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30 min electrical stimulation of hind limb skeletal muscle in nembutal anaesthetised dogs was accompanied by increases in arterial haematocrit, plasma GOT and plasma LDH, which were almost completed within the first 10 min of stimulation. This fast response indicated that a rapid change in either the entry and/or clearance of enzyme from the plasma must have occurred.  相似文献   

Myoglobin (Mb) may facilitate O2 diffusion in muscle tissue, yet models of O2 transport are often simplified by ignoring the role of Mb. A recent analysis of O2 transport in hamster retractor muscle revealed a large discrepancy between the observed O2 diffusion from arterioles and that predicted by a mathematical model that did not include Mb. To establish whether this simplification was justified, we measured Mb content ([Mb]) in three hamster muscles that vary markedly in histochemical fiber type composition. [Mb] was determined spectrophotometrically using freshly excised tissues from hamsters of different ages (5-34 wk). [Mb] increased rapidly up to 15 wk of age and then rose more slowly. [Mb] in hamster muscles paralleled oxidative capacity. Our measurements of rat and dog muscles also show that [Mb] varies greatly among species and among muscles of a given species. The results indicate that in the hamster the variability in [Mb] with age and muscle should be taken into account when the potential role of Mb in studies on O2 transport is interpreted.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of 4 wk of hypodynamia on the rate of lactate transport in skeletal muscle sarcolemmal vesicles from control and hindlimb-suspended rats. Characterization of the sarcolemmal preparations was achieved with a marker enzyme (K+-p-nitrophenylphosphatase) and measurement of 1 mM [U-14C]lactate transport activity under zero-trans conditions with or without a pH gradient or the transport inhibitor alpha-hydroxycinnamate. Preparations from the two groups were not significantly different concerning yield and purification. Based on these results, we used this model to analyze the lactate transport activity after hypodynamia by tail suspension. Hindlimb suspension caused a shift from slow to fast myosin heavy chain isoforms in soleus muscles with a 40% decrease in the citrate synthase activity (from 35.3 +/- 3.7 to 21.4 +/- 2.1 mu mol x g-1 x min-1; P < 0.05). Lactate (1 mM) uptake in vesicles from the two groups was a function of time, and the rate after hindlimb suspension was significantly decreased in the suspended compared with the control group (2.25 +/- 0.44 and 3.50 +/- 0.26 nmol x min-1 x mg protein-1, respectively; P < 0.05). These differences were not observed for a higher lactate concentration (50 mM). These results suggest that the level of physical activity plays a role in the regulation of sarcolemmal lactate transport activity implicated in the exchanges of lactate between producing and utilizing cells, organs, and tissues, which are major ways of carbohydrate energy distribution in humans and others species.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of a microvasculature was used to study the effects of myogenic and flow-dependent stimuli on the characteristics of vasomotion and microvascular perfusion regulation. The model includes three branching orders of arterioles derived from in vivo observations and incorporates a mechanism for terminal arteriolar closure during vasomotion. Simulations were performed to evaluate the effect of vasodilation and vasoconstriction on vasomotion pattern, and the changes in arteriolar effective diameter and flow in response to arterial blood pressure variations triggering the regulatory mechanisms. Vasomotion patterns were studied in the hamster cutaneous muscle, visualized by fluorescent microscopy, in control conditions and after injection of acetylcholine (Ach) or NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA). We have found that vasomotion may be caused by different combinations of feedback mechanisms, including a strong rate-dependent myogenic response or a strong flow-dependent mechanism with no rate-dependent response. Decreasing the rate-dependent component of the myogenic mechanism and increasing the time constant of the flow-dependent mechanism causes vessel stabilization and disappearance of vasomotion. In hamster microcirculation, Ach decreased vasomotion frequency and increased vasomotion amplitude and arteriolar effective diameter, whereas L-NMMA caused a slight increase in vasomotion frequency and decrease in effective diameter. Model simulations, under dilatory and constrictory stimuli, confirmed these results. Moreover, the model predicted that mean blood flow is maintained closer to normal despite arterial pressure changes (+/-15% flow changes versus +/-50% pressure variations) when the vessels were in nonoscillatory than when they are in oscillatory state. In conclusion, a large variety of vasomotion patterns affect arteriolar resistance and microvessel perfusion in skeletal muscle. Furthermore, in the presence of vasomotion the network exhibits a poorer aptitude for regulating blood flow during arterial pressure changes (i.e., worse autoregulation) than the nonoscillatory network.  相似文献   

The timing of sample collections for the biological monitoring of occupational exposure profoundly affects the resulting data. Sampling time with respect to the day in the working week and the end of exposure is crucial for measurements of rapidly excreted indicators of exposure. Owing to the cumulation of slowly excreted exposure indicators, timing of sample collection with respect to the duration of employment is essential. The steady state is established within a week, if the exposure indicator is excreted rapidly (with a half-life shorter than 45 h), or within months or years, if it is excreted slowly. In this study, exposure indicators are characterized by the elimination half-life. A monocompartmental model is used to calculate the biological levels at steady state and the duration of occupational exposure needed to reach the apparent steady state.  相似文献   

We characterized instantaneous sarcomere relaxation over the load continuum in isolated hamster diaphragm muscles by means of laser diffraction. In afterloaded twitches, sarcomere relaxation displayed two consecutive phases. The bulk of sarcomere lengthening occurred during the first phase and corresponded in time to muscle lengthening. The second phase of sarcomere relaxation was slower and corresponded in time to tension decay. At initial muscle length, the peak velocity of sarcomere lengthening (SVL) was linearly related to both the maximum extent of sarcomere shortening (delta SL) and sarcomere length at peak shortening (SLmin; each P < 0.01). Varying preload modified the SVL vs. SLmin relationship but not the SVL vs. delta SL relationship. At a given preload, muscle tension decay began at a similar sarcomere length, regardless of the afterload level. In conclusion, our results support the role played by sarcomere length in regulating the diaphragm muscle-lengthening rate but not the rate of tension decline.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) is co-secreted with insulin from the beta-cell. IAPP reduces insulin-stimulated rates of glycogen synthesis in skeletal muscle but the mechanisms are unclear. Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) is an important regulator of glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle and acts through its own receptor, which has many structural and functional similarities with the insulin receptor. Despite this, the effects of IGF-I on glucose utilization are not identical to those of insulin. The aim of the study was to determine the effects of IAPP on IGF-I-stimulated rates of glucose transport and metabolism (measured by 3-O-methyl[3H]glucose and [U-14C]glucose, respectively) in rat soleus muscle, and compare them with those simulated by insulin. IAPP (10 nM) decreased the sensitivity of 3-O-methylglucose transport, the flux of glucose to hexosemonophosphate and the sensitivity of glycogen synthesis to IGF-I. In contrast, IAPP had no effect on IGF-I-stimulated rates of lactate formation (i.e., glycolysis). IAPP decreased the sensitivity of 3-O-methylglucose transport and glycogen synthesis to insulin. It is concluded that IAPP blunts the stimulation of glucose uptake and deposition by IGF-I or insulin in skeletal muscle. These observations expand those made initially for IAPP and insulin and suggest that IAPP affects IGF-I- or insulin-stimulated glucose metabolism in muscle by a mechanism which is common for both hormones. These experiments may serve as a framework for future studies in order to clarify the mechanisms by which IAPP affects glucose metabolism in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Bioelectric activity of a nervous tissue and its synchronization with formatting epileptiform bursts are simulated by a coupled map lattice. The functional units of the map located in the lattice sites represent neural masses which consist of current sources and sinks. The sources lead to depolarization of neurons, and sinks provide hyperpolarization. The map describes a single variable--the bioelectric potential. This potential is created by the interplay of all current sources and sinks in the neural masses. The neural masses are diffusively coupled with each other both by electronic influence and synaptic coupling. Both mechanisms mentioned are suggested to be essential for the formation of synchronous bursts. The transition from chaotic activity to bursts was studied.  相似文献   

Membrane-mediated excessive intracellular calcium accumulation (EICA) and diminished cellular energy production are the hallmarks of dystrophic pathobiology in Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies. We reported reversal of respiratory damage and Ca(2+)-overloading in the in vitro cardiac mitochondria from CHF-146 dystrophic hamsters (DH) with hereditary muscular dystrophy (Bhattacharya et al., 1993). Here we studied respiratory dysfunctions in the skeletal muscle mitochondria from young and old DH, and whether these abnormalities can be reversed by reducing [Ca2+] in the isolation medium, thereby lowering intramitochondrial Ca(2+)-overloading. Age- and sex-matched CHF-148 albino normal hamsters (NH) served as controls. As an index of EICA and cellular degeneration, Ca and Mg levels were assayed in the skeletal muscle and mitochondria. Mitochondria from young and old DH, isolated without EDTA (BE medium), revealed poor coupling of oxidative phosphorylation, diminished stimulated oxygen consumption rate, and lower respiratory control ratio and ADP/O ratios, compared to NH. Incorporation of 10 mM EDTA (Bo medium) in the isolation medium restored mitochondrial functions of the dystrophic organelles to a near-normal level, and reduced Ca(2+)-overloading. The mitochondrial Ca level in DH was significantly higher than in NH, irrespective of the medium. However, compared to Bo medium, the dystrophic organelles isolated in BE medium had lower Ca levels and markedly improved oxidative phosphorylation as seen in NH. Muscle Ca contents in the young and old DH were elevated relative to NH, showing a positive correlation with the increased mitochondrial Ca(2+)-sequestration. Dystrophic muscle also revealed Ca deposition with an abundance of Ca(2+)-positive and necrotic myofibers by light microscopy, and intramitochondrial Ca(2+)-overloading by electron microscopy, respectively. However, Mg levels in the muscle and mitochondria did not alter with age or dystrophy. These data parallel our observations in the heart, and suggest that functional impairments and Ca(2+)-overloading also occur in the skeletal muscle mitochondria of DH, and are indeed reversible if EICA is regulated by slow Ca(2+)-channel blocker therapy (Johnson and Bhattacharya, 1993).  相似文献   

1. To examine metabolic correlates of insulin resistance in skeletal muscle, we used 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study glycogenolytic and oxidative ATP synthesis in leg muscle of lean and obese Zucker rats in vivo during 6 min sciatic nerve stimulation at 2 Hz. 2. The water content of resting muscle was reduced by 21 +/- 7% in obese (insulin-resistant) animals compared with lean animals, whereas the lipid content was increased by 140 +/- 70%. These results suggest that intracellular water content was reduced by 17% in obese animals. 3. During exercise, although twitch tensions were not significantly different in the two groups, rates of total ATP synthesis (expressed per litre of intracellular water) were 48 +/- 20% higher in obese animals, suggesting a 50 +/- 8% reduction in intrinsic "metabolic efficiency'. Changes in phosphocreatine and ADP concentration were significantly greater in obese animals than in lean animals, whereas changes in intracellular pH did not differ. 4. These results imply that oxidative ATP synthesis during exercise is activated earlier in obese animals than in lean animals. This difference was not fully accounted for by the greater increase in the concentration of the mitochondrial activating signal ADP. Neither the post-exercise recovery kinetics of phosphocreatine nor the muscle content of the mitochondrial marker enzyme citrate synthase was significantly different in the two groups. The increased oxidative ATP synthesis in exercise must therefore be due to altered kinetics of mitochondrial activation by signals other than ADP. 5. Thus, the insulin-resistant muscle of obese animals may compensate for its decreased efficiency (and consequent increased need for ATP) by increased reliance on oxidative ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common cause of death in women in the United States. Dyslipidemia is a risk factor for CAD in both men and women. Low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and hypertriglyceridemia, especially in association with a dense low-density lipoprotein (LDL) phenotype, may be of greater importance in women than in men. The relationship between CAD and dyslipidemia and the therapeutic approach to disorders of lipid metabolism in women have unique features because of the effects of exogenous and endogenous hormones on lipid pathways. Estrogen decreases LDL cholesterol and Lp(a) lipoprotein and increases triglyceride and HDL cholesterol levels. Progestogens decrease triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, and Lp(a), and they increase LDL cholesterol. Thus, oral contraceptives increase plasma triglycerides, whereas the effect of these agents on LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol levels is related to the androgenicity and dose of progestogen. Postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy increases triglycerides and decreases LDL cholesterol. The effect of hormone replacement therapy on HDL cholesterol is influenced by the addition of progestogen. Although no primary prevention studies have analyzed lipid lowering and CAD in women, secondary prevention studies have suggested that the response to drug treatment and the benefit of lipid lowering are similar in women and in men. Hormone replacement therapy should be considered in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia in postmenopausal women; however, individualization of treatment is important to avoid adverse effects.  相似文献   

Microdialysis was used to selectively assess the effect of the paracrine renin-angiotensin system (RAS) on interstitial glucose and lactate concentration profiles in skeletal muscle of healthy volunteers (n = 8) during basal and insulin-stimulated conditions. Paracrine RAS was selectively inhibited by local retrodialysis with enalaprilate. Under basal conditions, local administration of enalaprilate (2 micrograms mL-1) increased interstitial dialysate glucose concentration from 0.71 +/- 0.14 mmol L-1 to 0.84 +/- 0.14 mmol L-1 and decreased the serum interstitial gradient (SIGglu) compared with baseline (P < 0.02). Under clamp conditions, enalaprilate, even at the lowest concentration (0.02 microgram mL-1), increased interstitial dialysate glucose concentration from 0.77 +/- 0.11 mmol L-1 to 1.02 +/- 0.09 mmol L-1 and decreased SIGglu compared with baseline (P < 0.01). Interstitial lactate concentrations slightly increased during basal as well as during clamp conditions (P < 0.05 vs. baseline). Selective inhibition of paracrine muscle angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) increases interstitial glucose and lactate concentrations and decreases SIGglu in muscle by facilitating transcapillary glucose transport. This effect is more pronounced during hyperinsulinaemia and may be of clinical relevance in diabetic patients treated with therapeutic doses of enalapril.  相似文献   

The treatment for asthma usually involves a combination of drugs used for bronchodilation and to treat underlying airway inflammation. When asthma is severe, the regimen used to treat asthma can become quite complicated, often using as many as 3 or 4 separate pharmacological agents. As patients with asthma get older, their medication regimen can become even more complex with the development of numerous other age-related diseases requiring their own list of medications. Diseases of the joints, diseases of the eye, cardiovascular disease, neurological disease and urological problems represent the most common conditions that patients develop, at times needing medications which might interfere with asthma management. Many of these diseases require the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, well known to provoke wheezing in patients with intrinsic asthma, and diseases of the eye and cardiovascular system frequently require use of beta-blockers which can cause or exacerbate asthma. Managing patients with asthma who have other diseases requires constant supervision of their medication usage and careful and cautious review of the entire list of medications at each presentation.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) images of skeletal muscle tears can clearly delineate the severity of muscle injury. Although MR imaging is seldom necessary in patients with acute muscle trauma, it can be helpful in deciding on clinical management. The two major MR findings in acute muscle tears are deformity of the muscle and the presence of abnormal signal reflecting hemorrhage and edema. In acute tears, methemoglobin within the extravascular blood causes high-signal areas on both T1- and T2-weighted images. With partial tears, the blood may dissect in a distinctive linear pattern along the muscle bundles and fibers. As healing begins, the muscle signal diminishes, first on the T1-weighted images and then on the T2-weighted images. When there is residual abnormal signal on images obtained more than several months after the injury, it is presumed to represent hemorrhage from recurrent tears. In patients with a questionable history of a remote injury, the clinical presentation may be that of persistent pain or a soft tissue mass. In these cases MR imaging may identify the cause of the pain and can exclude a neoplasm by proving that the mass is a hypertrophied or retracted muscle. Thus, MR imaging has a limited, but occasionally important role in selected patients with skeletal muscle tears.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the composition and mechanical properties of the newly developed bladder acellular matrix graft (BAMG) with the normal urinary bladder in rat, pig and human. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Rat, pig and human urinary bladders were harvested and divided into control and experimental groups. For the latter, BAMGs were prepared, and light and transmission electron microscopic studies performed. Strips from the normal bladders and the BAMGs (10 in each group) were tested under tension, and the ultimate tensile strength, maximum strain, and elastic modulus were determined from stress/strain curves. RESULTS: Both types I and III collagen, as well as elastic fibres, were observed as major components of the matrix scaffold. There were more collagen type I fibres in the rat than in the pig and human BAMGs, whereas the pig, and particularly the human, both showed higher levels of type III collagen and elastic fibres. These different matrix scaffold patterns were confirmed by electron microscopy. Results from biomechanical testing showed no significant differences for strength, strain or elastic modulus between BAMG and control bladder strips, except in the rat where the maximum strain values were significantly lower. CONCLUSION: There are variations in the acellular matrix structure with similar biomechanical properties between the BAMG and the normal urinary bladder in three different species. These results may underscore the potential of the BAMG. Furthermore, this in vitro model provides a suitable method to study the mechanical properties of the urinary bladder and may serve as a diagnostic tool for various investigations.  相似文献   

It is not currently practical to directly measure viscoelastic parameters in human muscles in situ. Methods used in vitro cannot readily be applied, and motion analysis provides only a gross estimate. We report on the application of a hybrid approach, sonoelastography, which uses ultrasound to measure the propagation of shear waves induced by externally applied vibrations. Because shear waves predominate in incompressible viscoelastic media at low frequencies, sonoelastic data should be comparable to those obtained using conventional means. We recorded vibration propagation speeds as a function of applied load in the quadriceps muscles of ten volunteers as they underwent a series of static contractions. Data collection during dynamic contractions, not possible with the current equipment, will be the subject of future experimentation. Although statistically significant correlations were not uniformly obtained above 60 Hz nor for propagation perpendicular to the muscle fibers, this is felt to have resulted from deviations from the applied plane wave model. Calculated values of Young's modulus for 30 Hz propagation parallel to the muscle fibers were 7 +/- 3, 29 +/- 12 and 57 +/- 37 x 10(3) Nm-2 for applied loads of 0, 7.5 and 15 kg, respectively. The corresponding values at 60 Hz were 25 +/- 6, 75 +/- 61 and 127 +/- 65. These values were statistically significant and linearly correlated with the applied load, as expected. Our data represent the first in situ human measurements of their kind. It is anticipated that sonoelastography will provide a useful adjunct to the study of human biomechanics.  相似文献   

Some properties of purified skeletal muscle alpha-actinin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Highly purified alpha-actinin can be made by using the low ionic strength extraction procedure previously described (Arakawa N., Robson, R. M., and Goll, D. E. (1970) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 200, 284-295) and then subjecting the crude alpha-actinin fraction obtained with this extraction procedure to successive chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and hydroxyapatite. Hydrozyapatite chromatography specifically removes a protein having a subunit molecular weight of 42,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Hydroxyapatite-purified alpha-actinin sediments entirely as a 6.21 S boundary in the analytical ultracentrifuge with no trace of the small 9 to 10 S boundary seen in earlier alpha-actinin preparations purified by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. In 100 mM KCl, 20 mM Tris-acetate, pH 7.5, hydroxyapatite-purified alpha-actinin has a diffusion coefficient (D020,w) of 2.71 X 10(-7) cm2-s-1, an intrinsic viscosity of 20.6 ml-g-1, a molecular weight of 201,000 +/- 4,300 (plus or minus least squares standard error) as determined by sedimentation equilibrium, and a molecular weight of 210,000 as determined by sedimentation diffusion. In 6 M guanidine HCl, hydroxyapatite-purified alpha-actinin has a molecular weight of 106,000 +/- 6,300 as determined by sedimentation equilibrium and a molecular weight of 100,000 as determined by a calibrated 4% agarose gel permeation column. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gives a molecular weight of 96,000 to 100,000 for hydroxyapatite-purified alpha-actinin. Rod-shaped particles 44 X 390 to 400 A are seen in electron micrographs of negatively stained alpha-actinin. By assuming 45% hydration and a molecular weight of 206,000, dimensions of approximately 40 X 500 A can be calculated for the alpha-actinin molecule by using either s 020, w, D 020, w, intrinsic viscosity, or a calibrated 6% agarose gel permeation column. Hydroxyapatite-purified alpha-actinin has an alpha-helical content of 74% as measured by circular dichroism at 208 nm.  相似文献   

The development of polymers with different surface properties and surface modifications of intraocular lenses (IOL) should reduce foreign body reactions after implantation by reducing the surface hydrophobicity of the lenses. It was examined how far such surface variations influenced the adhesiveness of bacteria. The most common organism isolated from cases of postoperative endophthalmitis is Staphylococcus epidermidis. For this reason, three strains of this species, the type strain ATCC 14990 and two clinical isolates (8687, 6579 I), with different hydrophobic surfaces, were studied. IOL made of PMMA, silicone, and a copolymer as well as PMMA lenses with modified surfaces (unpolished, polished, silanized, and heparinized) were used. Bacteria were radiolabelled with 3H-thymidine and the adherent bacteria were calculated per mm2 of lens surface. The three strains adhered better to the unpolished surface of silicone than to PMMA. Treatment of PMMA surface by polishing diminished the differences between the strains. An influence of hydrophobic interactions on the adherence of S. epidermidis ATCC 14990 was demonstrated. The adherence of this hydrophobic type strain was clearly reduced by heparinization of the PMMA surface. In contrast, the hydrophilic catheter isolate 6579 I adhered better to modified surfaces. This strain differed clearly in its PFGE pattern from both hydrophobic strains. Hydrophobic interactions play a role in the bacterial adherence to intraocular lenses in vitro and in vivo. Modifications of polymer surfaces, however, can result in rather different effects depending on the bacterial surface composition and properties.  相似文献   

Glucose and amino acid starvation of cells in culture generally enhances their sensitivity to oxidative stress. This is explained by compensatory autophagocytosis, which results in increased amounts of lysosomal low-molecular-weight, redox-active iron, due to the degradation of metallo-proteins, with a potential increase in iron-catalyzed, intralysosomal oxidative reactions. Such reactions diminish the stability of lysosomal membranes, with resultant leakage of hydrolytic enzymes into the cytosol and ensuing cellular degeneration, often of apoptotic type. However, starvation of NIT insulinoma cells, which are normally remarkably sensitive to oxidative stress, actually attenuated the sensitivity to such stress. We found that starved NIT cells rapidly synthesized ferritin. Moreover, ferritin was found to be autophagocytosed, and the lysosomes were stabilized, as assayed by the acridine orange relocation test. We hypothesize that compensatory autophagocytosis during starvation increases the cytosolic pool of redox-active iron, as a reflection of enhanced transportation of low-molecular-weight iron from autophagic lysosomes to the cytosol, resulting in ferritin induction. The newly formed ferritin would, in turn, become autophagocytosed and bind redox-active lysosomal iron in a non-redox-active form. We also suggest that the proposed mechanism may be a way for oxidative stress-sensitive cells to compensate partly for their failing capacity to degrade hydrogen peroxide before it leaks into the acidic vacuolar apparatus and induces intralysosomal oxidative stress. The insulin-producing beta cell may belong to this type of cells.  相似文献   

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