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基于模型参考和微粒群算法优化的传感器动态补偿方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘清 《计量学报》2007,28(2):154-157
提出了一种基于微粒群(PSO)算法优化的传感器动态误差补偿器的设计方法。无需事先已知系统的动态特性,可根据传感器以及参考模型对输入激励响应的实测数据,通过PSO算法的优化学习得到补偿器的参数。传感器的输出经过补偿器后,能够克服由传感器动态特性引起的测量误差。最后,通过实验验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

张连营 《工业工程》2004,7(5):32-34
微粒群算法是近来发展起来的一种新的优化计算方法,在简要说明微粒群算法的基础上,将该算法用于系统可靠性优化计算,分别对串联系统的可靠性分配、桥联系统的冗余可靠性优化设计问题进行分析计算,探讨了微粒群算法在系统的可靠性优化计算中应用的可行性,计算机仿真结果表明了微粒群算法求解该问题的可靠性和有效性。  相似文献   

在磁流变智能结构的减震控制中,结构的位移控制和加速度控制是其减震控制的两个重要控制目标,这就使得磁流变智能结构的减震控制成为了一多目标优化控制。为此,本文采用微粒群优化控制算法同时对磁流变智能结构的位移和加速度进行了最优控制分析,实现了磁流变智能结构多目标的优化减震控制。并对一每层各安装一个磁流变阻尼器的五层钢结构分别采用微粒群优化控制算法、ON控制算法和OFF控制算法进行了实例对比分析,结果表明:采用微粒群优化控制可显著地减小结构的位移反应,同时也可一定程度地减小结构的加速度反应。  相似文献   

薛里  汪金辉  方烨 《爆破》2007,24(2):11-13,21
介绍了微粒群算法的基本理论,并把微粒群优化算法应用于爆破测震参数的计算中,结合实际工程,应用微粒群优化算法对爆破震动参数进行确定,得到了非常好的拟合效果.微粒群优化算法应用于爆破参数的确定是切实可行的.  相似文献   

陈琳  谭阳  刘艳  曹守富 《硅谷》2014,(18):49-50
针对综合布线工程中最难以设计的水平子系统,本文提出采用微粒群优化算法作为其更佳设计算法。通过微粒群优化算法可以使得布线结构的设计更加合理化,能够有效降低施工的成本。通过对比实验证明本文中的方法较传统算法的优化结果更好。  相似文献   

针对微粒群优化算法中的固有缺点,提出了带有最优变异算子的多微粒群优化算法,采用多个微粒群对目标函数进行寻优,并在寻优过程中对子群中最优微粒引入了最优变异算子。通过这样的处理,算法可以预防早熟收敛并具有更快的收敛速度和更好的局部开发能力。对一组测试函数的模拟实验结果表明,带最优变异的多微粒群优化算法可以摆脱局部最优解时微粒的吸引,在较少的代数内就能够获得好的优化结果。  相似文献   

基于神经网络的机器人模型参考自适应控制的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马光  蔡鹤皋 《高技术通讯》2000,10(11):81-83
提出一种新的基于神经网络的机器人模型参考自适应控制方法,采用动态对角回归神经网络作为辨识器和控制器,实现了机器人轨迹跟踪的最小误差控制,给出了神经网络的学习算法,通过实例仿真证明了控制方法应用于未知模型机器人系统的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

微粒群算法是一种新的智能仿生类优化算法,具有很强的全局搜索能力。本文研究了该算法产生的基本思想和来源,对算法的迭代模型做了深入、详细的分析,并进一步研究了该算法的演化和发展情况。  相似文献   

微粒群算法目前已经在很多领域得到了广泛的应用。根据微粒群算法收敛较快的权值范围,建立加权函数,将其运用到速度进化过程中,并在进化过程中分群优化,使得改进的微粒群算法在迭代初期具有较好的全局收敛能力,在迭代后期具有较好的局部收敛能力,从而可以实现维护全局和局部搜索能力的平衡。将该算法运用于散乱点云与三维CAD模型的配准问题中,并与基本微粒群算法进行对比,具有更好的配准结果,迭代收敛更快。  相似文献   

为解决粒子群优化算法存在的易早熟和精度低问题,提出了一种双层多种群粒子群优化算法.此算法采用上下两层,即下层N个基础种群和上层一个精英种群.各个基础种群相互独立进化,并从精英种群中得到优良信息指导自己的进化.上层精英种群首先通过接受各基础种群的当前最优粒子来更新自己的粒子集合,然后执行自适应变异操作,最后随机地向每一个基础种群输送出本次进化后的一个最优粒子来改进其下一轮搜索.该算法的并行双进化机制增加了群体的随机性和多样性,提高了全局搜索能力和收敛精度.实例仿真表明该算法具有较好的性能,尤其对于复杂多峰函数优化,成功率显著提高.  相似文献   

利用粒子群优化算法实现阻尼比和频率的精确识别   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  


In this article, a new proposal of using particle swarm optimization algorithms to solve multi-objective optimization problems is presented. The algorithm is constructed based on the concept of Pareto dominance, as well as a state-of-the-art ‘parallel’ computing technique that intends to improve algorithmic effectiveness and efficiency simultaneously. The proposed parallel particle swarm multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (PPS-MOEA) is tested through a variety of standard test functions taken from the literature; its performance is compared with six noted multi-objective algorithms. The computational experience gained from the first two experiments indicates that the algorithm proposed in this article is extremely competitive when compared with other MOEAs, being able to accurately, reliably and robustly approximate the true Pareto front in almost every tested case. To justify the motivation behind the research of the parallel swarm structure, the computational results of the third experiment confirm the PPS-MOEA's merit in solving really high-dimensional multi-objective optimization problems.  相似文献   

针对匹配追踪信号稀疏分解的巨大计算量问题,在具有全局优化能力的粒子群算法基础上,提出了一种结合BFGS(Broyden、Fletcher、Goldfarb和Shanno)方法和变异操作的混合粒子群算法实现信号匹配追踪分解。利用BFGS方法增强了算法的局部开发能力,加快了信号特征提取速度;通过变异操作控制种群多样性以避免早熟收敛,增强了算法全局探测能力,提高了信号特征提取精度。通过与单一粒子群算法和遗传算法实现仿真信号匹配追踪分解的结果进行对比,证明了使用混合粒子群算法的匹配追踪分解能够快速准确提取信号特征参数。最后,将该算法应用于某内圈损伤轴承振动信号中的冲击特征提取,结果表明该算法在工程应用中具有一定的准确性和实用性。  相似文献   

新型宽带动力吸振器优化设计*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于导纳功率流理论建立了变截面阻尼复合梁式新型宽带吸振器吸振分析理论模型,以输入被控制结构净功率峰值最小为目标函数,运用混沌粒子群算法对吸振器参数进行了优化,并给出了吸振效果较好的参数分布范围。结合实验结果表明:通过混沌粒子群算法优化后的得到的变截面阻尼复合梁式新型宽带吸振器具有好的吸振效果。  相似文献   

针对模糊C-均值聚类算法(FCM)容易陷入局部极值和对初始值敏感的不足,提出了一种新的模糊聚类算法(PFCM),新算法利用粒子群优化算法(PSO)全局寻优、快速收敛的特点,代替了FCM算法的基于梯度下降的迭代过程,使算法具有很强的全局搜索能力,很大程度上避免了FCM算法易陷入局部极值的缺陷,同时也降低了FCM算法对初始值的敏感度。将该算法应用于汽轮机组振动故障诊断中,与电厂运行实际故障状态对照,仿真结果表明该算法提高了故障诊断的正确率。为汽轮机振动故障诊断方法的研究提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

Y. C. Lu  J. C. Jan  G. H. Hung 《工程优选》2013,45(10):1251-1271
This work develops an augmented particle swarm optimization (AugPSO) algorithm using two new strategies,: boundary-shifting and particle-position-resetting. The purpose of the algorithm is to optimize the design of truss structures. Inspired by a heuristic, the boundary-shifting approach forces particles to move to the boundary between feasible and infeasible regions in order to increase the convergence rate in searching. The purpose of the particle-position-resetting approach, motivated by mutation scheme in genetic algorithms (GAs), is to increase the diversity of particles and to prevent the solution of particles from falling into local minima. The performance of the AugPSO algorithm was tested on four benchmark truss design problems involving 10, 25, 72 and 120 bars. The convergence rates and final solutions achieved were compared among the simple PSO, the PSO with passive congregation (PSOPC) and the AugPSO algorithms. The numerical results indicate that the new AugPSO algorithm outperforms the simple PSO and PSOPC algorithms. The AugPSO achieved a new and superior optimal solution to the 120-bar truss design problem. Numerical analyses showed that the AugPSO algorithm is more robust than the PSO and PSOPC algorithms.  相似文献   

Fang-Fang Wang 《工程优选》2014,46(11):1501-1519
The fuzzy-connective-based aggregation network is similar to the human decision-making process. It is capable of aggregating and propagating degrees of satisfaction of a set of criteria in a hierarchical manner. Its interpreting ability and transparency make it especially desirable. To enhance its effectiveness and further applicability, a learning approach is successfully developed based on particle swarm optimization to determine the weights and parameters of the connectives in the network. By experimenting on eight datasets with different characteristics and conducting further statistical tests, it has been found to outperform the gradient- and genetic algorithm-based learning approaches proposed in the literature; furthermore, it is capable of generating more accurate estimates. The present approach retains the original benefits of fuzzy-connective-based aggregation networks and is widely applicable. The characteristics of the learning approaches are also discussed and summarized, providing better understanding of the similarities and differences among these three approaches.  相似文献   

The partitioning of an image into several constituent components is called image segmentation. Many approaches have been developed; one of them is the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, which is widely used. PSO algorithm is one of the most recent stochastic optimization strategies. In this article, a new efficient technique for the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain images segmentation thematic based on PSO is proposed. The proposed algorithm presents an improved variant of PSO, which is particularly designed for optimal segmentation and it is called modified particle swarm optimization. The fitness function is used to evaluate all the particle swarm in order to arrange them in a descending order. The algorithm is evaluated by performance measures such as run time execution and the quality of the image after segmentation. The performance of the segmentation process is demonstrated by using a defined set of benchmark images and compared against conventional PSO, genetic algorithm, and PSO with Mahalanobis distance based segmentation methods. Then we applied our method on MRI brain image to determinate normal and pathological tissues. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 23, 265–271, 2013  相似文献   

This study proposes an energy absorption model for predicting the effect of loading rates, concrete compressive strength, shear span-to-depth ratio, and longitudinal and transverse reinforcement ratio of reinforced concrete (RC) beams using the particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique. This technique avoids the exhaustive traditional trial-and-error procedure for obtaining the coefficient of the proposed model. Fifty-six RC slender and deep beams are collected from the literature and used to build the proposed model. Three performance measures, namely, mean absolute error, mean absolute percentage error and root mean square error, are investigated in the proposed model to increase its accuracy. The design procedure and accuracy of the proposed model are illustrated and analysed via simulation tests in a MATLAB/Simulink environment. The results indicate the minimal effect of swarm size on the convergence of the PSO algorithm, as well as the ability of PSO to search for an optimum set of coefficients from within the solution space.  相似文献   

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