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滦河下游地表水与地下水补排关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究滦河下游地表水与地下水补排关系及时空变化.是为充分利用水资源进行工程设计提供科学依据。滦河是华北地区最大的河流之一,水资源相对丰富。但因中上游大型水库和引水工程建成后。下游河道水量急剧减少,水资源供需矛盾加剧。为合理开发利用滦河下游水资源,分析研究滦河下游地表水与地下水的补排关系及时空变化很有必要。  相似文献   

研究滦河下游地表水与地下水补排关系及时空变化,是为充分利用水资源进行工程设计提供科学依据。滦河是华北地区最大的河流之一,水资源相对丰富。但因中上游大型水库和引水工程建成后,下游河道水量急剧减少,水资源供需矛盾加剧。为合理开发利用滦河下游水资源,分析研究滦河下游地表水与地下水的补排关系及时空变化很有必要。  相似文献   

按照河道对地下水的补给机理,根据引滦输水以来的水文资料,初步分析了黎河河水与地下水的补排关系,揭示了引滦输水损失的原因及变化规律,为引滦输水计量和管理提供参考。  相似文献   

本文采用系统理论分析方法对神头岩溶泉水的补径排关系及其衰减原因作了进一步的分析探讨,并提出了相应的保护措施。  相似文献   

开阳南江大峡谷岩溶地下水补径排研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贵州开阳南江大峡谷景区岩溶地下水资源丰富,为独特的岩溶峡谷喀斯特地貌,为了查明该区地下水径流特征,特开展此次研究。在野外1∶10 000水文地质调查的基础上,通过水文地质剖面,结合NaCl示踪试验以及13组地下水样的水化学离子与总溶解性固体(TDS)测试结果进行综合分析,分析研究区地下水补径排特征。结果显示:(1)区内地下水的补给主要来自于大气降水与地表水,具有就地补给、就近泉点排泄循环的特点;(2)兰家寨段地下水受构造控制强烈,火龙潭(SQ2)上升泉同时作为F2断层两盘地下岩溶水的排泄点;(3)梯子岩泉作为断裂带泉也接受顶部洼地与落水洞处地表水的补给,并且存在一条地下岩溶管道;(4)大新场-屯上段鱼梁河与白安河同时作为峡谷两岸的排泄基面,不存在水力联系;(5)坡顶上-老河沟段之间地层的凸起转折对SW向与NE向地下水具有分流作用,构成地下水分水岭并使NE向地下水向老河沟方向径流。研究成果可为该区域供水提供地质依据。  相似文献   

莱西市大沽河沿岸地下水回灌补源措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对莱西市大沽河沿岸地下水量不足的问题,采取工程措施进行回灌补源。其中回灌补源工程的水源:一是利用汛期径流进行补源;二是利用水库拦蓄水进行补源。采取的工程措施是:外引、内拦相结合实行面补。利用拦水闸拦蓄由降水形成的地表径流,待各沟、渠水下渗后,再利用大沽河汛期水或产芝水库、高格庄水库拦蓄水,通过渠道向沟、渠引水,浇灌粮田和补充地下水;拦蓄、渗井、渗沟相结合实行点补。利用所建闸将区内地表径流、外引水拦蓄回灌。通过回灌补源地下水位回升,产生了一定的经济效益。  相似文献   

濮阳市地下水源地的核心取水区地势平坦、引黄渠河纵横交错,大量工业废水和生活污水在对渠河水质造成污染的同时,对地下水质也造成了严重污染,主要污染因子为COD。研究表明:COD在潜水含水层中迁移缓慢、降解速度较快,降解速度为15.84 mg/(L.m),迁移30 m至少需要500 d,目前对濮阳市水源地地下水质影响不大,但为防止污染程度升高,应及时对污染源进行治理。  相似文献   

闸坝调控下重污染河流污染物迁移规律研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以沙颍河槐店闸为研究对象,构建了闸坝调控作用下二维水动力-污染物迁移模型,根据试验获取的数据对模型进行率定和检验。结果表明:闸坝的存在对河流水环境系统具有一定负面影响,但是合理的闸坝调控能够改善河流水质,减小突发性水污染事故发生的概率;该模型可以有效地模拟计算闸坝调控作用下污染物的迁移过程。  相似文献   


Coupling surface water and groundwater models dynamically based on a simultaneous simulation of saturated and unsaturated zones of soil is a useful method for determining the recharge rate and flow exchange between a river and an aquifer as well as simultaneous operation of water resources systems. Thus, the main objectives of this study are to investigate the effects of surface water and groundwater interactions through their systematic simulation and to create a dynamic coupling between surface water and groundwater resources of the area by relevant mathematical models. Accordingly, hydrologic soil moisture method and MODFLOW model were employed to simulate the unsaturated and saturated zones, respectively. The results revealed that simultaneous simulation of the saturated and unsaturated zones of the soil can illustrate the interaction between surface water and groundwater at any spatial and temporal intervals well through using complete hydroclimatological balance components in the form of a coupled model. The application of this method in the Loor-Andimeshk Plain, located in the southwest of Iran, showed that aquifer recharge through the plain area from November to March is due to precipitation. On the other hand, in the warm months (June to September), the plain is merely fed through irrigation water penetration. As the level of river water in both Dez and Balarood rivers is higher than the Loor-Andimeshk aquifer level, hence the exchange occurs as a leakage from the river to the aquifer. The highest and lowest values of average exchangeable water in Balarood River occur in March and April and in Dez River are from June to September.


本文介绍了澳大利亚含水层补给管理(含水层补给管理简称MAR )国家指南,使用其评估方法和程序对我国典型MAR项目黄水河地下水库进行初级评估。依次进行的可行性评价、难度评价、最大风险评价和残余风险评价结果表明该项目风险较低,可以正常运行,与实际运行状况相吻合。本研究对类似MAR项目的评估和建设运行能够起到良好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

在研究滑县—内黄—清丰—濮阳—南乐地下水降落漏斗分布范围内水文地质特征和调蓄空间的基础上,探讨利用黄河及其支流等地表水源,通过天然河道、人工渠道、回灌渗井等回灌调蓄补给当地地下水的可行性。通过分析认为,漏斗区地表岩性渗透性强,垂直变水平管井施工技术成熟,因此,利用黄河水回灌调蓄漏斗区地下水经济合理、技术可行。通过调蓄可以缓解区内水资源紧缺的形势,控制地下水降落漏斗的加深、扩大,改善生态环境,有效防止地面沉降、土地沙化、地裂缝的发生。  相似文献   

滹沱河大型入渗试验地下水补给量计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过采用水均衡法计算了滹沱河入渗试验期间的河道入渗补给量,并求取了滹沱河水源地一带获得的河道入渗补给量。研究表明:试验期间河道入渗水量为1 482.75万m3,河道入渗补给地下水量为1 382.89万m3,河道渗漏补给系数为93%;滹沱河水源地接受的补给量为742.53万m3,水源地范围内的观测井最大水位上升幅度6.823m,地下水补给效果明显。  相似文献   

The spatial-temporal variability of groundwater in an inland basin is very sensitive to human activity. This study focused on groundwater changes in the Alagan area within the Tarim Basin, China, with the aim of analyzing the effects of land-use change and artificial recharge on the response characteristics of groundwater. The distributed hydrological model MIKE SHE was introduced for modeling the influence of land use and artificial recharge on groundwater. Based on the runoff variation of this area, we selected three periods to simulate and analyze the response of groundwater. The results of land-use change indicated that there were significant changes from 1980 to 2000. The changed region accounted for 11.93 % of the total area, and the low coverage grasslands showed the greatest reduction. The simulation of hydrological processes before artificial recharge showed that the groundwater depths differed greatly with land-use types. Response analysis of groundwater to artificial recharge showed that the regions in which groundwater decreased were mainly distributed in grassland and bare land. Moreover, spatial autocorrelation coefficients indicated positive spatial autocorrelation of groundwater depths, but these began to reverse in 2010. Overall, land use and artificial recharge have a great influence on the time and spatial distribution of groundwater. Artificial recharge has played a positive role in improving groundwater conditions, but did not change the decreasing trend in time and space. The adaptation of environment to the decrease of groundwater presents as degradation. Groundwater conditions could be improved to some extent by the artificial recharge, but its change seems to be an irreversible process. Overall, this response study provides insight into estimations for exploration of water resources in arid areas.  相似文献   

以西福河橡胶坝充排水系统的选型和布置设计为例,分析了橡胶坝设计中,充排水系统选择上常见的问题,提出了初步的解决方案,为橡胶坝进一步的推广应用提供参考。  相似文献   

针对湛江市的地下水超采状况,提出地下水回灌的必要性,并对地下水回灌方案进行分析,建议采用含水层存储与恢复技术(ASR)进行湛江市地下水人工回灌。分析表明,通过ASR将湛江市的汛期降水、地表弃水通过人工补给储存在含水层中,并在水资源紧张的季节抽取使用,既可以增加枯水季节的水资源保证程度,也可以防止湛江市的地下水降落漏斗的不断扩大,以及地面沉降问题的不断恶化,并且抬高地下水位达到有效阻止海水入侵的效果。  相似文献   

黑河额济纳绿洲地表水与地下水的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡建华  宋红霞 《人民黄河》2007,29(12):51-52
在分析额济纳绿洲水资源组成的基础上,研究了地表水和地下水的时空分布特征。结果表明:地下水埋深随地表径流量的增加而加大,地下水埋深的变化滞后于地表径流量的变化。根据绿洲生态需水的特点,从定性和定量上研究了地表水与地下水的关系,经回归分析提出了定量关系表达式。  相似文献   

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