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Thirsty male rats were given saccharin water followed by delayed illness. During the delay, some of the rats were exposed to events designed to stimulate their external systems (i.e., the system that processes external events such as auditory and tactile stimulation). Access to females, mild footshocks, and pain from hypertonic saline injections did not interfere with either the acquisition or extinction of a taste aversion. In fact, when administered intraperitoneally, the hypertonic saline slightly increased the strength of the aversion. Exposure to heat, which changed both skin temperature and core temperature, slightly attenuated the formation of the aversion. Overall, these results emphasize the independence of the internal system (i.e., the system that deals with internal events such as taste, illness, and core temperature) and the external system. Furthermore, the associating of events related to the internal system is not readily interfered with by events related to the external system. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studies have investigated the pharmacologic mechanism of 2-(4'-isothiocyanatobenzyl) imidazoline (IBI) and analogs for interaction with imidazoline receptors (IRs), alpha-adrenergic receptors (alpha-ARs), and calcium channels in cardiovascular muscle systems. IBI differs from tolazoline by substitution of an electrophilic isothiocyanato (NCS) group. Unlike tolazoline, which is a partial alpha-AR agonist, IBI produced an irreversible, slow-onset, and sustained contraction of rat aorta with an median effective concentration (EC50) value of 5 microM, and a maximal contraction (116%) greater than that of phenylephrine (100%) and tolazoline (59%). The IBI-induced contractions were dependent on calcium channels and independent of alpha-ARs or IRs. Similarly, structure-activity relation studies in rat aortic smooth muscles on a series of synthesized IBI analogs indicated that NCS analogs, but not those without the NCS group, exhibited effects by a non-alpha-AR, non-IR, but a calcium channel-dependent mechanism. Thus the presence of an intact IBI ring in these analogs is not a requirement for these activities. Further, IBI inhibited dihydropyridine (DHP, [3H]PN 200-110 and [3H]Bay K 8644) binding to L-type calcium channels of T-tubule membranes in rabbit skeletal muscle. In contrast to nifedipine, IBI and NCS derivatives (nifedipine-NCS, naphazoline-NCS) only partially (50-88%) displaced specific binding of these radioligands. A single site of noncooperative interaction was observed for nifedipine (nH = 0.97), whereas tolazoline-NCS (IBI, nH = 1.46) and nifedipine-NCS (nH = 1.37) exhibited a positive cooperativity in binding to DHP sites. These receptor-binding data indicate that NCS derivatives bind to L-type calcium channels and interact allosterically with DHP-binding sites. Direct binding of the NCS group to specific nucleophilic protein sites of the calcium channel may be responsible for its activation and the subsequent contractile effects of IBI.  相似文献   

Oxidative damage to DNA is mutagenic and thus may play a role in carcinogenesis. Because of the large number of different DNA lesions formed by oxidative species, no genetic alteration so far identified is exclusively associated with oxygen damage. Tandem double CC-->TT mutations are known to occur via UV damage to DNA and are thought to be a specific indicator of UV exposure. Using a sensitive reversion assay that can detect both single and double mutations within the same codon of the M13-encoded lacZ alpha gene, we show that treatments that produce reactive oxygen species can also produce tandem double CC-->TT mutations. The frequency at which these mutations occur is less than that for single base mutations by a factor of approximately 30. The induction of these mutations is inhibited by treatment that scavenges hydroxyl radicals. This unique mutation provides a marker of oxygen free radical-induced mutagenesis in cells that are not exposed to UV-irradiation and an indicator for assessing the involvement of oxidative damage to DNA in aging and tumor progression.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the high sensitivity of plasma free metanephrines for diagnosis of pheochromocytoma may result from production of free metanephrines within tumors. Presence in pheochromocytomas of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), the enzyme responsible for conversion of catecholamines to metanephrines, was confirmed by Western blot analysis, enzyme assay, and immunohistochemistry. Western blot analysis and enzyme assay indicated that membrane-bound and not soluble COMT was the predominant form of the enzyme in pheochromocytoma. Immunohistochemistry revealed colocalization of COMT in the same chromaffin cells where catecholamines are translocated into storage vesicles by the vesicular monoamine transporter. Levels of free metanephrines in pheochromocytoma over 10,000 times higher than plasma concentrations in the same patients before removal of tumors indicated production of metanephrines within tumors. Comparisons of the production of metanephrines in patients with pheochromocytoma with production from catecholamines released or infused into the circulation indicated that more than 93% of the consistently elevated levels of circulating free metanephrines in patients with pheochromocytoma are derived from metabolism before and not after release of catecholamines into the circulation. The data indicate that the elevated plasma levels of free metanephrines in patients with pheochromocytoma are derived from catecholamines produced and metabolized within tumors. Some tumors do not secrete catecholamines, but all appear to metabolize catecholamines to free metanephrines, thus explaining the better sensitivity of plasma free metanephrines over other tests for diagnosis of pheochromocytoma.  相似文献   

Musculoskeletal loading influences the stresses and strains within the human femur and thereby affects the processes of bone modeling and remodeling. It is essential for implant design and simulations of bone modeling processes to identify locally high or low strain values which may lead to bone resorption and thereby affect the clinical outcome. Using a finite element model the stresses and strains of a femur with all thigh muscle and joint contact forces were calculated for four phases of a gait cycle. Reduced load sets with only a few major muscles were analyzed alternatively. In a completely balanced femur with all thigh muscles the stress and strain patterns are characterized by combined bending and torsion throughout the bone. Similar to in vivo recordings, the model with all thigh muscles showed peak surface strains below 2000 mu epsilon (45% gait cycle). Under simplified load regimes surface strains reached values close to 3000 mu epsilon. Within the proximal femur, the simplified load regimes produced differences in strain as high as 26% in comparison to those with all thigh muscles included. This difference is reduced to 5% if the adductors are added to a loading consisting of hip contact, abductors and ilio-tibial band. This study demonstrates the importance of an ensemble of muscle forces to reproduce a physiological strain distribution in the femur. Analytical attempts to simulate bone modeling, remodeling or bone density distributions should therefore rely on fully balanced external load regimes which account for the role of the various soft tissue forces.  相似文献   

Aging has previously been shown to produce a generalized proportional slowing of all cognitive operations. In contrast, the present results suggested that Alzheimer's disease produces a disproportionate reduction in the speed with which patients carry out one or more mental operations. The tasks that demented patients found particularly difficult involved either a self-directed search of their lexicon or the use of familiarity information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To examine whether apoptosis related proteins are present in skeletal muscles we studied biopsied muscles immunohistochemically and by Western blot analysis. Biopsied muscles from patients with several disorders were studied with anti-Fas antibody and anti-BCL2 antibody. Type II muscle fibers identified by ATPase staining were positively stained by anti-Fas antibody in both normal control and diseased muscles. Anti-BCL2 antibody did not stain any muscle fibers. Western blot analysis using anti-Fas antibody showed a single band at 45 kDa in both skeletal muscle and lymphocytes. Anti-Fas antibody has been reported to induce apoptosis in the cells. The presence of anti-Fas antibody reactive materials in type II muscle fibers might be related to type II fiber atrophy in muscular disorders.  相似文献   

The technique of intraneural microstimulation (INMS) combined with microneurography was used to excite and to record impulse activity in identified afferent peroneal nerve fibers from skeletal muscle of human volunteers. Microelectrode position was minutely adjusted within the impaled nerve fascicle until a reproducible sensation of deep pain projected to the limb was obtained during INMS. During INMS trains of 5-10 s in duration and at threshold for sensation, volunteers perceived a well defined area of deep pain projected to muscle. Psychophysical judgements of the magnitude of pain increased with increasing rates of INMS between 5 and 25 Hz. Also, the area of the painful projected field (PF) evoked during trains of INMS of various duration but constant intensity and rate typically expanded with duration of INMS. The intraneural microelectrode was alternatively used to record neural activity originating from primary muscle afferents. Eight slowly adapting units with moderate to high mechanical threshold were identified by applying pressure within or adjacent to the painful PF. Conduction velocities ranged from 0.9 to 6.0 m/s, and fibers were classed as Group III or Group IV. Capsaicin (0.01%) injected into the RF of two slowly conducting muscle afferents (one Group III and one Group IV) produced spontaneous discharge of each fiber and caused intense cramping pain, suggesting that the units recorded were nociceptive. Our results endorse the concept that the primary sensory apparatus that encodes the sensation of cramping muscle pain in humans is served by mechanical nociceptors with slowly conducting nerve fibers. Results also reveal that muscle pain can be precisely localized, although the human cortical function of locognosia for muscle pain becomes blunted as a function of duration of the stimulus.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There are many conditions related to brain abscess. Brain abscesses resulting from nasopharyngeal carcinoma is rare. It is unusual for an intracranial abscess to appear as the initial clinical presentation of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. CASE REPORT: A 43-year-old male patient suffering from nasopharyngeal carcinoma with the initial manifestation of an intracranial abscess without symptoms and signs suggestive of the primary nasopharyngeal carcinoma is reported. The diagnosis was particularly elusive and was not made until the third admission. CONCLUSION: Although it is rare, intracranial abscess should be considered as one of the possible manifestations of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.  相似文献   

The clinical utility of doxorubicin, an antineoplastic agent, is limited by its cardiotoxicity. Our objective was to determine whether expression of genes encoding proteins that affect Ca2+ homeostasis were altered in the hearts of rabbits chronically treated with doxorubicin. Twelve male New Zealand white rabbits received an injection of doxorubicin (2.5 mg/kg i.v.) once a week for 8 weeks. Eight rabbits were similarly injected with saline as controls. The cardiac function of both groups was evaluated 8 weeks after the final injection, as were the levels of expression of mRNA for Ca2+ transport proteins in the sarcoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane. The amount of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase and the Ca2+ uptake capacity of the protein were also quantitated. Cardiac output was significantly decreased in the doxorubicin-treated group (71+/-21 ml/min, P<0.05) compared with the control group (118+/-15 ml/min). The mRNA levels for the sarcoplasmic reticulum proteins were significantly diminished in the doxorubicin-treated hearts: ryanodine receptor-2 (relative expression level compared with controls, 0.35+/-0.13, P<0.01), sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (0.56+/-0.13, P<0.01), phospholamban (0.62+/-0.20, P<0.01) and cardiac calsequestrin (0. 57+/-0.26, P<0.01). In addition, both relative amount of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase protein (doxorubicin-treated group, 69+/-17% of control, P<0.01) and the Ca2+ uptake capacity (46. 9+/-9.8 nmol Ca2+/mg protein-5 min in doxorubicin group v 63.2+/-10. 4 in the control group, P<0.01) were concomitantly decreased with its mRNA expression level. Conversely, the mRNA levels for the plasma membrane proteins did not differ from those of control rabbits: the dihydropyridine receptor (relative expression level, 1. 03+/-0.30, N.S.), plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (0.93+/-0.33, N.S.) and the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (0.87+/-0.34, N.S.). These findings suggest that a selective decrease in mRNA expression for sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transport proteins is responsible for the impaired Ca2+ handling, and thus, for the reduced cardiac function seen in the cardiomyopathy induced in rabbits by the long-term treatment with doxorubicin.  相似文献   

Two mRNA species with different sizes (3.8 kb and 2.8 kb) for the fyn proto-oncogene have been noticed during Northern hybridization analysis. However, the difference between the two mRNA species has not been resolved yet. By screening a phage expression library using the monoclonal antibody (mAb) B16-5 which recognizes Src homology 3 (SH3) domains of phospholipase C-gamma and Nck, we have cloned a cDNA encoding the larger species of fyn mRNA. The size of the clone was 3.5 kb and DNA sequencing analysis of the clone showed that it was fyn expressed mainly in T-cells, fyn (T), with an untranslated region 1 kb longer than the previously reported one. The 3'-end fragment of the clone hybridized only to the larger species (3.8 kb) of fyn mRNA but not to the smaller one (2.8 kb) on Northern blot analysis. Furthermore, an additional polyadenylation signal sequence was found at the end of this clone. These results indicate that the two mRNA species for fyn are produced by alternative polyadenylation.  相似文献   

Conclusions A process has been developed for the manufacture of high-porosity sintered parts of complex configuration consisting in pressing in investment-cast ceramic shells. Use of such parts as vaporizers in internal combustion engines intensifies fuel evaporation and ensures the formation of more homogeneous fuel-air mixtures. This lowers fuel consumption by 8–14% without adversely affecting the dynamic characteristics of the engine or the maximum car speed and decreases the carbon monoxide content of exhaust gases by 30–50%.Translated from Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No. 3(195), pp. 87–90, March, 1979.  相似文献   

Precursor-accumulating vesicles mediate transport of the precursors of seed proteins to protein storage vacuoles in maturing pumpkin seeds. We isolated the precursor-accumulating vesicles and characterized a 100-kDa component (PV100) of the vesicles. Isolated cDNA for PV100 encoded a 97,310-Da protein that was composed of a hydrophobic signal peptide and the following three domains: an 11-kDa Cys-rich domain with four CXXXC motifs, a 34-kDa Arg/Glu-rich domain composed of six homologous repeats, and a 50-kDa vicilin-like domain. Both immunocytochemistry and immunoblots with anti-PV100 antibodies showed that <10-kDa proteins and the 50-kDa vicilin-like protein were accumulated in the vacuoles. To identify the mature proteins derived from PV100, soluble proteins of the vacuoles were separated, and their molecular structures were determined. Mass spectrometry and peptide sequencing showed that two Cys-rich peptides, three Arg/Glu-rich peptides, and the vicilin-like protein were produced by cleaving Asn-Gln bonds of PV100 and that all of these proteins had a pyroglutamate at their NH2 termini. To clarify the cleavage mechanism, in vitro processing of PV100 was performed with purified vacuolar processing enzyme (VPE). Taken together, these results suggested that VPE was responsible for cleaving Asn-Gln bonds of a single precursor, PV100, to produce multiple seed proteins. It is likely that the Asn-Gln stretches not only provide cleavage sites for VPE but also produce aminopeptidase-resistant proteins. We also found that the Cys-rich peptide functions as a trypsin inhibitor. Our findings suggested that PV100 is converted into different functional proteins, such as a proteinase inhibitor and a storage protein, in the vacuoles of seed cells.  相似文献   

During Drosophila embryogenesis, mesodermal cells are recruited to form a complex pattern of larval muscles. The formation of the pattern is initiated by the segregation of a special class of founder myoblasts. Single founders fuse with neighbouring nonfounder myoblasts to form the precursors of individual muscles. Founders and the muscles that they give rise to have specific patterns of gene expression and it has been suggested that it is the expression of these founder cell genes that determines individual muscle attributes such as size, shape, insertion sites and innervation. We find that the segmentation gene Krüppel is expressed in a subset of founders and muscles, regulates specific patterns of gene expression in these cells and is required for the acquisition of proper muscle identity. We show that gain and loss of Krüppel expression in sibling founder cells is sufficient to switch these cells, and the muscles that they give rise to, between alternative cell fates.  相似文献   

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