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Multi‐planar plenoptic displays consist of multiple spatially varying light‐emitting and light‐modulating planes. In this work, we introduce a framework to display light field data on this new type of display device. First, we present a mathematical notation that describes each of the layers in terms of the corresponding light transport operators. Next, we explain an algorithm that renders a light field with depth into a given multi‐planar plenoptic display and analyze the approximation error. We show two different physical prototypes that we have designed and built: The first design uses a dynamic parallax barrier and a number of bi‐state (translucent/opaque) screens. The second design uses a beam splitter to co‐locate two pairs of parallax barriers and static image projection screens. We evaluate both designs on a number of different 3D scenes. Finally, we present simulated and real results for different display configurations.  相似文献   

Abstract— Multi‐primary‐color (MPC) display technology is one of the fastest emerging research areas in recent years. Wide‐color‐gamut display devices have been required for visually sufficient and/or accurate color reproduction. It is well known that MPC displays can reproduce accurate colors with high efficiency. In addition, not only the image‐quality improvement but some other performance of display devices is also required for display devices. This paper reviews achievements in MPC display technologies and focuses on the benefits of MPC displays: power‐savings and high resolution.  相似文献   

Abstract— The present paper describes a method for using more than three primaries in an additive‐primary display. The method ensures that each tristimulus specification can be produced in no more than one way, even if a non‐singular filter (i.e., one that does not reduce the dimensionality of color‐matching space) is interposed between the screen and the viewer. Starting with N primaries, the method uses only three at a time, but these may be composites — fixed linear combinations of the original N. As further insurance against on‐screen metamerism, a criterion on the primary spectra, based on the Binet‐Cauchy theorem, ensures that a triad of primaries keeps its right/left‐handed chromaticity ordering when a filter is interposed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Display primaries are optimized for the trade‐off between the total primary power and color gamut under the requirement that a target color gamut is enclosed by the color gamut of the display. LED displays and HDTV color gamut are taken as examples. Compared to the display using a set of typical commercial RGB LEDs, it was found that a total optical (electrical) power of 23.6% (15.6%) can be saved for the display using optimal RGB LEDs. Although the size of the display color gamut is sacrificed, the color gamut of the display using optimal RGB LEDs still encloses the HDTV color gamut. The combined effect of the LED luminous efficiency and white‐point condition on the determination of the optimal LED wavelengths and bandwidths is also studied.  相似文献   

Abstract— Field‐sequential projection displays exhibit a phenomenon of color breakup (Rainbow effect). This is considered to be a disturbing artifact with negative marketing impact. The results of a psychophysical experiment comparing the visibility of the phenomenon in RGB and multi‐primary displays is described. Surprisingly, it is found that color breakup in color‐sequential projection displays with five primaries is equally (for 75 Hz) or less (for 105 Hz) visible than in similar displays with three primaries (at 180 Hz), despite the lower refresh rates.  相似文献   

Abstract— The development of multi‐primary‐color (MPC) display systems is one of the big paradigm shifts in recent display technologies and induces new potentials of display devices. The development of MPC display systems for different goals is briefly reviewed. Especially, by employing MPC systems, it is possible to reproduce the real material colors faithfully and efficiently. For signal processing, MPC systems have a big advantage in the so‐called color‐reproduction redundancy. A number of applications can be derived from this characteristic, such as improving the viewing‐angle dependency issue and power savings. On the other hand, MPC systems have a typical trade‐off versus RGB‐standardized input signals, especially for reproducing bright green. New algorithms to moderate this trade‐off on MPC systems by employing color‐reproduction redundancy are proposed. The goal of our algorithms is to maintain the compatibility with RGB‐based input signals though the initial display design so that the characteristics of MPC systems are not changed or lost. These algorithms indicate that MPC display systems are applicable not only for a specifically limited objective but also for other applications, e.g., TV broadcasting.  相似文献   

This paper presents a practical prototype of a multi‐primary image projector system in which light source spectra can be programmable for suiting any purpose. Our multi‐primary projection system is mainly configured with a light source component and an image projection component. The programmable light source can reproduce any spectral curve. Spatial images are then generated using a digital mirror device chip that quickly controls the intensity of the light source spectra in 2D image plane. The multi‐primary images in our projection system are reproduced by multiplexing the time‐sequential images with different primary colors. Our multi‐primary image projector realizes not only wide gamut projection but also spectral projection. To achieve this, we also show how light source spectra of four or six primary colors are designed.  相似文献   

Abstract— A color‐conversion method, which converts an XYZ tristimulus value to a set of display signals for a multi‐primary display, has been developed. It is necessary for a display‐device driver in a color‐management system to select an optimal set of display signals that presents a given colorimetric value on a display screen. A multi‐primary display, which has more than four primaries, has more than two sets of display signals that generate the same colorimetric value theoretically. A display‐device driver, therefore, has to be designed according to a certain rule in order to choose a unique set of display signals for one colorimetric value only. To meet the requirement, a linear interpolation method, which uses three points on an equi‐luminance plane in XYZ tristimulus value space, has been developed. The developed method assigns three points on an equi‐luminance plane in XYZ tristimulus value space to ensure smoothness of a continuous gradation of display signals. The colorimetric accuracy of the developed method was evaluated with a six‐primary DLP? projector. Colorimetric error in CIELAB space between the targets and reproductions is about 0.8 on average and 2.9 at maximum.  相似文献   

Abstract— Color displays and flexible displays that use electronic liquid powder have been developed. Novel types of color displays using either a colored powder or a color filter are discussed. We have also developed a flexible display with low‐cost substrate films with a high‐throughput roll‐to‐roll manufacturing method. These technologies enable a QR‐LPD to be widely used as an electronic‐paper display.  相似文献   

Abstract— Spatio‐temporal color displays have higher transmission and resolution than conventional LCDs, but suffer from color breakup. In this paper, a 120‐Hz display with two‐color filters and two‐color fields is described and the amount of color breakup is compared with that of a 180‐Hz full‐color‐sequential display with no color filters and three‐color fields. The results indicate that color breakup in a color‐filterless display is annoying, whereas it is just visible in displays with two‐color filters even though the refresh rate is much lower.  相似文献   

Abstract— A control sequence gives the intensities of the primaries for a pixel of a display device. The display gamut, i.e., the set of all the colors that a display can produce, is a zonohedral subset of CIE XYZ space and contains both boundary and interior colors. Displays with four primaries or more exhibit metamerism, in which different control sequences produce colors that appear identical to an observer. This paper shows mathematically that, provided no three primaries are linearly dependent, metamerism can only occur for interior colors. When there are four or more primaries, metamers can always be found for interior colors. A color on the gamut boundary, by contrast, is only produced by a unique control sequence. The proof used for displays can be extended to object‐color solids, to show that optimal colors, which are on the boundary of an object‐color solid, have unique reflectance functions.  相似文献   

Abstract— The advantage of RGB color‐sequential displays is that they have no color filters, but the disadvantage is that they need to run at high refresh rates (> >180 Hz) to prevent flicker and color breakup. An alternative color‐sequential display, which can operate at relatively low refresh rates (~ 100 Hz) without disturbing color breakup or flicker, has been developed. The display has two color filters per pixel (cyan and magenta) on the LCD panel and the backlight can generate two types of spectra (blue‐green and green‐red), which results in a wide gamut four‐primary display, effectively. One part of the paper describes the color reproduction, including color‐filter design, gamut mapping, and multi‐primary conversion. The other part deals with the reduced perception of color breakup on the novel spectrum‐sequential display compared to conventional color‐sequential displays.  相似文献   

Abstract— Two newly derived characterization models for a liquid‐crystal (LC) display have been tested for five LC‐based displays. Data measured from a series of test colors indicated that all LC‐based displays showed similar characteristics, including an S‐shaped tone curve and poor channel chromaticity constancy. Because they include a hyperbolic function in their definition, the models do not have analytical inverses, and so iterative mathematical techniques are applied. It was shown that a new characterization model based on a hyperbolic function fits the tone curve very accurately with only four coefficients per channel for any type of LCD. In addition, it was also shown that the first derivative of the function provides a means of accurate correction of the chromaticity variation.  相似文献   

Abstract— A color‐conversion method for a light‐emitting multi‐primary‐color display is proposed. While amulti‐primary‐color display uses four or more primary colors to reproduce a wide color gamut, multiple sets of primary‐color signals are needed to reproduce one color. Therefore, linear programming, which results in low power consumption, was adopted to uniquely determine the set of primary‐color signals. Although a highly accurate color conversion was achieved by using linear programming with low power consumption, it requires a very long time to convert colors of high‐resolution images. Therefore, by categorizing the color conversion of linear programming as a classification problem, colors are converted by using the decision‐tree method, which is a classification method. As a result, color conversion with high accuracy, low power consumption, and short conversion time was achieved.  相似文献   

Abstract— This paper describes a single‐layered multi‐color electrowetting display (EWD) by using ink‐jet‐printing (IJP) technology and comparing different pattern electrodes with the use of the numerical investigations of ANSYS FLUENT®. This work consists of two parts: the first describes the design of implementing a single‐layered multi‐color EWD and the second demonstrates the application of ANSYS FLUENT® simulation in different pattern electrodes settings on the proposed EWD. The single‐layered multi‐color EW device was evaluated by using various colored oils without adopting a color filter. The single‐layered multi‐color EWD at a driving voltage of 25 V can achieve a maximum aperture ratio and reflectivity of 80% and 38.5%, respectively. The colored saturation of R, G, B oils can increase to 50% (NTSC: 13.3–27.8%). In addition, a radiate electrode at the required viewable area condition of 85% and force 5 * Fk, which results in ink stable contraction and a shorter response time of 50% (radiate vs. square), was proposed. The experimental results and simulation demonstrate that ink‐jet‐printing (IJP) technology along with the use of radiate electrodes can result in a single‐layered multi‐color EWD with a shorter response time.  相似文献   

A multi‐tracking problem of multi‐agent networks is investigated in this paper where multi‐tracking refers to that the states of multiple agents in each subnetwork asymptotically converge to the same desired trajectory in the presence of information exchanges among subnetworks. The multi‐tracking of first order multi‐agent networks with directed topologies was studied. Self‐triggered protocols were proposed along with triggering functions to solve the stationary multi‐tracking and bounded dynamic multi‐tracking. The self‐triggered scheduling is obtained, and the system does not exhibit Zeno behavior. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the obtained criteria.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a wide gamut LCD using locally dimmable four‐primary‐color (4PC) LED backlight. Although the color gamut of LCDs has been improved in recent years, it is insufficient to reproduce all the colors in the real world. The objective of this paper is to propose a wide gamut LCD that reproduces all the colors in the real world while keeping the cost increases to a minimum. We evaluated the color gamut reproduced by LEDs of multiple primary colors and selected cyan as the optimal color to be added to the three primary colors to reproduce all the colors in the real world. Therefore, we designed an LED backlight consisting of an additional only‐cyan LED with three‐primary‐color LEDs and developed a prototype LCD with 4PC LED backlight. Furthermore, we developed a local dimming algorithm for the 4PC LED backlight. As a result, we confirmed that the prototype LCD with the 4PC LED backlight is able to cover almost all the colors in the real world and also able to display natural images with highly saturated colors by local dimming.  相似文献   

Abstract— Electrowetting‐based displays have been successfully demonstrated in reflective mode, showing video capability and high optical performance. However, because this technology is based on a high‐efficiency optical switch operating between a light‐absorbing state and a light‐transmitting state, the technology lends itself naturally to a transmissive mode enabling a complete range of applications. This paper describes the first active‐matrix full‐color transmissive electrowetting displays including its main technical and system aspects. Two architectures have been demonstrated: one uses color filters, the other field‐sequential‐color illumination. The paper also introduces alternative concepts for more efficient color transmissive electrowetting displays with multiple absorbing layers.  相似文献   

Monochrome reflective‐type displays are widely used for portable reading applications such as electric papers because this type does not need a back light unit and can be used outdoors for a long time. Color reflective‐type displays without back light units are desired to expand the market further. The current color reproduction is based on three sub‐pixel red, green and blue (RGB) methods, and when used in reflective type, its luminance is reduced to a third of that of monochrome type. Adding a white sub‐pixel to the current method can improve the luminance, making the sub‐pixel number four. However, in the case of a high resolution display with a four‐sub‐pixel method, the pixel structure is complex, and the luminance improvement may be limited. Instead of increasing the sub‐pixel number, two sub‐pixel methods are investigated. These methods can improve luminance with limited color gamut. The performances are compared with those of other methods quantitatively.  相似文献   

The effect of observer metamerism induced by electronic displays depends to a large extent on their primary spectra (red, green, and blue in the most common case). In particular, for narrow‐band primary spectra whose peak wavelength lies in the range of high variability of the observer's color‐matching function, some observers can experience very large differences between actual surface colors (e.g. in a light booth) and displayed colors if the monitor is optimized for the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) 1931 standard observer. However, because narrow‐band light‐emitting diodes lead to larger color gamuts, more and more monitors with very narrow band primaries are coming onto the market without manufacturers taking into account the associated problem of observer variations. Being able to measure these variations accurately and efficiently is therefore an important objective. In this paper, we propose a new approach to predict the extent of observer metamerism for a particular multiprimary display. Unlike existing dedicated models, ours does not depend on a reference illuminant and a set of reflectance spectra and is computationally more efficient.  相似文献   

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