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Understanding the ways people respond to place in an inter‐cultural context is a rich and rewarding process. The knowledge‐discovery journey can involve different modes of transport and multiple and various routes. The qualitative vehicle, although soft in its steering and often circular in direction, provides opportunities to explore landscapes that one rarely sees in single‐trajectory intellectual travel. Using hermeneutics and phenomenology, with a particular focus on metaphors and tropes, a number of conceptual journeys related to researching the experience of migration are described. The difficult state of being ‘between place’ and how this becomes manifest in real places is explored. The journeys show that only by travelling circuitously can one arrive at a multi‐faceted form of awareness of the experience of migration and place.  相似文献   

The pro-growth, state-led institutional setting in China makes it easy to build infrastructure and physical space. Nevertheless despite the aspiration to create the qualities often associated with place making, many urban developments around new High-Speed Railway hubs lack essential urban qualities. This paper uses the idea of institutional capacity to explore the conditions that, in the Chinese context, might contribute to place making. The Hongqiao Business District, developed around a new transportation hub in western Shanghai indicates that the involvement of a varied set of actors that is not only guided by hierarchical relationships has several consequences for place making. It allows for value capturing to support unprofitable components of development plans such as public space. Furthermore, it turns actors on the district and street-offices level into constructive stakeholders of urban mega-projects and creates awareness of the importance of open knowledge management (transparency of information openness, use of local knowledge, etc.). While the Hongqiao conditions might not be copied straightforward to other Chinese cases, they could provide a source of inspiration for other projects that strive for urban quality.  相似文献   

<正>建筑职业的矛盾之一是现实和理想之间的差距。阿尔瓦·西扎曾经说,他从未完全实现过一个建筑。其状况的普遍化,由此可见一斑。而形成这样的矛盾之一是建筑职业的社会性与建筑学本身的自主性。对于建筑社会性的理解有很多个层面,最直接的解释可能是建筑是社会生产和社会生活的一部分。即便是最商业的项目,从总体上说,也是社会生产的一部分,占用并使用了社会资源。更直白的描述或许是,建筑师的工作是用别人的钱,通过其他人的劳动(也包括建筑师自己的),为别人盖房子。这里面隐含的一个问题是,建筑  相似文献   

赵彬  覃小燕 《华中建筑》2006,24(1):27-29,57
该文介绍了美国捷得国际建筑师务所独特的设计理念:建筑是一个可感知的物体,是其他可触、可知实体的舞名,更是我们自己行游的场所,建筑设计就是场所制造。建筑空间的实质是以参与活动的人为主体的,强调人在场所中的体验,应采取体验性设计手法。进而对上海久百城市广场进行述评,进一步阐述捷得事务所的设计思想。  相似文献   

祝晓峰在国内的建筑实践始于1990年代的深圳。文章介绍影响祝晓峰的主要建筑理念,如他在珠江三角洲的机遇,库哈斯对珠三角的城市印象,以及赫尔佐格与德默隆对建筑本质性的探索;并深入分析了祝晓峰到上海创立“山水秀”事务所以后的两个项目“青松外苑”和“金泽耶稣堂”。  相似文献   

在老人居住环境里,生活满意程度和参与休闲活动两者关系密切,研究显示:一个人的行为与情感,就是其与周遭环境互动的结果。对居住者来说,一个成功的居住环境应同时兼顾功能性、支持性和意义性,其环境不只鼓励团体意象与活动参与,更能提供一个熟悉的家的感觉;而空间层级的设计,可以提供一个支持行为的环境。文章针对空间层级与老人休闲活动的关系进行研究,以分析台湾第一个连续性照护小区“双连社会福利园区”的成功之处,经由其空间结构的分析,提供未来设计的建议,而此连续性照护模式也可进一步地广义解释为“原居安老”的延伸概念之一。  相似文献   

中心地理论是我国城镇体系规划工作中研究和引介的诸多西方理论之一.本研究从该理论的诞生地选取一个具有完整体系结构的样本区域——纽伦堡G体系,从空间形态、建成区面积、人口、人口密度、中心地分布等方面,对1925年和2005年两个代表性时间段的数据进行研究,形成若干关于中心地体系变迁的认识.文章进一步分析了这种变迁的影响因素,供规划师借鉴参考.研究发现,G体系的中东部区域出现显著的提升发展趋势,西南部区域出现明显的弱化趋势,总体呈现出区域性非均衡发展格局.  相似文献   

Karalee Rock is a location deep in the Western Australian bush between Southern Cross and Coolgardie. It is a natural landscape that has been scarred by water engineering and industrial use and is a well used local recreation area and tourist destination. Karalee offers a contained setting in which to discuss the role of identity in the processes of place formation and the importance of recognising and understanding places in the redevelopment of urban environments.  相似文献   

Karalee Rock is a location deep in the Western Australian bush between Southern Cross and Coolgardie. It is a natural landscape that has been scarred by water engineering and industrial use and is a well used local recreation area and tourist destination. Karalee offers a contained setting in which to discuss the role of identity in the processes of place formation and the importance of recognising and understanding places in the redevelopment of urban environments.  相似文献   

This research investigated the place attachment of a heritage place, namely, the Roman amphitheater, by using a valid model, the Kyle, Graefe, and Manning (2005) model. This model presents three factors to reach place attachment: place identification, place dependence, and social bonding. Although the validity of the used model was proved, statistical tests were used to verify the validity of the collected data because the model was used on a heritage site. In accordance with the mentioned model, the sample was interviewed using the model questionnaire to evaluate people's attachment to the heritage place during rush hours. Along with other statistical tests, the exploratory factor analysis of the sample elaborated that the Kyle, Graefe, and Manning model is not completely valid for this study, because the results added a new effective factor, namely, spiritual value. The place attachment estimation was then examined using the new model. The nature of the place was found to affect the model used to evaluate its place attachment.  相似文献   

当代城市场所营造已经在城市规划和建筑学科高速发展的今天提到了一个至关重要的地位,本文针对现在城市中场所营造出现的问题,结合国内外案例,提出一系列城市场所营造的基本原则,为城市场所营造提供建议。  相似文献   

建筑现象学的产生是为了探寻建筑存在的本质意义以及在此意义指导下的空间环境塑造行为.城市空间与建筑空间有着密不可分的辩证关系,城市空间在宏观意义上可以类似于建筑空间.因此,运用场所精神对具体的、狭义的空间环境感知拓展至更加宏观抽象的、广义的城市本质的感知,并以此解释城市的本质对于人们的城市辨别感、认同感等方面的意义....  相似文献   

周荃  王丹 《建筑与文化》2013,(12):71-72
本文通过对自好坦三清观及其周边环境的介绍,揭示出历史、文化、地域性和民俗等因素对辽南村镇聚落中的宗教建筑的形成与演变所产生的影响。并通过分析城子坦三清观的环境与选址、布局与空间、构造和装修以及民俗活动,探讨其场所营建艺术。  相似文献   

叶菁  齐康 《华中建筑》2008,26(9):78-81
该文介绍了金坛市华罗庚纪念馆的主要设计思想,其设计构思是基于自然环境、人文精神、地域文化,探求具有事件性、场景性、现代性的建筑性格。  相似文献   

Research suggests that the experience of open spaces routinely encountered is important to human quality of life. However, in their design decision making, landscape architects may not give this the level of attention it deserves. A potential response is explored by drawing from elements of environmental psychology research, socially responsive approaches to urban planning and design, and spatial concepts developed by Christian Norberg-Schulz. A range of experience, related to how people attach significance to certain locations, orientate themselves, and develop awareness of their home ground, is conceptualized spatially to propose a conceptual framework which has the potential to augment landscape architectural approaches to the neighbourhood environment.  相似文献   

中村攻  游林敏 《中国园林》2007,23(10):33-34
儿童游戏场所是儿童"游戏"生活行为的载体,儿童通过游戏可以获得其他生活行为难以获得的自发性创造的勇气和能力,养成成为大人所必要的人际关系和自治的能力,即游戏对于儿童有着特殊的地位和特别的作用。在规划设计儿童公园以及公园绿地时,需要考虑儿童自身的想象力,提供儿童游戏时可能用到的工具及素材。在游戏场所中如何保护儿童,使其免受危险也是必须考虑的问题。  相似文献   

赵万民 《室内设计》2020,(1):116-124
本文记述了笔者近20年来对国内 外城市及地区人居环境的学术考察,并用建 筑速写画的方式对所考察对象进行记录和文 字评述。论文讨论了聚居的体验:学术由来 及其认识过程;城市—建筑速写:从业人员 的学术素养和文化修养;行万里路、读万卷 书:人居环境空间场所的体验(外国部分和 中国部分)等学术认识和观点。论文提出对 建筑学、城市规划、风景园林的学术工作者 而言,通过对中西方历史、文化、社会、城市 和建筑的考察和对比认识,可以增进对人居 环境文化形态和建筑美学的理解,从而吸纳 学术营养,将其用于今天城乡建设研究工作 与实践中。  相似文献   

卫东风 《华中建筑》2009,27(3):266-270
喀什高台民居生土建筑顺应当地的地理环境和气候特点,院落空间有序而精妙,色彩朴素而又不乏绚丽,在民族传统特色与伊斯兰文化背景的融合发展之中,创造了一种既封闭叉开放的淳朴祥和的人化自然。该文以建筑现象学原理为基础,对高台民居生土建筑的场所精神、空间形态、母体要素、视觉、触觉等体验分别加以阐释,给现代建筑与室内建筑师以启发和思考。  相似文献   

Research suggests that the experience of open spaces routinely encountered is important to human quality of life. However, in their design decision making, landscape architects may not give this the level of attention it deserves. A potential response is explored by drawing from elements of environmental psychology research, socially responsive approaches to urban planning and design, and spatial concepts developed by Christian Norberg-Schulz. A range of experience, related to how people attach significance to certain locations, orientate themselves, and develop awareness of their home ground, is conceptualized spatially to propose a conceptual framework which has the potential to augment landscape architectural approaches to the neighbourhood environment.  相似文献   

Chris Allen 《Housing Studies》2005,20(6):989-1007
The growing interest in reflexive social science has been matched by a voluminous literature on the epistemological consequences of positionality in social research. Inter-subjectivist approaches to positionality emphasise how social interactions within the field produce ‘interpretative moments’ and thereby consciously affect the process of knowledge production. Objectivist approaches to positionality emphasise the ‘background thinking’ that social researchers carry into the field, unexamined, as occupants of social positions that are class, gender etc. based. It follows that this (class, gendered) background thinking unconsciously influences the process of knowledge production. However, since this literature has had little impact on the field of housing and urban research, its relevance to these fields remains to be established and vice versa. In this paper, I discuss both of these approaches and find them helpful but limited in their relevance to housing and urban research. Since housing and urban research tends to be undertaken on behalf of ‘policy funders’, I argue that constant exposure to the ‘disciplinary gaze’ of those funders means that the positionality of housing and urban researchers is also moulded during the course of the academic career. This means that the positionality of housing and urban researchers is not simply established within the field nor carried into the field. Rather, the positionality of housing and urban researchers develops over time of constant exposure to the ‘disciplinary gaze’ of research funders and manifests itself in what Foucault refers to as ‘docility’, i.e. research practices intuitively and uncritically oriented to satisfying the needs and demands of research funders. I draw on my own research career experiences to demonstrate this argument and, in doing so, show how my docility manifested itself during recent ‘policy funded’ research into the housing and urban problems of visual impaired children.  相似文献   

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