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The nucleotide sequence of the glycoprotein (G) gene of rice yellow stunt rhabdovirus (RYSV) was determined. The G gene is 2158 nucleotides long and contains an open reading frame of 2007 nucleotides encoding a protein with a calculated molecular mass of 75,358 Da. Furthermore, the 5'- and 3'-terminal sequences of the G protein mRNA were defined by the RACE method. Non-viral nucleotides appear to be present at the 5' end of G mRNA. The G protein contains an N-terminal signal peptide of 32 amino acids, C-terminal transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains, ten potential glycosylation sites and four stretches of a-d hydrophobic heptad-repeats.  相似文献   

The 349-amino-acid major core protein VP7 of bluetongue virus (BTV) is both the most abundant viral structural protein and the major immunogenic serogroup-reactive viral antigen. Previous studies indicated that a conformation-dependent antigenic site, defined by the VP7-specific monoclonal antibody 20E9/B7/G2(20E9), was accessible from the virus surface and that the binding of the monoclonal antibody to this epitope could be blocked specifically by antisera raised against different serotypes of bluetongue virus, suggesting it is a serogroup-specific immunodominant epitope. Using a combination of three different mapping strategies, we have located the 20E9 binding site at the N-terminus of the molecule, between amino acids 30 and 48. The fine mapping of the 20E9 immunodominant epitope will facilitate structure-function analyses of the major core protein and provide new opportunities to improve existing BTV serodiagnosis methods based on this immunogenic site.  相似文献   

In the transmembrane envelope glycoprotein (TM) of lentiviruses, including human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), two cysteine residues, conserved in most retroviruses, are thought to form a loop containing five to seven amino acids. These elements make up a B-cell epitope recognized by nearly 100% of sera from infected patients or animals, designated the principal immunodominant domain (PID). The PID amino acid sequences are highly conserved between isolates of the same lentivirus but are unrelated, except for the two cysteines, when divergent lentiviruses are compared. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between amino acid sequence in the PID and envelope function. We introduced two kinds of mutations in the PID of FIV: mutations which impeded the formation of a loop and mutations which substituted the sequence of FIV with the corresponding sequences from other lentiviruses, HIV-1, visna virus, and equine infectious anemia virus. We analyzed antibody recognition, processing, and fusogenic properties of the modified envelopes, using two methods of Env expression: a cell-free expression system and transfection of a feline fibroblast cell line with gag-pol-deleted FIV proviruses. Most mutations in the PID of FIV severely affected envelope processing and abolished syncytium formation. Only the chimeric envelope containing the HIV-1 PID sequence was correctly processed and maintained the capacity to induce syncytium formation, although less efficiently than the wild-type envelope. We computed three-dimensional structural models of the PID, which were consistent with mutagenesis data and confirmed the similarity of FIV and HIV-1 PID structures, despite their divergence in amino acid sequence. Considering these results, we discussed the respective importance of selection exerted by functional requirements or host antibodies to explain the observed variations of the PIDs in lentiviruses.  相似文献   

The herpesvirus entry mediator C (HveC), previously known as poliovirus receptor-related protein 1 (PRR1), and the herpesvirus Ig-like receptor (HIgR) are the bona fide receptors employed by herpes simplex virus-1 and -2 (HSV-1 and -2) for entry into the human cell lines most frequently used in HSV studies. They share an identical ectodomain made of one V and two C2 domains and differ in transmembrane and cytoplasmic regions. Expression of their mRNA in the human nervous system suggests possible usage of these receptors in humans in the path of neuron infection by HSV. Glycoprotein D (gD) is the virion component that mediates HSV-1 entry into cells by interaction with cellular receptors. We report on the identification of the V domain of HIgR/PRR1 as a major functional region in HSV-1 entry by several approaches. First, the epitope recognized by mAb R1. 302 to HIgR/PRR1, capable of inhibiting infection, was mapped to the V domain. Second, a soluble form of HIgR/PRR1 consisting of the single V domain competed with cell-bound full-length receptor and blocked virion infectivity. Third, the V domain was sufficient to mediate HSV entry, as an engineered form of PRR1 in which the two C2 domains were deleted and the V domain was retained and fused to its transmembrane and cytoplasmic regions was still able to confer susceptibility, although at reduced efficiency relative to full-length receptor. Consistently, transfer of the V domain of HIgR/PRR1 to a functionally inactive structural homologue generated a chimeric receptor with virus-entry activity. Finally, the single V domain was sufficient for in vitro physical interaction with gD. The in vitro binding was specific as it was competed both by antibodies to the receptor and by a mAb to gD with potent neutralizing activity for HSV-1 infectivity.  相似文献   

A recently proposed Jovanovic-Freundlich isotherm model for single component adsorption without lateral interactions on heterogeneous surfaces is extended to account for lateral interactions and for competitive adsorption. The model is tested using previously reported single component and competitive adsorption data of 2-phenylethanol and 3-phenylpropanol on ODS-silica with methanol-water as the mobile phase. A comparison is made regarding the ability of the Jovanovic-Freundlich and Langmuir-Freundlich models to predict competitive equilibria using the single component identified parameters. Fair predictions of the competitive data were obtained when using heterogeneous-surface models which do not take into account the possible interactions of phenylalcohols in the adsorbed phase via hydrogen bonding. Markedly improved predictions were obtained with models which account simultaneously for the two main sources of adsorbed phase nonideal behavior, i.e. adsorbate-adsorbate interactions and heterogeneity of the adsorbent surface.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The congenital fibrosis syndrome is a hereditary form of external ophthalmoplegia that is considered to be a primary myopathy. PURPOSE: To document the coexistence of two distinct forms of ocular motor synkinesis in a subgroup of patients with congenital fibrosis syndrome. METHODS: Clinical and intraoperative examination results and extraocular muscle biopsy specimens from four patients with congenital fibrosis syndrome were studied. RESULTS: Three patients displayed a variant of synergistic divergence characterized by simultaneous abduction with intorsion and depression of the synkinetically abducting eye. Three patients had variant of Marcus Gunn jaw winking characterized by elevation of a ptotic eyelid during mouth opening. Three patients had oculocutaneous hypopigmentation. CONCLUSIONS: A subgroup of patients with congenital fibrosis syndrome display two distinct synkinetic ocular movements in conjunction with oculocutaneous hypopigmentation. The patterns of neuronal misdirection implicate a regional innervational disturbance involving cranial nerves III through VI as the underlying cause of diffuse hereditary ophthalmoplegia in these patients.  相似文献   

Pneumocystis carinii is a common cause of life-threatening pneumonia in immunodeficient patients. Pulmonary surfactant protein A (SP-A), an alveolar glycoprotein containing collagen-like and carbohydrate recognition domains (CRD), binds P. carinii and enhances adherence to alveolar macrophages. In this study, we examined the structural basis of the interaction between SP-A and the major surface glycoprotein of P. carinii (MSG). Rat SP-A bound to purified rat P. carinii-derived MSG in a saturable and calcium-dependent manner, which was partially reversible by coincubation with excess monosaccharides, or pretreatment of MSG with N-glycanase. Mutant recombinant SP-As with neutral amino acid substitutions for the predicted calcium- and carbohydrate-coordinating residues of the CRD were synthesized in insect cells using baculovirus vectors and tested for binding to MSG. Substitutions of negatively charged (Glu195, Glu202, and Asp215) and polar residues (Asn214) of the CRD with alanine but not substitution of the Arg197 with glycine reduced the binding of SP-A to mannose-Sepharose beads and to MSG. Deletion of the N-linked oligosaccharides from SP-A by mutagenesis of the consensus sequences for glycosylation had no effect on binding. We conclude that the CRD mediates the binding of SP-A to oligosaccharides attached to MSG.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bacterial resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics occurs primarily through the expression of modifying enzymes that covalently alter the drugs by O-phosphorylation, O-adenylation or N-acetylation. Aminoglycoside phosphotransferases (APHs) catalyze the ATP-dependent phosphorylation of these antibiotics. Two particular enzymes in this class, APH(3')-IIIa and AAC(6')-APH(2"), are produced in gram-positive cocci and have been shown to phosphorylate aminoglycosides on their 3' and 2" hydroxyl groups, respectively. The three-dimensional structure of APH (3')-IIIa is strikingly similar to those of eukaryotic protein kinases (EPKs), and the observation, reported previously, that APH(3')-IIIa and AAC(6')-APH(2") are effectively inhibited by EPK inhibitors suggested the possibility that these aminoglycoside kinases might phosphorylate EPK substrates. RESULTS: Our data demonstrate unequivocally that APHs can phosphorylate several EPK substrates and that this phosphorylation occurs exclusively on serine residues. Phosphorylation of Ser/Thr protein kinase substrates by APHs was considerably slower than phosphorylation of aminoglycosides under identical assay conditions, which is consistent with the primary biological roles of the enzymes. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate a functional relationship between aminoglycoside and protein kinases, expanding on our previous observations of similarities in protein structure, enzyme mechanism and sensitivity to inhibitors, and suggest an evolutionary link between APHs and EPKs.  相似文献   

We investigated two forms (designated as yGI and yGII) of rabies virus glycoprotein (G) analogues produced in the G cDNA-transfected yeast cells. Molecular weights of yGI and yGII were estimated as 66 and 56 kDa, respectively, according to their relative mobility in SDS-PAGE. Although being produced in large amounts, yGI was present mostly in insoluble forms and hardly extractable with non-ionic detergents. The yGI reacted with polyclonal anti-G antibodies, but did not react with our conformational epitope-specific anti-G monoclonal antibodies (G-MAbs). No protective immunity was induced by yGI in guinea pigs nor in mice. On the other hand, yGII was Triton-soluble, but was only small in amount (at most 1% of total G proteins) and was shown to lack the cytoplasmic domain. The yGII, however, reacted with the G-MAbs and induced protective immunity in guinea pigs as well. When the G-cDNA was expressed in animal cells in culture, a single form (about 66 kDa) of G protein was produced, which displayed similar behaviors as seen in its reactivity with the MAbs and intracellular distribution as seen in the virus-infected cells. These results suggest that most G protein molecules were not processed normally in yeast cells, resulting in abnormal folding and multimer formation, while only a small fraction were occasionally folded normally to have conformational epitopes but were mostly deprived of the C-terminal portion.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the long-term efficacy and safety of brimonidine 0.2% twice daily with timolol 0.5% twice daily in patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension. METHODS: Of the 926 patients enrolled in the study, 837 met the protocol entry criteria and received either brimonidine 0.2% twice daily (n = 466) or timolol 0.5% (n = 371) twice daily in each eye for 1 year. RESULTS: Brimonidine and timolol significantly reduced mean intraocular pressure (P < .001) from baseline levels at every scheduled follow-up visit, both at hour 2 (peak) and hour 12 (trough). At weeks 1 and 2 and months 3 and 12, significantly greater mean decreases in intraocular pressure (P < .040) at peak were observed in patients treated with brimonidine than those treated with timolol. The mean intraocular pressure decrease at trough was significantly greater for timolol than for brimonidine at each follow-up visit (P < .001). With the exception of ocular allergy (in 11.5% of patients using brimonidine and less than 1% using timolol), fewer than 3% of patients in either treatment group withdrew from the study prematurely as a result of a specific adverse event. Patients receiving timolol experienced significant decreases in heart rate (P < .001) from baseline at all follow-up visits. No significant changes in heart rate were seen in patients treated with brimonidine. Neither medication produced clinically significant changes in blood pressure. CONCLUSION: Brimonidine is safe and effective in the long-term lowering of intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension, with efficacy comparable to that of timolol but without a notable negative chronotropic effect on the heart.  相似文献   

Marburg and Ebola virus, members of the family Filoviridae, cause a severe hemorrhagic disease in humans and primates. The disease is characterized as a pantropic virus infection often resulting in a fulminating shock associated with hemorrhage, and death. All known histological and pathophysiological parameters of the disease are not sufficient to explain the devastating symptoms. Previous studies suggested a nonspecific destruction of the endothelium as a possible mechanism. Concerning the important regulatory functions of the endothelium (blood pressure, anti-thrombogenicity, homeostasis), we examined Marburg virus replication in primary cultures of human endothelial cells and organ cultures of human umbilical cord veins. We show here that Marburg virus replicates in endothelial cells almost as well as in monkey kidney cells commonly used for virus propagation. Our data support the concept that the destruction of endothelial cells resulting from Marburg virus replication is a possible mechanism responsible for the hemorrhagic disease and the shock syndrome typical of this infection.  相似文献   

The major surface glycoprotein (MSG) of Pneumocystis carinii f. sp. carinii is a family of proteins encoded by a family of heterogeneous genes. Messenger RNAs encoding different MSGs each begin with the same 365-bp sequence, called the Upstream Conserved Sequence (UCS), which is in frame with the contiguous MSG sequence. The UCS contains several potential start sites for translation. To determine if translation of MSG mRNAs begins in the UCS, polyclonal antiserum was raised against the 123-amino-acid peptide encoded by the UCS. The anti-UCS serum reacted with a P. carinii protein that migrated at 170 kDa; however, it did not react with the mature MSG protein, which migrates at 116 kDa. A 170-kDa protein was immunoprecipitated with anti-UCS serum and shown to react with a monoclonal antibody against a conserved MSG epitope. To explore the functional role of the UCS in the trafficking of MSG, the nucleotide sequence encoding the UCS peptide was ligated to the 5' end of an MSG gene and incorporated into a recombinant baculovirus. Insect cells infected with the UCS-MSG hybrid gene expressed a 160-kDa protein which was N-glycosylated. By contrast, insect cells infected with a baculovirus carrying an MSG gene lacking the UCS expressed a nonglycosylated 130-kDa protein. These data suggest that in P. carinii, translation begins in the UCS to produce a pre-MSG protein, which is subsequently directed to the endoplasmic reticulum and processed to the mature form by proteolytic cleavage.  相似文献   

We describe the development of the baculovirus Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcNPV) as a vector for the display of distinct proteins on the viral surface in a manner that is analogous to the established bacterial "phage display" systems. As a model system, the marker gene encoding the 26kDa protein glutathione-S-transferase (GST) was used to construct several fusions with the major baculovirus glycoprotein gp64 gene. Following expression in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells, the yield and cellular distribution of each GST-gp64 protein was assessed by Western blot of both cell and supernatant fractions. One fusion, in which GST was inserted between the leader peptide and the nature protein, was found to be efficiently secreted into the cell medium. In the context of expression of the full length gp64, the hybrid GST-gp64 was shown by immunogold labelling to be incorporated onto the virion surface. In addition, the affinity purification of the soluble transmembrane gp64-GST fusion protein resulted in the co-purification of wild type gp64 suggesting that co-oligomerization of the GST-tagged fusion and the wild type molecule was the basis for virion incorporation. The HIV major surface glycoprotein, gp120 was also efficiently displayed in functional form on the viral surface following fusion to the amino terminus of gp64. A general expression vector, pAcSurf-2, was constructed in which multiple cloning sites were positioned in-phase between the gp64 signal sequence and the sequence encoding the mature protein under the control of the polyhedrin promoter.  相似文献   

To develop a less reactogenic but equally immunogenic vaccine, this study of 91 human volunteers compared the safety and immunogenic potency of a new, cell culture-derived vaccinia virus vaccine administered intradermally and intramuscularly with the licensed vaccinia vaccine administered by scarification. Cutaneous pox lesions developed in a higher proportion of scarification vaccinees. Scarification and intradermal vaccine recipients who developed cutaneous pox lesions had more local reactions but also achieved significantly higher cell-mediated and neutralizing antibody responses than those who did not develop pox lesions. Although less reactogenic, intradermal or intramuscular administration of vaccinia vaccine without the concomitant development of a cutaneous pox lesion induced lower immune responses.  相似文献   

In an attempt to identify the human herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7) envelope protein(s) involved in cell surface binding, the extracellular domain of the HHV-7 glycoprotein B (gB) homolog protein was cloned and expressed as a fusion product with the Fc domain of human immunoglobulin G heavy chain gamma1 (gB-Fc) in an eukaryotic cell system. Indirect immunofluorescence followed by flow cytometric analysis revealed specific binding of gB-Fc to the membrane of SupT1 cells but not to other CD4+ T-lymphoblastoid cell lines, such as Jurkat or PM1, clearly indicating that gB-Fc did not bind to the CD4 molecule. This was also suggested by the ability of gB-Fc to bind to CD4-negative fibroblastoid Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The binding was abrogated by enzymatic removal of cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans by heparinase and heparitinase but not by treatment with condroitinase ABC. In addition, binding of the gB-Fc fusion protein to CHO cells was severely impaired in the presence of soluble heparin, as well as when heparan sulfate-deficient mutant CHO cells were used. Consistent with these findings, soluble heparin was found to block HHV-7 infection and syncytium formation in the SupT1 cell line. Although the CD4 antigen is a critical component of the receptor for the T-lymphotropic HHV-7, these findings suggest that heparin-like molecules also play an important role in HHV-7-cell surface interactions required for infection and that gB represents one of the HHV-7 envelope proteins involved in the adsorption of virus-to-cell surface proteoglycans.  相似文献   

Fibronectin is a highly conserved dimeric glycoprotein found in high concentrations in plasma and widely distributed in low concentrations in the extracellular matrix of tissues. The protein is the product of a single gene, but multiple splicing variants are expressed that show tissue specificity. Three exons (IIIA, IIIB, and V) can be alternatively spliced to produce different fibronectin isoforms. We report here that fibronectin is a remarkably abundant component of the extracellular matrix of bovine tracheal cartilage, increasing with age to more than 20% of the tissue, dry weight. This matrix form of fibronectin is inextractable by 4 M guanidine HCl, indicating that it is a covalently cross-linked structural component. By protein sequence analysis, the main molecular form of fibronectin in bovine tracheal cartilage was shown to lack the ED-B domain encoded by exon IIIB.  相似文献   

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