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将氮气(N2)光催化还原为氨(NH3)是一种可持续的能源生产方法。等离激元共振光催化剂能够通过表面等离激元共振效应实现太阳能的有效转化,也因此受到越来越广泛的关注。然而,热载流子往往会在催化固氮的过程中发生重新结合。本研究将具有等离激元共振效应的Ag纳米粒子与ZnO半导体复合(Ag/ZnO)并应用于氮气光固定。与ZnO相比,Ag/ZnO在氮气光固定的催化活性得到了提高,室温下氨生成速率达到120 μmol.gcat.-1.h-1。进一步的机理研究表明在Ag纳米颗粒与ZnO的界面处形成了肖特基势垒,这大幅度促进了光生电子-空穴对的分离。Ag纳米粒子通过表面等离激元共振效应生成热载流子,所形成的肖特基势垒则促进了电子从Ag向ZnO转移。此外,ZnO中的富电子Zn +可能作为活性位点以吸附和活化氮气分子,从而促进氮气光固定的进行。 相似文献
对多孔钛表面制备TiO2纳米管的阳极氧化工艺进行研究。在两种电解质溶液中采用阳极氧化法分别对多孔钛和钛箔进行表面处理。一种电解质溶液是含有0.5%HF的冰醋酸,另一种电解质溶液是含有0.5%NH4F(质量分数)的乙二醇溶液(醇水体积比4:1)。结果表明:两种方法在钛箔上都可以生成TiO2纳米管,而多孔钛表面只能在NH4F电解质溶液中生成纳米管,HF溶液中过高的电流密度是纳米管在多孔钛基体上难以生成的主要原因。采用扫描电子显微镜和X射线衍射仪对不同基体上的TiO2纳米管进行表征,相比钛箔基体上的纳米管管壁,多孔钛上的纳米管管壁更薄。对所制备的TiO2热处理研究表明,锐钛矿相在400°C时形成,并在700°C完全转变为金红石相。经450°C热处理样品的光催化性能最好。光催化性能也受到多孔钛孔隙率的影响,在孔隙率为60%时光催化性能最好。 相似文献
采用热注入法,以AgNO3为前躯体,乙二醇为还原剂,聚乙烯吡咯烷酮为稳定剂和分散剂,制备银纳米颗粒。利用透射电子显微镜(TEM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)和紫外-可见光分光光度计(UV-Vis)对产物银颗粒的尺寸形貌、晶体结构以及光学性能进行了表征,同时根据Mie散射理论对消光谱进行模拟计算。结果表明,同传统的一步化学还原法相比,利用热注入法制备的银纳米颗粒粒径分布更加均匀,分散性更好。所制备的银颗粒呈类球形,粒度约为20 nm,其共振吸收谱线同模拟计算的结果基本符合。 相似文献
K. Nouneh M. OyamaG. Lakshminarayana I.V. KitykA. Wojciechowski K. Ozga 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2011,509(40):9663-9668
In this work, the effect of ITO substrate on Ag NP size, morphology and photoinduced absorption depending on the time of 30 ps laser treatment were explicitly studied. Silver nanoparticles with an average diameter of ∼40 nm supported on indium tin oxide (ITO) were irradiated with a tightly focused pulsed laser (doubled frequency beam) at 532 nm. The size transformation of silver nanoparticles induced by a single pulse of Nd:YAG laser (λ = 532 nm, pulse width = 30 ps) was directly observed by an electron scanning microscopy (FE-SEM) on indium tin oxide surface. Simultaneously the change in the absorption and the corresponding derivatives are also presented. These morphological changes are accompanied by a significant change in the optical absorption properties of the array. This study demonstrates that picosecond laser irradiation is an excellent technique to operate and control the properties of nanostructured materials on solid supports. 相似文献
以双还原剂法制备的单晶三角形银纳米盘为模板,在室温溶液相与HAuCl4发生多轮置换反应,反应9轮后纳米盘的面内偶极表面等离子体共振峰从初始的700 nm逐步红移到1100 nm,形貌从实心盘状逐渐变为空心纳米环.改变每轮加入的HAuCl4的量即可精细调节面内偶极峰的红移步进量.在只进行一轮反应时,若加入的HAuCl4少于一定量,面内偶极峰会发生小幅度的蓝移.在银纳米盘模板溶液中用抗坏血酸还原AgNO3,银原子沉积到纳米盘上使其生长,若采用多轮还原生长的方法,生长8轮后纳米盘的面内偶极峰逐步蓝移至650 nm,形貌从三角形盘状逐渐变为更大更圆滑的圆盘状.以上方法实现了在温和反应条件下在可见光至近红外光区方便地逐步调节银纳米结构的吸收峰. 相似文献
首次通过磁控溅射制备了对齐的Au-TiO2纳米棒阵列,Au-TiO2纳米棒的制备通过直流反应磁控溅射法在室温中进行,之后在500oC的空气中热处理两小时,热处理导致Au-TiO2纳米棒的Au纳米粒子嵌入到锐钛矿相TiO2纳米棒中, 与传统方法制备的纯TiO2纳米棒相比, 这些Au-TiO2纳米棒表现出较低的光致发光强度和较高的光吸收性, 并且对可见光反应强烈. TiO2纳米棒中的Au纳米颗粒能够抑制电荷复合 相似文献
通过柠檬酸钠还原银离子,以银纳米粒子为种子,在室温下制备出平均厚度约为5nm,尺寸40到500nm可调的三角形银纳米片。通过种子调停法可实现银纳米盘的面内偶极表面等离子体共振峰(SPR)从最初的520nm红移至1100nm。通过控制实验参数能够很好地理解其生长机制。柠檬酸根离子和增加到生长液里面的银纳米种子是2个重要的参数,可以控制银纳米盘的大小却不改变银纳米盘的厚度以及晶面结构。采用PVP作为包覆剂,其作用机理还不是很清楚,需要进一步的研究。 相似文献
Adsorption of silver ions from aqueous solution onto H2TiO3 was studied. Equilibrium experimental studies were performed to determine the adsorption capacity of H2TiO3 for silver ion at various pH values. Batch experiments were conducted in the range of pH value 3-7 and silver ions concentration 10-200 mg/L. The results show that the adsorption is strongly dependent on pH value. The equilibrium absorption capacity of H2TiO3 increases significantly with the increase of pH value from 3 to 7. The adsorption of silver ion obeys the Langmuir isothermal equation well in the concentration range studied, the adsorption constant is 0.054 7, 0.052 4, 0.0881 at pH 5, 6 and 7, respectively, and the maximum adsorption capacities are 23.64, 29.76 and 40.82 mg/g. 相似文献
The Assaf panel arrangement was used for evaluating pulse reverse plating processes and optimisation of the throwing power (TP) of complex three-dimensional (3D) geometries. Two different electroplating processes were investigated: an acid copper bath and a cyanide silver bath without additives. It has not been possible to establish a direct correlation factor for TP obtained with the Assaf panel and the 3D objects included in the trials. Nevertheless, the Assaf panel was found to be a useful tool for preliminary process parameter optimisation. The copper bath needs agitation to deposit coatings of good quality, whereas the silver bath obtains the best throwing power without agitation. The latter is probably due to inhibition by adsorbed cyanide. 相似文献