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Preimplantation genetic diagnosis of translocations can be performed on first polar bodies (PB) at metaphase stage using FISH with whole-chromosome painting DNA probes. Here we report the use of this method in a couple in which the female was a carrier of a balanced translocation 46,XX,t(11;16)(q21;q22). This case unusual in that two polar bodies showed recombination events between the homologue chromosomes of 11 and 16 pairs, resulting in M-II oocytes with monovalent chromosomes having a normal and a derivative chromatid. For this type of case, PGD analysis on polar bodies cannot give a useful result, because, at the second meiotic division, either of these chromatids could remain in the oocyte, resulting in a normal, balanced or unbalanced embryo. PGD analysis on blastomeres can provide a solution. 11 previous cases of PGD of translocations performed by metaphase PB analysis are reviewed.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the process of peri-ovulatory oocyte maturation and the ultrastructural organization of the human egg and compares it with that of the mouse. The main thrust of the paper is on the human, since there are several reviews on the mouse. Both preovulatory and postovulatory events at fertilization, as well as some of the aberrant features of maturation are covered. Some changes induced by oocyte culture and cooling in the human are also included. The report attempts to focus on unique features of the human oocyte and shows a variety of ultrastructural differences between human and murine oocytes, which may well reflect differences in their physiology and biochemistry. Based on these differences and further observations on the process of fertilization of both species, particularly with respect to the inheritance of paternal centrioles, it is concluded that the mouse may not be a suitable model for the development and refinement of current procedures in human assisted reproductive technology.  相似文献   

Consumption of trichlorfon-poisoned fish by women in a small Hungarian village has been associated with trisomy resulting from an error of meiosis II in oogenesis. We therefore examined mouse oocytes exposed for 3 h during fertilization to 50 microg/ml trichlorfon. Spindle morphology was not visibly altered by the pesticide. Chromosomes segregated normally at anaphase II with no induction of aneuploidy. However, formation of a spindle was disturbed in many oocytes resuming meiosis I in the presence of trichlorfon. In spite of the spindle aberrations and the failure of bivalents to align properly at the equator, oocytes did not become meiotically arrested but progressed to metaphase II. At this stage, spindles were highly abnormal, and chromosomes were often totally unaligned, unattached or dispersed on the elongated and disorganized spindle. By causing spindle aberrations and influencing chromosome congression, trichlorfon appears, therefore, to predispose mammalian oocytes to random chromosome segregation, especially when they undergo a first division and develop to metaphase II during exposure. This is the first case in which environmentally induced human trisomy can be correlated with spindle aberrations induced by chemical exposure. Our observations suggest that oocytes may not possess a checkpoint sensing displacement of chromosomes from the equator at meiosis I and may therefore be prone to nondisjunction.  相似文献   

Rates of mitochondrial superoxide anion radical (O-2) generation are known to be inversely correlated with the maximum life span potential of different mammalian species. The objective of this study was to understand the possible mechanism(s) underlying such variations in the rate of O-2 generation. The hypothesis that the relative amounts of the ubiquinones or coenzyme Q (CoQ) homologues, CoQ9 and CoQ10, are related with the rate of O-2 generation was tested. A comparison of nine different mammalian species, namely mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit, pig, goat, sheep, cow, and horse, which vary from 3.5 to 46 years in their maximum longevity, indicated that the rate of O-2 generation in cardiac submitochondrial particles (SMPs) was directly related to the relative amount of CoQ9 and inversely related to the amount of CoQ10, extractable from their cardiac mitochondria. To directly test the relationship between CoQ homologues and the rate of O-2 generation, rat heart SMPs, naturally containing mainly CoQ9 and cow heart SMPs, with high natural CoQ10 content, were chosen for depletion/reconstitution experiments. Repeated extractions of rat heart SMPs with pentane exponentially depleted both CoQ homologues while the corresponding rates of O-2 generation and oxygen consumption were lowered linearly. Reconstitution of both rat and cow heart SMPs with different amounts of CoQ9 or CoQ10 caused an initial increase in the rates of O-2 generation, followed by a plateau at high concentrations. Within the physiological range of CoQ concentrations, there were no differences in the rates of O-2 generation between SMPs reconstituted with CoQ9 or CoQ10. Only at concentrations that were considerably higher than the physiological level, the SMPs reconstituted with CoQ9 exhibited higher rates of O-2 generation than those obtained with CoQ10. These in vitro findings do not support the hypothesis that differences in the distribution of CoQ homologues are responsible for the variations in the rates of mitochondrial O-2 generation in different mammalian species.  相似文献   

Two paramount observations exist regarding aneuploidy in human oocytes: its association with maternal age and its more frequent occurrence during meiosis I. Numerous experimental studies have shown that fertilization of postovulatory aged oocytes is coupled with reproductive failure and cytogenetic aberrations in embryos. However, the basic cytogenetic defect(s) of aged oocytes that causes these abnormalities has not been adequately described. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that postovulatory oocyte ageing results in increased frequencies of premature centromere separation (PCS) in metaphase II (MII) oocytes and aneuploidy in zygotes. MII oocytes and one-cell zygotes were collected from superovulated mice at different times after ovulation and fertilization. Chromosomes were C-banded and analyzed for structural and numerical aberrations. The frequencies of PCS in oocytes significantly (p < 0.01) increased with time postovulation: 15 h (15 of 529, 2.8%), 20 h (82 of 627, 13.1%), and 25 h (118 of 502, 23.5%). In zygotes, the frequencies of hyperploidy significantly (p < 0.01) increased with time post-fertilization: 0-4 h (0 of 260), 4-8 h (5 of 212, 2.4%), and 8-12 h (8 of 262, 3.1%). These data support the hypothesis that postovulatory ageing results in elevated levels of PCS in oocytes and of aneuploidy in zygotes. The link between PCS and aneuploidy may be random segregation of sister chromatids during anaphase II.  相似文献   

MRI systems often use magnetic field gradient and shim pulse-shaping networks (pre-emphasis) to correct for magnetic field distortions caused by eddy currents. A pre-emphasis system that uses up to 16 fixed resistor-capacitor (RC) time constants per channel with programmable amplitude coefficients is described. The magnetic fields induced by the pre-emphasis RC time constants serve as a set of basis functions for compensating eddy-current fields induced by the gradient set. The resultant time-varying magnetic field gradient accurately reflects the gradient specified by the pulse programmer. Reductions in eddy-current fields are demonstrated for actively shielded and unshielded gradient sets.  相似文献   

To study the mechanisms involved in the progression of meiotic maturation in the mouse, we used oocytes from two strains of mice, CBA/Kw and KE, which differ greatly in the rate at which they undergo meiotic maturation. CBA/Kw oocytes extrude the first polar body about 7 hours after breakdown of the germinal vesicle (GVBD), whilst the oocytes from KE mice take approximately 3-4 hours longer. In both strains, the kinetics of spindle formation are comparable. While the kinetics of MAP kinase activity are very similar in both strains (although slightly faster in CBA/Kw), the rise of cdc2 kinase activity is very rapid in CBA/Kw oocytes and slow and diphasic in KE oocytes. When protein synthesis is inhibited, the activity of the cdc2 kinase starts to rise but arrests shortly after GVBD with a slightly higher level in CBA/Kw oocytes, which may correspond to the presence of a larger pool of cyclin B1 in prophase CBA/Kw oocytes. After GVBD, the rate of cyclin B1 synthesis is higher in CBA/Kw than in KE oocytes, whilst the overall level of protein synthesis and the amount of messenger RNA coding for cyclin B1 are identical in oocytes from both strains. The injection of cyclin B1 messenger RNA in KE oocytes increased the H1 kinase activity and sped up first polar body extrusion. Finally, analysis of the rate of maturation in hybrids obtained after fusion of nuclear and cytoplasmic fragments of oocytes from both strains suggests that both the germinal vesicle and the cytoplasm contain factor(s) influencing the length of the first meiotic M phase. These results demonstrate that the rate of cyclin B1 synthesis controls the length of the first meiotic M phase and that a nuclear factor able to speed up cyclin B synthesis is present in CBA/Kw oocytes.  相似文献   

Proper control of environmental factors can be crucial to the identification of genes that influence susceptibility to a complex trait, especially for a trait such as lung cancer, for which the environmental factor (smoking) accounts for a significant etiologic fraction of the disease. An earlier segregation analysis of 337 Louisiana families, which incorporated direct measure of tobacco consumption, provided evidence for autosomal codominant inheritance of a major gene that influenced age at onset of lung cancer. Subsequent analyses were performed in which the families were stratified into two subsets based on birth cohort of the proband; results suggested the presence of heterogeneity that were postulated to reflect the influence of cohort trends in tobacco consumption. To evaluate this hypothesis further, we simulated a population of three-generation pedigrees in which an autosomal dominant mode of susceptibility to lung cancer was transmitted, but tobacco use varied across generations corresponding to published trends in smoking. A total of 200,000 individuals in families of various sizes, ages, and cigarette smoking habits were simulated from 1900 to 1980. From this population, 324 families (2,405 individuals) with 380 cases of lung cancer were ascertained through 328 lung cancer probands. Complex segregation analysis was performed using the REGTL program of S.A.G.E. in which pack-years of tobacco exposure were incorporated directly into the likelihood calculations. Although the no major gene, environmental, and Mendelian recessive hypotheses were rejected, both dominant and codominant transmission provided a good fit to the data. Thus in a population of simulated families with autosomal dominant susceptibility to lung cancer, intergenerational differences in tobacco consumption led to the detection of autosomal codominant transmission as an acceptable hypothesis. These results underscore the potential danger of segregation analysis of complex traits in which exposure to known environmental influences may differ across generations.  相似文献   

Mammalian homologues of the Drosophila trp gene have been invoked as the structural basis for the currents associated with capacitative Ca2+ entry (CCE) in many cell types. Trp homologues are members of a large protein family that may associate as channel subunits providing an explanation for the functional diversity of store-operated channels observed in these cells. However, there is little information as to which of these genes are co-expressed at the cellular level. We have examined the tissue specific expression of five mammalian trp genes and determined which are co-expressed in five different cell lines. The results show tissue- and cell-specific co-expression of multiple trp forms. This implies that the subunit composition of a particular CCE channel may vary depending on the cell type.  相似文献   

GABAA receptors composed of human alpha 1 beta 2 gamma 2L, alpha 1 beta 2 gamma 2S, alpha 1 beta 3 gamma 2S, alpha 6 beta 3 gamma 2S, and alpha 5 beta 3 gamma 3 subunits as well as bovine alpha 1 beta 1 gamma 2L and alpha 1 beta 1 subunits were stably expressed in mammalian L(tk-) cells and transiently expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Effects of muscimol, ethanol, flunitrazepam, and pentobarbital on receptor function were compared for the two expression systems using a 36Cl- flux assay for cells and an electrophysiological assay for oocytes. Muscimol activated all receptors in both expression systems but was more potent for L(tk-) cells than oocytes; this difference ranged from 2.6-to 26-fold, depending upon subunit composition. The most pronounced differences between receptors and expression systems were found for ethanol. In L(tk-) cells, low (5-50 mM) concentrations of ethanol potentiated muscimol responses only with receptors containing the gamma 2L subunit. In oocytes, concentrations of 30-100 mM produced small enhancements for most subunit combinations. Flunitrazepam enhanced muscimol responses for all receptors except alpha 6 beta 3 gamma 2S and alpha 1 beta 1, and this enhancement was similar for both expression systems. Pentobarbital also enhanced muscimol responses for all receptors, and this enhancement was similar for L(tk-) cells and oocytes, except for alpha 6 beta 3 gamma 2S where the pentobarbital enhancement was much greater in oocytes than cells. The alpha 6 beta 3 gamma 2S receptors were also distinct in that pentobarbital produced direct activation of chloride channels in both expression systems. Thus, the type of expression/assay system markedly affects the actions of ethanol on GABAA receptors and also influences the actions of muscimol and pentobarbital on this receptor. Differences between these expression systems may reflect posttranslational modifications of receptor subunits.  相似文献   

This study examined the timing of completion of meiosis I of bovine oocytes in which meiotic resumption had been inhibited by cycloheximide (CHX), and also determined the optimum interval of maturation in culture for subsequent fertilization and development. Most oocytes treated with CHX reached metaphase II at 16 hr in the maturation culture, while control oocytes did at 20 hr. CHX-treated oocytes cultured for 16 hr were normally fertilized but failed to develop into blastocysts. Maturation in culture for 20 hr resulted in comparable development for control oocytes. The results indicate that nuclear maturation of CHX-treated oocytes was completed 4 hr faster than for control oocytes, however the same interval of maturation as that of control oocytes is necessary for subsequent development to blastocysts.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of live starfish oocytes was observed during meiotic maturation and fertilization. The ER was visualized by injection into the cytoplasm of an oil drop saturated with the fluorescent lipophilic dye DiI; DiI spread throughout the oocyte endoplasmic reticulum and the pattern was imaged by confocal microscopy. The ER in the immature (germinal vesicle stage) oocyte was composed of interconnected membrane sheets. In response to 1-methyladenine, the sheets of ER appeared to become associated with the yolk platelets, forming spherical shells. A few of these spherical shells could sometimes be seen in immature oocytes, but their number was much greater in the egg at the first meiotic spindle stage. At about the time that the first polar body formed, the spherical shells disappeared, and the ER returned to a form like that of the immature oocyte. The spherical shells did not reappear during the second meiotic cycle. During maturation, the ER also began to move; the movement was apparent by the time of germinal vesicle breakdown and continued throughout both meiotic cycles and in eggs with second polar bodies. When eggs at the first meiotic spindle stage were fertilized, the form of the ER changed. Within 1 min after sperm addition to the observation chamber, the circular cross sections of the spherical shells of the unfertilized egg ER were no longer distinct. At this point, the form of the ER could not be discerned with the resolution of the light microscope; however, the rate of spreading of DiI from an injected oil drop decreased, providing strong evidence that the ER had become fragmented. The ER remained in this form for several minutes and then gradually, the appearance of the ER and the rate of DiI spreading returned to be like those of the unfertilized egg. Injection of inositol trisphosphate caused a similar change in the ER structure. These results indicate that the ER is a dynamic structure, the form of which changes during oocyte maturation and fertilization.  相似文献   

This report includes details of the clinical and pathologic features of 31 dogs with a range of systemic illness and granulomatous lymphadenopathy associated with the presence of birefringent crystalline material within lymph nodes. Similar crystalline material was found in the lymph nodes of dogs with lymphoma (n = 9) and as an incidental finding within the canine lung (n = 9). The mineral content of these crystals was determined by electron microprobe analysis and interpreted in light of the composition of known geological or human-made compounds. A wide range of elements was identified including silicon, sulfur, copper, calcium, and aluminium, with lesser proportions of phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iron, magnesium, titanium, nickel, and chromium. Many of these compounds may have originated from exogenous natural and human-made sources, but some compounds (notably phosphates and sulfates) are uncommon or not found in nature and may have been formed within the tissues of the body (biomineralization). The inflammatory response induced by the presence of these minerals within lymphoid tissue may trigger altered immunoregulation, accounting for the spectrum of disease observed.  相似文献   

We report the use of chromosome 21-specific painting probes to analyze early stages of oogenesis in nine trisomy 21 fetuses. The proportion of cells in zygotene and pachytene in the trisomic ovaries ranged from 8 to 70% with a mean of 42% +/- 19 while the comparable values of euploid specimens ranged from 34 to 90% with a mean of 65% +/- 19. The low proportion of pairing cells may be the basis for the ovarian dysgenesis observed in some trisomy infants. Five percent of trisomic pachytene cells exhibited complete asynapsis which is an order of magnitude higher than that observed in euploid cells. A large fraction of the asynaptic cells were atretic which is consistent with the hypothesis of meiotic pairing as a signal for atresia. In addition, the asynaptic cells exhibited asynapsis of chromosomes other than 21, which we interpret as an interchromosomal effect of trisomy 21.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rad51 and Dmc1 are Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologues of the Escherichia coli recombination protein RecA. Mutant analysis has shown that both proteins are required for normal meiotic recombination, for timely and efficient formation of synaptonemal complex and for normal progression out from meiotic prophase. RESULTS: We have further characterized rad51 and dmc1 single mutants. A dmc1 mutation confers more severe defects in double strand break (DSB) resolution, crossover recombination and meiotic progression than does a rad51 mutant; in contrast, during return to growth, a rad51 mutation confers more severe defects in viability and intrachromosomal recombination than does a dmc1 mutation. Analysis of a rad51 dmc1 double mutant, in parallel with single mutants, shows that the double mutant is more defective with respect to the formation of crossovers during meiosis and, especially strikingly, with respect to interhomologue and intrachromosomal recombination during return to growth. Consistent with the observation of DMC1-dependent recombination in a rad51 mutant, subnuclear complexes of Dmc1 protein were detected for the first time in this mutant. In contrast to the effects on recombination, the effect of the double mutant on meiotic progression was similar to that of the rad51 single mutant. CONCLUSION: Rad51 and Dmc1 each make unique contributions to meiotic recombination. However, the two proteins are capable of substituting for one another under some circumstances, implying that they most likely share at least one recombination function. Recombination and cell cycle phenotypes are all consistent with the possibility that a dmc1 mutation causes an arrest of the post-DSB recombination complexes at a later, more stable stage than does a rad51 mutation.  相似文献   

In almost all animal species, immature oocytes are arrested naturally in the first meiotic prophase, with a large nucleus called the germinal vesicle. A number of previous studies showed that both activation of maturation/M phase-promoting factor (MPF) (assayed by semiquantitative cytological methods) and some other maturational events occur essentially normally in enucleated oocytes from many amphibian species and mice. Hence, for nearly three decades, it has generally been believed that nuclear material is dispensable for MPF activation and the meiotic cell cycle in vertebrate oocytes. Here, we have challenged this view by examining the histone H1 kinase activities and the molecular forms of MPF in experimentally manipulated Xenopus oocytes. We show that oocytes injected with nuclear material undergo much more rapid MPF activation and maturation than uninjected control oocytes. Conversely, enucleated oocytes, unlike nucleated counterparts, undergo only weak MPF activation in meiosis I and no detectable MPF reactivation in meiosis II, the latter accompanying inhibitory tyrosine phosphorylation of cdc2 kinase, the catalytic subunit of MPF. These results argue strongly that nuclear material is indispensable for the meiotic cell cycle, particularly MPF reactivation (or cdc2 tyrosine dephosphorylation) on entry into meiosis II, in Xenopus oocytes. The classical and general view may thus need reconsideration.  相似文献   

Increased expression of antioxidant enzymes and heat-shock proteins are key markers of oxidative stress. Such proteins are abnormally present within the neuropathological lesions of Alzheimer's disease (AD), suggesting that oxidative stress may play significant but yet undefined roles in this disorder. To gain further insight into the role of oxidative stress in AD, we studied the expression of CuZn superoxide dismutase (SOD) and hemoxygenase-1 (HO-1), two established markers of oxidative stress, in a transgenic mouse model of AD. Immunohistochemistry with anti-SOD and anti-HO-1 antibodies revealed a very pronounced increase of these proteins only in aged transgene-positive mice. Interestingly, the distribution of the oxidative burden was largely overlapping with dystrophic neuritic elements in the mice as highlighted with anti-ubiquitin antibodies. Because the most conspicuous alterations were identified around amyloid (Abeta) deposits, our results provide strong support for the hypothesis that Abeta is neurotoxic in vivo and that such toxicity is mediated by free radicals. To obtain additional experimental evidence for such an interpretation (ie, a cause-effect relationship between Abeta and oxidative neurotoxicity), PC12 cells were exposed to increasing concentrations of Abeta or to oxidative stress. In agreement with the in vivo findings, either treatment caused marked induction of SOD or HO-1 in a dose-dependent fashion. These results validate the transgenic approach for the study of oxidative stress in AD and for the evaluation of antioxidant therapies in vivo.  相似文献   

Some mammalian oocytes fail to complete maturation in vitro and arrest development at the first metaphase stage. The response of such blocked oocytes to sperm penetration was investigated. Ovarian mouse oocytes from two inbred strains, CBA/Kw and KE, were cultured in vitro for 20 h. Both oocytes arrested at the first metaphase (MI oocytes) and second metaphase (MII oocytes) were then inseminated. The majority of MII and MI oocytes reinitiated meiosis in response to sperm penetration, although those from the CBA strain did with higher frequency. Moreover, a high proportion of unpenetrated oocytes from CBA, but not the KE strain, resumed meiosis (33% for MII and 48% for MI oocytes, respectively). Parthenogenetic activation of MI-arrested oocytes was demonstrated in (CBAxKE)F1 mice; ovarian oocytes matured in vitro and then treated by electric shock were activated with a similar total frequency of 52.4% for MI and 47.8% for MII oocytes. The rate of activation increased equivalently for both MI and MII oocytes as the length of maturation prolonged. This demonstrates that mouse oocytes arrested at MI during their maturation in vitro continue cytoplasmic maturation and become capable of undergoing activation in a way similar to those maturing to MII. Additionally, in MII oocytes cultured for an equal time in vitro the rate of activation increased with the time lapse after first polar body (PB1) extrusion. This indicates that after PB1 extrusion, the oocyte requires some resting time before it may be activated, perhaps to restore the proper balance between elements of the cell cycle controlling the mechanism involved in first meiotic division.  相似文献   

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