the method. 相似文献
该文通过对磨床设计CAD/CAE信息系统数据需求的分析,分别从数据库概念设计、逻辑设计和物理设计出发,实现了磨床设计CAD/CAE信息系统数据库从现实世界模型向数据库逻辑模型的转化。 相似文献
基于成熟的商业产品开发CAD/CAE数据转换接口是降低开发成本和周期的有效途径,基于ACIS及数据转换组件InterOp,开发了一类自主知识产权CAE软件高端数字样机(High End Digital Prototyping,HEDP)的CAD数据读写接口,并利用ACIS提供的接口实现了基本的几何修复功能。实验表明,利用算法导入的模型可在HEDP中顺利生成网格,导出的模型可为其他CAD系统正确读入。 相似文献
A step-by-step approach to implement CAE/CAD/CAM curricula for undergraduate engineering courses at the National University of Singapore is presented. As the student workload is already quite heavy, each course is examined in detail and the CAE/CAD/CAM contents are carefully blended with the existing course structure. Some students are also assigned CAE/CAD/CAM specific projects to allow them to develop expertise in developing new software packages and building interfaces to existing packages. Experience indicates that CAE/CAD/CAM programmes at the undergraduate level should be implemented in various phases. It is also necessary to consider the state of the local industries in the adoption of the CAE/CAD/CAM technology so that the effort by the university is well synchronized with industry. 相似文献