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大数据在诸多热点领域开展了大量的研究工作,如信息通信领域的压缩感知理论、LDPC码、Turbo码、频分复用等调制技术及大气激光通信技术,海量数据存储领域的云存储技术和NoSQL数据库技术,高性能计算领域的MapReduce、FPGA和GPU计算技术,数据挖掘领域的关联规则法、分类法、聚类法及第四范式的科学思维,可视化展示领域的科学计算可视化、信息可视化和知识可视化。本文从星地数据传输、数据存储管理、数据预处理、数据分析应用、结果展示可视化等航天遥感系统的关键环节出发,分析了航天遥感系统的技术现状,探讨如何利用大数据研究方法解决航天遥感系统所面临的数据规模庞大、类型复杂、增长速度快等大数据难题,满足海量遥感数据的获取、存储、应用等需求,促进航天遥感科学技术的发展。  相似文献   

以WoS数据库为数据源,全面采集国际核心期刊数据库中"大数据"相关文献,以共词分析为基础,综合使用社会网络分析、聚类分析、战略坐标图等方法和工具,以期对当前大数据研究热点及演进趋势进行分析。研究发现,当前国际大数据研究可分为算法设计与开发、平台与框架实践、数据统计分析方法及实践、语义与本体研究和大数据的应用五个方面,且具有范围不断扩大、内容持续纵深、继承性逐渐体现等特点,但是整体而言仍处于起步阶段,各领域研究尚不成体系。之后,给出了下一阶段大数据研究前沿演进方向的预测:1)大数据环境下数据处理技术及方法研究,包括计算机数据处理的相关技术及统计方法在大数据环境下的应用研究;2)语义分析及本体研究;3)大数据商业价值的挖掘。  相似文献   

程耀东  陈刚 《工程研究》2014,(3):266-274
首先,以高能物理领域数据处理为例,分析了支撑科学研究的大数据平台在存储和处理能力、传输和共享等方面的挑战,说明现有技术已经难以满足日益快速增长的数据处理需求。然后,给出了科研大数据平台的典型架构,并讨论科研大数据平台的关键技术,包括数据采集与清洗、数据存储、数据处理、数据传输、数据共享与安全等技术,同时介绍了各种关键技术的研究现状或者主流系统。最后,介绍了中国科学院高能物理研究所科研大数据开放平台的建设思路和实现框架,该平台试图解决目前大数据发展过程中面临的一些问题,如数据开放和跨领域融合不够、跨地域数据传输性能低等,从而激活数据价值,降低应用门槛。  相似文献   

随着遥感技术的发展,遥感数据空间分辨率、时间分辨率、光谱分辨率和辐射分辨率越来越高,数据类型越来越丰富,与此同时,数据量也越来越大。遥感大数据向传统的遥感数据智能处理提出了新的挑战。本文从信息处理的角度论述了遥感大数据的海量、异构、多源的外部特征与高维度、多尺度、非平稳的内部特征,阐述了遥感大数据智能处理在算法方面所涉及的关键技术,分析了遥感大数据稀疏表征字典训练与稀疏求解方面的研究现状与存在的问题,讨论了遥感大数据数据挖掘面临的挑战,阐述了遥感大数据知识发现数据降维方面现有的解决方法与难题,并对相应的问题进行了概括性讨论。最后,总结了遥感大数据智能处理目前的研究阶段与研究意义。  相似文献   

大数据环境下,如何对高并发的视频数据进行实时地分析处理,是一个亟待解决的科学问题。本文介绍了面向互联网视频内容监管的高通量视频内容分析技术,着重对其中的四个主要关键技术(基于众核的视频高速解码和视频特征提取、基于分布式系统的高维索引和语义识别)的研究现状和发展趋势进行了综述和总结,并介绍了作者在这四个主要关键技术研究的最新成果,主要包括面向众核处理器的并行环路滤波、高鲁棒性和高并行度的局部特征提取与挖掘、分布式高维索引、面向大数据的集成学习方法,以充分发挥多粒度并行硬件平台的高并行计算能力,为互联网视频内容监管、视频搜索等重要应用提供关键技术支撑。  相似文献   

深度学习:开启大数据时代的钥匙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着大数据时代的到来,基于深度学习技术的机器学习方法被用于有效地分析和处理这些数据。本文首先概述了深度学习技术的由来,对比了浅层结构与深度结构模型的差异,分析了深度结构模型在大数据应用中的优势;认为深度学习取得成功的条件是,大规模训练数据集的支撑、先进的硬件平台支持、新的优化技术的提出;基于计算机视觉应用,从有监督特征学习和无监督特征学习两个方面分别介绍了当前深度学习研究的现状和典型的深度结构模型的基本原理和主要应用;针对当前深度学习的发展现状,总结了深度学习研究存在的挑战和未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

随着国家信息化水平的提升,大数据方法被应用到越来越多的行业和领域,而传统水利行业此前较少运用大数据的技术和思路解决问题.国家水资源监控能力建设项目是我国为实施最严格水资源管理制度而建立的重大工程项目,该工程特别强调数据的整合共享以及大数据技术的应用并建设了水资源大数据平台,该平台构建了水资源行业主题数据库,并运用大数据...  相似文献   

在现行估算指标逐渐不能满足市场变化需求的情况下,分析了传统估算指标编制方法目前存在的主要问题,提出一种基于大数据技术的估算指标编制方法。通过分析大数据技术在估算指标编制中的应用过程,提出了一种基于数据挖掘C4.5算法的估算指标编制方法,综合考虑时间因素对指标的影响,利用敏感性分析对估算指标做一定调整,最后通过算例验证了该方法的实用性,对理论与实践应用均有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

殷瑞钰 《工程研究》2009,1(1):75-82
工程演化论是一个新的研究课题和新的研究领域,工程哲学的深入发展和经济社会发展的现实都提出了研究工程演化论的要求。文中分析了“演化”、“演化论”、“工程”和“工程演化论”这几个基本概念及相关问题,指出工程演化论研究中应包括“理论研究”和“实例研究”两大方面的内容,前者包括对工程演化的过程、路径、方向、动力、机制、约束条件等问题的研究,后者的重点是研究具体行业领域中工程的演化问题,文章最后阐述了研究工程演化论的目的和意义。  相似文献   

蒋昌华 《工程研究》2013,5(4):365-373
油水两相流动现象作为多相流领域的重要分支,普遍存在于石油工业各个环节中.水平管道油水两相流流型的相关研究对于解决石油生产中的重要技术问题具有重要意义.简述了国内、外水平管道油水两相流流型研究的现状和发展方向,介绍了流型划分的方法.分析了影响流型的各种因素和参数,包括流速和相含率、油相黏度、管道直径和材质、入口形状、添加剂等.介绍了流型参数的测量方法和流型的识别方法,分析了现有测量手段存在的不足.针对流型影响因素、测量方法、内部结构的研究,指出了当前研究存在的问题和未来的研究方向,为进一步开展水平管道油水两相流流型研究工作提供了参考.  相似文献   

Firstly, the trend of development from Digital City to Smart City is introduced. The concept of smart city and its key supporting technologies are described as well. Then, we discuss the intrinsic meaning of Smart City: based on the basic framework established by Digital City, efficient integration of the real world and digital world through the Internet of Things and massive and complex calculations by cloud computing center provide more intelligent services for city management and public services. Furthermore, major characteristics of Smart City are summarized and several related applications are put into practice. All of those applications prove that Smart City could provide more intelligent services and securer technical support. Meanwhile, we analyze the disorganized information, security, sharing and property rights issues that still exist in the Smart City. In addition, this paper provides effective countermeasures from aspects of standards, laws, technology and applications, and makes reliable and efficient exploration for the construction of the Smart City. Finally, a prospect of promising future of Smart City is presented.  相似文献   

The tectonic and Environmental Observation Network of mainland China is a key national scientific infrastructure project carried out during the eleventh five-year plan period in China. It is composed of three main parts: reference network, regional network and data system. The main purpose of the project is to monitor the crustal movement, gravity field, perceptible water vapor (PWV), total electron content (TEC), and many other tectonic and environmental elements around mainland China, by mainly using the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and other space-based geodesy tools, together with traditional leveling and gravity measurements. The output of the project will serve the earthquake prediction, surveying and mapping, weather forecast and scientific research, and so on. In this paper, we introduce the main purpose and content of the project, and its characteristics in technology and management, and we also summarize the multiple applications of the project.  相似文献   

The large-scale construction projects have significant impact on regional development, so the rational evaluation theory and methodology become the key factors on deciding whether the large construction project is feasible or not. However, the related theoretical and empirical research is still very weak, and the analysis and evaluation tends to have a certain degree of subjectivity and arbitrariness. Based on the characteristics of the role of large construction projects on regional development, as well as the objectives and requirements of the project decision-making, we establish a local closed input-output model to analyze the regional economic impact of large construction projects, in order to increase the specification and rationality of the quantitative impact measurement, such as economic growth, industrial structure, employment and urbanization, and improve the scientific nature of decision-making. The Baihetan hydropower station construction project is selected as case study of empirical research. We prepare the comparable local closed-type input-output tables of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces and use the local closed input-output model to analyze and estimate the economic impact of large construction projects on regional economic development. Studies have shown that Baihetan hydropower station construction have positive role and significant impact on the economic development of construction area of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, such as promoting regional economic growth, accelerating the process of industrialization and ur-banization, the expanding employment opportunities, optimizing the industrial structure and so on.  相似文献   

Atmospheric duct plays a major role in propagation of radio waves and function of surveillance equipment system and so on. Research of atmospheric duct and its application system development are of great scientific and practical importance. To take engineering application as the target, this paper reviews briefly the main research methods and application systems of atmospheric duct including evaporation duct, surface duct and elevated duct. Evaporation duct is usually indirectly investigated from meteorological profiles near sea surface and atmospheric refractivity is calculated based on some similarity theory and the methods have been integrated into many radio propagation prediction systems. The surface and elevated duct are similarly observed by sounding balloons or micro-rockets. The atmospheric duct environments are studied from quantitative analysis based on synoptic maps, satellite images and so on to accurate quantification with mesoscale weather numerical models. Numerical models are often used in engineering prediction systems such as COAMPS. There are three major radio propagation models in atmospheric duct environments at present: geometrical optics model, guided mode and parabolic equation model. Parabolic equation models are mostly used in application systems. Engineering systems of atmospheric ducts are further developed in the field of image visualization system based on coupled ocean/atmosphere mesoscale prediction system and electromagnetic propagation models, which can offer more re-liable and accurate electromagnetic environments and propagation estimations, and serve economic construction and national defense better.  相似文献   

徐静  王大洲 《工程研究》2010,2(3):209-216
Recently, how to improve the utilization efficiency of large scientific instruments and equipment (LSIE) has been the focus in scientific field. The “open sharing” of LSIE has nearly become the standard solution to this problem. However, there is no linear relationship between the extent of sharing and the utilization rate of LSIE. Based on the “survey on the conditions of national science and tehcnology infrastructure (2009)” which was sponsored by National Science and Technology Infrastructure Center with the Ministry of Science and Technology, the authors adopt the state-space analysis method and analyses the utilizing and sharing state of large scientific instruments from various aspects. And the authors present that only by implementing different measures to different LSIE can we achieve the goal of raising the utilization efficiency.  相似文献   

Public understanding and participation of earthquake science needs new theoretical guidance and new technical supports. Theoretical concepts such as ‘Actor-Networking Theory (ANT)’ and techniques such as Community Model, ‘cloud computing’, and ‘internet of things’ provide a new perspective for the public understanding and participation of earthquake science which is facing to new challenges.  相似文献   

尚智丛  张伟娜 《工程研究》2009,1(2):143-151
大科学工程是实现国家重要科学技术目标的大型科研设施,在推进国家科学技术发展与实现国家目标过程中具有不可替代的作用。北京正负电子对撞机是我国大科学工程的代表。自20世纪80年代以来,其建设、运行和改造都紧密结合国家目标,在推进科学研究、发展高新技术、实现成果产业化等方面,做出了突出贡献。本文以此为案例讨论大科学工程与国家目标之间的关系。  相似文献   

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