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The paper deals with a possible utilisation of wood ash as a reagent in treating acid mine drainage (AMD) from opencast mining of brown coal. Wood ash samples were obtained having combusted deciduous and coniferous tree wood in a household furnace. The dominant mineral phases in wood ash are calcite, quartz, lime and periclase. The used AMD is characteristic of high contents of sulphates, iron, manganese, heavy metals and low pH. The AMD treatment process included dosing of wood ash to adjust pH values about 8.3 (a dose of 0.5 g l−1) or calcium hydroxide (a dose of 0.2 g l−1) for comparison. The reaction time was 20 min. Dosing of wood ash in AMD resulted in an increase of pH in solution from 3.5 to 8.3, which caused the removal of metal ions mainly by precipitation, co-precipitation and adsorption. Comparing the application of Ca(OH)2 in AMD treatment, at an almost identical pH value the concentrations fell in both cases for Fe, Mn, As, Co, Cu, Ni, Zn, Mg, Al and Mo. Applying wood ash the drop was even more distinct in Mn, Zn and Mg. The results of sedimentation tests in an Imhoff cone confirm that the settling capacities of sludge using wood ash are significantly better than when using calcium hydroxide in acid mine drainage treatment.  相似文献   

粉煤灰对酸性矿井水中Cd2+的吸附动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐建平  郑仲  朱明明 《煤炭学报》2007,32(11):1183-1186
分析研究了粉煤灰对模拟酸性矿井水中Cd2+的吸附.实验中选取Cd2+的初始浓度为0.000 1~0.010 0 mol/L.结果表明,粉煤灰对Cd2+的吸附符合Freundlich型吸附等温式,吸附反应符合一级反应动力学特征.在不同温度下得到了速率常数方程,表观活化能Ea=28.95 kJ/mol,指前因子A=68.9 min-1.  相似文献   

为探讨粉煤灰对煤矿充填膏体性能的影响,试验采用坍落度试验和流变试验综合评价膏体流变性,通过干缩变形研究其长期稳定性及对接顶性能的影响,研究了水泥、煤矸石用量及膏体浓度不变的情况下粉煤灰掺量64.2%~69.8%,膏体流变性、泌水率、抗压强度和干缩率的变化情况。结果表明:1随粉煤灰掺量的增加,膏体流变性减弱,黏聚性增强,泌水率减小。2随粉煤灰掺量的增大,不同龄期膏体抗压强度变化不同,3 d强度变化不大,在0.5 MPa左右;7 d强度呈先增后降的趋势,在66.7%掺量时最大达到2.5 MPa;14 d强度于67.8%掺量前在4 MPa上下变化,在68.9%掺量时达到6.9 MPa;28 d强度发展缓慢,与14 d变化趋势相似。7~14 d水化作用显著,强度增长量能达到28 d强度的40%~60%。3膏体的干缩量随粉煤灰用量增加而减小,与龄期近似满足对数关系。且膏体干缩量曲线160 d开始趋于平稳,干缩率不超过0.2%。  相似文献   

菱镁矿尾矿煅烧后产生的轻烧镁粉对于酸性矿井水的处理具有效果好、操作条件良好、沉渣少等优点。通过对轻烧镁粉的成分分析可知,主要成分氧化镁占比高于90%。以山西某煤矿酸性矿井水为研究对象,对其进行常规水质分析可知,总铁浓度为230.01mg/L、亚铁离子浓度为66.98mg/L、pH值为3.24。采用轻烧镁粉进行酸性矿井水处理,设计正交实验,分析初始pH值、药剂投加量、曝气量、曝气时间等对处理效果的影响。实验结果表明,在投加轻烧镁粉量为0.50~1.00g/L时,酸性矿井水初始pH值可由3.15~3.31提高到6~9左右,缓冲性能较好,较容易控制投加量使pH值控制在6~9;轻烧镁粉处理酸性矿井水时三个主要因素的影响程度大小为:投加量搅拌时间搅拌速度,当轻烧镁粉投加量为0.85g/L、搅拌速度为400r/min、搅拌时间为12min时,实验效果较好;利用轻烧镁粉提高酸性矿井水的pH值到7.48时,曝气5min,曝气量为0.5m3/h,聚合氯化铝(PAC)投加量为10mg/L时,经处理矿井水中亚铁离子和总铁浓度可分别降至0.07mg/L和0.17mg/L,满足排放或回用水对总铁的要求,且改善了沉渣的沉降性能,大大缩短了沉降时间。  相似文献   

针对煤矿井下排水系统不够完善和先进的现状,提出了一种新的基于虚拟仪器的排水监控系统的设计方案.设计采用的数据采集卡和图形化设计软件LabVIEW,实现了数据的实时采集和排水系统的实时监控,同时可对液位、水压等数据进行实时记录、图表显示和历史查询.程序中应用对话框、菜单编辑器等及技术编制友好的人机界面;并以LabSQL免费工具包为纽带,将LabVIEW和Access数据库结合在一起,构造了动态的监控数据管理系统;同时,还采用了Notifier通知器技术,实现了主VI与子VI数据的同步传输.  相似文献   

酸性矿山废水的处理对环境可持续性至关重要。目前,利用硫酸盐还原菌修复酸性矿山废水因高效经济、环境友好、绿色安全等优势,备受国内外研究学者的关注。因此,本文通过对有关硫酸盐还原菌处理酸性矿山废水文献进行梳理,综述了酸性矿山废水的来源及危害,总结了硫酸盐还原菌去除酸性矿山废水中高硫酸盐和金属的机理,详细介绍了影响硫酸盐还原菌处理酸性矿山废水的主要因素,阐述了基于硫酸盐还原的生物反应器系统。最后,对硫酸盐还原菌处理酸性矿山废水的研究进行展望并提出建议。  相似文献   

一般的潜水泵在输送含沙水、泥浆水或污水时技术性能急剧恶化,主要原因是固体之间是撞击磨损.矿用立泵的流道设计符合固体流场的变化规律,叶轮发生的主要是摩擦磨损,极大地延长了潜水泵的使用寿命.采用KL120-50型矿用立泵进行井下工作面低洼点处排水,轻便安全、高效节能,能够适应矿井复杂多变的环境.  相似文献   

煤矸石用于人工湿地处理酸性矿井水的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了利用煤矸石作为人工湿地填料处理酸性矿井水的技术研究,对煤矸石的综合利用、酸性矿井水的回用以及矿区生态环境的综合治理都有重要意义。  相似文献   

随着煤矿工作面采掘延伸,矿井水害日趋严重,受断层、冲刷带、离层水、封闭不良钻孔等不良地质因素多重威胁,煤矿水害防治技术天花板难以突破,物探结果呈多解性,无法准确确定靶区,钻探疏放工作量无法削减,水害治理费用居高不下。以采煤工作面为对象,详细探讨探放水工作市场化运行现状,通过建立一、二、三级市场,制定劳动、材料、电力等定额,运用定额在探放水施工过程进行考核,详细罗列定额单价的计算方法,在材料、电费、加工维修等要素实现成本节约;验证降本增效、激发工艺最优化的潜在办法,为煤矿探放水市场化建设指出针对性路径。  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage (AMD) is the most serious environmental problem facing the Canadian mineral industry today. It results from oxidation of sulphide minerals (e.g. pyrite or pyrrhotite) contained in mine waste or mine tailings and is characterized by acid effluents rich in heavy metals that are released into the environment. A new acid remediation technology is presented, by which metallurgical residues from the aluminium extraction industry are used to construct permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) to treat acid mine effluents. This technology is very promising for treating acid mine effluents in order to decrease their harmful environmental effects.  相似文献   

方解石处理酸性矿排水次生矿物学和渗透性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘璟  赵峰华  谌书  余敏 《煤炭学报》2012,37(6):1010-1014
采用批实验和柱长期运行实验研究方解石处理酸性矿排水中次生矿物学和渗透性问题,扫描电镜(SEM)和傅里叶红光谱(FTIR)结果揭示方解石包覆层包括两层,内层为结晶石膏层,外层为纤铁矿层,后变为针铁矿;通过费克第一定律建立包覆下的溶解模型, ρ (Ca 2+ )= At 1/2 +B,其A 值与包覆层石膏比例( f gyp )平方成反比;柱实验结果揭示渗透系数变化是一个突变过程,长期处理中外层的Fe系包覆层是引起堵塞的关键。  相似文献   

通过田间试验研究了不同改良措施对矿井水污染土壤微生物学特性和小麦生长的影响。试验以矿井水污染土壤作为对照(CK),设2个土壤改良处理:T1处理(添加食用菌渣)和T2处理(添加粉煤灰+菌渣)。结果表明:对照相比,2个改良措施均显著提高了0~40 cm土壤层中微生物的数量;T2处理0~40 cm土壤层的的细菌和放线菌的数量均显著高于T1,但真菌数量与T1间没有显著差异;2个土壤改良措施均显著提高了0~40 cm土壤层土壤酶(脲酶、蔗糖酶和磷酸酶) 活性和土壤呼吸速率,土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶和磷酸酶活性及土壤呼吸速率均表现为T2>T1>CK;在两测试时期(拔节期和花期)T2和T1处理小麦的群体数量、株高、叶面积和叶绿素含量均显著高于CK;成熟期T2和T1处理小麦的成穗数、穗粒数、千粒重、产量和收获指数均显著大于对照(CK)。  相似文献   

基于传统煤矿探放水施工时,探水钻孔施工数量多、施工周期长、劳动强度、探放水效率低以及盲目性大等技术难题,为进一步提高煤矿探放水施工效率,晋能集团有限公司地质勘测部通过技术研究,对四明山煤矿9104运输顺槽掘进期间采取了定向钻探技术,通过实际应用效果来看,与传统探放水施工相比,钻探技术可减少钻孔施工数量达45个,钻孔施工长度缩短了3200m,探放水效率提高至97%以上,取得了显著应用成效。  相似文献   

高盐高铁酸性矿井水处理研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据高盐、高铁酸性矿井水的水质特点,提出了中和-曝气-混凝沉淀-锰砂过滤-精密过滤-反渗透-消毒的联合处理工艺,试验确定了工艺中的有关参数.试验结果表明,该净化技术特别适合于高盐、高铁酸性矿井水的处理,处理后的出水水质稳定,浊度小于0.30 NTU,硫酸盐浓度为8 mg/L,溶解总固体为33 mg/L,总硬度为(CaCO3)15 mg/L,氟化物浓度为0.2 mg/L,氯化物浓度为6 mg/L,铁的浓度小于0.01 mg/L,锰浓度小于0.01 mg/L,每百毫升总大肠杆菌个数及细菌总数为零,完全满足国家饮用水标准.  相似文献   

In operating mines, acid mine drainage (AMD) is often treated using lime treatment. This process generates a significant amount of sludge that contains metal hydroxide precipitates, gypsum, and unreacted lime. The sludge may have interesting geotechnical and geochemical properties to be used as a part of covers (oxygen barriers) to prevent AMD generation from waste rocks and tailings. The main results of a project aiming to evaluate the use of sludge from the Doyon mine site (Canada) as a material in mine site rehabilitation are presented. The first part of the project involved detailed characterization of sludge, waste rock, and tailings samples. Then, laboratory column leaching tests were performed to evaluate the performance of the mixtures to control AMD produced by tailings and waste rocks. It was found that a sludge–waste rock mixture placed over waste rock reduces the metal loads in the column effluent, which remained acidic, as well as a mixture of sludge and tailings deposited over tailings can reduce metal content in effluents from tailings.  相似文献   

详细介绍了大冶铁矿东露天所采用的截水排水系统和该矿多年截排水方面的经验 ,对深凹露天矿的截排水提出了一些值得注意的问题  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage (AMD) generation is a widespread environmental problem in Europe, including Portugal. Previous experience has shown that a combined process consisting of an anaerobic sulphate-reducing bioreactor, following neutralization with calcite tailing, produces water complying with legal irrigation requirements from synthetic AMD. Aiming the treatment of real AMD a new bioreactor was inoculated with a SRB enrichment obtained from sludge from a local WWTP anaerobic lagoon. In the initial batch phase, sulphate supplementation was needed to achieve high sulphate-reducing bacteria counts before continuous feeding of AMD was started. The system quickly achieved good performance, proving it is easy to start-up. However, this time the neutralization step failed to keep bioreactor affluent pH higher than 5 for longer than three weeks. This was due to armouring of calcite by precipitates of various metals present in AMD. A new configuration, replacing a packed-bed column by a shallow contact basin, proved to be more robust, avoiding clogging, short-circuiting and providing long-term neutralization. The treated effluent, with excess of biologically generated sulphide, was successfully used to synthesize zinc sulphide nanoparticles, both in pure form and as a ZnS/TiO2 nanocomposite, thus proving the feasibility of coupling an AMD bioremediation system with the synthesis of metal sulphide nanoparticles and nanocomposites.  相似文献   

杨建  靳德武 《煤炭学报》2015,40(2):439-444
井上下联合处理工艺处理矿井水过程中,利用三维荧光光谱分析了矿井水中溶解性有机质的组成和变化特征。结果表明:不同处理工艺段对矿井水中DOM去除效果存在较大差异,采空区处理对矿井水中TOC和UV254的去除率分别达到67.453%和65.396%,深度处理可完全去除大分子有机物和芳香族化合物。三维荧光光谱显示,矿井水中表征出3类DOM,酪氨酸类芳香族蛋白质、色氨酸类芳香族蛋白质、溶解性微生物代谢产物。经过采空区处理后,3类有机质荧光强度都有较大降低,下降率分别为50.1%,54.4%和47.2%;深度处理使酪氨酸类有机质荧光峰消失,色氨酸类和溶解性微生物代谢产物荧光强度下降了75%左右。矿井水、采空区出水、常规处理出水中 DOM主要为生物来源;膜过滤出水中残留的DOM主要源于陆生植物和土壤有机质;总体上,矿井水处理过程中来自生物或水生细菌的新近自生源组分比例逐渐增加。  相似文献   

程占国 《中州煤炭》2020,(7):130-133,137
分析了物探、钻探、化探3种井下探测手段对掘进巷道中煤矿小窑采空积水区有效探测的可行性及实用性。通过在柳湾煤矿西翼胶带巷巷道P51点东51处进行物探工作,工作结束后根据物探结果设计钻孔并进行钻探探放水,之后采用化探技术手段分析水质类型并分析水源,通过分析与总结物探、钻探、化探工作对小煤矿采空积水区探查中发挥的作用,证明了井下多种探查手段综合应用的合理性和有效性。在井下防治小煤矿采空积水区时,该矿采用物探先行、钻探验证、化探跟进的工作方法,并将物探、钻探、化探测工作严格执行到位,相较之前的采用单一技术手段,掘进巷道中小煤矿采空积水区的防治效果得到了明显提升。  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage (AMD) is known as one of the most important environmental problem of sulfide bearing rocks encountered worldwide. Several methods based on static and kinetic principles have been developed for estimation of AMD potential and determination of the contaminants concentration to the environment. Of these methods, kinetic column test is commonly performed due to its better representative of actual field conditions. However, the effect of main controlling factors such as column dimensions, the amount of material and its particle size on the results of kinetic column test were not investigated in details. Considering the importance of AMD and the limitations in conjunction with these main controlling factors, the objective of this study is to investigate the mechanism of the AMD generation and to perform this test by using samples in varied particle size and columns in different dimensions. For this purpose, columns were designed in various dimensions and samples were collected from Murgul Damar open-pit mining to be used in the kinetic column test. Several techniques were utilized to determine the mineralogical, physical and/or chemical composition of these samples before and during kinetic column tests. The variations of the pH and the concentration release rates of many elements and compounds were monitored during kinetic column tests. Statistically significant correlations were obtained between column dimensions and “lag time”. Similarly, it is determined that statistically significant correlations exist among column dimensions and cumulative mass release rates of SO4 and the Ca + Mg + Mn.  相似文献   

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