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With the aim of improving the toughness of ceramic materials, laminated composites have been successfully developed since Clegg et al. (1990) inserted weak interfaces using very thin graphite layers between silicon carbide sheets and obtained a composite that exhibited non-catastrophic fracture characteristics. The weak interface must allow the crack to deviate either by deflection or delamination; in other words, the interface must exhibit a fracture resistance that is lower than that of the matrix layer. In parallel, ceramic laminated composites with strong interfaces were developed in which the residual tensile and compressive stresses appeared in alternate layers during cooling after sintering. These composites are prepared by stacking ceramic sheets produced by lamination or tape casting or by the sequential formation of layers by slip casting, centrifugation or electrophoretic deposition. The techniques may be combined to obtain a composite with the most adequate configuration. This work presents a review about the obtainment of multilayered ceramic composites as a toughening mechanism of ceramic plates.  相似文献   

The surface texturing of ceramics is generally performed through acid-based etching and machining; however, laser texturing may be considered as a more precise, reproducible and eco-friendly process. Furthermore, laser ablation may be used to produce complex patterns on ceramic surfaces, thus offering new surface engineering opportunities. The studies so far conducted on this topic have mainly been application-driven, and since a wide variety of lasers have been used for surface texturing, it is difficult to have a comprehensive understanding of this technique applied to ceramics and ceramic composite materials. Laser texturing requires a great deal of knowledge of the material and the laser source parameters to optimise the process in order to obtain the expected results. It is therefore important to expand the research on the laser texturing of ceramics and CMCs in order to build a relevant amount of literature that can be used to identify the most appropriate parameters for each application. This review provides an overview of most of the technological aspects considered relevant for the laser surface texturing of ceramics and CMCs, and includes the fundamentals of laser-material interactions and a summary of the used equipment and parameters. Furthermore, most of the techniques related to the modifications of surface material induced by a laser are critically reviewed, and the new horizons that are opening up, in the context of the modification of surfaces to improve the performances of materials for several applications, are discussed.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2017,43(12):8545-8550
Nanotechnology is rapidly growing as a new technology alternative to create advance materials with unique characteristics and performance for different applications in several industrial sectors. In recent years, many nanotechnology-based products have appeared in our everyday life. On the other hand, industries have also considered nano-concepts to produce high-added value products with superior capacity, reliability and efficiency. Electric insulators are components with high importance in the electricity network system; reliability and high performance are essential characteristics demanded by actual markets. Recent studies have demonstrated the technical feasibility of innovative nano-concepts to improve the final properties of these electrical components. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art of nanotechnology applications for outdoor insulators. Nano-concepts for ceramic insulators are summarized and reported with the aim to provide an overview of applications and opportunities for electric industry. In addition, the future trends and challenges for this field are also considered in this work.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2016,42(14):15805-15810
In the work the results of investigations into corrosive resistance to the attack of sulphur oxides of six commercially available basic refractories containing magnesium oxide have been presented. The research was conducted for materials applied in glass furnace regenerators: three types of magnesia-zirconia-forsterite products, one magnesia-forsterite and one magnesia product as well as a magnesia-chromite product to be applied in copper convertors. Investigations were carried out in a semi-flow chemical reactor. Investigations into corrosive resistance were conducted at 600 °C, 800 °C and 1000 °C. The real and equilibrium composition of gaseous phase in the reactor versus temperature was determined. It was assumed that the relative increment of the tested products' mass after a certain time of their staying in the reactor would be and indicator of corrosive resistance. Based on investigations into the phase composition of the products of reaction, it was found that at 600 °C and 800 °C the product's corrosion resulted from the formation of MgSO4, as the main product of reaction, whereas at 1000 °C – it was the formation of CaMg2(SO4)3. In products with an addition of ZrO2 destabilisation of the regular structure of c-ZrO2 was observed as well as its change into the monoclinic variety - m-ZrO2. The examined refractory materials were ordered according to their corrosive resistance to sulphur oxides at particular temperatures applied in the test. The conducted investigations qualitatively describe the behaviour of refractories exposed to the corrosive attack of sulphur oxides and can be useful in the selection of refractory materials for particular industrial applications.  相似文献   

Room temperature ionic liquids are salts that are liquids at ambient temperature. They are excellent solvents for a broad range of polar organic compounds and they show partial miscibility with aromatic hydrocarbons. Typical room temperature ionic liquids have a stable liquid range of over 300 K and have a very low vapor pressure at room temperature. Ionic liquids that are not hydrolyzed show a wide range of solubility in water. These unique properties have suggested that they might be useful as environmentally benign solvents that could replace volatile organic compounds (VOC). By varying the length and branching of the alkane chains of the cationic core and the anionic precursor, the solvent properties of ionic liquids should be able to be tailored to meet the requirements of specific applications to create an almost infinitely set of “designer solvents”. A review of recent applications of ionic liquids is presented along with some results of measurements of liquid-liquid equilibria and partition coefficients with alcohols. The results are compared with predictions based on quantum mechanic calculations.  相似文献   

This review-perspective paper describes the current state-of-the-art in the field of rotating reactors. The paper has a focus on rotating reactor technology with applications at lab scale, pilot scale and industrial scale. Rotating reactors are classified and discussed according to their geometry: stirred tanks, tubes, discs and miscellaneous reactors. Their operating characteristics, industrial applications, and their main advantages and disadvantages are discussed including power requirements, residence time distribution, reactor volume, gas–liquid mass transfer rate, and the micromixing time. Finally, the barriers for further industrial implementations are discussed.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2017,43(15):11543-11551
Spray drying is one of the most convenient methods for drying suspensions (slurries) and for granulation of materials. Spray dried powders have good flowability, narrow size distribution and controllable morphology. Morphology of powder particles (also called granules or microspheres) strongly affects the use and handling of powders. This review discusses the latest research on parameters that affect morphology and size of granules obtained by spray drying: atomization parameters, properties of sprayed slurry, mass transfer etc. The formation of hollow and dense granules is extensively reviewed. Granule size is affected by droplet size, slurry concentration and initial particle size. Morphology mostly depends on size distribution of initial ceramic particles, agglomeration tendency in the slurry and mechanical strength of the shell of a granule during the drying process compared to capillary force of the suspension liquid. Polymer additives (e.g. binders and lubricants) change the properties of granule shell and the evaporation of moisture; thus, polymer additives significantly affect morphology.  相似文献   

Tape casting is a well-established technique to fabricate ceramic tapes. This technique has been usually applied to produce dense substrates for electronic applications, but recently there are increasing efforts regarding the production of porous cast tapes. The aim of this paper is to present the latest strategies and achievements to manufacture porous ceramic materials by tape casting. The pores morphology can be manipulated by adjusting particle size, sacrificial pore formers, sintering conditions, and combined techniques (phase inversion and freeze casting). Moreover, tape casting enables adjusting the thickness of the product, which is a key property in separation applications using membranes and/or support materials with tailorable structure.  相似文献   

A type of Al2O3-based composite ceramic tool material simultaneously reinforced with micro-scale and nano-scale TiC particles was fabricated by the hot-pressing technology with different contents of cobalt additive. The effects of cobalt on the ambient temperature mechanical properties and high temperature flexural strength were investigated. The flexural strength and fracture toughness of the composite with 3 vol% cobalt as a function of temperature were investigated. Cobalt greatly enhanced the ambient temperature flexural strength and fracture toughness, while further increasing the content of cobalt led to a dramatic strength degradation, especially at high temperature. The flexural strength of the composite containing 3 vol% cobalt decreased as the temperature increased from 20 to 1200 °C, and the fracture toughness decreased as a function of the temperature up to 1000 °C but increased at 1200 °C. The degradation of high temperature flexural strength was ascribed to the change of the fracture mode, the grain and grain boundary oxidation, the decrease of elastic modulus and the grain boundary sliding.  相似文献   

Ultra-low temperature co-fired ceramics technology (ULTCC) requires the microwave dielectric ceramics with lower intrinsic sintering temperature than the melting point of inner electrodes. In the present work, a novel HBO2 ceramic was found to be densified at extreme-low temperature below 200 °C, with pores, residual H3BO3, amorphous B2O3 inside, with a relative permittivity ∼2.12 ± 0.02, a Qf value ∼32,700 ± 300 GHz and a temperature coefficient of resonant frequency value ∼  43 ± 3 ppm/°C. This material can be easily obtained by dehydration from H3BO3 by sintering at low temperature below 200 °C. Its extreme-low sintering temperature and water solubility also provides the possibility to achieve some novel multi-functional inorganic-organic composite in the future.  相似文献   

Lignin is a natural and renewable organic compound that can be easily obtained from spent pulping liquors. It can be used as feedstock for making wood adhesives. Nonetheless, lignins need to be modified to enhance reactivity prior to being used as feedstock for making wood adhesives. Appropriate crosslinkers are also needed to ensure the bonding quality of the lignin-based wood adhesives. In the present review, the drawbacks of using lignins alone as wood adhesives, modifications to enhance the reactivity of lignins and production of lignin-based copolymer adhesives for composite wood panels are reviewed and discussed. The objective of this review is to provide background information about the recent status on the development of lignin-based copolymer adhesives for the production of composite wood panels as well as the future prospects of these adhesives in industry. Several modifications such as demethylation, oxidation, methylolation, phenolation, reduction and hydrolysis have shown promising results for enhancing the reactivity of lignins. Several crosslinkers such as phenolic resin, tannin, polymethylene polyphenyl isocyanate (pMDI), furfural and ethylenimine are capable of copolymerizing with lignins to produce lignin-based wood adhesives. The performance of composite wood panels bonded with modified lignin-based copolymer adhesives have been shown to meet the requirements of relevant standards. The main obstacles for the composite wood panels industry to widely adopt to lignin-based copolymer adhesives are the economic and technical issues. Nevertheless, lignin modification methods are proving to enhance the reactivity of lignins and the optimization in such modification methods would justify the economic issue. Together with the public awareness on the safety, health and environment concerns, the utilization of lignin-based adhesives in the composite wood panels industry is feasible.  相似文献   

A significant improvement of the mechanical performance was observed following the introduction of rare earth oxides in ZrB2-based ultra-high temperature ceramic matrix composites (UHTCMCs), resulting in the formation of ternary boro-carbides of general formula REB2C2, belonging to a new class of layered compounds akin to MAX phases. These layered phases possess high melting points and could be responsible for the toughening of UHTCMCs, but their formation, properties and role were never fully investigated. In this study we focused on the potential routes for the synthesis of YB2C2 phases at temperatures typical of UHTC sintering, starting from Y2O3, carbon and four different boron sources (B, B2O3, BN, B4C) and their microstructure was analysed by SEM, XRD and TEM. The mixture with B4C led to the highest selectivity towards the formation of YB2C2 and was selected to fabricate a long carbon fibre reinforced YB2C2 ceramic composite, which was mechanically tested displaying a flexural strength of 380 MPa. Finally, the chemical stability in air of these materials was assessed.  相似文献   

Minimal invasive dentistry aims at preserving the firm, discolored caries affected dentin (CAD), which is remineralizable. Research studies on resin adhesives are usually performed on sound dentin (SD), though CAD is the substrate routinely encountered for bonding in clinical practice. The aim of this paper was to systematically analyze the published literature on resin-dentin bonding to CAD substrate, in order to answer the question: “Does resin adhesive bonding to CAD produce lower bond strength when compared to SD?”. Three electronic databases (Pubmed, Scopus and ISI web of Science) were searched to identify original laboratory studies that evaluated the bond achieved between resin adhesive and natural CAD by measuring their bond strength. Only articles that met the specific inclusion criteria were included in the review. Among the 29 studies included for this review, majority of the studies had tested the simplified etch-and-rinse or self-etch adhesives. 85% of them showed higher bond strength to SD compared to CAD and the remaining 15% of them showed no difference between these two substrates. Among the studies that used 3-step etch-and-rinse adhesives, 40% showed higher and 60% showed no difference, when bond strength was compared between SD and CAD. Resin adhesives produce lower bond strength to caries-affected dentin than sound dentin. Research studies that reported bond strength of resin adhesives to dentin from sound extracted teeth alone cannot be blindly extrapolated to clinically relevant CAD. Hence, the results from such studies should be dealt with caution.  相似文献   

Room temperature time dependent properties of ZrB2–30 wt%SiC ceramic composite have been studied. Both static slow crack growth and cyclic fatigue deformation have been investigated. While static slow crack growth has been evaluated only in air, three different environments, water, air, and dry air, have been used to study the cyclic fatigue. It was established that under cyclic fatigue the environment plays an important role and humidity significantly facilitate crack growth in ZrB2–30wt%SiC. The fractography of selected ZrB2–30wt%SiC samples was performed and it was established that both defects introduced during machining as well as larger defects introduced during the processing served as fracture origins of ceramic composites.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2023,49(18):29671-29681
MoAlB possesses the characteristics of both metals and ceramic materials, which has attracted extensive attention due to its excellent high-temperature oxidation resistance. For this reason, porous MoAlB is considered applicable to the practice of filtration under harsh environment. In this study, the high-temperature oxidation behavior of porous MoAlB ceramics is systematically studied at the temperatures ranging from 800 to 1100 °C. According to the results, the porous MoAlB exhibits good oxidation resistance at a maximum temperature of 1000 °C. The oxidation kinetics of porous MoAlB can be divided into three stages, and the estimated activation energies of the three stages are 253.83 kJ·mol−1, 367.48 kJ·mol−1 and 317.84 kJ·mol−1, respectively. In the stable stage at 1000 °C, the quadratic mass gain per unit area shows linearity over time, and the oxidation rate of porous MoAlB reaches 37.31 mg2·cm−4·h−1. As revealed by the analysis of the composition and microstructure of oxide layers, the main components of the oxide layer include MoO3, MoO2, Al2O3, B2O3. With the extension of oxidation time, the content of Al2O3 in the oxide films increases. The average pore size, permeability and open pore porosity of porous MoAlB show a trend of first decreasing and then tending to be stable. In addition, a discussion is conducted on the high-temperature oxidation mechanism of porous MoAlB.  相似文献   

This literature survey focuses on the application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in various aspects of the fluidized bed reactor. Although fluidized bed reactors are used in various industrial applications, this first-of-its-kind review highlights the use of CFD on polyolefin production. It is shown that CFD has been utilized for the following mechanisms of polymerization: governing of bubble formation, electrostatic charge effect, gas–solid flow behavior, particle distribution, solid–gas circulation pattern, bed expansion consequence, mixing and segregation, agglomeration and shear forces. Heat and mass transfer in the reactor modeling using CFD principles has also been taken under consideration. A number of softwares are available to interpret the data of the CFD simulation but only few softwares possess the analytical capability to interpret the complex flow behavior of fluidization. In this review, the popular softwares with their framework and application have been discussed. The advantages and feasibility of applying CFD to olefin polymerization in fluidized beds were deliberated and the prospect of future CFD applications was also discussed.  相似文献   

Low polydispersity PNIPAM–PEG–PNIPAM triblock copolymers with PEG blocks of 1–6 kDa and PNIPAM chains of 5–30 kDa were synthesized and their thermogelation behavior in aqueous solution as a function of their composition and block length was investigated for the first time. DSC, dynamic rheometry and the tube inverting method were employed to characterize the gelation process at various polymer concentrations, and their results were compared. The thermogelation process depended mainly on the length of both PNIPAM and PEG blocks. Both association and aggregation temperatures of the PNIPAM chains decreased with the MW of PNIPAM and increased with the length of the PEG block. The amplitude of these effects depended on the molecular weights of the blocks forming the copolymer as a consequence of the partial mixing of PNIPAM and PEG chains during the association/aggregation process, while the overall hydrophilicity of the entire copolymer played only a minor role. The length of the PEG block proved also to be the most important factor for the preparation of a stable gel in 20 wt.% solutions, while the hydrophilic groups/hydrophobic groups ratio had no importance.  相似文献   

Static mixers and multifunctional heat exchangers/reactors (MHE/R) are qualified as efficient receptacles for processes including physical or chemical transformations accompanied by heat transfer due to their high productivity and reduced energy expenditures. The present work reviews recent conceptual and technological innovations in passive static mixers and continuous in-line reactors. Current industrial applications are discussed from a process intensification perspective, focusing on mixing and mass transfer performance. Typical experimental techniques employed to characterize and quantify the mixing process are explored. The work is complemented by a review of mixing fundamentals, knowledge of which allows the development of theoretical models crucial for the analysis of experimental data, like the chemical probe mixing assessment method. Considering the development of continuous flow equipment in numerous processes, advances in this field will certainly be of increasing interest to the scientific and industrial communities.  相似文献   

Metallic copper, which has low electrical resistivity and high thermal conductivity, is widely used as an interconnector or substrate within microelectronic packages. If a small amount of oxygen is introduced to the surface of the copper, a eutectic liquid forms above 1065 °C. The eutectic liquid wets many ceramics well; it is thus possible to bond slightly oxidized copper to many ceramics directly. The present report summarizes previous results on three systems, Al2O3/Cu, AlN/Cu, and Si3N4/Cu laminates, prepared by the eutectic bonding process. The reported data demonstrate that ceramic/copper interfaces prepared with this technique are strong. Though little attention has been paid to the thermal characteristics of ceramic/copper laminates, the limited data suggest that the thermal conductivity of the laminates is high, the potential for using the laminates for thermal dissipation is thus high. In the present report, the current status for the technique is summarized; critical topics for further improvement are also proposed.  相似文献   

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