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Water elevation in the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) is highly regulated by an extensive system of locks and dams. Completion of this system in the 1930s created productive, biologically diverse backwater habitats. The status of plant communities in these backwater areas may now be threatened by several factors, including sediment accumulation, recreational use, and navigation traffic. Aerial photography, taken in 1975 and from 1991 to 1995, was used to describe vegetation changes occurring in four UMR backwater areas of Navigation Pool 8. The objectives were to determine (1) if changes occurring in these areas are consistent with hydrarch succession, (2) if the diversity of their plant communities has declined since 1975, and (3) how a large flood event that occurred in 1993 affected the composition and diversity of plant communities in these areas. Three general cover classes were recognized, representing an aquatic to terrestrial gradient. Coverages of specific vegetation types were estimated and evaluated using two indices of community diversity (vegetation richness and the Shannon diversity index). Though some vegetation changes were consistent with expected successional patterns (e.g. increased terrestrialization), other changes were not (e.g. loss of marsh vegetation). Diversity indices and coverages of most aquatic macrophytes declined from 1975 to 1991/1992 but then increased following the 1993 flood. The results suggest that disturbance–diversity concepts, including the flood pulse model, are applicable to the vegetation dynamics of these systems. Published in 2001 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Prior to navigation dam and levee placement, the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) flowed through a wide floodplain supporting a diverse ecosystem. Diversity was created by variable flood frequencies and water flow, but presently high and static water levels supporting river navigation have caused low diversity of aquatic vegetation in locations within the UMR. A pool‐scale water level drawdown was proposed as a wetland management tool to mimic historic low water flow for UMR Navigation Pool 18, between Oquawka and Keithsburg, IL. The objectives of this research are to determine plant species, density, and diversity expected for a drawdown in Pool 18. A seedbank and propagule assay was used to evaluate drawdown plant species response. Emergence was tested using river bottom substrate samples collected in 2009 from the proposed drawdown area. Samples were treated at two hydrologic levels: shallow (3‐cm depth) and deep (16‐cm depth). Dominant species in the shallow flooded treatment were Gratiola neglecta, Leersia oryzoides, Eleocharis palustris, Sagittaria latifolia, and Ammania coccinea. Deep flooded dominant taxa included G. neglecta, S. latifolia, Vallisneria americana, and A. coccinea. Each treatment indicated a seedbank of moderate diversity with a shallow treatment diversity of D = 0.56 and deep treatment diversity of D = 0.44. Plant density for the shallow flooded treatment was 213 stems/m2 (±112; 95% CI), and deep flooded hydrologic treatment, 206 stems/m2 (±82; 95% CI). It is expected that this drawdown will provide an intermediate ecological disturbance resulting in greater species diversity and density currently lacking in this portion of the Upper Mississippi River System.  相似文献   

In an effort to enhance aquatic plant production and habitat diversity on the Upper Mississippi River (UMR), resource managers considered water level reduction as a management tool to increase the area of emergent and submersed aquatic vegetation by natural seed germination. To quantify the availability of seed, we assessed the potential seed bank of selected areas of Navigation Pool 8 of the UMR from substrate samples collected in spring 2000. We tested these samples for viable seed content under four hydrologic conditions: dry, moist, shallow flooded and submerged. Forty‐seven species were identified in the seed bank, including 27 obligate wetland, 10 facultative wetland and 7 upland species. Dominant taxa within the seed bank included Sagittaria spp., Lindernia dubia, Zosterella dubia, Cyperus spp., Eragrostis spp. and Leersia oryzoides. Of the four hydrologic treatments, moist substrates had the greatest species diversity and were the most productive, yielding an average density of 1420 seedlings m?2. Emergent and submersed aquatic species were widely distributed, each type occurring in more than 90% of the samples. Timing of seedling germination varied among species and has implications for scheduling drawdowns to promote establishment of desired species. Seed bank results were correlated with the vegetation response on substrates exposed during a reduction of water levels of Pool 8 during summer 2001. Experimentally determining the composition and viability of seed banks from drawdown areas provides information useful in predicting the types of vegetation that may develop on exposed substrates. Further, these findings provide resource managers a better understanding of the potential for achieving desired vegetation response through water level reductions. Published in 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Navigation dams on the upper Mississippi River have altered the long-term relationship of river stage to river discharge. Analysis of the 34-year pre-dam and 74-year post-dam data sets indicated that the completion of Lock and Dam 19 in 1913 increased river width and volume behind the dam. The immediate impact was a higher mean river stage less influenced by changes in river discharge. The dam's long-term impact was to increase sedimentation causing a steady loss of both river width and volume that resulted in stage/discharge relationships approaching those of the pre-dam era. The present condition of higher mean river stage coupled with greater stage fluctuation is a major factor in the increased recurrence and duration of floods on the upper Mississippi River in recent decades.  相似文献   

In nutrient-rich systems, phytoplankton production is frequently light-limited and light attenuation can become a critical factor controlling the rates of production, especially in shallow systems subject to wind resuspension of sediments. This study examined the relation between light availability and primary production in Lake Onalaska, a shallow, nutrient-rich impoundment of the Upper Mississippi River. Continuous water quality monitors recorded dissolved oxygen, temperature and light flux at a network of sites from July to September 1990 and these data were used to estimate the primary production, light availability and light attenuation coefficients. The gross primary production averaged 2·2gCm?2 day?1 and was due almost entirely to phytoplankton. Production was strongly light-limited, with most of the light attenuation due to non-algal components, possibly related to wind resuspension in this shallow system. Regression analyses revealed significant effects of wind speed and direction on light attenuation.  相似文献   

Conservationists are in need of objective metrics for prioritizing the management of habitats. For individual species, the threat of extinction is often used to prioritize what species are in need of conservation action. Using long‐term monitoring data, we applied a Bayesian diffusion approximation to estimate quasi‐extinction risk for 54 native fish species within six commercial navigation reaches along a 1350‐km gradient of the upper Mississippi River system. We found a strong negative linear relationship between quasi‐extinction risk and distance upstream. For some species, quasi‐extinction estimates ranged from nearly zero in some reaches to one in others, suggesting substantial variability in threats facing individual river reaches. We found no evidence that species traits affected quasi‐extinction risk across the entire system. Our results indicate that fishes within the upper Mississippi River system face localized threats that vary across river impact gradients. This suggests that conservation actions should be focused on local habitat scales but should also consider the additive effects on downstream conditions. We also emphasize the need for identification of proximate mechanisms behind observed and predicted population declines, as conservation actions will require mitigation of such mechanisms. Published 2014. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

We measured concentrations of DDE, total PCBs, and mercury in bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) nestlings at three locations in the upper Midwest: Lake Superior, the upper Mississippi River, and the St. Croix River, 2006–2008. We also analyzed trends in concentrations of these contaminants for eagles on the southern shore of Lake Superior, from 1989 to 2008, using the current and previously published data. Concentrations of DDE in nestling blood plasma samples were greatest on Lake Superior (geometric mean: 16.2 μg/kg, n = 29), whereas concentrations of total PCBs were highest in Mississippi River samples (88.6 μg/kg, n = 51). Mercury concentrations were highest along the upper St. Croix River (6.81 μg/g wet weight in feathers, n = 19). For Lake Superior, DDE concentrations declined significantly in nestling blood plasma samples from 1989 to 2008, an average of 3.0% annually. Similarly, total PCBs in Lake Superior eaglets decreased 4.0% annually from 1989 to 2008, and mercury concentrations in nestling feathers from Lake Superior nests also decreased significantly from 1991 to 2008, 2.4% per year. With the possible exception of mercury on the upper St. Croix River, mean concentrations in 20062008 of all three compounds were below levels associated with significant impairment of reproduction for all sites, and reproductive rates at all three sites averaged > 1.2 young per occupied territory, which is greater than the rate indicative of a healthy population.  相似文献   

Bithynia tentaculata is an invasive snail that was first reported in Lake Michigan in 1871 and has since spread throughout a number of freshwater systems of the USA. This invasion has been extremely problematic in the Upper Mississippi River as the snails serve as intermediate hosts for several trematode parasites that have been associated with waterfowl mortality in the region. This study was designed to assess the abundance and distribution of B. tentaculata relative to submersed aquatic vegetation as macrophytes provide important nesting and food resources for migrating waterfowl. Temporal changes in both vegetation and snail densities were compared between 2007 and 2015. Between these years, B. tentaculata densities have nearly quadrupled despite minor changes in vegetation abundance, distribution and composition. Understanding the spatial distribution of B. tentaculata in relation to other habitat features, including submersed vegetation, and quantifying any further changes in the abundance and distribution of B. tentaculata over time will be important for better identifying areas of risk for disease transmission to waterfowl. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large beds of Vallisneria americana declined in the backwaters of the Upper Mississippi River after a drought that occurred between 1987 and 1989. One hypothesis for this decline is that low light availability may have decreased net photosynthesis to the extent that overwintering tubers were not formed. Following the decline, light availability remained low. To determine what light levels would be necessary for the re-establishment of Vallisneria in the Upper Mississippi River, the long-term growth of plants in a backwater lake and in an experimental pond was measured while the surface and subsurface light were monitored continuously. Plants grown from tubers transplanted to 0·5, 1·0 and l·5m depth in the lake grew and produced tubers only at 0·5m depth (9% of surface light). At 1·0 m, light availability was less than 1% of the surface light. Plants grown from tubers in experimental ponds with four shade treatments (2, 5, 9 and 25% of surface light) for the same growing period produced replacement-weight tubers in 9% light. For a longer growing season, plants also produced replacement-weight tubers in treatments with at least 5% of surface light. An average light-extinction coefficient of 4·64 m?1 was calculated for the backwater lake based on continuous data collected during 94 days during the growing season from eight widely separated sites. Using equations based on the average extinction coefficient for the lake and average leaf lengths of plants grown in experimental ponds, we predict that in years with comparable turbidity, plants grown from locally collected tubers will grow and produce replacement tubers only at depths of 0·8 m or less.  相似文献   

This study documents the stage adjustments in the Lower Mississippi River during the pre-cut-off (1880s–1930s), and post-cut-off (1943–1994) periods. The study reach extends from Columbus, Kentucky, just downstream of Cairo, Illinois, to Natchez, Mississippi, a distance of about 970 km. The analysis shows that the majority of the pre-cut-off study reach was not undergoing any significant system instability such as channel aggradation or degradation, and, therefore can be considered to have been in a state of dynamic equilibrium during this period. However, the analysis did show that the upper portion of the study reach in the vicinity of Columbus was undergoing a significant aggradational trend during this period. Specific gauge records and peak stage–peak discharge plots for the time period 1950–1994 were analysed to document stage adjustments and to divide the river into the following seven reaches based on observed stability: Columbus to New Madrid (dynamic equilibrium); New Madrid to Fulton (transitional/dynamic equilibrium); Fulton to Sunflower (degradational); Sunflower to Rosedale (transitional); Rosedale to Lake Providence (dynamic equilibrium); Lake Providence to Vicksburg (transitional); and Vicksburg to Natchez (aggradational). Thus, the entire Mississippi River, between Natchez and Columbus is responding in a manner similar to the response of a stream to a single cut-off as described by Lane (1947). Recognition of this evolutionary trend is a first step in developing a comprehensive understanding of this complex system, and will help the engineers and scientists of the US Army Corps of Engineers to develop management strategies for the Mississippi River in the long and short term. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Mississippi and Missouri Rivers experienced flooding in 1993 that fell outside the annual predictable flood period of spring and early summer. Flooding began in late June, peaked in late July (25 232 m3/s on the upper Mississippi and 21 240 m3/s on the Missouri) and remained at or near flood stage into October 1993. This study was performed to determine if disturbance by an unpredicted flood event would alter trophic dynamics of river–floodplain systems by creating shifts in the composition of organic matter available to consumers. The Ohio River, which did not flood during the same period, was examined for comparison. Stable isotopic ratios of carbon and nitrogen from samples collected in 1993 and 1994 were used to characterize potential food sources and determine linkages between food sources and invertebrate and fish consumers. Pairwise contrasts, performed separately for each river, indicated there were few interannual differences in δ13C and δ15N of organic matter sources and consumers. Between sample period (flood year versus normal water year) trends in both flooded rivers were similar to between‐year trends observed for the Ohio River. Trophic structure of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers was similar in both years, with fine and ultra‐fine transported organic matter and dissolved organic matter representing the major sources of organic matter. Overlapping isotopic signatures in the Missouri River made tracking of sources through the consumers difficult, but similarities in δ13C and δ15N between years indicated trophic structure did not change in response to the flood. The results suggest that consumers continued to rely on sources of organic matter that would be used in the absence of the unpredicted 1993 flood. It is proposed that trophic structure did not change in response to flooding in the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers because both rivers exhibited the same trends observed in the Ohio River. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The diversity, evenness, similarity, standing crop and abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates in Navigation Pool 8 of the upper Mississippi River were compared in 1975 and 1990. Macroinvertebrates were collected in midsummer from four habitats: marsh, bay, open water and side channel. These habitat types accounted for 64% of the total habitat area in the impoundment. The community structure changed in all four habitats; the percentage similarities between 1975 and 1990 were lowest in open water (19%), intermediate in bays (44%) and side channels (50%) and highest in marshes (62%). Macroinvertebrate diversity and evenness were not significantly different between 1975 and 1990. The standing crop decreased in all habitat types. The abundance decreased in all habitats except bays between 1975 and 1990. The greatest changes in standing crop and community composition occurred in bays and open water. Because the bays and open water habitat comprise 55% of the total area, it is possible that these declines may signal degradation of the aquatic habitat in the entire reservoir. Changes in macroinvertebrate community structure and standing crop may have been due to unstable sediment conditions caused by erosion of islands, resuspension of sediments and loss of aquatic macrophytes and depth.  相似文献   

Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) provides the biophysical basis for multiple ecosystem services in Great Lakes estuaries. Understanding sources of variation in SAV is necessary for sustainable management of SAV habitat. From data collected using hydroacoustic survey methods, we created predictive models for SAV in the St. Louis River Estuary (SLRE) of western Lake Superior. The dominant SAV species in most areas of the estuary was American wild celery (Vallisneria americana Michx.). Maximum depth of SAV in 2011 was approximately 2.1 m. In regression tree models, most of the variation in SAV cover was explained by an autoregression (lag) term, depth, and a measure of exposure based on fetch. Logistic SAV occurrence models including water depth, exposure, bed slope, substrate fractal dimension, lag term, and interactions predicted the occurrence of SAV in three areas of the St. Louis River with 78–86% accuracy based on cross validation of a holdout dataset. Reduced models, excluding fractal dimension and the lag term, predicted SAV occurrence with 75–82% accuracy based on cross validation and with 68–85% accuracy for an independent SAV dataset collected using a different sampling method. In one area of the estuary, the probability of SAV occurrence was related to the interaction of depth and exposure. At more exposed sites, SAV was more likely to occur in shallow areas than at less exposed sites. Our predictive models show the range of depth, exposure, and bed slope favorable for SAV in the SLRE; information useful for planning shallow-water habitat restoration projects.  相似文献   

Substrate and flow velocity are two key physical factors influencing the distribution of aquatic plants. These two controls are closely related and reflect interactions between flow regime, quantity and calibre of sediment supplied to and bounding river channels, and channel dimensions. Seasonal growth of aquatic plants has important impacts upon flow resistance, flow velocities and sediment dynamics. This paper focuses upon the reach scale and the aggregate impact of the seasonal growth of aquatic plants on the meso‐habitat characteristics of chalk rivers. It provides a contribution to the broader literature by illustrating how submerged and emergent macrophytes interact with one another at the reach scale to control flow patterns and the retention of fine sediment. The research was conducted within the River Frome, Dorset, UK. Four sets of observations from 2004 of the seasonal growth of aquatic plants, flow velocity behaviour and the storage of fine sediment are presented. Aggregate velocity behaviour over the four observation periods is classified using agglomerative, hierarchical cluster analysis. The spatial arrangement of patches exhibiting different aggregate velocity behaviour are explored and the degree to which velocity behaviour can be attributed to physical characteristics of patches and the growth of aquatic plants is discussed. Conclusions include: (i) patterns of aggregate velocity behaviour within reaches are strongly influenced by macrophyte growth; (ii) average fine sediment deposition is higher around emergents such as Sparganium erectum than submerged plants such as Ranunculus penicillatus subsp. pseudofluitans; (iii) complementary flow patterns evolve across the river channel as aquatic macrophytes grow and it appears that this allows marginal emergents to scavenge fine sediment from faster flow velocity threads that become diverted towards the channel edges. (iv) These processes are important for mesohabitat evolution and maintenance, and they also contribute to patterns of bank erosion and aggradation. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water level regulation has been proposed as a tool for maintaining or enhancing fish and wildlife resources in navigation pools and associated flood plains of the Upper Mississippi River System. Research related to the development of water level management plans is being conducted under the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program. Research strategies include investigations of cause and effect relationships, spatial and temporal patterns of resource components, and alternative problem solutions. The principal hypothesis being tested states that water level fluctuations resulting from navigation dam operation create less than optimal conditions for the reproduction and growth of target aquatic macrophyte and fish species. Representative navigation pools have been selected to describe hydrologic, engineering, and legal constraints within which fish and wildlife objectives can be established. Spatial analyses are underway to predict the magnitude and location of habitat changes that will result from controlled changes in water elevation.  相似文献   

Wing dikes and other anthropogenic modifications have heavily altered riverine ecosystems. Recent efforts to reach a compromise between the needs of the river transportation industry and natural resource conservation include dike modification. Dike notching permits water flow through the landward portion of the dike and has been purported to provide suitable habitat for fish and other river biota while maintaining the navigation channel. L‐head dikes are flow‐control structures that create calm backwater‐like habitats downstream. However, few researchers have examined the actual effects of dike notching on water quality or fish communities. We compared standardized catch per unit effort and overall community structure for 50 fish species among un‐notched dikes, notched dikes and L‐head dikes in the Middle Mississippi River, sampled as part of the US Geological Survey's Long‐Term Resource Monitoring Program. There were no differences in standardized catch per unit effort for 64% of the fishes examined. Five species known to be associated with lotic habitats were most abundant near L‐head dikes. Seven species were more abundant at un‐notched dikes than notched dikes, while six species were more abundant at notched dikes than un‐notched dikes. Non‐metric multidimensional scaling suggested differences in overall fish community structure between un‐notched and other dike types. Detailed physical habitat studies should be conducted to better understand the effects of dike modification. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in aquatic macrophyte populations in the Burnett River in southeast Queensland, Australia are described with respect to the effects of water level fluctuations and possible impact on the Queensland lungfish (Neoceratodus forsteri). This protected fish relies on macrophyte beds as spawning and nursery areas. Studies were conducted prior to, during and following construction of a new weir on the river. Comparative results of impounded and non‐impounded sites were conducted to investigate seasonal and inter‐annual changes in macrophytes and the effects of both a rapid rise in water level when the impoundment first filled and a decline, on new plants in shallow water. Macrophyte communities in newly inundated areas were studied to determine the time taken for seedlings to emerge and reach a cover sufficient to represent spawning habitats for the lungfish. Vallisneria nana dominated the macrophyte beds, which were scoured from the river by a large flow event in May 1998, the effects of which persisted for at least 1 year. Most newly emerging seedlings of Vallisneria perished following a small decline of 7 cm in water level. Decrease in plant biomass and death of established plants in highly turbid water resulted within 6–9 weeks following larger water level rises of 4.0–5.5 m in the new impoundment. In the period leading up to the lungfish‐spawning season at least 5 months is required for submerged plants to reach the 90% cover preferred for spawning. Implications of the results for water level management and lungfish populations are discussed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTION China has many lakes, most of which are shallow lakes, all kinds of aquatic vegetation grow in the shallow water zone. In the recent years, scientists andengineers have paid considerable attention to use the vegetation to improve the lakes…  相似文献   

Suspended particles are an essential component of large rivers influencing channel geomorphology, biogeochemical cycling of nutrients, and food web resources. The Upper Mississippi River is a large floodplain river that exhibits pronounced spatiotemporal variation in environmental conditions and biota, providing an ideal environment for investigating dynamics of suspended particles in large river ecosystems. Here we investigated two questions: (i) How do suspended particle characteristics (e.g. size and morphology) vary temporally and spatially? and (ii) What environmental variables have the strongest association with particle characteristics? Water sampling was conducted in June, August, and September of 2013 and 2014 in Navigation Pool 19 of the Upper Mississippi River. A FlowCAM® (Flow Cytometer and Microscope) particle imaging system was used to enumerate and measure particles 53–300 μm in diameter for size and shape characteristics (e.g. volume, elongation, and symmetry). Suspended particle characteristics varied considerably over space and time and were strongly associated with discharge and concentrations of nitrate + nitrite (NO3?) and soluble reactive phosphorus. Particle characteristics in backwaters were distinct from those in other habitats for most of the study period, likely due to reduced hydrologic connectivity and higher biotic production in backwaters. During low discharge, phytoplankton and zooplankton made up relatively greater proportions of the observed particles. Concurrently during low discharge, concentrations of chlorophyll, volatile suspended solids, and total phosphorus were higher. Our results suggest that there are complex interactions among space, time, discharge, and other environmental variables (e.g. water nutrients), which drive suspended particle dynamics in large rivers. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal availability of small fishes, as forage for interior least terns (Sterna antillarum), was compared to the least tern reproductive period during 1993 and 1994 in the lower Mississippi River, Missouri. Timing of forage availability and least tern reproduction was also related to river stage and temperature regimes. Four deep-water habitats (main channel, secondary channel, side channel, and connected slough) and two shallow-water habitats (main-channel interface and side-channel interface) were sampled using a seine and neuston net, yielding 67 245 fish≤10 cm. Catch-per-volume and richness were highest in shallow-water habitats in both years. Highest catches in deep- and shallow-water habitats occurred between 56 and 64 days after peak spring flows in both years. Water temperature was increasing rapidly during the spring flood peak each year. About 80% of total fish catch consisted of taxa known to spawn in floodplain habitats, supporting the connection between the spring flood and the timing and amount of forage available for nesting least terns. Timing of least tern reproduction was related to falling river stages in May and increased forage–fish availability in June. A conceptual model integrates the abiotic factors of hydrology and sand island area to least tern reproduction and small fish availability. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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