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The gene responsible for the second form of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, PKD2, has recently been identified. We now describe the cloning, genomic localization, cDNA sequence, and expression analysis of its murine homologue, Pkd2. The cloned cDNA sequence is 5134 bp long and is predicted to encode a 966-amino-acid integral membrane protein with six membrane-spanning domains and intracellular NH2 and COOH termini. Pkd2 is highly conserved with 91% identity and 98% similarity to polycystin-2 at the amino acid level. Pkd2 mRNA is widely expressed in mouse tissues. Pkd2 maps to mouse Chromosome 5 and is excluded as a candidate gene for previously mapped mouse mutations resulting in a polycystic kidney phenotype.  相似文献   

5-Lipoxygenase of mouse macrophages and bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMC) was investigated. Indirect immunocytofluorescence combined with confocal microscopy provided evidence for distinct intracellular expression patterns and trafficking of 5-lipoxygenase upon cellular activation. In resting BMMC, 5-lipoxygenase was found within the nucleus co-localizing with the nuclear stain Yo-Pro-1. When BMMC were IgE/antigen-activated the 5-lipoxygenase immunofluorescence pattern was changed from nuclear to perinuclear. The absence of divalent cations in the incubation medium, or calcium ionophore A23187 challenge, altered the predominantly nuclear expression pattern to new sites both cytosolic and intranuclear. The cDNA for murine macrophage 5-lipoxygenase was cloned by the polymerase chain reaction and would predict a 674 amino acid protein. Using control cells obtained from 5-lipoxygenase-deficient mice it was determined that a single isoform accounts for both soluble and membrane-bound and nuclear and cytosolic-localized enzyme in macrophages and BMMC. A mutation at amino acid 672 (Val-->Met) introduced serendipitously during the cloning process was found to completely abolish 5-lipoxygenase enzyme activity when the enzyme was expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells. This subtle change is proposed to affect the ability of the COOH-terminal isoleucine to coordinate the essential non-heme iron atom. In macrophages and BMMC obtained from 5-lipoxygenase-deficient mice, compensatory changes in expression of genes involved in the biosynthesis of leukotriene B4 were investigated. 5-Lipoxygenase-activating protein expression was reduced by 50%, while leukotriene A4 hydrolase expression was unaltered. The 5-lipoxygenase gene was mapped to the central region of mouse chromosome 6 in a region that shares homology with human chromosome 10 by interspecific backcross analysis. These studies provide a global picture of the murine 5-lipoxygenase system and raise questions about the role of 5-lipoxygenase and leukotrienes within the nucleus.  相似文献   

Measures of functional vision are needed to assess elderly low vision patients, their success in using devices, and their ability to manage outside the treatment setting. A new test devised to measure functional ability through the performance of everyday tasks was administered to 94 patients who had acuities of 20/100 or worse in their better eye. Consisting of three versions and four subtests: spot reading, short-term text reading, identifying paper currency and clock reading, the test used standardized items and was timed. In a multiple regression model predicting test performance higher scores were associated with better near acuity (P = .002), higher education (P = .022) and higher levels of self-reported visual skills (P = .072). These predictors plus distance acuity, age and sex only accounted for 35 percent of the variance in test scores. Repeated administration of the test to a different group of 21 patients showed the test to be reliable (intraclass correlation = .85, P < .01) and to have no practice or version effects or differences between raters. This new test may be useful for natural history studies and clinical trials involving low vision patients but further evaluation of its sensitivity to change over time is required.  相似文献   

Enterokinase is a serine protease of the duodenal brush border membrane that cleaves trypsinogen and produces active trypsin, thereby leading to the activation of many pancreatic digestive enzymes. Overlapping cDNA clones that encode the complete human enterokinase amino acid sequence were isolated from a human intestine cDNA library. Starting from the first ATG codon, the composite 3696 nt cDNA sequence contains an open reading frame of 3057 nt that encodes a 784 amino acid heavy chain followed by a 235 amino acid light chain; the two chains are linked by at least one disulfide bond. The heavy chain contains a potential N-terminal myristoylation site, a potential signal anchor sequence near the amino terminus, and six structural motifs that are found in otherwise unrelated proteins. These domains resemble motifs of the LDL receptor (two copies), complement component Clr (two copies), the metalloprotease meprin (one copy), and the macrophage scavenger receptor (one copy). The enterokinase light chain is homologous to the trypsin-like serine proteinases. These structural features are conserved among human, bovine, and porcine enterokinase. By Northern blotting, a 4.4 kb enterokinase mRNA was detected only in small intestine. The enterokinase gene was localized to human chromosome 21q21 by fluorescence in situ hybridization.  相似文献   

G alpha q is the alpha subunit of one of the heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins that mediates stimulation of phospholipase C beta. We report the isolation and characterization of cDNA clones from a frontal cortex cDNA library encoding human G alpha q. The encoded protein is 359 amino acids long and is identical in all but one amino acid residue to mouse G alpha q. Analysis of human genomic DNA reveals an intronless sequence with strong homology to human G alpha q cDNA. In comparison to G alpha q cDNA, this genomic DNA sequence includes several small deletions and insertions that alter the reading frame, multiple single base changes, and a premature termination codon in the open reading frame, hallmarks of a processed pseudogene. Probes derived from human G alpha q cDNA sequence map to both chromosomes 2 and 9 in high-stringency genomic blot analyses of DNA from a panel of human-rodent hybrid cell lines. PCR primers that selectively amplify the pseudogene sequence generate a product only when DNA containing human chromosome 2 is used as the template, indicating that the authentic G alpha q gene (GNAQ) is located on chromosome 9. Regional localization by FISH analysis places GNAQ at 9q21 and the pseudogene at 2q14.3-q21.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels (CNGCs) play crucial roles in visual and olfactory signal transduction. As a first step to explore the presence of a CNGC gene in human heart, we cloned a human heart CNGC gene. The sequence consists of 111 bp 5' non-coding region and a 2064 bp open reading frame which is followed by a 459 bp 3' non-coding region. The predicted protein consists of 688 amino acids with a short highly charged segment rich in lysine and glutamate. Sequence comparison indicates that the human heart cDNA is almost identical to the retinal rod photo receptor CNGC cDNA. However, the human cardiac cDNA is lacking a 205 bp Alu fragment in the 5'-uncoding region, has a glutamic acid residue at amino acid position 129, and has a replacement of glutamic acid with a lysine residue at amino acid position 99. Data obtained with northern blot analysis confirm the presence of RNA for the CNGC alpha chain. This channel might play a role in cyclic nucleotide-mediated cellular processes, such as the inotropic effect in the heart.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding a new type of alcohol dehydrogenase was cloned from a human stomach cDNA library. PCR amplification of 5'-stretch human stomach lambda gt11 library, using degenerate inosine-containing oligonucleotide probes compatible with peptide sequences of human sigma-ADH, resulted in a single product. Subsequently, internal non-degenerate primers were constructed according to the sequences occurring in the product. By PCR with combinations of these new primers and lambda gt11 forward and reverse primers, fragments of the cDNA containing its 5' and 3' ends were amplified. The full length cDNA sequence has 1125 nucleotides with a 72% similarity to those of human class I ADH. The polypeptide sequence, predicted from the cDNA, corresponds to 373 amino acids with a high degree of similarity (96%) to fragments of sigma-ADH previously reported. Northern hybridization analysis with the specific probe for the mRNA of this protein showed that it is expressed in the human stomach but not in the liver. These data indicate that the cDNA we cloned is that of human class IV ADH.  相似文献   

Porcine spleen DNase II, a lysosomal acid hydrolase, is a noncovalently linked alpha.beta heterodimer (Liao, T.-H. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 10708-10713). The alpha subunit, after disulfide cleavage, yields two chains, alpha1 and alpha2. The complete amino acid sequences of the alpha1, beta, and alpha2 chains were elucidated by protein sequencing, and the pairings of one interchain disulfide between alpha1 and alpha2 and of three intrachain disulfides in alpha2 were assigned. Six carbohydrate attachment sites, two in beta and four in alpha2, were detected by sugar analyses. The cDNA of DNase II was amplified using primers synthesized on the basis of the amino acid sequences determined. The amplified fragments shown to be a cDNA sequence of 1,292 bases. This cDNA sequence has an open reading frame encoding a 364-amino acid polypeptide containing a putative transmembrane peptide at the NH2-end, two small connecting peptides in the middle, and a peptide at the COOH terminus. These are evidently removed to form mature DNase II. Thus, all three chains in the sequence alpha1, beta, and alpha2 are coded by the same cDNA. When Chinese hamster ovary cells were transfected with a cloned plasmid with an inserted cDNA fragment encoding the entire reading frame, the expressed protein was released into the growth medium as an active form of DNase II.  相似文献   

A novel human cDNA containing CAG repeats, designated B120, was cloned by PCR amplification. An approximately 300-bp 3' untranslated region in this cDNA was followed by a 3426-bp coding region containing the CAG repeats. A computer search failed to find any significant homology between this cDNA and previously reported genes. The number of CAG trinucleotide repeats appeared to vary from seven to 12 in analyses of genomic DNA from healthy volunteers. An approximately 8-kb band was detected in brain, skeletal muscle and thymus by Northern blot analysis. The deduced amino-acid sequence had a polyglutamine chain encoded by CAG repeats as well as glutamine- and tyrosine-rich repeats, which has also been reported for several RNA binding proteins. We immunized mice with recombinant gene product and established a monoclonal antibody to it. On Western immunoblotting, this antibody detected an approximately 120-kDa protein in human brain tissue. In addition, immunohistochemical staining showed that the cytoplasm of neural cells was stained with this antibody. These findings indicated that B120 is a novel cDNA with a CAG repeat length polymorphism and that its gene product is a cytoplasmic protein with a molecular mass of 120 kDa.  相似文献   

The functional gene for human recombination signal sequence-binding protein (RBP-Jk) and corresponding processed psudogenes have been isolated from various species, such as Drosophila, Xenopus, mouse, and human. Here we report the isolation of another two genomic pseudogenes of human RBP-Jk, named K2 and K7, from a cosmid library of Hela cells. The nucleotide sequences of both genes exhibited more than 95% homology to the functional human gene for RBP-Jk. Moreover, they did not contain any intron sequences and were interrupted by several stop codons in all frames. In situ hybridization demonstrated that the pseudogenes, K2 and K7, were localized at chromosomes 9p13 and 9q13, respectively. Their physical maps differed from those of the true functional gene and of the pseudogenes reported previously by Amakawa et al. (1993).  相似文献   

Previous biochemical studies have determined that human saliva contains high and low molecular weight mucin glycoproteins (MG1 and MG2, respectively) that are structurally distinct. In this study, we describe the isolation and characterization of overlapping cDNA clones which code for the MG2 protein core. DNA sequencing revealed a translated region of 1131 nucleotides encoding a protein of 377 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 39 kDa. The first 20 N-terminal residues were very hydrophobic and probably comprise the MG2 leader peptide. The region encoding the secreted protein can be divided into three distinct domains; unique 5'- and 3'-translated regions containing 4 and 1 potential N-glycosylation sites, respectively, and a central region of six almost perfect tandem repeats of 23 amino acid residues with a high number of Thr and Ser. No sequence homology with any other human or animal mucins, and no significant homology to any other proteins was found. MG2 mRNA is about 2.5 kilobases long, and its expression appears to be species-, tissue-, and cell-specific. We propose to name this gene MUC7 in accordance with the mucin genes cloned to date named MUC1-MUC6.  相似文献   

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