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We examined the effect of lithium on the memory and motor speed of 22 outpatients with affective disorders in remission. Patients were assessed weekly over a 5-week period starting at their current lithium dosage, twice during administration of a blind placebo, and twice after their lithium was blindly reinstated. Motor speed was assessed using the finger tapping test. Memory was assessed using the Buschke selective reminding protocol. Mood was assessed at each session to ensure remitted status by clinical interview, the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, the Longitudinal Rating of Manic States Scale, and a subjective state questionnaire. Weekly blood samples were also drawn to assess plasma lithium level by means of atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results indicated that lithium had significant detrimental effect on memory and motor speed: Performance improved when lithium was discontinued and declined when lithium was reintroduced. The implications for patient management and diagnosis in bipolar disorder are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Effects of vasopressin on human memory functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Arginine vasopressin and a number of its synthetic analogs augment memory functions in experimental animals. One of these analogs, 1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (DDAVP), influences human learning and memory. Cognitively unimpaired, as well as cognitively impaired adults, treated with DDAVP for a period of several days, learn information more effectively, as measured by the completeness, organization, and consistency (reliability) of recall. DDAVP also appears to reverse partially the retrograde amnesia that follows electroconvulsive treatment.  相似文献   

H. Jackson's concepts of nervous functions, implying that anesthetics first obliterate more recently developed functions, were applied to interpreting the effects of low concentrations of anesthetics on mnemonic functions in 4 experiments with 27 young adult males. It was proposed that there should be concentrations at which anesthetics affect verbal memory, sparing nonverbal visual memory, and Ss should show more acoustic than semantic confusions in long-term memory. These hypotheses were confirmed in Ss inhaling very low anesthetic concentrations and in Ss recovering from inhalation of high anesthetic concentrations. Nonverbal acoustic memory was also impaired, but not as much as verbal memory. At relatively higher concentrations, long-term registration of verbal material was abolished, leaving only short-term capacities. The data also provide independent evidence for separation of verbal and nonverbal memory and for acoustic processing of visually presented verbal material. (25 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the impact of attributional implications of covariation information on memory for the implied causal agent. 118 undergraduates read summary paragraphs of consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency (CDC) information and were then timed as they verified from memory whether certain probe words, including the name of the implied causal agent, had appeared in the paragraph. In Exps I and II, Ss were not instructed to attend to attributional implications but merely to study the information for the subsequent memory test. In Exp III, Ss made attributions to each paragraph just prior to the probe task. Results indicate that (a) the names of implied causal agents were verified more slowly than names of noncausal entities if the order of CDC components facilitated attributional processing and (b) this effect was obtained regardless of Ss' immediate need to make an attributional judgment. Data are consistent with the interpretation that the implied causal agent was automatically integrated more thoroughly into the memory representation of the information, which had to be "decomposed" to allow verification of the agent's identity. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

采用碳化分解法对工业级碳酸锂(99.0 %)进行提纯处理,实验主要介绍了碳化分解法提纯Li2CO3的工艺过程,并分别研究了碳化温度、固液比(指固体Li2CO3的质量与去离子水的体积比,单位g/mL, 下同)、碳化时间等因素对Li2CO3纯度和回收率的影响,确定了最佳工艺条件:碳化温度为28 ℃、固液比为1/40、碳化时间为2.0 h、碳化搅拌速率为300 r/min,在此条件下,提纯制备的Li2CO3纯度达99.60 %以上,回收率达70.0 %,满足电池级碳酸锂的要求.   相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report on implications for methylphenidate treatment of this very young age group and the need to examine factors related to achieving compliance. METHOD: Thirty-one children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), aged 4 to 6 years, participated in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study using placebo, 0.3 mg/kg, and 0.5 mg/kg of methylphenidate twice per day. RESULTS: Improvements related to medication were obtained on cognitive tests of attention and impulsivity as well as behaviors assessed by parent rating scales. In an interactive setting with their mothers, attentional abilities and the children's ability to work more productively also showed improvement. However, no changes were obtained with respect to the children's tendency to comply with parental requests. Side effects increased slightly with the high dosage of medication but remained mild. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that methylphenidate can be used to improve the functioning of preschool-age children with ADHD, in a manner similar to their school-age counterparts.  相似文献   

The study investigated age-related differences in theory of mind and explored the relationship between this ability, other cognitive abilities, and structural brain measures. A cohort of 106 adults (ages 50–90 years) was recruited. Participants completed tests of theory of mind, verbal and performance intelligence, executive function, and information processing speed and underwent structural magnetic resonance imaging (measurement of whole brain volume, volume of white matter hyperintensities, and diffusion tensor imaging of white matter integrity). Theory of mind ability declined with increasing age, and the relationship between theory of mind and age was fully mediated by performance intelligence, executive function, and information processing speed and was partially mediated by verbal intelligence. Theory of mind performance correlated significantly with diffusion tensor imaging measures of white matter integrity but not with volume of white matter hyperintensities or whole-brain volume. Theory of mind age-related decline may not be independent of other cognitive functions; it may also be particularly susceptible to changes in white matter integrity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that naturally occurring and experimentally induced affect states enhance the accessibility to retrieval of memories of life experiences that are congruent in valence with the affect state. Previous studies have suggested that this memory bias results from the influence of affective processes on memory retrieval. Ss read statements expressing positive or negative self-evaluative ideas or describing somatic states that often accompany positive or negative mood states. The somatic and self-evaluative statements had, in general, equally strong effects on mood state. However, the self-evaluative statements had a stronger impact on recall latencies for life experiences than did the somatic statements. Moreover, the impact of the self-evaluative, but not the somatic, statements on recall was found to be independent of the statements' effect on mood state. This suggest that the cognitions accompanying a mood-altering experience may have a substantial effect on the capacity of the mood state to influence memory retrieval. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Hierarchical organization of cognitive memory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the question of the organization of memory processes within the medial temporal lobe. Evidence obtained in patients with late-onset amnesia resulting from medial temporal pathology has given rise to two opposing interpretations of the effects of such damage on long-term cognitive memory. One view is that cognitive memory, including memory for both facts and events, is served in a unitary manner by the hippocampus and its surrounding cortices; the other is that the basic function affected in amnesia is event memory, the memory for factual material often showing substantial preservation. Recent findings in patients with amnesia resulting from relatively selective hippocampal damage sustained early in life suggest a possible reconciliation of the two views. The new findings suggest that the hippocampus may be especially important for event as opposed to fact memory, with the surrounding cortical areas contributing to both. Evidence from neuroanatomical and neurobehavioural studies in monkeys is presented in support of this proposal.  相似文献   

Mutagenicity in the Ames assay is evaluated by comparing the number of revertants observed in treated cultures to those in untreated cultures. Often, some form of the '2-fold rule' is employed, whereby a compound is judged mutagenic if a 2-fold or greater increase is seen in a treated culture. In order to understand the underpinnings of this approach, we study some of its statistical properties. We assume that the number of revertants on any plate from a given two-group experiment follows a Poisson distribution and we address the following questions: (1) what is the false-positive error probability of observing at least a doubling of the number of colonies from the control to the treatment group?; (2) if a given mean number of colonies is postulated for a control group, what number of colonies above the observed control mean provides a false-positive rate of 5%? We also present results for question 1 in the case where the number of revertants follows a negative binomial distribution.  相似文献   

<正>(1) Relatively high concentration in domestic market Boosted by new energy policies,the production of lithium carbonate in domestic market has been growing steadily in recent years,growing from78000 tons in 2016 to 350000 tons in 2022,presenting a compound annual growth rate of 28%.Fromthe perspective of the production of lithium carbonate,the distribution of lithium carbonate production region and enterprises are relatively centralized,resulting in relatively high concentration.  相似文献   

Age-related changes have been reported for a range of perceptual and cognitive functions. We investigated visual acuity and vernier acuity, as well as visual memory and learning, in four age groups, each comprising 10 subjects and ranging from adolescence to an age group up to 66 years. The groups were matched on general abilities for visuospatial information processing. Visual acuity decreased slightly with increasing age. The reproduction of more complex geometrical material which exceeded short-term memory capacities was significantly impaired in the oldest group relative to young adults. However, vernier acuity thresholds and improvement of thresholds with training did not differ in the four groups. Short-term retention of visual stimuli across 1 or 4 sec was also comparable in the different age groups. Those visual abilities that are limited primarily by cortical, not retinal, factors remained relatively unchanged in our observers despite age-related changes in the eye. Visual memory functions which tap working and long-term memory abilities, on the other hand, showed a significant age-associated decline during adulthood.  相似文献   

According to the time-based resource-sharing model (P. Barrouillet, S. Bernardin, & V. Camos, 2004), the cognitive load a given task involves is a function of the proportion of time during which it captures attention, thus impeding other attention-demanding processes. Accordingly, the present study demonstrates that the disruptive effect on concurrent maintenance of memory retrievals and response selections increases with their duration. Moreover, the effect on recall performance of concurrent activities does not go beyond their duration insofar as the processes are attention demanding. Finally, these effects are not modality specific, as spatial processing was found to disrupt verbal maintenance. These results suggest a sequential and time-based function of working memory in which processing and storage rely on a single and general purpose attentional resource needed to run executive processes devoted to constructing, maintaining, and modifying ephemeral representations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The earliest neuroanatomical changes in amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) involve the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex, structures implicated in the integration and learning of associative information. The authors hypothesized that individuals with aMCI would have impairments in associative memory above and beyond the known impairments in item memory. A group of 29 individuals with aMCI and 30 matched control participants were administered standardized tests of object-location recall and symbol-symbol recall, from which both item and associative recall scores were derived. As expected, item recall was impaired in the aMCI group relative to controls. Associative recall in the aMCI group was even more impaired than was item recall. The best group discriminators were measures of associative recall, with which the sensitivity and specificity for detecting aMCI were 76% and 90% for symbol-symbol recall and were 86% and 97% for object-location recall. Associative recall may be particularly sensitive to early cognitive change in aMCI, because this ability relies heavily on the medial temporal lobe structures that are affected earliest in aMCI. Incorporating measures of associative recall into clinical evaluations of individuals with memory change may be useful for detecting aMCI. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tactile memory systems are involved in the storage and retrieval of information about stimuli that impinge on the body surface and objects that people explore haptically. Here, the authors review the behavioral, neuropsychological, neurophysiological, and neuroimaging research on tactile memory. This body of research reveals that tactile memory can be subdivided into a number of functionally distinct neurocognitive subsystems, just as is the case with auditory and visual memory. Some of these subsystems are peripheral and short lasting and others are more central and long lasting. The authors highlight evidence showing that the representation of tactile information interacts with information about other sensory attributes (e.g., visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic) of objects/events that people perceive. This fact suggests that at least part of the neural network involved in the memory for touch might be shared among different sensory modalities. In particular, multisensory/amodal information-processing networks seem to play a leading role in the storage of tactile information in the brain. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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