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The objective of this paper is modeling the mechanism of high pressure and high temperature catalytic oxidation of natural gas, or methane. The model is two-dimensional steady-state, and includes axial and radial convection and diffusion of mass, momentum and energy, as well as homogeneous (gas phase) and heterogeneous (gas surface) single step irreversible chemical reactions within a catalyst channel. Experimental investigations were also made of natural gas, or methane combustion in the presence of Mn-substituted hexaaluminate catalysts. Axial profiles of catalyst wall temperature, and gas temperature and gas composition for a range of gas turbine combustor operating conditions have been obtained for comparison with and development of a computer model of catalytic combustion. Numerical calculation results for atmospheric pressure agree well with experimental data. The calculations have been extended for high pressure (10 atm) operating conditions of gas turbine. 相似文献
以1996年中国石化齐鲁石化公司烯烃厂450kt/a乙烯装置改造裂解气压缩机蒸汽透平进出口管道为例,探讨了复杂管道系统热应力分析的基本方法、力学模型模拟计算和应力校核基准,并就该系统管道设计进行了较为详尽的热应力分析;分析并总结了减小透平管口受力的方法,为项目的实施提供可行性方案。 相似文献
A simplified two-dimensional model of two-layer porous burner based on pore level is developed.The heat transfer of solid phase in porous burner is seen as the synergistic effects of conduction through con-necting bridges and surface radiation between the solid particles in the model.A numerical simulation study on the characteristics of flow,combustion and heat transfer in the two-layer porous burner is car-ried out using the pore level model,and the effects of the control parameters such as the inlet velocity and solid thermal conductivity on thermal non-equilibrium are investigated.The results show that the flame structure is highly two-dimensional based on pore level.Obvious thermal non-equilibrium in the burner for the two phases and solid phase are observed,the largest temperature difference between the gas and solid phases is observed in combustion zone,while the temperature difference inside the solid particles is largest near the flame front.The results also reveal that thermal non-equilibrium of por-ous burner is much affected by the inlet velocity and solid thermal conductivity. 相似文献
DME (dimethyl ether, CH3OCH3) is both a good alternative fuel for transportation and power generation and an LPG substitute owing to its cleanliness, multi-source productivity and the ease with which it is transported. This study was conducted to verify whether DME is a good fuel for gas turbines and to identify potential problems in fuelling a commercial gas turbine with DME. In this study, the GE7EA gas turbine of the Pyong-tak power plant in Korea was selected as the target of DME application. Combustion performance tests were conducted by comparing DME with methane, which is a major component of natural gas. Most results of the combustion performance tests show that DME is very clean and efficient fuel for gas turbines. However, other results have shown that it is necessary to retrofit a fuel nozzle to the combustor in consideration of the combustion properties of DME in order to enhance the availability and reliability of DME fired gas turbines. 相似文献
《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2014,34(15):4031-4036
Conventional industrial insulating materials have a porous structure, and provide good resistance to conduction. However, at high temperatures greater than 1000 °C, this structure permits heat transfer through radiation. In recent years, many high-performance insulating materials have been developed that consist of nanosized particles and pores. Such materials have a thermal conductivity less than 0.1 W/(m K) up to 800 °C. However, it has very less heat resistance over 1000 °C.In this study, we have developed an insulating material which has a great suppress radiation and its thermal conductivity was less than 0.3 W/(m K) at 1500 °C. The insulating material was considered to be porous magnesium aluminate spinel of two different pore sizes, 0.05–1 and 1–5 μm, with a porosity of 78%. Among the two pores, the 1–5 μm pores were more efficient to restrain heat transfer through radiation. 相似文献
B. Baker V. Rubio P. Ramanujam J. Binner A. Hussain T. Ackerman P. Brown I. Dautremont 《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2019,39(14):3927-3937
A simple and effective slurry injection method for producing dense and uniform ultra-high ceramic matrix composites from preforms of high fibre density was developed. As this method is based on slurry injection the homogeneity is not constrained to small preform sizes; dense components of high fibre volume can be produced in theoretically any size and shape. Samples produced by this method demonstrated high and consistent densities, with the injection method obtaining densities an average 27% higher and 87% lower in variability when compared to conventional vacuum impregnation. Tomography demonstrated no bias in the ceramic powder distribution for samples produced by injection, whereas samples produced by vacuum impregnation alone displayed poor powder penetration to the centre of large samples. The new approach yielded composites that were as strong and/or more consistent in strength compared to vacuum impregnation. Thermo-ablative testing demonstrated significant improvements in protective capability for materials produced by this route. 相似文献
单颗粒褐煤高温烟气干燥过程数值模拟 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
褐煤干燥对于提高其品质具有重要意义。为了模拟高温烟气干燥这一高温差、变温差非稳态传热传质过程中褐煤内水分蒸发过程,采用有限体积法建立了一维球坐标系下蒸发界面向内迁移的单颗粒褐煤干燥数学模型,并利用该模型分析了初始烟气温度和颗粒粒径对单个褐煤颗粒干燥特性的影响。模型模拟结果与实验结果对比表明二者变化趋势一致,所建模型能较好地反映出高温烟气干燥过程中褐煤内水分蒸发过程。结果表明,初始烟气温度越高,颗粒粒径越小,蒸发界面向内迁移速度越快,水分脱除越快,干燥时间越短;蒸发界面平均迁移速度均与初始烟气温度和颗粒粒径呈线性关系;在初始烟气温度700℃下,较短的停留时间使得颗粒表面温度未达到挥发分析出温度,本研究中不同粒径褐煤颗粒在干燥过程中基本没有挥发分的析出。 相似文献
Analysis of purge gas temperature in cyclic TSA process 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This study analyzes the effect of an operating parameter on the dynamic behavior by performing dynamic simulations of cyclic thermal swing adsorption (TSA) system, in fixed beds packed with activated carbon as an adsorbent. This TSA process purifies and regenerates the ternary mixtures consisted of benzene, toluene and p-xylene. A mathematical model, considering the dynamic variation and spatial distribution of properties within the bed, has been formulated and described by a set of partial differential algebraic equations. The models are based on non-equilibrium, non-isothermal and non-adiabatic conditions. The breakthrough curves of our simulation model are compared with those of Yun's experiments (1999). The cyclic steady-state (CSS) cycles are obtained for the various cases by cyclic simulation. The influences of the purge gas temperature on breakthrough curves, CSS convergence time, cyclic operating step time, purge gas consumed, regeneration energy requirement and adsorption ability at CSS are also discussed. 相似文献
通过注空气的室内实验和数值模拟方法研究油层温度场分布特征、含氧剖面、原油性质变化、产出气体组成、采收率等进一步分析低渗油藏注空气驱油机理。研究表明:低温氧化过程热效应相当明显,形成稳定的高温剖面,最高温度达到460℃;氧气被逐渐消耗,氧气浓度由21%逐渐降到0,含氧剖面由注入井逐渐向生产井推进;产生的N2、CO2和CO含量高达97%,气体突破前原油中重质组分和中间组分的含量逐渐减少,轻质组分的含量逐渐增加,部分原油轻质组分被气体所抽提,表现出烟道气驱的特征;当注入1.8PV空气时,采收率可达到47.23%,再进行注空气,增产效果已不明显,可以考虑气水交替或空气泡沫驱油。 相似文献