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目的优化5A06铝合金半球形薄壁零件充液拉深成形工艺参数。方法首先利用有限元方法对铝合金半球充液拉深成形过程进行有限元仿真。对其中的关键工艺参数压边间隙和液室压力进行详细分析,优化工艺参数,然后进行实验验证。结果当压边间隙较大时法兰起皱,当压边间隙较小时零件破裂。液室压力过大,零件悬空区胀形量过大,壁厚减薄严重,容易破裂。若压力过小,液室压力的摩擦保持作用不明显,也容易使板料过度减薄而破裂。结论压边间隙控制在2.7~2.8 mm之间,液室压力控制在15~25 MPa之间,可以成形出合格零件,实验结果与有限元仿真结果相符。 相似文献
充液圆柱壳的波传播和功率流特性研究 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
以一无限长弹性充液圆柱壳为研究对象,分别用Flugge壳体理论与Helmholtz方程分析管壁结构波运动和管内声场,通过管壁内表面的运动协调条件,建立此耦合系统的运动微分方程。分析了耦合波的传播特点。重点讨论在自由传播波作用时,由壳体中各内力传播的功率流,从能量角度分析了各种波的传播特点。 相似文献
轴向冲击下薄壁圆柱壳的屈曲行为的实验研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
由于薄壁圆柱壳比厚壁圆柱壳的不均匀性更大,薄壁圆柱壳的轴向动力屈曲比厚壁复杂得多。了解轴向冲击下薄壁圆柱壳的屈曲行为,有助于进行吸能构件设计。介绍了采用落锤实验进行圆柱壳的动力屈曲行为研究中,超薄壁圆柱壳的一些特殊屈曲行为,在实验中观察到随着径厚比的增加,折屈边数有相应增加的趋势,存在过渡区。经吸能特性分析,随着圆柱壳径厚比的增加,平均压垮载荷和一个基本变形单元能量吸收量增加,有效压缩距离和一个基本变形单元的初始长度增加,但有效压缩距离与基本变形单元长度之比保持不变;在壁厚相同的条件下,能量吸收量与圆柱壳半径成正比。 相似文献
充液壳中管壁接头对振动波传播的控制作用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究一无限长充液圆柱壳的自由振动特性,考虑当传播波入射到充液柱壳时,其中插入的管壁接头对入射波的反射与透射情况。发现入射波频率、管壁接头的几何与物理特性对入射波有较大影响。这些结论对于工程实际中控制输液管的振动有参考价值。 相似文献
充液金属薄壁圆柱壳轴向压缩屈曲性能实验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文报导了充液金属薄壁圆壳轴向压缩屈曲性能的探索性实验研究,实验表明,由于壳内封闭液体存在,相比内空的金属薄壁圆柱壳屈曲性能表现出极大差异,如临界载荷有所提高,特别是“下临界载荷”显著提高,屈曲模态呈对称形式,后屈曲过程一直保持在较高载荷水平等。 相似文献
充液圆柱壳结构广泛存在于在工程中,在外部激励作用下,圆柱壳会与流体产生耦合振动,且未充满的液面也会产生晃荡,这种耦合振动响应分析在工程中具有重要意义。提出了一种求解考虑内部液体小幅晃荡的弹性圆柱壳振动响应的半解析法。首先分别在壳体建立结构坐标系、在自由液面建立液体坐标系,各自用来描述结构及内部液体的运动。基于Flügge壳体理论建立了圆柱壳的运动控制方程。将液体视为无黏、不可压缩的理想流体,根据线性水波理论和液体自由表面运动边界条件,得出了内部液体的速度势函数。通过流固耦合界面的连续性条件,结合坐标变换推导得到流固耦合系统的运动控制方程。研究了壳体在径向点力激励下振动响应,并得出了对应的液面晃荡响应。和有限元法对比验证了方法的正确性,然后改变相关参数讨论了考虑内部液体晃荡的弹性圆柱壳振动响应特性。 相似文献
金属空心球结构是一种新型的多孔金属材料,对金属半球壳压缩力学性能的研究是研究整体材料力学性能的基础。通过一系列准静态压缩实验,研究了金属半球壳受刚性球、刚性平板及三种不同截面积的刚性圆柱压缩下的变形形貌及屈服极限、弹性模量等力学性能,分析了球壳受不同压头压缩时的变形规律。通过建立与实验对应的数值模型,对金属半球壳进行了压缩数值模拟,分析了其力学性能。研究表明:金属半球壳的屈服极限和弹性模量均与平面压头的截面积无关,屈曲应力则随刚性圆柱形压头截面积增大而增大,半球壳压缩吸能性能随压头面积减小而降低。 相似文献
应用Johnson Cook本构方程, 结合Singace叠缩模型,考虑冲击作用引起材料的应变强化效应、应变率强化效应和温度效应,研究了冲击物体和金属圆柱壳相互作用的能量转化过程。运用角度增量叠缩法计算了圆柱壳的塑性变形能,根据冲击块和圆柱壳所组成系统能量守恒得到了冲击块速度位移、冲击块和圆柱壳之间瞬时载荷的解析表达式,以及圆柱壳塑性变形引起的温度分布函数。通过对不同材质的金属圆柱壳在冲击作用下塑性变形过程的计算分析,并和有限元计算结果比较,证明了本文计算方法的正确性。 相似文献
This paper treats the crush behaviour and energy absorption response of foam-filled conical tubes subjected to oblique impact loading. Dynamic computer simulation techniques validated by experimental testing are used to carry out a parametric study of such devices. The study aims at quantifying the energy absorption of empty and foam-filled conical tubes under oblique impact loading, for variations in the load angle and geometry parameters of the tube. It is evident that foam-filled conical tubes are preferable as impact energy absorbers due to their ability to withstand oblique impact loads as effectively as axial impact loads. Furthermore, it is found that the energy absorption capacity of filled tubes is better maintained compared to that of empty tubes as the load orientation increases. The primary outcome of this study is design information for the use of foam-filled conical tubes as energy absorbers where oblique impact loading is expected. 相似文献
Blast resistance and energy absorption of foam-core cylindrical sandwich shells under external blast
The early time, through-thickness stress wave response of a foam-core, composite sandwich cylindrical shell under external blast is examined in this paper. Solutions for the transient response of the facesheets were derived as stress waves propagated through an elastic–plastic, crushable foam core. These solutions were found to be in good agreement with results from finite element analysis. The blast response of the composite sandwich cylindrical shell was shown to be affected by the magnitude and duration of the pressure pulse. High amplitude, low duration (impulsive) pressure pulses induced the greatest energy absorption. Low amplitude, long duration pressure pulses caused minimal energy absorption. The amount of energy absorbed increased and the failure load decreased with increasing core thickness. Sandwich shells with foams of varying density, compressive modulus and crushing resistance were also examined. The sandwich shells with the foam of the highest density, compressive modulus and crushing resistance (Divinycell HCP100) were found to be the most blast resistant to failure even though no energy was absorbed by them. Per unit weight, however, the shells with a lighter, less stiff and strong, Divinycell H200 foam core were more blast resistant to failure than shells with a Divinycell HCP100 foam core. 相似文献
The tensile and compressive tests of glass–epoxy composites with 1–200 s−1 strain rates which are typical strain rate range during automobile crash accidents were performed in order to measure the strength variation with respect to strain rate. The tests were performed using both a horizontal type pneumatic impact tester and a conventional dynamic universal test machine with strain-rate-increase mechanisms. Also, the impact energy absorption characteristics of glass fiber reinforced composites were estimated using the newly proposed progressive impact fracture model. From the experiments and predictions, it was found that the proposed method predicted relatively well the experimental results. 相似文献
为实现不同冲击载荷下的吸能管结构逆向设计, 应用复合材料强度和刚度理论, 计算得到树脂基纤维增强复合材料正交各向异性的力学参数, 同时应用非线性显式有限元算法模拟了轴向冲击载荷作用下管件的动态断裂过程。根据正交设计原理, 得到了管件比吸能与其几何参数之间的非线性映射关系, 并构造出了相应的响应表面。按照汽车正面碰撞对冲击加速度的要求, 应用序列二次规划算法对吸能管进行了优化设计, 得到了具有较优吸能效率和较小冲击力峰值的吸能管结构参数。结果显示: 方管的变形模式、吸能量、冲击载荷-位移曲线变化趋势、冲击载荷峰值等与试验结果吻合很好; 当管件的壁厚、截面长度、管长分别选取2.1、44、200 mm时, 可得到设计域内的最大比吸能29.23 J/g。 相似文献
In this paper, a numerical study of normal perforation of thin steel plates impacted by different projectile shapes is reported. The numerical simulations of this problem have been performed using a finite element code, ABAQUS-Explicit with a fixed and an adaptive mesh for the plate. To define the thermoviscoplastic behaviour of the material constituting the plate, the Johnson–Cook model has been used. This homogeneous behaviour has been coupled with the Johnson–Cook fracture criterion to predict completely the perforation process. Three kinds of projectile shape (blunt, conical and hemispherical) have been simulated with a large range of impact velocities from 190 to 600 m/s. The analysis considers the influence of adiabatic shear bands, plastic work and the gradient of temperature generated in the plate. The numerical results predict correctly the behaviour projectile-plate in agreement with experimental data published by other authors. 相似文献
填充泡沫铝的多层铝管动态压溃吸能特性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用数值模拟的方法研究和分析了无填充物的多层铝管结构的吸能特性,结果发现多层铝管相比单层铝管,不但具有较大的吸能量,而且还具有较高的比吸能率;在此基础上,设计了不同层数的多层管泡沫铝填充结构,研究发现泡沫铝不但受轴向压溃变形,同时也受到了铝管层之间的相互作用力使其在径向发生了变形;之后对多层管填充3种不同密度的泡沫铝,采用变参分析的方法研究了多层管层数和泡沫铝密度对整个结构吸能特性的影响;研究结果表明:填充泡沫铝的多层管,随着层数的增加,其比吸能率和吸能量也随之有所增加,随着泡沫铝密度的提高,比吸能率的提高量开始下降,但仍高于填充相同泡沫铝的单层管。 相似文献
摘要:通过数值计算研究规则排布和交错排布的三角形铝蜂窝在面内冲击荷载下的变形模式、承载能力以及能量吸收特性。结果表明两种蜂窝的变形均随着冲击速度的增加或胞壁厚度的减小而向冲击端集中,规则排布的蜂窝沿着局部变形带逐行压溃直至密实,而交错排布蜂窝的变形模式可分为4种。铝蜂窝吸收的能量绝大部分转化为变形所需的内能,动能所占比重较小。随着冲击速度的提高,两种排布方式的蜂窝均表现出更强的承载能力和能量吸收能力,但内能在总能量中的比重减小,动能比重增加。规则排布的蜂窝比交错排布的蜂窝具有更高的承载力和能量吸收能力,该差别主要是由于二者内能的不同所引起,且该差值在交错排布蜂窝“核区”形成后逐渐减小。 相似文献