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<正>绿色发展是党的十八届五中全会提出的我国经济社会发展的五大基本理念(创新是第一动力,协调是内在要求,绿色是必要条件,开放是必由之路,共享是本质要求)之一,是国际大趋势。绿色制造是生态文明建设的重要内容,是制造业转型升级的必由之路。我国作为制造大国,钢铁工业在我国经济、国防、民生建设中发挥了不可替代的重要作用,但是依然没有摆脱高投入、高消耗、高排放的发展方式,资源能源消耗和污染排放与国际先进水平仍存在  相似文献   

为了成为全球第四大材料强国,韩国政府雄心勃勃地启动了世界一流材料(WPM)项目,该项目旨在开发十大核心材料,提升自身材料品牌竞争力,实现绿色可持续发展,通过独创和一流的产品提升韩国在全球市场的份额,同时预计将创造约32000个新岗位及可观的经济效益。智能涂层钢板项目作为WPM项目中最重要的项目之一,由浦项制铁公司主管,该钢板材料采用电磁悬浮和诱导加热技术开发,是一种环保型产品,实现轻量化的同时,可以提高汽车、家电和建筑的耐用性,也可减少污染物的排放,提高能效和生产效率。  相似文献   

钢铁工业是传统支柱性产业之一,为国民经济的发展提供了有力支撑。然而钢铁企业作为资源以及能源消耗大户,面临着巨大的环保压力,国内部分钢厂面临产能转移和退城搬迁的局面。通过介绍韩国忠清南道地区钢铁工业的生态化布局和其典型钢铁企业的绿色发展案例,建设性地提出了城市友好型钢铁企业的未来发展目标。忠清南道位于韩国西部,靠近西海岸,与首都圈和中部地区接壤,其钢铁企业主要集中在唐津地区。现代制铁是忠清南道地区的龙头钢铁企业,也是韩国第二大钢铁企业,通过构建环保厂区,综合开展三废治理、余热利用,发展可再生能源,已经取得了良好的生产和环保成效,其实践经验为城市钢铁企业的可持续发展提供了参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

本文揭示了城市型钢铁企业发展历程,建设性地提出了城市型钢铁企业绿色发展的趋势和目标,深刻解读了样板企业新世纪以来的节能减排历程。在环保搬迁和国际金融危机的双重压力下,样板企业进行了有史以来规模最大的厂区环境治理和流程再造,通过开发界面技术及能效对标以深化节能减排,淘汰落后技术,普及CDQ、TRT、高炉和转炉干法除尘、烧结矿余热发电、煤气综合利用和发电等各种节能技术及强化各级除尘、烧结脱硫等环保技术。同时,发挥社会功能,建设了城市中水和工业废水处理系统,日处理能力15万t,并形成了节能、生产、设备和环保协同控制的管理模式。与2000年相比,企业自发电比例提高了373%,吨钢新水消耗降低68.4%,吨钢颗粒物排放量降低89.9%,吨钢SO_2排放量降低87.6%,厂区绿化率从21%提高到50%,厂区环境得到了极大的改善。样板企业制定了长期目标,今后将致力于在为城市供热、消纳城市废弃物等方面进行探索,建设清洁、循环、低碳、绿色的城市型钢铁企业。其发展历程为城市型钢铁企业的可持续发展提供了模式范本、指明了方向。  相似文献   

本文阐述了国内外钢铁工业节能降耗进展,对能源高效利用领域面临的新形势和挑战进行分析,并总结了现阶段行业较为关注的节能新技术的进展情况。能效水平提升是世界各国钢铁工业实现绿色低碳发展的共同着力点,钢铁工业能源高效利用正逐步向系统化、智慧化以及跨行业应用的转变,同时技术创新和工业化进程加快。  相似文献   

本文应用《冶金流程工程学》"三大功能"理论,在解析钢铁制造流程能源转化过程的基础上,分析了钢铁企业能源成本的构成及节能增效的潜力,分析了钢铁流程能源转换的功能特色及价值优势,指出忽视能源流的"矢量"特征及能源质量价值是系统能效低的重要拫源。认为钢铁流程"能源转换功能"价值有待深度开发,通过工序、行业等跨界拓展优化可在更高层次上实现钢铁企业的流程价值,也是实现行业绿色转型发展的重要手段。现阶段,以系统优化方法,实施顶层设计,制定能源系统优化整体解决方案,挖掘流程用能极限及提高余热余能自发电比例应成为提升钢铁企业系统能效的重要着力点;构建新的"煤铁化工"新平台,以焦炉煤气、高炉煤气、转炉煤气的化工合成升值利用为核心,实现伴生煤气资源化工合成的物质转换是钢铁流程巨大的价值潜力所在。  相似文献   

本文介绍了欧盟概况及其交通运输发展现状,在对近年来欧盟出台的政策文件及采取的相关举措进行梳理的基础上,结合其交通面临的新形势,总结分析了欧盟在发展绿色交通方面的新进展和新趋势。主要包括:构建一体化交通运输体系,优化运输结构;提高交通低排放替代能源的使用,优化能源结构;发展低排放和零排放车辆,鼓励低碳出行;制订城市交通发展计划,实现低碳出行;完善定价和税收政策,实现交通外部成本内部化;给予持续的资金支持,保障和引导绿色交通发展;加强交通运输节能减排监管,夯实绿色发展基础等。  相似文献   

在我国生态文明建设和全面推行绿色制造的总体要求下,钢铁工业面临多重严峻挑战。钢铁工业是流程制造业,可通过制造流程工艺变革,改变高炉炉料结构,进一步实现节能、降碳、污染减排。本文就球团替代烧结从设备投资(含环保投资)、生产运行成本(含环保设施运行成本)、能耗、焦比/渣比和污染物产生等方面进行综合研究分析,以国内某900万t钢铁联合企业为例,进行了不同炉料结构下的计算比较。结果表明,与现状情景(入炉烧结矿70.36%、球团27.72%,综合品位59.19%Fe)相比,当入炉球团矿比例增加至91.51%、入炉综合品位为65.13%Fe的情景下,铁烧球工序总能耗将降低11.9%、二氧化碳排放减少35.2%、废气排放减少14.57%,总污染负荷将降低41.2%。可见,球团替代烧结是贯彻"精料方针",有效减少铁前废气污染负荷、降低能耗和碳排放的重要措施,是钢铁工业走向绿色制造的一个重要途径。  相似文献   

随着铁路绿色施工的不断推广,择优选取绿色施工企业已成为招标人日益关注的焦点问题。为改进传统评标方法,将重新确定绿色施工评标流程,建立合理的铁路绿色施工评标指标体系,并采用层次分析法与灰色系统理论相结合的方法,构建AHP-灰色聚类法评标模型。为尽可能使评价指标满足定量化分析要求,同时考虑到人体思维最大可分辨能力,将各指标划分为优、良、中、合格、较差、差6个灰类级别并分别赋值,形成评价指标等级值化向量。然后,通过评标专家对投标书中各指标评定的优劣等级结果与其等级值化向量进行加权平均,计算出各投标书综合得分,确定最终优劣排序,为业主选取最优中标人。最后,运用此评判模型对中川铁路项目投标书的实证分析,验证了该方法在绿色施工项目评标中实施的可行性。  相似文献   

针对绿色施工监管问题,构建演化博弈模型与系统动力学仿真模型,从理论分析和实验仿真两个视角研究建筑企业与监管部门间的博弈关系;分析不同监管机制下博弈系统的均衡点稳定性,探究提高绿色施工概率与稳定性的途径。研究结果表明:静态监管机制下,博弈系统不存在演化稳定均衡点,建筑企业绿色施工概率具有不稳定性;动态惩罚机制下,博弈系统的混合策略均衡点为演化稳定均衡点,提高监管部门失职追责、降低监管成本,能够提高该演化稳定均衡点下的绿色施工概率;将静态监管机制下混合策略均衡点对应的监管概率设定为监管概率阈值,能够使建筑企业绿色施工概率向100%演化并保持稳定,实现监管机制的优化。  相似文献   

Shipping is undertaking 90 percent of international trade transportation. The emission in the shipping industry is its mobile, boundless, and transregional. As to energy consumption and carbon emission per unit volume, shipping is already the most economical and energy-efficient way for transportation, but the growth rate of energy consumption and carbon emission of shipping is greatly surpassing that of other industries. International Maritime Organization has made great efforts and also got lots of achievements in carbon reduction of shipping. In China, although many progresses are achieved in carbon reduction of shipping, a further improvement is to be made through the cooperation of related parties because of the weaker foundation, imperfect management mechanism, and insufficient technology accumulation. In order to boost the low carbon development and sustainable development of shipping, efforts are to be focused on policies and regulations, management systems, standards and codes, technology research and development, and safeguard measures. Meanwhile, the creativity and enthusiasm of the shipping enterprise must be stimulated, and training and public awareness should be increased.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of carbon emission sources in steel manufacturing process, the status quo and the characteristics of GHG emission in the steel industry are analyzed. It is concluded that CO2 is the major greenhouse gas that contributes to greenhouse effect and it is mainly caused by energy consumption. As there are many CO2 emission calculation methods for the steel industry or plants, involving aspects such as direct emission, indirect emission, and credits, it should be noted that it makes little sense to compare CO2 emission indexes from different sources. Based on the estimation of direct CO2 emissions in the steel industry in China from 1991 to 2008, it is indicated that the specific direct CO2 emission per ton steel is de-creased from 3.29t in 1991 to 1.92t in 2008, which shows that energy-saving and emission reduction in the Chinese steel industry has made significant progress. Besides, this paper introduces international develop-ments in low carbon technologies, such as ULCOS, COURSE 50, etc.. Meanwhile, the low-carbon technolo-gies, mainly the secondary energy utilization technologies, and CO2 emission reduction potential during the “Twelfth Five-year Plan” in China are analyzed. This paper predicts that, compared with the specific CO2 emission per ton steel in 2005, the figure in 2015 will be reduced by 104.01kg. Finally, GHG emission re-duction measures and roadmap in Chinese steel industry are put forward, and some policies are suggested.  相似文献   

Application and Development of Pyrolysis Technology in Low-Carbon Economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The efficient, clean and low carbon utilization is the leading direction of research and development of coal utilization technology. In China, the low rank coal, represented by lignite and subbituminous coal, is dominating in coal resources, accounting for more than 55%. Low rank coal is characterized with lower coalification degree, higher volatile matter and moisture content, which lead to low efficiency in direct combustion and gasification process. Therefore, a staged conversion technology based on coal pyrolysis, and the pyrolysis technology with the features of mild conditions, simple process, wider applicability of coal, higher energy efficiency, lower water consumption, especially pyrolysis bridged hybrid power generation technology is proposed as a promising trend in research field. The process takes full advantage of coal composition characteristic to extract gas, liquid fuel, chemicals, and combined hybrid power generation. This technology can realize the improvements in energy efficiency, coal-fired efficiency, power generation efficiency, and the reduction of coal consumption, by upgrading processing, clean coal-fired of industrial boilers, integrating highly efficient steam–gas turbine combined cycle power generation technology. It aims to enhance coal comprehensive utilization efficiency, decrease pollutant and CO2 emission, and in the end promote the development of science and technology of high efficient low-carbon utilization of low rank coal.  相似文献   

The change of global climate is closely linked to all the countries in the world. A low-carbon development model based on high energy efficiency, low power consumption and low emissions is the best choice for China to address climate change and to achieve a virtuous cycle of economic and environmental development. Under the guidance of a series of policies, some achievements in low-carbon development has been made in China. In this article, a brief introduction is given about the background, concept and necessity of low-carbon development, and then seven approaches used to achieve the goal of low-carbon development are proposed in detail, including low-carbon energy, low carbon layout, low-carbon industries, low carbon buildings, low carbon transport, low-carbon agriculture and low-carbon consumption. The positive roles of technological development and institu-tional innovation in low-carbon development are also described with examples.  相似文献   

尹志芳  张斌亮  李敏 《工程研究》2012,4(3):277-286
中国的碳交易市场刚刚起步,正处于城市试点、逐步推广的阶段,总结和借鉴发达国家的碳交易市场参与方的运作模式和经验,对于中国碳交易市场的成功运行和在国际碳交易市场中话语权的建立具有非常重要的现实意义。本文通过调查四家欧洲碳交易中间商在碳交易市场中的表现和运作规律,分析了它们的商业模式、规模特点、融资模式、风险管理方式等,总结得出:作为碳交易市场中重要的参与方,无论是从传统能源、电力行业衍生出的碳交易中间商还是专业的碳交易公司都需要融资与风险管理,这就使得信贷、保险等金融中介机构的介入成为必然。金融机构与碳交易中间商的参与大大促进了碳交易市场的流动性,同时,期货的引入盘活了欧洲碳交易市场。国内的碳交易市场可以借鉴欧洲碳交易市场的建设经验,采用适当的形式把购买自愿减排量的方式转变为对高排放企业的强制减排要求,从而创造国内碳交易市场的需求,并应允许大量的中间商和金融机构进入碳交易市场,保证市场的流动性。  相似文献   

张燕 《工程研究》2011,3(3):273-279
基于投入导向的规模报酬不变的超效率数据包络分析方法,运用EMS1.3.0软件测算2003-2009年全国各省市(区)的生态效率评价值,并通过建立城镇化的生态效率效应模型,实证检验中国城镇化进程中的生态效率变化趋势及其影响因素.研究结果表明,城镇化水平与生态效率之间呈正U型变化关系,即在城镇化的初期阶段,生态效率不断降低...  相似文献   

Population urbanization is closely related to carbon emission control, but the relationship between them is uncertain. Population urbanization makes carbon emit more greatly, which is the main cause of carbon emission increase. Therefore, population urbanization can also be the “key” to control carbon emission effectively. This article constructs the analysis framework of carbon emission control mechanism in the aspect of population urbanization, and identifies it preliminarily: the development of population urbanization will increase the number and scale of cities; the spatial distribution, the life and the production activities of the urbanized population con-stitute the three city depa rtments-life, traffic and production, which are also the three sources of carbon emission. It is the increase of number and scale of cities, different flow of migration to cities and the changes of the spatial distribution, the life and the production activities of the urbanized population that leads to different carbon emis-sion. This is not only the carbon emission mechanism of population urbanization, but also the clue to the scientific way to promote the low carbon of population urbanization.  相似文献   

随着计算机软硬件的飞速发展及网络的迅速普及,科学计算中的数据量呈现爆炸式增长。大数据可视化已经成为科学计算中的重要研究内容之一。本文介绍了大数据的定义,阐述了可视化分析领域及科学计算中大数据可视化的重要意义;分析和讨论了传统的科学计算可视化研究方法,以研究数据场的类型为标准,对算法和技术进行了分类阐述;分析了大数据背景下,传统的科学计算可视化方法的不足,进而介绍了基于GPU环境的科学计算中大数据可视化的并行计算和绘制方法;最后结合本课题组在科学计算中针对大数据可视化领域取得的主要理论和应用成果,给出了大数据环境下的科学计算可视化进一步的发展及研究方向。  相似文献   

Controlling greenhouse gas emissions is of great significance for speeding up the transformation of economic development pattern, promoting sustainable economic and social development, advancing new industrial revolution. This paper chooses three typical regions at different development stages and with different carbon emission characteristics, namely Dongcheng District in Beijing on behalf of the developed metropolitan central city, Jiyuan City in Henan province on behalf of heavy industry city and Guangyuan City in Sichuan Province on behalf of the less developed cities. The study surveyed the status quo of the three city governments’ capacity building in controlling GHGs emissions. The survey finds that the common point of the three cities is their execu-tive power following “top-level design” to achieve energy-saving targets, while the difference lies in different in-dustrial stage and resource endowments. Based on these survey results, the paper suggests that the governments should enhance capacity building from four aspects including institution and policy, statistical system, performance appraisal and emission reduction measures to control GHGs emission.  相似文献   

The development of new energy vehicle is the key to the low carbon transportation system and is very important to tackle climate problems. Nowadays, with the policy support, new energy vehicle has begun to go into the application period from the laboratory . The number of new energy vehicle is expanding. But because of the imperfectness on policy and standard and the immaturity of technology, the in-use new energy vehicles are facing big challenges. This paper first analyzes the scope and characteristics of new energy vehicles; then based on the survey of new energy bus and taxi, this paper identifies the main problems in new energy vehicle operation and management from the aspects of economic, standard, policy, planning, etc. Finally, the paper proposes some coun-termeasures and suggestions for the future development of new energy vehicle in China.  相似文献   

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