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Lactating Holstein cows (n = 711) on a commercial dairy farm in Wisconsin received a hormonal synchronization protocol to initiate first timed artificial insemination (TAI) on the following postpartum schedule: two injections of 25 mg PGF2alpha at 32 +/- 3 d and 46 +/- 3 d (Presynch); 100 microg GnRH at 60 +/- 3 d; 25 mg PGF2alpha at 67 +/- 3 d; and 100 microg GnRH + TAI at 69 +/- 3 d (Ovsynch). At first TAI, cows were randomly assigned to initiate the first GnRH injection of a hormonal protocol for resynchronization of ovulation (Resynch; 100 microg GnRH, d 0, 25 mg PGF2alpha, d 7, 100 microg GnRH + TAI, d 9) at 19 (D19), 26 (D26), or 33 d (D33) after first TAI to set up a second TAI service for cows failing to conceive to Ovsynch. Overall pregnancy rate per artificial insemination (PR/AI) to Ovsynch assessed 68 d after TAI was 31% and did not differ among treatment groups. For Resynch, PR/AI was assessed 26 d after TAI for D19 and D26 cows and 33 d after TAI for D33 cows. Overall PR/AI to Resynch was 32%. However, the PR/AI for D26 (34%) and D33 (38%) cows to Resynch was greater than for D19 cows (23%). Cows with a CL at the PGF2alpha injection (D19 cows) or at the first GnRH injection (D26 + D33 cows) of Resynch exhibited greater PR/AI to Resynch compared with cows without a CL. Survival analysis (failure time) of cows in the D26 and D33 treatment groups across the first three TAI services did not differ statistically. Although administration of GnRH to pregnant cows 19 d after first TAI service did not appear to induce iatrogenic embryonic loss, initiation of Resynch 19 d after first TAI service resulted in a lower PR/AI compared with initiation of Resynch 26 or 33 d after first TAI service.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to compare reproductive responses of dairy cows receiving timed artificial insemination (AI) either at 48 or 72 h after induction of luteolysis and supplemented or not with estradiol cypionate (ECP). Holstein cows (971) had their estrous cycles presynchronized with injections of PGF at 37 and 51 d in milk (DIM) and then received an injection of GnRH at 64 DIM and an injection of PGF at 71 DIM. Cows were then assigned to a 2 × 2 factorial randomized block experiment; cows in the CoSynch 48 h (CoS48) received a final injection of GnRH concurrent with timed AI 48 h after PGF, whereas cows in the CoSynch 72 h (CoS72) received GnRH and timed AI 72 h after PGF. Half of the cows in each CoSynch protocol received an injection of 1 mg of ECP 24 h after PGF. Therefore, the 4 treatments were as follows: CoS48-NECP (n = 240), CoS72-NECP (n = 246), CoS48-ECP (n = 245), and CoS72-ECP (n = 240). Blood was sampled at 7 d before and at the first GnRH of the CoSynch from all cows for analysis of progesterone concentration in plasma. Cows were classified as anovular when progesterone was less than 1.0 ng/mL in both samples. Blood was also sampled during proestrus from a subset of 123 cows to measure concentrations of estradiol and at 7 d after timed AI to measure concentrations of progesterone. Ovaries from the same subset of 123 cows were examined by ultrasonography to determine ovulatory follicle diameter and incidence of ovulation. Pregnancy was diagnosed at 40 and 68 d after AI. Prevalence of cyclic cows was 72.4% and was similar among treatments. Concentrations of estradiol increased after ECP treatment and at 72 h of proestrus with CoS72. Pregnancy at 40 and 68 d after AI and pregnancy loss were not affected by timing of AI or supplemental ECP. Delaying timed AI to 72 h and supplementation with ECP increased the proportion of cows displaying estrus at AI, and cows detected in estrus had increased pregnancy per AI associated with improved ovulation and increased postovulatory progesterone concentration. These results indicate that extending the proestrus by delaying timed AI from 48 to 72 h plus supplemental ECP, despite increased expression of estrus at timed AI, did not improve reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows at first AI.  相似文献   

Objectives were to determine the effect of reducing the period of follicle dominance in a timed artificial insemination (AI) protocol on pregnancy per AI (P/AI) in Holstein cows. In experiment 1, 165 cows received 2 injections of PGF at 36 and 50 d in milk (DIM). At 61 DIM, cows were assigned randomly to Cosynch 72 h (CoS72: d 61 GnRH, d 68 PGF, d 71 GnRH) or to a 5-d Cosynch 72 h with 1 (5dCoS1: d 61 GnRH, d 66 PGF, d 69 GnRH) or 2 injections of PGF (5dCoS2: d 61 GnRH, d 66 and 67 PGF, d 69 GnRH). Blood was sampled at the first GnRH, first PGF, and at the second GnRH of the protocols and assayed for progesterone. Ovulatory responses to GnRH were evaluated by ultrasonography. Cows were considered synchronized if they had concentrations of progesterone ≥1 ng/mL and <1 ng/mL on the days of the PGF, and the second GnRH of the protocols, respectively, and if they ovulated within 48 h of the second GnRH injection. In experiment 2, 933 cows were assigned randomly to CoS72 or 5dCoS2. Blood was assayed for progesterone and ovaries were scanned as in experiment 1. Plasma on the days of the first PGF and final GnRH of the timed AI protocols was assayed for estradiol in 75 cows. Pregnancy was diagnosed on d 38 and 66 after AI. In experiment 1, the proportions of cows with corpora lutea (CL) regression on the day of AI differed and were 79.0, 59.1, and 95.7% for CoS72, 5dCoS1, and 5dCoS2, respectively. Cows that ovulated to the first GnRH of the Cosynch tended to have lesser CL regression than cows that did not ovulate (73.0 vs. 86.4%). Protocol synchronization differed between treatments and they were greater for CoS72 (69.4%) and 5dCoS2 (78.4%) than for 5dCoS1 (42.3%). In experiment 2, CL regression was lesser (91.5 vs. 96.3%) but detection of estrus at timed AI (30.9 vs. 23.6%) was greater for CoS72 than 5dCoS2, and cows in estrus had increased P/AI (46.2 vs. 31.9%). Cows in CoS72 ovulated a larger follicle and had greater concentrations of estradiol on the day of AI than cows in 5dCoS2, but protocol synchronization tended to increase in cows receiving the 5dCoS2. When all 933 cows were evaluated, P/AI was greater for 5dCoS2 than for CoS72 (37.9 vs. 30.9%). Similarly, when only cows with progesterone <1 ng/mL on the day of AI were evaluated, P/AI was greater for 5dCoS2 than for CoS72 (39.3 vs. 33.9%). Treatment with PGF on d 5 and 6 after GnRH resulted in increased luteolysis and allowed for reducing the interval from GnRH to timed AI, which increased P/AI. Reducing time of follicle dominance in timed AI protocols improves fertility of lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

The aim was to assess the ability of corpus luteum (CL) and uterine ultrasound characteristics on d 18 to 21 to predict pregnancy status in lactating dairy cows. Ultrasound examinations were carried out on cows (n = 164) on d 18 to 21 following artificial insemination (AI). Images of the uterus and CL were captured using a Voluson i ultrasound device (General Electric Healthcare Systems, Vienna, Austria) equipped with a 12-MHz, multi frequency, linear array probe. Serum concentrations of progesterone were determined from blood samples collected at each ultrasound examination. Images of the CL were captured and stored for calculation of CL tissue area and echotexture. Images of the CL and associated blood flow area were captured and stored for analysis of luteal blood flow ratio. Longitudinal B-mode images of the uterine horns were stored for analysis of echotexture. Diagnosis of pregnancy was made at each ultrasound examination based on CL blood flow, CL size, and uterine echotexture. Pregnancy was confirmed by ultrasonography on d 30 after AI. The relationship between ultrasound measures and pregnancy outcome, as well as the accuracy of the pregnancy diagnosis made at each ultrasound examination was assessed. Progesterone concentrations and CL tissue area were greater in pregnant compared with nonpregnant cows on all days. The CL blood flow ratio was higher in pregnant compared with nonpregnant cows on d 20 and 21 after AI. Echotexture measures of the CL and uterus were not different between pregnant and nonpregnant cows on any day of examination. The best logistic regression model to predict pregnancy included scores for CL blood flow, CL size, and uterine echotexture on d 21 following AI. Accuracy of pregnancy diagnosis was highest on d 21, with sensitivity and specificity being 97.6 and 97.5%, respectively. Uterine echotexture scores were similar for pregnant and nonpregnant cows from d 18 to 20. On d 21, pregnant cows had higher uterine echotexture scores compared with nonpregnant cows. The logistic regression equation most likely to provide a correct pregnancy diagnosis in lactating dairy cows included the visual score for CL blood flow, CL size, and uterine echotexture on d 21 after AI. In support of this finding, the diagnostic accuracy for visual scores of CL blood flow, CL size, and uterine echotexture were also highest on d 21.  相似文献   

Objectives were to investigate 2 intervals from induction of ovulation to artificial insemination (AI) and the effect of supplemental progesterone for resynchronization on fertility of lactating dairy cows subjected to a 5-d timed AI program. In experiment 1, 1,227 Holstein cows had their estrous cycles presynchronized with 2 injections of PGF at 46 and 60 d in milk (DIM). The timed AI protocols were initiated with GnRH at 72 DIM, followed by 2 injections of PGF at 77 and 78 DIM and a second injection of GnRH at either 56 (OVS56) or 72 h (COS72) after the first PGF of the timed AI protocols. All cows were time-inseminated at 72 h after the first PGF injection. Pregnancy was diagnosed on d 32 and 60 after AI. In experiment 2, 675 nonpregnant Holstein cows had their estrous cycles resynchronized starting at 34 d after the first AI. Cows received the OVS56 with (RCIDR) or without (RCON) supplemental progesterone, as an intravaginal insert, from the first GnRH to the first PGF. Pregnancy diagnoses were performed on d 32 and 60 after AI. During experiment 2, subsets of cows had their ovaries scanned by ultrasonography at the first GnRH, the first PGF, and second GnRH injections of the protocol. Blood was sampled on the day of AI and 7 d later, and concentrations of progesterone were determined in plasma. Cows were considered to have a synchronized ovulation if they had progesterone <1 and >2.26 ng/mL on the day of AI and 7 d later, respectively, and if no ovulation was detected between the first PGF and second GnRH injections during resynchronization. In experiment 1, the proportion of cows detected in estrus at AI was greater for COS72 than OVS56 (40.6 vs. 32.4%). Pregnancy per AI (P/AI) did not differ between OVS56 (46.4%) and COS72 (45.5%). In experiment 2, cows supplemented with progesterone had greater P/AI compared with unsupplemented cows (51.3 vs. 43.1%). Premature ovulation tended to be greater for RCON than RCIDR cows (7.5 vs. 3.6%), although synchronization of the estrous cycle after timed AI was similar between treatments. Timing of induction of ovulation with GnRH relative to insemination did not affect P/AI of dairy cows enrolled in a 5-d timed AI program. Furthermore, during resynchronization starting on d 34 after the first AI, supplementation with progesterone improved P/AI in cows subjected to the 5-d timed AI protocol.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the effect of exogenous progesterone (P4) in a timed artificial insemination (TAI) protocol initiated at 2 different times post-AI on pregnancies per AI (P/AI) in lactating dairy cows. Cows (n = 1,982) in 5 dairy herds were assigned randomly at a nonpregnancy diagnosis 32 ± 3 d post-AI to 1 of 4 resynchronization (RES) treatments arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial design using the Ovsynch-56 (GnRH, 7 d later PGF, 56 h later GnRH, 16 h later TAI) protocol. Treatments were as follows: cows initiating RES 32 ± 3 d after AI with no supplemental P4 (d 32 RES-CON; n = 516); same as d 32 RES-CON plus a controlled internal drug release (CIDR) insert containing P4 at the onset of Ovsynch-56 (d 32 RES-CIDR; n = 503); cows initiating RES 39 ± 3 d after AI (d 39 RES-CON; n = 494); and same as d 39 RES-CON plus a CIDR (d 39 RES-CIDR; n = 491). Cows were inseminated if observed in estrus before TAI. The P/AI was determined 32 and 60 d after TAI. In a subgroup of cows (n = 1,152), blood samples were collected and ovarian structures examined by ultrasonography on the days of the first GnRH (G1) and PGF of Ovsynch-56. Percentage of cows with a corpus luteum (CL) at G1 was unaffected by timing of treatments, but percentage of cows with a CL at PGF was greater for d 32 than for d 39 cows (87.9 vs. 79.4%). In addition, percentage of cows with P4 ≥1 ng/mL at G1 was unaffected by timing of treatments, but was increased for d 32 compared with d 39 RES cows on the day of the PGF of the RES protocols (86.5 vs. 74.3%). Treatment did not affect ovulation to G1 or P/AI 32 d after RES TAI (d 32 RES-CON = 30.1%, d 32 RES-CIDR = 28.8%, d 39 RES-CON = 27.5%, d 39 RES-CIDR = 30.5%). A greater percentage of d 39 RES cows underwent premature luteolysis during the RES protocol compared with d 32 RES cows. An interaction was detected between day of RES initiation and CIDR treatment, in which the CIDR increased P/AI 60 d after TAI for d 39 (CON = 23.7% vs. CIDR = 28.0%), but not for d 32 (CON = 26.9% and CIDR = 24.2%) cows. Pregnancy loss was unaffected by treatment. In addition, cows had improved P/AI 60 d after TAI when they received a CIDR and did not have a CL (CON-CL = 28.2%, CON-No CL = 19.2%, CIDR-CL = 27.0%, and CIDR-No CL = 26.5%) or had P4 <1 ng/mL (CON-High P4 = 27.8%, CON-Low P4 = 15.0%, CIDR-High P4 = 25.0%, and CIDR-Low P4 = 29.4%) at G1, but not if a CL was present or P4 was ≥1 ng/mL at G1. In conclusion, addition of a CIDR insert to supplement P4 during the RES protocol increased P/AI for cows initiating RES 39 ± 3 d after AI but not 32 ± 3 d after AI.  相似文献   

The objectives were to evaluate the effect of supplemental progesterone during a timed artificial insemination (TAI) protocol on pregnancy per insemination and pregnancy loss. Lactating dairy cows from 2 dairy herds were presynchronized with 2 injections of PGF 14 d apart, and cows observed in estrus following the second PGF injection were inseminated (n = 1,301). Cows not inseminated by 11 d after the end of the presynchronization were submitted to the TAI protocol (d 0 GnRH, d 7 PGF, d 8 estradiol cypionate, and d 10 TAI). On the day of the GnRH of the TAI protocol (study d 0), cows were assigned randomly to receive no exogenous progesterone (control = 432), one controlled internal drug-release (CIDR) insert (CIDR1 = 440), or 2 CIDR inserts (CIDR2 = 440) containing 1.38 g of progesterone each from study d 0 to 7. Blood was sampled on study d 0 before insertion of CIDR for determination of progesterone concentration in plasma, and cows with concentration <1.0 ng/mL were classified as low progesterone (LP) and those with concentration ≥1.0 ng/mL were classified as high progesterone (HP). From a subgroup of 240 cows, blood was sampled on study d 3, 7, 17 and 24 and ovaries were examined by ultrasonography on study d 0 and 7. Pregnancy was diagnosed at 38 ± 3 and 66 ± 3 d after AI. Data were analyzed including only cows randomly assigned to treatments and excluding cows that were inseminated after the second PGF injection. The proportion of cows classified as HP at the beginning of the TAI protocol was similar among treatments, but differed between herds. Concentrations of progesterone in plasma during the TAI protocol increased linearly with number of CIDR used, and the increment was 0.9 ng/mL per CIDR. The proportion of cows with plasma progesterone ≥1.0 ng/mL on study d 17 was not affected by treatment, but a greater proportion of control than CIDR-treated cows had asynchronous estrous cycles following the TAI protocol. Treatment with CIDR inserts, however, did not affect pregnancy at 38 ± 3 and 66 ± 3 d after AI or pregnancy loss.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(5):4679-4689
Lactating dairy cows are classified as spontaneous ovulators, in which establishment of pregnancy depends on the accuracy of detection of behavioral estrus for correct timing of artificial insemination (AI). Development of the Ovsynch protocol, a hormonal protocol that synchronizes ovarian function, thereby allowing for timed AI (TAI) without the need to detect estrus, provided a management tool for increasing AI service rates but not pregnancies per AI (P/AI). A review of 7 randomized, controlled experiments that compared P/AI of cows inseminated after a detected estrus to that of cows receiving TAI after submission to Presynch-Ovsynch or Double-Ovsynch protocols supports that the newest programs for TAI yield more P/AI than cows inseminated after a detected estrus. The physiologic and endocrine mechanisms that explain how fertility programs increase P/AI are a culmination of over 20 yr of research aimed at increasing reproductive performance in lactating dairy cows. We illustrate the dramatic change in reproductive performance of US dairy cows over time by comparing the phenotypic trend in days open with the genetic trend in daughter pregnancy rate and the phenotypic trend in cow conception rate. Whereas days open increased from 1955 to 2000, days open from 2000 to 2010 dramatically decreased without a concurrent increase in the genetic trend for daughter pregnancy rate. By contrast, the dramatic decrease in days open over the past 20 yr is associated with a dramatic increase in the phenotypic trend in cow conception rate. Although many management factors affect P/AI, adoption and implementation of TAI programs that directly increase P/AI is an important component of the dramatic increase in reproductive performance in lactating dairy cows in the United States over the past 20 yr.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows bred by natural service (NS) or timed AI (TAI). One thousand fifty-five cows were blocked by parity and enrolled to receive either NS or TAI. Cows in both groups were presynchronized with 2 injections of PGF given at 42 and 56 d postpartum. Fourteen days after the last PGF injection, cows in the TAI group were enrolled in an Ovsynch protocol (d 0 GnRH; 7 d later, PGF; 56 h after PGF injection, second dose of GnRH; and 16 h after second GnRH cows were TAI). Cows in the TAI group were resynchronized with an intravaginal insert containing progesterone inserted 18 d after TAI and removed 7 d later when GnRH was given. Cows were examined by ultrasonography on d 32 after TAI; nonpregnant cows received PGF and GnRH 56 h later followed by TAI 16 h after the GnRH injection. Nonpregnant cows in TAI group were reinseminated up to 5 times using the same scheme. Cows in the NS group were exposed to bulls 14 d after the second PGF injection, and ultrasonography was performed 42 d after exposure to bulls to determine pregnancy status. Nonpregnant cows in the NS group were reexamined by transrectal palpation combined with ultrasound every 28 d until diagnosed pregnant or 223 d postpartum, whichever occurred first. Cows diagnosed pregnant in TAI or NS were reconfirmed 28 d later to determine pregnancy loss. All bulls underwent an evaluation of breeding soundness and were rested for 14 d after 14 d of cow exposure. Health disorders were evaluated up to 70 d postpartum, and body condition score was evaluated at d 70 postpartum. Blood was collected on d 56 and 65 postpartum and analyzed for progesterone to determine cyclicity. The proportion of pregnant cows in the first 21 d of breeding did not differ between groups. The overall 21-d cycle pregnancy rate (PR), which included a total of 8 and 5 service opportunities for NS and TAI, respectively, was not different between groups (25.7 and 25.0% for NS and TAI, respectively). The daily rate of pregnancy was 15% greater for NS than TAI because cows in NS had a greater PR, which resulted in fewer median days open (111 vs. 116 d). Proportion of pregnant cows at 223 d postpartum was greater in the NS than TAI group (84.2 vs. 74.8%, respectively). Cyclicity did not affect reproductive performance. Cows with body condition score ≥2.75 had greater proportion of pregnant cows in the first 21 d of breeding and daily PR in the first 223 d postpartum Primiparous cows had greater proportion of pregnant cows and daily PR than multiparous cows at 223 d postpartum. In conclusion, the greater proportion of pregnant cows in the NS group was attributed to more opportunities for breeding than in the TAI group.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the reproductive performance of dairy cows subjected to early (ER) or late (LR) resynchronization programs after nonpregnancy diagnoses based on either pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG) ELISA or transrectal palpation, respectively. In addition, the accuracy of the PAG ELISA for early pregnancy diagnosis was assessed. Lactating Holstein cows were subjected to a Presynch-Ovsynch protocol with timed artificial insemination (AI) performed between 61 and 74 DIM. On the day of the first postpartum AI, 1,093 cows were blocked by parity and assigned randomly to treatments; however, because of attrition, 452 ER and 520 LR cows were considered for the statistical analyses. After the first postpartum AI, cows were observed daily for signs of estrus and inseminated on the same day of detected estrus. Cows from ER that were not reinseminated in estrus received the first GnRH injection of the Ovsynch protocol for resynchronization 2 d before pregnancy diagnosis. On d 28 after the previous AI (d 27 to 34), pregnancy status was determined by PAG ELISA, and nonpregnant cows continued on the Ovsynch protocol for reinsemination. Pregnant cows had pregnancy status reconfirmed on d 46 after AI (d 35 to 52) by transrectal palpation, and those that lost the pregnancies were resynchronized. Cows assigned to LR had pregnancy diagnosed by transrectal palpation on d 46 after AI (d 35 to 52) and nonpregnant cows were resynchronized with the Ovsynch protocol. Blood was sampled on d 28 after AI (d 27 to 34) from cows in both treatments that had not been reinseminated on estrus and again on d 46 after AI (d 35 to 52) for assessment of PAG ELISA to determine the accuracy of the test. Cows were subjected to treatments for 72 d after the first insemination. Pregnancy per AI (P/AI) at first postpartum timed AI did not differ between treatments and averaged 28.9%. The proportion of nonpregnant cows that were resynchronized and received timed AI was greater for ER than for LR (30.0 vs. 7.6%). Cows in ER had a shorter interval between inseminations when inseminated following spontaneous estrus (21.7 ± 1.1 vs. 27.8 ± 0.8 d) or after timed AI (35.3 ± 1.2 vs. 55.2 ± 1.4 d). Nevertheless, the ER did not affect the rate of pregnancy (adjusted hazard ratio = 1.23; 95% confidence interval = 0.94 to 1.61) or the median days postpartum to pregnancy (ER = 132 vs. LR = 140). A total of 2,129 PAG ELISA were evaluated. Overall, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values averaged 95.1, 89.0, 90.1, and 94.5%, respectively, and the accuracy was 92.1%. In conclusion, PAG ELISA for early diagnosis of pregnancy had acceptable accuracy, but early resynchronization after nonpregnancy diagnosis with PAG ELISA did not improve the rate of pregnancy or reduce days open in dairy cows continuously observed for estrus.  相似文献   

An adequate and clean artificial insemination (AI) technique is recommended to improve reproductive outcomes in dairy cattle. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of using protective plastic sheaths (PS) to minimize contamination of the AI catheter (AIC) on pregnancies per AI (PAI) in lactating dairy cattle. Lactating cows housed in freestall barns on a commercial dairy farm were presynchronized with 2 injections of PGF given 14 d apart (starting at 26 ± 3 d postpartum) followed by Ovsynch (GnRH-7 d-PGF-56 h-GnRH-16 h-timed-AI; TAI) 12 d later. Cows presenting signs of standing heat any time during the protocol received AI, whereas the remaining animals were subjected to TAI 16 h after second Ovsynch GnRH. At the time of AI (1 AI technician), 996 services from 773 lactating dairy cows were randomly assigned to 1 of the 2 groups; with (TRT, n = 487) or without (CON, n = 509) the use of disposable PS. In the TRT group, the AIC protected with a PS was introduced into the vagina; once in the cranial portion of the vagina adjacent to the cervical os, the PS was pulled back and only the AIC was manipulated through the cervix into the uterine body for semen deposition. In the CON group, cows were inseminated without the use of PS. Samples were taken with a sterile cotton swab from the tip of the AIC (n = 51) after AI from both treatment groups. Pregnancy diagnosis was determined by ultrasonography 39 ± 3 d after AI. Cultured swab samples revealed that the use of PS was effective in minimizing contamination of the AIC (positive bacterial growth: TRT = 61.53% vs. CON = 100%). Overall, the proportion of cows pregnant was greater for cows in TRT (42.7) compared with the CON group (36.1). For first services postpartum, PAI did not differ between CON (43.01%, n = 194) and TRT (43.8%, n = 182) groups. However, PAI for second or greater services were greater in TRT (43.8%, n = 305) than in CON cows (32.3%, n = 315). Results from this study provided evidence that the use of PS during AI improved PAI for second or greater services in lactating dairy cows. Performing a clean AI technique through the use of PS may be an effective strategy to improve reproductive outcomes in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

A total of 799 Holstein cows from 3 herds were randomly assigned at 37 +/- 3 d in milk (DIM) to timed artificial insemination (AI) or insemination at detected estrus. Cows were presynchronized with injections of PGF(2alpha) at 37 and 51 DIM. At 65 DIM, cows received an injection of GnRH, followed 7 d later by PGF(2alpha). Cows in the estrus-detected group were inseminated after being observed in estrus during the 7 d after the last PGF(2alpha). Cows in the timed AI group received an injection of 1 mg of estradiol cypionate (ECP) 24 h after the last PGF(2alpha). If detected in estrus or=1 ng/mL; L = <1 ng/mL), resulting in 8 combinations (LLL, LHL, LLH, LHH, HHH, HHL, HLH, and HLL). Conception rates and pregnancy rates were higher for cows in the timed AI group than in the estrus-detected group at 30, 44, and 58 d (e.g., at 58 d, pregnancy rates were 42.2% for multiparous cows or 34.4% for primiparous cows in the group receiving ECP and timed AI compared with only 20.8 or 18.8% for respective parity subgroups for the treatment group inseminated only at detected estrus). Pregnancy losses were 11.5% from 30 to 58 d and did not differ between treatments. Cyclic cows within both treatments had higher estrous responses, conception rates, and pregnancy rates. Cows that responded to presynchronization and to luteolysis (HHL) had the highest conception and pregnancy rates, followed by cows classified as LHL. Use of 1 mg of ECP to induce ovulation as part of a synchrony regimen improved reproduction at first postpartum insemination in dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine if reducing the interval from presynchronization to the first GnRH injection (G1) of a timed artificial insemination (AI) protocol improves pregnancy per AI. One thousand two hundred fourteen Holstein cows, at 37 ± 3 d in milk (DIM), were stratified by parity, DIM, and milk yield in the first month postpartum and randomly assigned to control (n = 412), 2 injections of PGF2α at 37 ± 3 and 51 ± 3 DIM, then enrolled in a timed AI protocol 14 d later; PShort (n = 410), 2 injections of PGF2α at 40 ± 3 and 54 ± 3 DIM, then enrolled in a timed AI protocol 11 d later; or PShortG (n = 392), same as PShort, but with an injection of GnRH 7 d before G1. All cows received the same timed AI protocol (d 65, G1; d 72, PGF2α; d 73, 1 mg of estradiol cypionate; d 75, AI). A subset of 1,000 cows had their ovaries examined by ultrasonography at G1 and 7 d later when PGF2α of the timed AI was given to determine presence of corpus luteum (CL) and ovulation to G1. Pregnancy was diagnosed on d 38 after timed AI, and pregnant cows were reevaluated for pregnancy 4 wk later. Altering the interval between presynchronization and G1 did not affect the proportion of cows with a CL at G1, but GnRH 7 d before G1 increased the proportion of cows with a CL. Ovulation to G1 was greater for 11 compared with the 14 d interval, but GnRH did not improve ovulation. The increased ovulation to G1 when the interval was reduced from 14 to 11 d was observed only in cows with a CL at G1, but treatment did not affect ovulation in cows without a CL at G1. Treatment affected the pregnancy per AI on d 38 and 66 after insemination, and they were greater for the 11 compared with 14-d interval, but addition of GnRH did not improve pregnancy per AI. Cows ovulating to G1 had greater pregnancy per AI regardless of whether or not they had a CL at G1. Reducing the interval from presynchronization to initiation of the timed AI protocol from 14 to 11 d increased ovulation to G1 and pregnancy per AI in lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

The aims of our field study in dairy cows were (1) to consolidate cytotape (CT) as a valid technique to diagnose cytological endometritis (CYTO) during artificial insemination (AI); (2) to establish a cutoff point concerning the polymorphonuclear cells (PMN) proportion to diagnose CYTO at AI; (3) to assess the prevalence of CYTO at AI; and (4) to evaluate the effect of CYTO on the pregnancy outcome of that AI. The investigation was performed using 1,625 AI-CT samples harvested from 873 Holstein-Friesian cows from 18 dairy farms in the Flemish region of Belgium. The CT device consisted of adapting a 1.5-cm piece of paper tape on the top of a conventional AI catheter covered with a double guard sheet, allowing an endometrial cytology sample to be taken when performing an AI. A receiving operator characteristic curve was built to assess the threshold level above which the PMN proportion significantly affected the AI success. Multilevel generalized mixed-effect models were built to identify factors affecting the pregnancy outcome of the AI under investigation. Only 7 samples (0.4%) harvested in 5 cows were discarded because of low-quality parameters. The cutoff point for CYTO at AI was set at ≥1% PMN (sensitivity = 33.8%, specificity = 88.6%). Prevalence of CYTO at AI was 27.8%. The conception rate for CYTO-positive samples was 32.7%, whereas it was 47% for CYTO-negative samples. A CYTO-negative AI had 1.8 [odds ratio (OR)] more chances to become pregnant than a CYTO-positive one. Other factors identified as detrimental for the pregnancy outcome were body condition score ≤1.5 (OR = 0.6), relative 305-d milk yield (OR = 0.9), dystocia (OR = 0.3), parity ≥2 (OR = 0.7), and warm months of the year. In conclusion, CT is a consolidated technique to diagnose CYTO at AI, PMN 1% is the threshold level to diagnose CYTO at AI, around one-quarter of inseminated uteri suffer from CYTO, and affected uteri having a significantly lower chance to become pregnant from that insemination.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare 2 reproductive programs for the management of first postpartum artificial insemination (AI) based on activity monitors and timed AI, as well as to determine the effect of health-related factors on detection and expression of estrus. Lactating Holstein cows (n = 918) from 2 commercial farms were enrolled. Estrous cycles of all cows were presynchronized with 2 injections of PGF administered 2 wk apart. Treatments were (1) first insemination performed by timed AI (TAI) and (2) first insemination based upon the detection of estrus by activity monitors (ACT; Heatime, SCR Engineering, Netanya, Israel) after the presynchronization, whereas cows not inseminated by the detection of estrus were enrolled in the Ovsynch protocol. Body condition score (BCS; scale 1 to 5), hock score (scale: 1 to 4), gait score (scale: 1 to 4), and corpus luteum presence detected by ovarian ultrasonography were recorded twice during the presynchronization. On the ACT treatment, 50.5% of cows were inseminated based on detected estrus, whereas 83.2% of the cows on the TAI treatment were inseminated appropriately after the timed AI protocol. Pregnancy per AI did not differ by treatment (30.8 vs. 33.5% for ACT and TAI, respectively). Success of pregnancy was affected by parity, cyclicity, BCS, milk production, and a tendency for leg health. In addition, treatment × cyclicity and treatment × parity interactions were found to affect pregnancy success, where anovulatory cows and older cows had compromised pregnancy outcomes on the ACT treatment but not on the TAI treatment. Factors affecting pregnancy outcomes varied among farms. Hazard of pregnancy by 300 DIM was affected by farm, parity, BCS, a treatment × cyclicity interaction, and a tendency for an interaction between leg health and farm. Detection of estrus was affected by farm, parity, cyclicity, and leg health, but not BCS or milk production. Expression of estrus was compromised in anovular and older cows, and by the timing of the estrus event, but not by gait score, BCS, or milk production. Increased duration of estrus, but not intensity of estrus, improved pregnancy per AI. In conclusion, using an automated activity monitor for the detection of estrus within a Presynch-Ovsynch program resulted in similar pregnancy per AI and days open compared with a reproduction program that was strictly based on timed AI for first postpartum AI. In contrast, notable variations in reproductive outcomes were detected between farms, suggesting that the use of automated activity monitors is prone to individual farm management.  相似文献   

Using a 5-d controlled internal drug-release (CIDR)-Cosynch resynchronization protocol, the objective of this study was to determine the effect of the initial GnRH injection on pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) to the second artificial insemination in lactating Holstein dairy cows. On 37 ± 3 d (mean ± standard deviation) after the first artificial insemination, and upon nonpregnancy diagnosis (d 0 of the experiment), lactating cows eligible for a second artificial insemination (n = 429) were enrolled in a 5-d CIDR-Cosynch protocol. On d 0, all cows received a CIDR insert and were assigned randomly to receive the initial GnRH injection (GnRH; n = 226) of the protocol or no-GnRH (n = 203). Blood samples were collected from a sub-group of cows (n = 184) on d 0 and analyzed for progesterone (P4) concentration. On d 5, CIDR inserts were removed, and all cows received 1 injection of PGF. On d 6 and 7, cows were observed once daily by employees for tail-chalk removal, and cows detected in estrus on d 6 or 7 received artificial insemination that day (EDAI), and did not receive the final GnRH injection. The remaining cows not detected in estrus by d 8 received GnRH and timed artificial insemination (TAI). Pregnancy status was confirmed by transrectal palpation of uterine contents at 37 ± 3 d (mean ± standard deviation) after the second artificial insemination. Eliminating the initial GnRH injection had no effect on P/AI compared with cows receiving GnRH (27 vs. 21%), respectively. Similarly, method of insemination (EDAI vs. TAI) and its interaction with treatment had no effect on P/AI. Primiparous cows had greater P/AI than multiparous cows (31 vs. 21%). Mean P4 concentrations (n = 184) at the initiation of the protocol did not differ between treatments (4.51 ± 0.35 ng/mL no-GnRH vs. 3.96 ± 0.34 ng/mL of GnRH). When P4 concentrations were categorized as high (≥1 ng/mL) or low (<1 ng/mL), P/AI tended to be greater for high P4 concentrations (n = 136) compared with low (n = 48) P4 concentrations (26 vs. 16%, respectively). No differences were observed in the proportion of cows with high or low P4 between treatments. Collectively, these results provide evidence that eliminating the initial GnRH in a 5-d CIDR-Cosynch resynchronization protocol for lactating dairy cows did not reduce P/AI in this study.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(10):8411-8425
The primary objective of this randomized controlled experiment was to evaluate the insemination dynamic and reproductive performance of cows managed with a targeted reproductive management (TRM) program designed to prioritize artificial insemination (AI) at detected estrus (AIE) and optimize timing of AI by grouping cows based on detection of estrus during the voluntary waiting period (VWP). Our secondary objective was to evaluate reproductive outcomes for cows with or without estrus during the VWP. Lactating Holstein cows fitted with an ear-attached sensor for detection of estrus were randomly assigned to a TRM treatment that prioritized AIE based on detection of estrus during the VWP (TP-AIE; n = 488), a non-TRM treatment that prioritized AIE (P-AIE; n = 489), or an all timed AI (TAI) treatment with extended VWP (ALL-TAI; n = 491). In TP-AIE, cows with or without automated estrus alerts (AEA) recorded during the VWP received AIE if detected in estrus for at least 31 ± 3 or 17 ± 3 d after a 49 d VWP, respectively. Cows not AIE with or without AEA during the VWP received TAI after Ovsynch with progesterone supplementation and 2 PGF treatments (P4-Ov) at 90 ± 3 or 74 ± 3 d in milk (DIM), respectively. In P-AIE, cows received AIE if detected in estrus for 24 ± 3 d after a 49 d VWP, and if not AIE received TAI at 83 ± 3 DIM after P4-Ov. In ALL-TAI, cows received TAI at 83 ± 3 DIM after a Double-Ovsynch protocol. Data were analyzed by logistic and Cox's proportional hazard regression. The proportion of cows AIE did not differ for TP-AIE (71.0%) and P-AIE (74.6%). Overall P/AI at 39 d after first service was greater for the ALL-TAI (47.6%) than for the P-AIE (40.2%) and TP-AIE (39.5%) treatments. The hazard of pregnancy up to 150 DIM was greater for cows in TP-AIE (hazard ratio = 1.2; 95% confidence interval: 1.1–1.4) and P-AIE (hazard ratio = 1.2; 95% confidence interval: 1.1–1.4) than for cows in the ALL-TAI treatment which resulted in median time to pregnancy of 89, 89, and 107 d. Conversely, the proportion of cows pregnant at 150 DIM did not differ (ALL-TAI 78.5%, P-AIE 76.3%, TP-AIE 76.0%). Except for a few outcomes for which no difference was observed, cows detected in estrus during the VWP had better performance than cows not detected in estrus. Cows with AEA during the VWP were more likely to receive AIE, had greater P/AI, and greater pregnancy rate up to 150 DIM regardless of first service management. We conclude that a TRM program designed to prioritize AIE by grouping cows based on detection of estrus during the VWP was an effective strategy to submit cows for first service resulting in similar or improved performance than a non-TRM program that prioritized AIE or an all-TAI program with extended VWP. Also, AEA recorded during the VWP might be used as a strategy for identifying subgroups of cows with different reproductive performance.  相似文献   

Pregnancy per AI (P/AI) following the use of 1 of 2 timed AI (TAI) protocols and 2 different intervals between TAI and resynchronization were compared in heifers that were inseminated with either conventional or sex-sorted semen. Holstein heifers (n = 317; 527 inseminations) were submitted to a 5-d Cosynch protocol with (+) or without (–) GnRH at the time of controlled internal drug release (CIDR) insertion on d 0, CIDR removal and a single PGF treatment on d 5, and TAI plus GnRH on d 8 (72 h later). Visual estrus detection (ED) was conducted on d 6 in the afternoon and d 7 in the morning and heifers observed in estrus were artificially inseminated on d 7 in the afternoon. Heifers were alternately assigned conventional or sex-sorted semen. Pregnancy was diagnosed by ultrasound 27 and 42 d after AI, and heifers diagnosed as nonpregnant were resynchronized, up to 3 times, starting on d 27 or 34 to provide an interbreeding interval of 35 or 42 d. Overall, TAI protocol had no effect on P/AI at 27 or 42 d after artificial insemination or on pregnancy loss, but P/AI following the first service tended to be higher in the –GnRH TAI group (66.3 vs. 56.8%). Pregnancy per AI at 27 d (61.9 vs. 55.5%) tended to differ between conventional and sex-sorted semen. Heifers artificially inseminated based on ED tended to have a greater P/AI (67.6 vs. 58.2%) and had decreased pregnancy loss (0.0 vs. 4.1%) than those submitted to TAI. A greater number of heifers in the –GnRH TAI protocol were artificially inseminated on ED than the +GnRH TAI protocol (21.5 vs. 13.7%). No difference in P/AI was observed between the 35- and 42-d interbreeding intervals; however, more heifers in the 42-d group were artificially inseminated based on ED than in the 35-d group (22.7 vs. 7.8%). A 5-d Cosynch+CIDR TAI protocol without the initial GnRH and with a single PGF at CIDR removal is an acceptable alternative to achieve high P/AI when either conventional or sex-sorted semen is used in Holstein heifers. Breeding heifers based on detected estrus increases labor, but has the potential to increase fertility.  相似文献   

To compare 2 strategies for systematically resynchronizing ovulation, lactating Holstein cows (n = 763) at various days in milk and prior artificial insemination services were assigned randomly at timed AI (TAI) to receive the first GnRH injection of Ovsynch 26 (D26) or 33 (D33) d after TAI to resynchronize ovulation (Resynch) in cows failing to conceive. Cows in the D26 treatment received GnRH 26 d after TAI and continued Resynch only when diagnosed not pregnant by using ultrasonography 33 d after TAI, whereas D33 cows initiated Resynch only when diagnosed not pregnant 33 d after TAI. Cows were classified based on the presence or absence of a corpus luteum (CL) at the not-pregnant diagnosis, and cows without a CL received an intravaginal progesterone-releasing insert during Resynch. When analyzed as a systematic strategy, pregnancy rate per AI (PR/AI) was greater for cows assigned to the D33 than the D26 Resynch treatment (39.4 vs. 28.6%). A treatment × parity interaction was detected for PR/AI after Resynch for nonpregnant cows having a CL in which primiparous cows had a greater PR/AI than multiparous cows when Resynch was initiated 33 d after the initial TAI, and primiparous and multiparous cows when Resynch was initiated 26 d after the initial TAI. Pregnancy loss for Resynch was 6.4% between 33 and 40 d, and 2.6% between 40 and 61 d after Resynch TAI. We concluded that delaying initiation of Resynch until 33 d after TAI increased PR/AI for primiparous cows.  相似文献   

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