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为实现教育资源的广泛互联和共享,各地以教育局为核心,规划并组建各地的教育城域网,实现“三通两平台”信息化建设.信息网络的联通同时也带来了很多安全问题,教育城域网中存在网络威胁、大量带宽占用、远程传输安全等风险,为此需要采取必要的安全防护措施,对各个接入节点信息网络实施严密的防护与控制,同时确保通信链路的安全性和机密性.  相似文献   

教育城域网建设通过建设学校、县(市、区)教育局及市教育局等三级教育信息网络,形成覆盖当地所有教育培训机构,面向全社会开放,具备现代远程教学及教育信息资源共享等功能,能够进行信息交换与实现实时视频传输的现代教育信息化网络系统。本文概述了教育城域网的基本内涵,分析了教育城域网所解决的现实问题,重点论述了教育城域网系统建设的主要内容。  相似文献   

<正> 经过几年的努力,我国在网络基础设施建设方面已取得较大进展。随着网络教育的蓬勃兴起,各地政府和教育部门已逐渐认识到,抓紧地区、省市范围内基于Internet的教育网络建设,并积极开展网上资源的开发与利用,对于推进我国教育现代化进程有重要意义。 然而,在我们与全国各地教育部门有关领导和技术人员交流的过程中发现,在多方筹措全力搭建自己的教育城域网  相似文献   

介绍了城域网现状及城域网技术的发展,分析了现有城域网技术的不足,阐述了新一代城域网的技术优势,并初步探讨了城域网建设的解决方案。  相似文献   

用户背景 襄樊宽带网络有限公司是在襄樊(国家)高新技术开发区支持下成立的新兴电信业务营运商,是继中国电信、联通之后的又一家提供互联网接入及信息服务的营运商,是第一个将全民宽带互联网接入引入襄樊的电信营运商。 业务挑战 由于该市城域网光纤均分布在市区部分主干道上,还不能做到将市区内任一用户用光纤接入因特网,用户只能选择DDN、ISDN或PSTN,但现有的这几种接入方式不是价格太贵,就是速度太慢,难以满足性价比好。安装调试快的要求,为了找到一种速度快、价格低的接入方式来满足上述要求,在比较了现有的各种…  相似文献   

蔡劼 《信息网络》2002,(4):23-26
宽带城域网建设所走过的道路应当在单纯考虑技术可行性的同时,以网络运营效益为中心,更多地考虑宽带城域网的长远发展,考虑现有网络的效益增值及未来网络良性发展的可行性等问题。 宽带城域网面临的问题:宽带用户的发展问题;宽带网络运营商用什么样的宽带业务来吸引宽带用户?采用合作方式,如何建立可操作的ISP-ICP-ASP之间的利益纽带? 直接影响了宽带用户放号率的原因:①资费政策;②服务质量;③宽带业务。 必须以运营为中心对宽带城域网进行合理的优化或者规划,从而实施灵活的运营策略、发展用户、建立宽带生态链,实现宽带城域网络的良性发展。 宽带生态链是以宽带城域网网络层为基础,为丰富宽带网络业务而建立的连接NSP/ISP/ICP的业务利润纽带。  相似文献   

随着DOS版本的升级,DOS提供了许多重要的面向内存的改进技术。本文通过几个实例,介绍了针对不同的软、硬件环境采用合理的DOS系统配置方法。  相似文献   

社会信息网络化给人类生活带来方便的同时,人类也深深为其所带来的信息犯罪所困扰。网络犯罪日益猖獗,我国信息安全面临极大挑战,我国信息犯罪现状令人堪忧。信息犯罪的也不断出现的新特点、新趋势,这就向我们提出了一个个前所未有的挑战。我们必须遵守其发展规律,并制定出一套预防和打击信息犯罪的方法。  相似文献   

浅谈校园网络教育应用平台建设   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
卢来 《软件》2012,(5):82-83,85
随着科学技术的发展,尤其是计算机的发展和普及,一种全新的生活方式已经来到了我们周围,尤其是在计算机网络普及开来以后,更是给我们的生活带来了极大的便利。在这其中,网络环境对于教育业的作用是极其巨大的,他给我们带来了一种新的学习模式。本文在介绍了什么是校园网络教育平台和现行的网络教育现状之后,主要探讨了现在网络教育应用中的一些不足和需要改进的措施。  相似文献   

Most of the research on deep neural networks so far has been focused on obtaining higher accuracy levels by building increasingly large and deep architectures. Training and evaluating these models is only feasible when large amounts of resources such as processing power and memory are available. Typical applications that could benefit from these models are, however, executed on resource-constrained devices. Mobile devices such as smartphones already use deep learning techniques, but they often have to perform all processing on a remote cloud. We propose a new architecture called a cascading network that is capable of distributing a deep neural network between a local device and the cloud while keeping the required communication network traffic to a minimum. The network begins processing on the constrained device, and only relies on the remote part when the local part does not provide an accurate enough result. The cascading network allows for an early-stopping mechanism during the recall phase of the network. We evaluated our approach in an Internet of Things context where a deep neural network adds intelligence to a large amount of heterogeneous connected devices. This technique enables a whole variety of autonomous systems where sensors, actuators and computing nodes can work together. We show that the cascading architecture allows for a substantial improvement in evaluation speed on constrained devices while the loss in accuracy is kept to a minimum.  相似文献   

We define and address the problem of finding the visual focus of attention for a varying number of wandering people (VFOA-W), determining where the people's movement is unconstrained. VFOA-W estimation is a new and important problem with mplications for behavior understanding and cognitive science, as well as real-world applications. One such application, which we present in this article, monitors the attention passers-by pay to an outdoor advertisement. Our approach to the VFOA-W problem proposes a multi-person tracking solution based on a dynamic Bayesian network that simultaneously infers the (variable) number of people in a scene, their body locations, their head locations, and their head pose. For efficient inference in the resulting large variable-dimensional state-space we propose a Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC) sampling scheme, as well as a novel global observation model which determines the number of people in the scene and localizes them. We propose a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based VFOA-W model which use head pose and location information to determine people's focus state. Our models are evaluated for tracking performance and ability to recognize people looking at an outdoor advertisement, with results indicating good performance on sequences where a moderate number of people pass in front of an advertisement.  相似文献   

Previous research finds that firm performance is highest when firms maintain a singular strategic focus as opposed to a multi-focused strategy. Yet, from an IT perspective, there is still some debate as to whether IT business value or the contribution of IT to firm performance is also maximized when firms maintain a single-focused strategy. Using the notion of value disciplines to model strategic foci, we find in a matched survey of executives in 241 firms that IT business value is highest in firms with a multi-focused business strategy and lowest in those with a single focus. We also find a relationship between strategic foci and the primary locus of IT value within the value chain for all focus-types except those emphasizing operational excellence. If all firms are using IT to reduce operating expenses, operationally excellent firms may find it increasingly difficult to sustain a low-cost advantage over time through IT.  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术的发展,局域网安全越来越受到人们重视。本文在分析局域网络安全风险的基础上,提出构建局域网络安全构架和局域网络安全体系的构想,对建设安全可靠的局域网络有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

Shouki A. Ebad 《Software》2018,48(5):1056-1076
Software unavailability can lead to disastrous consequences ranging from delays and cancellation to a loss of millions of dollars of technology. However, research on the causes that can make systems unavailable is still little. The aim of this paper is to investigate such causes in an industrial context using 2 qualitative approaches ((a) interview and (b) retrospective analysis) using archival data and records from a student information system. As a result, connectivity, human, hardware, storage, and software were found to be the important categories of causes for the unavailability. Besides, the critical lessons to be learned that relate to activities of software management and software business are also discussed. This includes vendor support, systems documentation, health check process, licensing, and software updating or upgrading. To strengthen the claim that our findings are promising, we compare our main findings with those of a previous study. This study can generally assist software engineering people including engineers, developers, project managers, vendors. Additionally, this paper dis cusses the threats to the study's validity and suggests open problems for future research.  相似文献   

In this paper, a contour-based focus of attention approach is presented. Fast to compute, contour based features are extracted from 3D scenes and matched to model parts of objects. Local reference frames associated with the features induce a translation and rotation, resulting in a vote being cast for the presence of the object in a certain position within the scene. In these positions, HoG features are extracted and SVM classification is applied. Detection results and computation times are compared to those corresponding to a sliding window approach.  相似文献   

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