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The impossibility of reaching deterministic consensus in an asynchronous and crash prone system was established for a weak variant of the problem, usually called weak consensus, where a set of processes need to decide on a common value in {0,1}, so that both 0 and 1 are possible decision values. On the other hand, approaches to circumventing the impossibility focused on a stronger variant of the problem, called consensus, where the processes need to decide on one of the values they initially propose (0 or 1). This paper studies the computational gap between the two problems. We show that any set of deterministic object types that, combined with registers, implements weak consensus, also implements consensus. Then we exhibit a non-deterministic type that implements weak consensus, among any number of processes, but, combined with registers, cannot implement consensus even among two processes. In modern terminology, this type has consensus power 1 and weak consensus power ∞.  相似文献   

We present Byzantine Disk Paxos, an asynchronous shared-memory consensus algorithm that uses a collection of n < 3t disks, t of which may fail by becoming non-responsive or arbitrarily corrupted. We give two constructions of this algorithm; that is, we construct two different t-tolerant (i.e., tolerating up to t disk failures) building blocks, each of which can be used, along with a leader oracle, to solve consensus. One building block is a t-tolerant wait-free shared safe register. The second building block is a t-tolerant regular register that satisfies a weaker termination (liveness) condition than wait freedom: its write operations are wait-free, whereas its read operations are guaranteed to return only in executions with a finite number of writes. We call this termination condition finite writes (FW), and show that wait-free consensus is solvable with FW-terminating registers and a leader oracle. We construct each of these t-tolerant registers from n < 3t base registers, t of which can be non-responsive or Byzantine. All the previous t-tolerant wait-free constructions in this model used at least 4t + 1 fault-prone registers, and we are not familiar with any prior FW-terminating constructions in this model. We further show tight lower bounds on the number of invocation rounds required for optimal resilience reliable register constructions, or more generally, constructions that use less than 4t + 1 fault-prone registers. Our lower bounds show that such constructions are inherently more costly than constructions that use 4t + 1 registers, and that our constructions have optimal round complexity. Furthermore, our wait-free construction is early-stopping, and it achieves the optimal round complexity with any number of actual failures. A preliminary version of this paper, by the same authors and with the same title, appears in Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC ’04), July 2004, pages 226–235.  相似文献   

The power of an object type T can be measured as the maximum number n of processes that can solve consensus using only objects of T and registers. This number, denoted cons(T), is called the consensus power of T. This paper addresses the question of the weakest failure detector to solve consensus among a number k > n of processes that communicate using shared objects of a type T with consensus power n. In other words, we seek for a failure detector that is sufficient and necessary to “boost” the consensus power of a type T from n to k. It was shown in Neiger (Proceedings of the 14th annual ACM symposium on principles of distributed computing (PODC), pp. 100–109, 1995) that a certain failure detector, denoted Ω n , is sufficient to boost the power of a type T from n to k, and it was conjectured that Ω n was also necessary. In this paper, we prove this conjecture for one-shot deterministic types. We first show that, for any one-shot deterministic type T with cons(T) ≤ n, Ω n is necessary to boost the power of T from n to n + 1. Then we go a step further and show that Ω n is also the weakest to boost the power of (n + 1)-ported one-shot deterministic types from n to any k > n. Our result generalizes, in a precise sense, the result of the weakest failure detector to solve consensus in asynchronous message-passing systems (Chandra et al. in J ACM 43(4):685–722, 1996). As a corollary, we show that Ω t is the weakest failure detector to boost the resilience level of a distributed shared memory system, i.e., to solve consensus among n > t processes using (t − 1)-resilient objects of consensus power t. This paper is a revised and extended version of a paper that appeared in the Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC 2003), entitled “On failure detectors and type boosters.”  相似文献   

The timestamp problem captures a fundamental aspect of asynchronous distributed computing. It allows processes to label events throughout the system with timestamps that provide information about the real-time ordering of those events. We consider the space complexity of wait-free implementations of timestamps from shared read-write registers in a system of n processes. We prove an lower bound on the number of registers required. If the timestamps are elements of a nowhere dense set, for example the integers, we prove a stronger, and tight, lower bound of n. However, if timestamps are not from a nowhere dense set, this bound can be beaten: we give an implementation that uses n − 1 (single-writer) registers. We also consider the special case of anonymous implementations, where processes are programmed identically and do not have unique identifiers. In contrast to the general case, we prove anonymous timestamp implementations require n registers. We also give an implementation to prove that this lower bound is tight. This is the first anonymous timestamp implementation that uses a finite number of registers.  相似文献   

This paper presents a shared-memory self-stabilizing failure detector, asynchronous consensus and replicated state-machine algorithm suite, the components of which can be started in an arbitrary state and converge to act as a virtual state-machine. Self-stabilizing algorithms can cope with transient faults. Transient faults can alter the system state to an arbitrary state and hence, cause a temporary violation of the safety property of the consensus. Started in an arbitrary state, the long lived, memory bounded and self-stabilizing failure detector, asynchronous consensus, and replicated state-machine suite, presented in the paper, recovers to satisfy eventual safety and eventual liveness requirements. Several new techniques and paradigms are introduced. The bounded memory failure detector abstracts away synchronization assumptions using bounded heartbeat counters combined with a balance–unbalance mechanism. The practically infinite paradigm is introduced in the scope of self-stabilization, where an execution of, say, 264 sequential steps is regarded as (practically) infinite. Finally, we present the first self-stabilizing wait-free reset mechanism that ensures eventual safety and can be used to implement efficient self-stabilizing timestamps that are of independent interest.  相似文献   

This paper extends Common2, the family of objects that implement and are wait-free implementable from 2 consensus objects, in two ways: First, the stack object is shown to be in the family, refuting a conjecture to the contrary [6]. Second, Common2 is investigated in the unbounded concurrency model, whereas until now it was considered only in an n-process model. We show that the fetch-and-add, test-and-set , and stack objects are in Common2 even with respect to this stronger notion of wait-free implementation. Our constructions rely on a wait-free implementation of immediate snapshots in the unbounded concurrency model, which was previously not known to be possible. The introduction of unbounded concurrency to the study of Common2 opens several directions of research: are there objects that have n-process implementations but are not unbounded concurrency implementable? We conjecture that swap is such an object. Additionally, the hope is that a queue impossibility proof, which eludes us in the n-process model, will be easier to establish in the unbounded concurrency model.  相似文献   

A simple proof method is presented for proving invariance properties of concurrent programs in priority-scheduled systems. This method is illustrated by using it to establish the correctness of a simple wait-free consensus algorithm for priority-scheduled uniprocessor systems. This consensus algorithm is of interest in its own right because is shows that atomic read and write operations are universal in priority-scheduled uniprocessor systems, i.e., they can be used to implement any shared object in such a system in a wait-free manner. This stands in contrast to fully asynchronous systems, where strong synchronization primitives such as compare-and-swap are needed for universality.  相似文献   

Summary.  We present the first shared-memory algorithms for k-exclusion in which all process blocking is achieved through the use of “local-spin” busy waiting. Such algorithms are designed to reduce interconnect traffic, which is important for good performance. Our k-exclusion algorithms are starvation-free, and are designed to be fast in the absence of contention, and to exhibit scalable performance as contention rises. In contrast, all previous starvation-free k-exclusion algorithms require unrealistic operations or generate excessive interconnect traffic under contention. We also show that efficient, starvation-free k-exclusion algorithms can be used to reduce the time and space overhead associated with existing wait-free shared object implementations, while still providing some resilience to delays and failures. The resulting “hybrid” object implementations combine the advantages of local-spin spin locks, which perform well in the absence of process delays (caused, for example, by preemptions), and wait-free algorithms, which effectively tolerate such delays. We present performance results that confirm that this k-exclusion-based technique can improve the performance of existing wait-free shared object implementations. These results also show that lock-based implementations can be susceptible to severe performance degradation under multiprogramming, while our hybrid implementations are not. Received: December 1995 / Accepted: February 1997  相似文献   

We give matching upper and lower bounds of \(\varTheta(\min(\frac{\log m}{\log \log m},\, n))\) for the individual step complexity of a wait-free m-valued adopt-commit object implemented using multi-writer registers for n anonymous processes. While the upper bound is deterministic, the lower bound holds for randomized adopt-commit objects as well. Our results are based on showing that adopt-commit objects are equivalent, up to small additive constants, to a simpler class of objects that we call conflict detectors. Our anonymous lower bound also applies to the individual step complexity of m-valued wait-free anonymous consensus, even for randomized algorithms with global coins against an oblivious adversary. The upper bound can be used to slightly improve the cost of randomized consensus against an oblivious adversary. For deterministic non-anonymous implementations of adopt-commit objects, we show a lower bound of \(\varOmega(\min(\frac{\log m}{\log \log m}, \frac{\sqrt{\log n}}{\log \log n}))\) and an upper bound of \(O(\min(\frac{\log m}{\log \log m},\, \log n))\) on the worst-case individual step complexity. For randomized non-anonymous implementations, we show that any execution contains at least one process whose steps exceed the deterministic lower bound.  相似文献   

The concept of unreliable failure detector was introduced by Chandra and Toueg as a mechanism that provides information about process failures. This mechanism has been used to solve several agreement problems, such as the consensus problem. In this paper, algorithms that implement failure detectors in partially synchronous systems are presented. First two simple algorithms of the weakest class to solve the consensus problem, namely the Eventually Strong class (?S), are presented. While the first algorithm is wait-free, the second algorithm is f-resilient, where f is a known upper bound on the number of faulty processes. Both algorithms guarantee that, eventually, all the correct processes agree permanently on a common correct process, i.e. they also implement a failure detector of the class Omega (Ω). They are also shown to be optimal in terms of the number of communication links used forever. Additionally, a wait-free algorithm that implements a failure detector of the Eventually Perfect class (?P) is presented. This algorithm is shown to be optimal in terms of the number of bidirectional links used forever.  相似文献   

A naming protocol assigns unique names (keys) to every process out of a set of communicating processes. We construct a randomized wait-free naming protocol using wait-free atomic read/write registers (shared variables) as process intercommunication primitives. Each process has its own private register and can read all others. The addresses/names each one uses for the others are possibly different: Processes p and q address the register of process r in a way not known to each other. For processes and , the protocol uses a name space of size and running time (read/writes to shared bits) with probability at least , and overall expected running time. The protocol is based on the wait-free implementation of a novel -Test&SetOnce object that randomly and fast selects a winner from a set of q contenders with probability at least in the face of the strongest possible adaptive adversary. Received: September 1994 / Accepted: January 1998  相似文献   

Summary The correctness of a program for wait-free linearization ofan arbitrary shared data object in bounded memory is verified mechanically. The program uses atomic read-write registers, an array of consensus registers and one compare and swap register. In the program, a number of processes concurrently inspect and modify a pointer structure without waiting. Consequently, the proof of correctness is very delicate. The theorem prover NQTHM of Boyer and Moore has been used to mechanically certify the correctress. Wim H. Hesselink received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Utrecht in 1975. After ten years of research in Lie algebras he turned to computer science. In 1986/1987 he was on leave with the Department of Computer Sciences of the University of Texas at Austin. Currently, he is chairman of the Department of Computing Science at the University of Groningen. His research interests include distributed programming, design and correctness of algorithms, mechanicaltheorem proving, and predicate transformation semantics of recursive procedures with nondeterminacy of various flavors.  相似文献   

Wait-Free Clock Synchronization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S. Dolev  J. L. Welch 《Algorithmica》1997,18(4):486-511
Multiprocessor computer systems are becoming increasingly important as vehicles for solving computationally expensive problems. Synchronization among the processors is achieved with a variety of clock configurations. A new notion of fault-tolerance for clock synchronization algorithms is defined, tailored to the requirements and failure patterns of shared memory multiprocessors. Algorithms in this class can tolerate any number of napping processors, where a napping processor can fail by repeatedly ceasing operation for an arbitrary time interval and then resume operation without necessarily recognizing that a fault has occurred. These algorithms guarantee that, for some fixed k, once a processor P has been working correctly for at least k time, then as long as P continues to work correctly, (1) P does not adjust its clock, and (2) P's clock agrees with the clock of every other processor that has also been working correctly for at least k time. Because a working processor must synchronize in a fixed amount of time regardless of the actions of the other processors, these algorithms are called wait-free. Another useful type of fault-tolerance is called self-stabilization: starting with an arbitrary state of the system, a self-stabilizing algorithm eventually reaches a point after which it correctly performs its task. Two wait-free clock synchronization algorithms are presented for a model with global clock pulses. The first one is self-stabilizing; the second one is not but it converges more quickly than the first one. The self-stabilizing algorithm requires each processor's communication register contents to be a part of the processor's state. This last requirement is proven necessary. A wait-free clock synchronization algorithm is also presented for a model with local clock pulses. This algorithm is not self-stabilizing. Received December 20, 1993; revised January 1995.  相似文献   

Many problems in distributed computing are impossible to solve when no information about process failures is available. It is common to ask what information about failures is necessary and sufficient to circumvent some specific impossibility, e.g., consensus, atomic commit, mutual exclusion, etc. This paper asks what information about failures is necessary to circumvent any impossibility and sufficient to circumvent some impossibility. In other words, what is the minimal yet non-trivial failure information. We present an abstraction, denoted U{\Upsilon} , that provides very little information about failures. In every run of the distributed system, U{\Upsilon} eventually informs the processes that some set of processes in the system cannot be the set of correct processes in that run. Although seemingly weak, for it might provide random information for an arbitrarily long period of time, and it eventually excludes only one set of processes (among many) that is not the set of correct processes in the current run, U{\Upsilon} still captures non-trivial failure information. We show that U{\Upsilon} is sufficient to circumvent the fundamental wait-free set-agreement impossibility. While doing so, (a) we disprove previous conjectures about the weakest failure detector to solve set-agreement and (b) we prove that solving set-agreement with registers is strictly weaker than solving n + 1-process consensus using n-process consensus. We show that U{\Upsilon} is the weakest stable non-trivial failure detector: any stable failure detector that circumvents some wait-free impossibility provides at least as much information about failures as U{\Upsilon} does. Our results are generalized, from the wait-free to the f-resilient case, through an abstraction Uf{\Upsilon^f} that we introduce and prove minimal to solve any problem that cannot be solved in an f-resilient manner, and yet sufficient to solve f-resilient f-set-agreement.  相似文献   

Some well-known primitive operations, such as compare-and-swap, can be used, together with read and write, to implement any object in a wait-free manner. However, this paper shows that, for a large class of objects, including counters, queues, stacks, and single-writer snapshots, wait-free implementations using only these primitive operations and a large class of other primitive operations cannot be space efficient: the number of base objects required is at least linear in the number of processes that share the implemented object. The same lower bounds are obtained for implementations of starvation-free mutual exclusion using only primitive operations from this class. For wait-free implementations of a closely related class of one-time objects, lower bounds on the tradeoff between time and space are presented.  相似文献   

Summary Acomposite register is an array-like shared data object that is partitioned into a number of components. An operation of such a register either writes a value to a single component, or reads the values of all components. A composite register reduces to an ordinary atomic register when there is only one component. In this paper, we show that a composite register with multiple writers per component can be implemented in a wait-free manner from a composite register with a single writer per component. It has been previously shown that registers of the latter kind can be implemented from atomic registers without waiting. Thus, our results establish that any composite register can be implemented in a wait-free manner from atomic registers. We show that our construction has comparable space compexity and better time complexity than other constructions that have been presented in the literature. James H. Anderson received the B.S. degree in Computer Science from Michigan State University in 1982, the M.S. degree in Computer Science from Purdue University in 1983, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Sciences from the University of Texas at Austin in 1990. He recently joined the Computer Science Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he is now an Assistant Professor. Prior to joining the University of North Carolina, he was an Assistant Professor of Computer Science for three years at the University of Maryland at College Park. Professor Anderson's main research interests are within the area of concurrent and distributed computing. His current interests primarily involve the implementation of resilient and scalable synchronization mechanisms.Preliminary version was presented at the Ninth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing [2]Much of the work described herein was completed while the author was with the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Maryland at College Park. This work was supported at the University of Texas by ONR Contract N00014-89-J-1913, and at the University of Maryland by NSF Contract CCR 9109497 and by an award from the University of Maryland General Research Board  相似文献   

We consider asynchronous multiprocessors where processes communicate only by reading or writing shared memory. We show how to implement consensus, compare-and-swap and other comparison primitives, as well as load-linked/store-conditional (LL/SC) using only a constant number of remote memory references (RMRs), in both the cache-coherent and the distributed-shared-memory models of such multiprocessors. Our implementations are blocking, rather than wait-free: they ensure progress provided all processes that invoke the implemented primitive are live. Our results imply that any algorithm using read and write operations, and either comparison primitives or LL/SC, can be simulated by an algorithm that uses read and write operations only, with at most a constant-factor increase in RMR complexity.  相似文献   

Summary. The acronym CaRuD represents an interface specification and an algorithm for the management of memory shared by concurrent processes. The memory cells form a directed acyclic graph. This graph is only modified by adding a new node with a list of reachable children, and by removing unreachable nodes. If memory is not full, the algorithm ensures wait-free redistribution of free nodes. It uses atomic counters for reference counting and consensus variables to ensure exclusive access. Performance is enhanced by using nondeterminacy guided by insecure knowledge. Experiments indicate that the algorithm is very suitable for multiprocessing. Received: July 1998 / Accepted: July 2000  相似文献   

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