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中小型企业主的魅力型领导行为方式对下属影响机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶余建  何铨  聂雪林 《人类工效学》2007,13(3):41-43,57
研究采用魅力型领导、自我结构、自尊、自我效能以及组织公民行为问卷,在30家中小型企业收集了206份调查问卷。通过中介关系结构模型分析表明魅力型领导行为可以通过员工的自我效能和自尊而作用于组织公民行为。  相似文献   

服务业领导风格与组织变革关系的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以湖北省武汉市的26家服务企业的410名员工为调查对象,采用结构方程模型和SPSS统计方法对服务业领导风格与组织变革关系进行建模和统计分析.运用SPSS 11.5和LISREL 8.72软件对收集的357份有效问卷进行分析,结果显示:构建的服务业领导风格与组织变革模型较好;调查问卷有良好的效度和信度;变革型领导风格和交易型领导风格对组织变革内容都有显著的正效应;相比变革型领导而言,交易型领导对组织变革评价有显著的直接正效应;组织变革内容对领导风格与组织变革评价关系有一定的中介作用.  相似文献   

目的创业意向为什么及何时会转化为实际创业行为?本文通过创业自我效能感在创业意向与创业行为的中介作用,来解释创业意向向创业行为转化的机制;并用创业支持感在创业意向与自我效能感关系中的调节效应,来解释创业意向向创业行为转化的条件。方法通过问卷收集403份大学生有效问卷数据,运用SPSS分析工具进行相关分析和回归分析。结果创业意向对创业行为有显著正向影响,创业自我效能感在创业意向和创业行为中起完全中介作用,政府支持感和利益相关者支持感在创业意向与创业自我效能感的正向关系中起正向调节作用。结论创业意向对创业行为有很好的预测作用,有创业意向的个体更容易产生创业行为,其原因是有创业意向的个体有更高的创业自我效能感;如果有创业意向的个体获得了更多的政府和利益相关者社会支持,其创业自我效能感更强,进而更容易采取实际创业行动。  相似文献   

王萍  周煜莹 《人类工效学》2021,(1):74-79,86
目的 应用社会认知理论,从时间视角出发探讨时间效能感在时间领导与员工创造力关系的间的中介作用,以及下属依赖的调节作用.方法 采用领导-员工配套问卷的方式收集443份有效问卷数据,并运用SPSS和Amos分析工具对数据进行分析.结果 时间领导对员工创造力具有显著正向影响;时间效能感在时间领导和员工创造力之间起部分中介作用...  相似文献   

转换型领导、员工自我效能感和绩效的相关研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
转换型领导风格已成为当代领导有效性研究的前沿课题和领导风格研究的主要焦点,自我效能感也是管理心理学、教育心理学、学习心理学等心理学分支的重要研究内容之一,而二都对结果变量--绩效有着非常显的影响。该回顾了转换型领导、组织员工的自我效能以及绩效的相关研究,并对此进行了简要评述。  相似文献   

目的探讨大学生情绪智力、自我效能感和社会支持与应激承受能力的关系。方法采用情绪智力量表、应激承受能力量表、一般自我效能感量表、社会支持量表对742名大学生进行研究。结果个体的情绪智力能预测其应激承受能力;一般自我效能感和社会支持与应激承受能力存在正相关;一般自我效能感和社会支持在情绪智力预测应激承受能力的过程中起部分中介作用。结论大学生的情绪智力水平会影响其一般自我效能感和社会支持水平,最终影响其应激承受能力。  相似文献   

目的检验中文驾驶员自我效能感量表在我国驾驶员群体中的信度、效度和适用性。方法使用中文版驾驶员自我效能感量表和驾驶风格量表对448名驾驶员进行测量。结果修订后的驾驶员自我效能感量表由10个题目组成,累计方差解释率为53.35%。修订后量表总的内部一致性信度为0.883。量表总分与驾驶风格量表各维度之间相关显著,表明量表的结构效度较好。量表总分与驾驶员过去一年中的交通违规次数、交通事故次数之间相关显著,表明量表的外部效度较好。结论修订后的驾驶员自我效能感量表由10个题目组成,量表的信效度较好,适合中国驾驶员应用。  相似文献   

本研究目的探讨网络英语学习者创新能力、自我效能感和学业成绩的关系。为提高网络英语学习者学业成绩提供心理学依据。方法选取广东白云学院网络英语学习者450名学生为被试,使用大学生网络英语学习者自我效能感量表和创新能力测验对网络英语学习者自我效能感和创新能力进行了测量。结果自我效能感在网络英语学习者创新能力中对学业成绩的影响过程中起了中介变量的作用。结论网络英语学习者不仅应该注重学习过程创新能力的培养,也需要自我效能感的提升。建议为提高网络英语学习者学业成绩提出了切实可行的有效途径。  相似文献   

周明建  刘成敏 《人类工效学》2011,17(3):42-45,41
本文目的在于检验人-岗匹配度(person -job fit)在授权型领导力和员工自我效能感之间的调节作用.来自深圳15家企业的253名员工填写了我们的调查问卷,最终227份有效问卷构成本研究的样本.基于多元回归分析结果,我们发现人-岗匹配度的调节效应存在;画出的图形显示相比于人-岗匹配度高的员工,对人-岗匹配度低的员...  相似文献   

目的:探讨企业客户服务人员工作压力、一般自我效能感与工作倦怠的关系。方法:采用问卷调查法对金融、物业、销售行业292名客户服务人员进行调查。结果:(1)工作压力与工作倦怠的玩世不恭和成就感低落2个维度显著正相关,一般自我效能感与工作倦怠的情绪衰竭、玩世不恭、成就感低落3个维度均显著负相关;(2)工作压力对女性的影响比男性大,男性的一般自我效能感显著高于女性;(3)未婚员工比已婚员工表现出更大的焦虑和忧郁,工作压力更大;(4)国有企业、民营企业、外资企业客服人员的工作压力依次增大;(5)一般自我效能感在工作压力与工作倦怠的关系中起到了中介作用。结论:工作压力越大,工作倦怠越严重,一般自我效能感在工作压力与工作倦怠的关系中起到了中介作用。  相似文献   

变革型领导与员工创新:认同的中介作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究采用变革型领导、下属对领导的个人认同、团队认同、以及员工创新问卷,在某大型国有企业收集了102个团队,共418对上下级配对调查问卷。多层线性分析的结果显示个人认同(而不是团队认同),对变革型领导与员工创新之间的关系具有完全中介作用。表明变革型领导可以通过建立下属对领导的个人认同来影响员工创新。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This article provides a brief biography of Julianne M. Morath, describes the scope and impact of her patient safety initiatives at Children's Hospitals and Clinics in Minneapolis and St Paul, and includes an interview in which Morath responds to questions about challenges to patient safety and medical accident reduction. BIOGRAPHY IN BRIEF: With a 25-year career spanning the spectrum of health care, Morath has served in leadership positions in health care organizations in Minnesota, Rhode Island, Ohio, and Georgia. LEADERSHIP AT THE FRONT LINE: Morath joined Children's Hospitals and Clinics in 1999 and launched a major patient safety initiative that put Children's on the map. Elements of the initiative included a culture of learning, patient safety action teams, open discussion of medical accidents and error, blameless reporting, and a full accident disclosure policy. AN INTERVIEW WITH JULIE MORATH: As the greatest challenge to leadership ownership of the patient safety initiative, Morath cites the need to confront the myths of the medical system and to develop the awareness of the issues of patient safety. She believes that clinicians on the front lines will be convinced that patient safety isn't "just another fad of the month" when leadership action is disciplined and aligns with what is being espoused. She advises other leaders of health care organizations interested in establishing a culture of safety to start with a personal and passionate belief that harm-free care is possible, to commit to informed action, and to identify and develop champions throughout the organization and medical staff.  相似文献   

目的基于自我决定理论与工作特征模型,建立并检验工作重塑对工作绩效的被调节的中介效应模型,并对植根于中国文化情境的包容性领导与权威性领导的作用进行对比分析。方法采用Bootstrap、结构方程等方法对来自各类型企业的432名员工样本数据进行统计实证分析。结果实证分析结果表明,工作重塑是员工自我赋能的工作设计方式。工作重塑对其工作绩效产生正向效用,且心理授权赋能在工作重塑与工作绩效间起部分中介作用;包容性领导强化工作重塑对心理授权赋能的作用,并正向调节心理授权赋能的中介作用。与之相对,权威性领导削弱工作重塑对心理授权赋能的作用,并负向调节心理授权赋能的中介作用。结论员工通过工作重塑方式进行自我赋能,进而提升工作绩效。包容性领导与权威性领导在此中介效应过程中起到相反的调节作用。  相似文献   

目的为了研究从员工工作绩效角度出发探讨差序式领导的有效性,以及个人主义/集体主义取向在两者关系间的调节作用。方法采用分析问卷调查法,对所获得的327份样本进行数据分析。结果差序式领导的有效性得到验证,能够对工作绩效起正向预测作用;水平个人主义负向调节差序式领导与工作绩效之间的关系;水平集体主义和垂直集体主义正向调节差序式领导与员工工作绩效之间的关系,且水平集体主义的调节作用更加明显。结论差序式领导适合中国情境,有助于提升员工绩效,但要有区别地针对不同员工展开。  相似文献   

Don Berwick and Michael Rothman discuss the Pursuing Perfection initiative, which is intended to help health care organizations integrate improvement work into day-to-day life, with systemwide changes in infrastructure, project management, care, and leadership.  相似文献   


Teams are increasingly becoming primary in the way employees in organizations conduct work. Understanding what makes teams effective is especially important for new product development (NPD) teams, whose members often have diverse backgrounds and competencies. The effects of similarities and differences among team members in NPD project-based work influence every aspect of that work. We explored the relationship between project team composition attributes and project team members' team leadership and facilitation behaviors, drawing from the literature on similarity-attraction effect.

Data from two time points that were 12-weeks apart were collected from 144 professional employees working in 48 project teams to test the study's hypotheses. Using HLM 6.0 (Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002), findings show that when it comes to project team composition, members of a team, who are similar on affective personal style traits, demonstrate greater team leadership and facilitation behaviors. We identify implications for generating productive team leadership and facilitation behaviors in NPD project-based work.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Concern about the expense and effects of intensive care prompted the development and implementation of a hospital-based performance improvement initiative in critical care at North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, New York, a 730-bed acute care teaching hospital. THE HOSPITAL-BASED PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE IN CRITICAL CARE: The initiative was intended to use a uniform set of measurements and guidelines to improve patient care and resource utilization in the intensive care units (ICUs), to establish and implement best practices (regarding admission and discharge criteria, nursing competency, unplanned extubations, and end-of-life care), and to improve performance in the other hospitals in the North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System. In the medical ICU, the percentage of low-risk (low-acuity) patients was reduced from 42% to 22%. ICU length of stay was reduced from 4.6 days to 4.1 days. IMPLEMENTING THE CRITICAL CARE PROJECT SYSTEMWIDE: A system-level critical care committee was convened in 1996 and charged with replicating the initiative. By and large, system efforts to integrate and implement policies have been successful. The critical care initiative has provided important comparative data and information from which to gauge individual hospital performance. DISCUSSION: Changing the critical care delivered on multiple units at multiple hospitals required sensitivity to existing organizational cultures and leadership styles. Merging organizational cultures is most successful when senior leadership set clear expectations that support the need for change. The process of collecting, trending, and communicating quality data has been instrumental in improving care practices and fostering a culture of safety throughout the health care system.  相似文献   

Determinants of research productivity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Earlier researchers like Turkeli, suggested that ‘the factors which determine the productivity of scientists are admittedly complex and perhaps not amenable to real scientific analysis′. The present investigation was designed with the sole purpose of confronting such a complex problem. Nearly 200 variables influencing research productivity were collected through relevant literature, analysis of biographies of great scientists, and discussion with eminent scientists. Finally, through a critical examination, 80 variables were selected for the use of Q-sort technique. The sample for the study consisted of a cross section of scientists ranging from Fellows of Indian National Science Academy to young agricultural scientists. Mailed questionnaires and personal interview methods were used for collecting data. Out of a total of 912 respondents, reply was obtained from 325. On the basis of Q-sorted data, 26 variables were selected for further analysis and they were subjected to principal component factor analysis. The results indicated eleven factors affecting research productivity of scientists. They were: persistence, resource adequacy, access to literature, initiative, intelligence, creativity, learning capability, stimulative leadership, concern for advancement, external orientation, and professional commitment.  相似文献   

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