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<正>In mid-October,the 3rd version of nonferrous metal industry innovation forum on the integration of industry and finance was convened grandly in Beijing.The conference is devoted to implementing the deployments made in the"14th Five-Year Plan"on the integration of industry and finance;further guiding financial resources to providing better support and service for key fields in non-ferrous industry;improving ecological chain and supply chain connecting industry development and financial s...  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国国民经济持续高速发展,我国锆铪行业也取得长足的进步。2007年,我国已是世界上最大的锆砂进口国和使用国,最大的氧氯化锆生产国和出口国;随着核电的发展,锆铪金属生产和加工行业也迎来新一轮的发展机遇。同时,在目前世界经济紧缩的大背景下,我国锆铪行业也面临需求萎缩、产品价格下滑、成本上升、节能环保形势严峻等问题。为分析我国锆铪行业所面临的形势,研讨锆砂的市场及走势,研讨锆铪产品的市场形势,研判锆铪行业的总体发展趋势,  相似文献   

none 《粉末冶金学》2013,56(2):101-102

The most recent of the biennial series of technology fairs organised by the Particulate Engineering Committee of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining took place on 26 March.  相似文献   

Enterococci are normal intestinal flora in humans. Among enterococci, Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium are frequently isolated and can become nosocomial pathogens in hospitals, especially in intensive care units and oncology wards. Recently, vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) such as E. faecalis and E. faecium have caused a serious problem of hospital-acquired infections in Europe and the USA. VRE also has another aspect as a cause of community-acquired infections. Especially, avoparcin which had been used to enhance growth of food animals is documented as associated with the spread of VRE in European countries. In Japan, there have only been a few of reports about VRE so far. However, there evidence that VRE might become prevalent in many hospitals in Japan. In fact, we have already isolated another highly vancomycin-resistant E. faecium (VCM:MIC > 128 micrograms/ml) from a hospitalized diabetic patient. We should pay a careful attention to VRE and perform the following control measures: 1)re-education and re-training about hospital infection control procedures, 2) prudent use of vancomycin in clinical settings, 3)accurate report of VRE in clinical laboratories, and 4) good communications and collaborations among physicians, nurses and other health care personnel and laboratory technicians. We should learn more from countries in which VRE are already prevalent, and pursue further investigations, to prevent the spread of VRE in Japan.  相似文献   

Review of book, Samuel E. Wood, Ellen R. Green Wood, Eileen Wood, and Serge Desmarais, The World of Psychology, 3rd Canadian Edition. Toronto, Ontario: Pearson Education Canada Inc., 2002, 592 pp., ISBN 0-205-36456-X. Reviewed by Gira Bhatt. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The patient was a 30 year-old man. He had no previous history. For several months he experienced a slowly progressive horizontal diplopia which was the expression of a bilateral third cranial nerve palsy with an intact intrinsic component. Muscular or neuro-muscular pathology as myasthenia was initially suspected but not confirmed. CT scan and MRI revealed an atypical left temporo-insular lesion which led us to discuss a chronic inflammatory pathology as sarcoidosis or a tumoral process. Finally cerebral biopsy showed a high grade oligodendroglioma. Symptomatology was attributed to infiltration of the peduncles from this tumor. Such a case has never been seen before. Early neuroradiological explorations would be useful in case of clinical suspicion of cranial nerve palsy.  相似文献   

元和三年是柳宗元生平至为重要的一年,有五大原因促进了他的转变:摆脱了赐死的阴影;缓解了亡母之痛;聚齐了一批同病相怜、相互慰勉的朋友;拥有了时不我待、急起直追的紧迫感;身体略有起色.为此,柳宗元通过游山玩水、重新确立目标、读书撰著、以赋明志等,实现了全面调适的成功.  相似文献   




为研究消费者对第三方支付的认知过程和接受过程,明晰关键影响构念,借鉴技术结构采纳模型的分析方法和相关理论,构建了基于第三方支付的技术采纳模型(TAM),并对模型展开了阐述。同时提出了消费者对第三方支付的实际使用是受其使用意愿的影响,而使用意愿则是由消费者对第三方支付的有用认知、易用认知、第三方支付的经济性等构念以及消费者的使用经验共同影响的,并对“有用认知”的影响构念、变量进行了逐一分析。  相似文献   

针对3#焦炉炉龄增加后,炭化室墙面出现剥蚀、裂纹等问题,分析了出现此现象的原因,并针对剥蚀和裂纹制定了处理措施。  相似文献   

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Samples taken from laboratory-produced 3rd generation advanced high-strength steels, solidified at a low cooling rate, have been investigated to study...  相似文献   

Comments that J. Yeager's article ("Managing executive performance: The corporate private practice," Professional Psychology, 1982, 13, 587-593, see record 1983-04318-001), on clinicians practicing in corporate settings contained stimulating examinations of several factors affecting mode of operation. The present author adds some observations gleaned from his own experiences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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