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This paper describes our design of a contents distribution framework that supports transparent distribution of digital contents on the Internet as well as copyright protection of participants in the contents distribution value chain. Copyright protection must ensure that participants in the distribution channel get the royalties due to them and that purchasers use the contents according to usage rules. It must also prevent illegal draining of digital contents. To design a contents distribution framework satisfying the above requirements, we first present four digital contents distribution models. On the basis of the suggested distribution models, we designed a contract system for distribution of royalties among participants in the contents distribution channel, a license mechanism for enforcement of contents usage to purchasers, and both a packaging mechanism and a secure client system for prevention of illegal draining of digital contents.  相似文献   

自2004年Koenen等提出DRM系统间交互的三种经典方案以后,许多研究人员在此基础上进行了更深入的研究。论文对一年多来的研究进展进行了归纳,并指出哪些方面取得了进展,哪些方面仍存在研究空间。  相似文献   

周岩  沈钊  张志恒  张青春 《电视技术》2006,(10):88-90,96
通过分析当今流媒体数字版权管理(DRM)的发展现状,提出了流媒体DRM系统存在的互操作性问题及解决主要途径.结合国外对流媒体DRM系统互操作性的研究,对如何构建一个互操作性体系平台进行了探讨.  相似文献   

As networks increase and cross‐convergence occurs between various types of devices and communications, there is an increasing demand for interoperable service in the business environment and from end users. In this paper, we investigate interoperability issues in the digital rights management (DRM) and present a practical framework to support interoperability in environments with multiple devices. The proposed architecture enables end users to consume digital content on all their devices without awareness of the underlying DRM schemes or technologies. It also enables DRM service providers to achieve interoperability without costly modification of their DRM schemes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a key management scheme which can provide delivery of the key used to encrypt a digital content from the package server to digital rights management (DRM) clients in a secure manner. The proposed scheme can protect digital content from attacks since an encrypted digital content is sent by a package server and only DRM clients can decrypt the encrypted digital content. It protects the key not only from purchasers but also among the other principals who manage the distribution and license servers.  相似文献   

DRM(Digital Radio Mondial)规定了一种应用于30MHz以下地面广播的数字声音广播系统,能够高质量地传输声音、数据及静止图片等。DRM系统采用正交频分复用和多电平调制技术,为保证接收信号质量,在接收机中需要进行信道均衡。根据DRM系统发射信号的特点,设计了一种信道估计算法,兼顾了复杂程度和均衡精度,并且对载波频偏不敏感。  相似文献   

互操作性是评价数字版权管理(DRM)系统性能的一个重要指标.本文首先对DRM系统的互操作性及技术现状进行了分析,然后结合移动应用的特点,给出了一个支持互操作的移动DRM系统技术方案,并对系统各部分功能的实现进行了详细的描述.  相似文献   

数字版权管理技术的安全性综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字版权管理技术已经成为网络环境下保护数据内容的合法交易、传播和使用的一个重要手段。论文主要阐述了数字版权管理技术在安全性方面的最新进展,给出了数字版权管理标准的发展情况,分析了数字版权管理系统的安全性需求,总结了与数字版权管理有关的安全技术,论述了已有的技术在处理安全性问题上的优势和不足,随后给出了数字版权管理的安全解决方案并探讨了未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

OMA DRM技术体系研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了对最新发布的开放移动联盟(OMA)数字版权管理(DRM)标准的技术体系结构有一个系统全面的认识,积极推动我国DRM标准的制定和数字内容保护技术的应用研究,该文在深入研究最新发布的OMA DRM2. 0规范的基础上,对OMA DRM技术体系结构:版权对象获取协议(ROAP)、安全模式、体系结构、内容格式和版权描述语言进行了详细分析,然后从综合角度给出一个系统全面的OMA DRM工作机制:OMA DRM 工作流程和原理,最后,对OMA DRM性能做了详细分析:OMA DRM2. 0和OMA DRM1. 0的主要区别,以及OMA DRM2. 0的尚待改进之处。  相似文献   

基于SoC的DRM接收机ASIC设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
田曦  董在望 《电声技术》2005,(3):61-63,67
DRM是新一代的数字广播体制。针对DRM接收机的ASIC设计,提出了一种采用软硬件协同设计的SoC结构,给出了片上处理单元说明,SoC设计中的软硬件划分、协同设计和验证方法。最后给出了DRM接收机的性能。  相似文献   

现有的大多数数字版权管理DRM(Digital Rights Management)产品都是基于客户,服务器模式,并不适用于P2P网络。激励机制用来解决P2P环境下的版权管理问题。文章提出了基于激励机制的解决P2P环境下版权管理的模型.该模型主要集中于解决一些安全性问题。  相似文献   

电子文档保护系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计文档、重要图纸、商业机密等重要电子文档的合理使用和分发问题,是当前企业内部网所面临的最大的风险。文章针对实际应用需求和现有技术与产品的不足,提出了一个基于DRM的通用电子文档安全保护系统模型,深入分析电子文档保护的关键技术,详细讨论了文档保护系统的设计和实现。  相似文献   

In Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) system, achieving good audio quality becomes a challenge due to its limited band-width of 9 or 10kHz and the very bad lading channels. Therefore, DRM needs highly efficient channel coding schemes. This paper, proposes the schemes which use the Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) coded Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM) schemes for the implementation of DRM systems. Simulation results show that the proposed system is more efficient than the Rate Compatible Punctured Convolutional (RCPC) coded DRM system on various broadcast channels, and may be recommended as a coding technology for Digital Amplitude Modulation Broadcasting (DAMB) systems of China.  相似文献   

设计了基于软件无线电技术的DRM硬件接收前端,该设计可将RF前端接收到的模拟音频信号经过AD9220转换成数字信号送至FPGA,数字信号在FPGA中经过数字下变频和滤波抽取转化为48 kHz采样速率的中频信号,最后该信号封装成S/PDIF帧送至USB声卡芯片PCM2902E,通过USB接口传送给计算机,计算机装载的DRM接收软件进行DRM数字基带信号的软件解调,验证算法与电路设计的正确性.  相似文献   

Recent advances in networks and digital technology have provided many user-friendly environments such as telemedicine, e-banking, e-content, and e-commerce. It has revolutionized the multimedia industry and made it accessible anytime and anywhere. However, its limitation also appeared in digital content piracy, which is more prevalent nowadays. Digital rights management (DRM) systems were developed to control the illegal spreading of digital content. Protocols are being developed to enable effective and secure communication in DRM systems. As security and efficiency are essential parameters, the approach should be two birds with one stone; i.e., the protocol should achieve efficiency and security together. Our investigation identified that secure mechanisms either have increased computation/communication overhead or fail to meet specified security criteria when discussing efficient content key delivery mechanisms. So, an efficient protocol design with the right security attributes is required. We have worked on designing a content delivery mechanism keeping in mind the desirable attribute of security and without decreasing overhead. The suggested solution targets “two birds with one stone.” We proved the security of the scheme in the random oracle model. We verify the security against active attacks using the formal simulation tool AVISPA. Detailed analysis is performed for the evaluation of computational and communication overhead. The comparative study is also presented to understand the gains in efficiency and security.  相似文献   

基于DRM的电子文档保护系统设计与实现   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
基于DRM的电子文档保护技术是一种新的信息安全技术,主要为了解决电子政务网中电子文档内容保护和安全分发问题.文章设计和实现一种基于DRM的电子文档保护系统,并详细论述了电子文档保护机制、系统模型及其关键技术.  相似文献   

闫辉  王汝传  邵星 《电子工程师》2011,37(6):34-36,40
对等网络因其具有分布式、自组织、带宽利用率高等特点,在分布式文件分发、多媒体传输、网络流媒体服务方面有着广阔的应用前景,成为研究领域的一个热点。但是由于对等网络分布式的结构特点,必须引入版权保护机制对多媒体文件版权进行保护。文章提出了一种P2P环境下支持版权交易的DRM模型,为解决对等网络下的版权交易问题提出了一个可行的方案。  相似文献   

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