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In the present study, binding of cellulase protein to different clay minerals were tested using fluorescent–protein complex and microscopic techniques. Cellulase gene (Cel5H) was cloned into three fluorescent vectors and expressed as fusion enzymes. Binding of Cel5H–mineral particles was confirmed by confocal microscopy, and enzyme assay. Among the Cel5H–fusion enzymes, green–fusion enzyme showed higher intensity compared with other red and yellow fusion–proteins. Intensity of fusion–proteins was dependent on the pH of the medium. Confocal microscopy revealed binding of the all three fusion proteins with different clay minerals. However, montmorillonite displayed higher binding capacity than kaolinite clay. Likewise, atomic force microscopy (AFM) image profile analysis showed proteins appeared globular molecules in free‐state on mica surface with an average cross sectional diameter of 110 ± 2 nm and rough surface of montmorillonite made protein appear flattened due to structural alteration. Even surface of kaolinite also exerted some strain on protein molecular conformation after binding to surface. Our results provide further evidence for 3D visualization of enzyme–soil complex and encourage furthering study of the force involved interactions. Therefore, our results indicate that binding of proteins to clay minerals was external and provides a molecular method to observe the interaction of clay minerals–enzyme complex.  相似文献   

Two-photon (TP) excitation (820–1150 nm) and emission (280–700 nm) spectra for the fluorescent proteins (FPs) ECFP 3 , EGFP 3 and EYFP 3 produced in human tumour cells were recorded. TP excitation spectra of pure and highly enriched samples were found to be more differentiated in comparison with their one-photon (OP) spectra. They exhibited more pronounced main and local maxima, which coincided among different purity grades within small limits. TP and OP emission spectra of pure and enriched samples were identical. However, in crude samples, excitation was slightly blue-shifted and emission red-shifted. The data indicate that both OP and TP excitation routes led to the same excited states of these molecules. The emission intensity is dependent on the pH of the environment for both types of excitation; the emission intensity maximum can be recorded in the alkaline range. Reconstitution of emission intensity after pH quenching was incomplete, albeit that the respective spectral profiles were identical to those prequenching. When emission data were averaged over the whole range of excitation, the resulting emission profile and maximum coincided with the data generated by optimal excitation. Therefore, out-of-maximum excitation, common practice in TP excitation microscopy, can be used for routine application.  相似文献   

Two-photon excitation laser scanning fluorescence microscopy (2p-LSM) was compared with UV-excitation confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy (UV-CLSM) in terms of three-dimensional (3-D) calcium imaging of living cells in culture. Indo-1 was used as a calcium indicator. Since the excitation volume is more limited and excitation wavelengths are longer in 2p-LSM than in UV-CLSM, 2p-LSM exhibited several advantages over UV-CLSM: (1) a lower level of background signal by a factor of 6–17, which enhances the contrast by a factor of 6–21; (2) a lower rate of photobleaching by a factor of 2–4; (3) slightly lower phototoxicity. When 3-D images were repeatedly acquired, the calcium concentration determined by UV-CLSM depended strongly on the number of data acquisitions and the nuclear regions falsely exhibited low calcium concentrations, probably due to an interplay of different levels of photobleaching of Indo-1 and autofluorescence, while the calcium concentration evaluated by 2p-LSM was stable and homogeneous throughout the cytoplasm. The spatial resolution of 2p-LSM was worse by 10% in the focal plane and by 30% along the optical axis due to the longer excitation wavelength. This disadvantage can be overcome by the addition of a confocal pinhole (two-photon excitation confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy), which made the resolution similar to that in UV-CLSM. These results indicate that 2p-LSM is preferable for repeated 3-D reconstruction of calcium concentration in living cells. In UV-CLSM, 0.18-mW laser power with a 2.φ pinhole (in normalized optical coordinate) gives better signal-to-noise ratio, contrast and resolution than 0.09-mW laser power with a 4.9-φ pinhole. However, since the damage to cells and the rate of photobleaching is substantially greater under the former condition, it is not suitable for repeated acquisition of 3-D images.  相似文献   

Development of cell-based therapy entails the use of different types of materials as support for cultured cells. Some of these materials are opaque. For a general microscope study of cell cultures prepared on transparent supports, Giemsa stain with bright field microscopy is useful. With opaque supports or scaffolds, epifluorescence microscopy is necessary. The method the authors describe uses eosin Y to stain cytoplasm and DAPI to stain nuclei under fluorescence microscopy. This method provides easy and fast fluorescent staining for a general morphological study of cultured cells on transparent or opaque supports.  相似文献   

A new experimental apparatus for temperature-controlled microscopy has been developed for the study of the temperature dependency of developmental processes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans . However, the application of this apparatus is rather general and can be used for a wide range of temperatures between − 10 and 90 °C. The new apparatus is easy to use, inexpensive, simple to construct, and is designed for precise temperature control of oil-immersion microscopy using epifluorescence. Thermal analysis of the experimental apparatus shows the effects of each of its components, as well as the effects of uncertainty in temperature measurements. Finally, results of this study indicate that: (i) embryos incubated and imaged at temperatures of 8 °C and below do not elongate; (ii) the initial elongation rate is strongly temperature-dependent between 9 and 25 °C.  相似文献   

The adsorption of his-tag green fluorescent protein (GFPH(6)) onto the mica surfaces has been studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and laser confocal fluorescence microscopy. By controlling the adsorption conditions, separated single GFPH(6) and GFPH(6) monolayer can be adsorbed and formed on mica surfaces. In present experiments, based on the AFM measurement, we found that the adsorbed GFPH(6) was bound on the mica surface with its beta-sheets. The formed GFPH(6) monolayer on mica surfaces was flat, uniform, and stable. Some applications of the formed monolayer have been demonstrated. The formed monolayer can be used as a substrate for DNA imaging and AFM mechanical lithography.  相似文献   

Image fusion technique is an effective way to merge the information contained in different imaging modalities by generating a more informative composite image. Fusion of green fluorescent protein (GFP) and phase contrast images is of great significance to the subcellular localization, the functional analysis of protein, and the expression of gene. In this article, a phase congruency (PC)‐based GFP and phase contrast image fusion method in nonsubsampled shearlet transform (NSST) domain is presented. The input images are decomposed by the NSST to acquire the multiscale and multidirection representations. The high‐frequency coefficients are fused with a strategy based on PC and parameter‐adaptive pulse coupled neural network (PA‐PCNN), while the low‐frequency coefficients are integrated through a local energy (LE)‐based rule. Finally, the fused image is generated by conducting the inverse NSST on the merged high‐ and low‐frequency coefficients. Experimental results illustrate that the presented method outperforms several state‐of‐the‐art GFP and phase contrast image fusion algorithms on both qualitative and quantitative assessments.  相似文献   

A new depth encoding system (DES) is presented, which makes it possible to calculate, display, and record the z-axis position continuously during in vivo imaging using tandem scanning confocal microscopy (TSCM). In order to verify the accuracy of the DES for calculating the position of the focal plane in the cornea both in vitro and in vivo, we compared TSCM measurements of corneal thickness to measurements made using an ultrasonic pachymeter (UP, a standard clinical instrument) in both enucleated rabbit, cat, and human eyes (n = 15), and in human patients (n = 7). Very close agreement was found between the UP and TSCM measurements in enucleated eyes; the mean percent difference was 0.50 ± 2.58% (mean ± SD, not significant). A significant correlation (R=0.995, n=15, p< 0.01) was found between UP and TSCM measurements. These results verify that the theoretical equation for calculating focal depth provided by the TSCM manufacturer is accurate for corneal imaging. Similarly, close agreement was found between the in vivo UP and TSCM measurements; the mean percent difference was 1.67 ± 1.38% (not significant), confirming that z-axis drift can be minimized with proper applanation of the objective. These results confirm the accuracy of the DES for imaging of the cornea both ex vivo and in vivo. This system should be of great utility for applications where quantitation of the three-dimensional location of cellular structures is needed.  相似文献   

We have employed field-emission secondary electron microscopy (FESEM) for morphological evaluation of freeze-fractured frozen-hydrated renal epithelial LLC-PK1 cells prepared with our simple cryogenic sandwich-fracture method that does not require any high-vacuum freeze-fracture instrumentation (Chandra et al. (1986) J. Microsc. 144 , 15–37). The cells fractured on the substrate side of the sandwich were matched one-to-one with their corresponding complementary fractured faces on the other side of the sandwich. The FESEM analysis of the frozen-hydrated cells revealed three types of fracture: (i) apical membrane fracture that produces groups of cells together on the substrate fractured at the ectoplasmic face of the plasma membrane; (ii) basal membrane fracture that produces basal plasma membrane-halves on the substrate; and (iii) cross-fracture that passes randomly through the cells. The ectoplasmic face (E-face) and protoplasmic face (P-face) of the membrane were recognized based on the density of intramembranous particles. Feasibility of fractured cells was shown for intracellular ion localization with ion microscopy, and fluorescence imaging with laser scanning confocal microscopy. Ion microscopy imaging of freeze-dried cells fractured at the apical membrane revealed well-preserved intracellular ionic composition of even the most diffusible ions (total concentrations of K+, Na+ and Ca+). Structurally damaged cells revealed lower K+ and higher Na+ and Ca+ contents than in well-preserved cells. Frozen-freeze-dried cells also allowed imaging of fluorescently labelled mitochondria with a laser scanning confocal microscope. Since these cells are prepared without washing away the nutrient medium or using any chemical pretreatment to affect their native chemical and structural makeup, the characterization of fracture faces introduces ideal sample types for chemical and morphological studies with ion and electron microscopes and other techniques such as laser scanning confocal microscopy, atomic force microscopy and near-field scanning optical microscopy.  相似文献   

Transfer of a fluorescently labeled protein particle from a surface to a microsized scanning probe has been induced by repetitive scanning in aqueous medium. The so‐attached particle can in turn act as a probing tool to study particle–substrate and particle–particle interactions. Attachment of the fluorescent particle occurs at the apical region of an atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilever tip and it endures repetitive loading–unloading cycles against the sample surface. Fluorescence microscopy has been used to address the exact location of the attached particle in the cantilever and to identify the moment when the particle contacts the sample. Moreover, we have observed that fluorescence intensity at the contact point is lower when the probing particle contacts another fluorescent particle than when it contacts the nonfluorescent substrate. The change in fluorescence is attributed to local changes of pH and interparticle‐quenching of fluorophores in the contact region. These findings are promising since they constitute a chemical‐free way to attach bioparticles to AFM probes under fisiological conditions. The atomic force microscopy combined with fluorescence microscopy provides a straight forward method to study particle/particle and particle/substrate interactions, as well as to investigate mechanical properties of biocolloids. Microsc. Res. Tech. 73:746–751, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Time‐resolved microspectrofluorometry in live cells, based on time‐ and space‐correlated single‐photon counting, is a novel method to acquire spectrally resolved fluorescence decays, simultaneously in 256 wavelength channels. The system is calibrated with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 90 ps for the temporal resolution, a signal‐to‐noise ratio of 106, and a spectral resolution of 30 (Δλ/Λ). As an exemple, complex fluorescence dynamics of ethidium and cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) in live cells are presented. Free and DNA intercalated forms of ethidium are simultaneously distinguishable by their relative lifetime (1.7 ns and 21.6 ns) and intensity spectra (shift of 7 nm). By analysing the complicated spectrally resolved fluorescence decay of CFP, we propose a fluorescence kinetics model for its excitation/desexcitation process. Such detailed studies under the microscope and in live cells are very promising for fluorescence signal quantification.  相似文献   

We report the use of superresolution fluorescence microscopy for studying the nanoscale distribution of protein colocalization in living mammalian cells. Nanoscale imaging is attained both by a targeted and a stochastic fluorescence on-off switching superresolution method, namely by stimulated emission depletion (STED) and ground state depletion microscopy followed by individual molecular return (GSDIM), respectively. Analysis of protein colocalization is performed by bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC). Specifically, a nonfluorescent fragment of the yellow fluorescent protein Citrine is fused to tubulin while a counterpart nonfluorescent fragment is fused to the microtubulin-associated protein MAP2 such that fluorescence is reconstituted on contact of the fragment-carrying proteins. Images with resolution down to 65 nm prove a powerful new way for studying protein colocalization in living cells at the nanoscale.  相似文献   

Cultured rat fibroblasts were exposed to millimolar concentrations of forty-four non-cationic fluorescent probes, of very varied physico-chemical properties. Mitochondrial staining occurred with nineteen of these probes, nine of which were nominally anionic and ten nominally non-ionic. All nineteen were in fact lipophilic weak acids. Using structural parameters these could be specified numerically as follows: electric charge ≤ 0; log P(less-ionized form) < 0; and pKa ~ 7. In addition to these structural variables, dye concentration and the time of exposure of cells to probes were significant factors for the staining of mitochondria. Accumulation of these compounds can be understood in terms of ion-trapping of hydrophilic salts of lipophilic weak acids, due to the internal pH of respiring mitochondria being higher than the cytosolic pH. As a case example of the application of this approach, the mode of action of many inhibitors of mitochondrial anabolism is discussed in terms of the mechanisms introduced here.  相似文献   

Measurement of collagen bundle orientation in histopathological samples is a widely used and useful technique in many research and clinical scenarios. Fourier analysis is the preferred method for performing this measurement, but the most appropriate staining and microscopy technique remains unclear. Some authors advocate the use of Haematoxylin‐Eosin (H&E) and confocal microscopy, but there are no studies comparing this technique with other classical collagen stainings. In our study, 46 human skin samples were collected, processed for histological analysis and stained with Masson's trichrome, Picrosirius red and H&E. Five microphotographs of the reticular dermis were taken with a 200× magnification with light microscopy, polarized microscopy and confocal microscopy, respectively. Two independent observers measured collagen bundle orientation with semiautomated Fourier analysis with the Image‐Pro Plus 7.0 software and three independent observers performed a semiquantitative evaluation of the same parameter. The average orientation for each case was calculated with the values of the five pictures. We analyzed the interrater reliability, the consistency between Fourier analysis and average semiquantitative evaluation and the consistency between measurements in Masson's trichrome, Picrosirius red and H&E‐confocal. Statistical analysis for reliability and agreement was performed with the SPSS 22.0 software and consisted of intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), Bland‐Altman plots and limits of agreement and coefficient of variation. Interrater reliability was almost perfect (ICC > 0.8) with all three histological and microscopy techniques and always superior in Fourier analysis than in average semiquantitative evaluation. Measurements were consistent between Fourier analysis by one observer and average semiquantitative evaluation by three observers, with an almost perfect agreement with Masson's trichrome and Picrosirius red techniques (ICC > 0.8) and a strong agreement with H&E‐confocal (0.7 < ICC < 0.8). Comparison of measurements between the three techniques for the same observer showed an almost perfect agreement (ICC > 0.8), better with Fourier analysis than with semiquantitative evaluation (single and average). These results in nonpathological skin samples were also confirmed in a preliminary analysis in eight scleroderma skin samples. Our results show that Masson's trichrome and Picrosirius red are consistent with H&E‐confocal for measuring collagen bundle orientation in histological samples and could thus be used indistinctly for this purpose. Fourier analysis is superior to average semiquantitative evaluation and should keep being used as the preferred method.  相似文献   

This work is the first to deal with the application of color cathodoluminescence scanning electron microscopy (CCL SEM) and a novel version of combined imaging with backscattered electrons (CCL+BSE SEM) for the study of the composition of bile and its precipitation mechanisms. The present study demonstrates cholesterol, protein, and bilirubin distribution in deposits of normal and abnormal humanbile after solution evaporation to full dryness. Qualitative CCL SEM analysis showed that dried bile remnants include different proportions of the above components. Three types of deposits were observed: Arborescent crystals, typical cholesterol crystals, and amorphous bilirubin particles. The selection of crystalline or amorphous precipitate phases is determined by the dehydration/concentration process. The findings may explain key features in lithogenesis.  相似文献   

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