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The purpose of the study was to evaluate three different doses of intra-articular bupivacaine plus adrenaline in relation to per- and postoperative pain relief following arthroscopy. Sixty patients were allocated to three groups of 20 patients each scheduled for arthroscopy. They were randomized prospectively to receive bupivacaine plus adrenaline 25 mg + 50 micrograms, 50 mg + 100 micrograms, 75 mg + 150 micrograms, respectively, diluted to a volume of 30 ml. Four patients were excluded because the operation could not be carried out under intra-articular analgesia, 18 patients had a diagnostic arthroscopy and 38 patients had different arthroscopic operations performed. The number of patients scoring pain in the knee as moderate or severe was less in Group 3 than in the other two groups, i.e. the highest dose had a better pain relief. No adverse effects were registered. With respect to per- or postoperative administration of analgesics, postoperative pain occurrence, and the surgeon's acceptance of the method, there were no statistically significant differences. Ninety-two percent of the patients would prefer intraarticular analgesia if they should need to have another arthroscopy performed.  相似文献   

Stems and cups for total hip replacement (THR) must be coated with hydroxyapatite (HA), which enhances the osseo-integration of the implant. The aim of the present report was to investigate the basic influence of coating on the biomechanical situation, for example, the mechanical stress in the femur and at the femur-implant interface. Using the finite element method, three types of stems for THR were investigated: non-coated, completely HA-coated, and proximally HA-coated. All three stems were of the same design, and had identical material properties. In addition, all other conditions were identical. The results show that, in terms of the nature of the coating, the HA-coated stem is biomechanical superior to the non-coated stem, and the proximally coated stem is superior to the completely coated stem.  相似文献   

Persons with various forms of albinism frequently have misrouting of their optic nerve fibers. Visual evoked potential (VEP) studies can confirm this because monocular stimulation tends to result in asymmetrical rather than symmetrical occipital response. This type of decussation abnormality is associated only with albinism. In the electroencephalogram (EEG) of normal subjects, unilateral eye opening or closing does not affect the frequency, reactivity, regulation, and symmetry of alpha rhythm. In contrast, in our study, 6 of 19 persons with oculocutaneous and ocular albinism responded to unilateral eye opening with contralateral disappearance or significant attenuation of their alpha rhythm. The most likely explanation of this phenomenon is that the visual pathway misrouting is complete or nearly complete in some children with albinism so that one rather than both occipital lobes receive visual information from each eye. This type of alpha behavior, like VEP studies, supports the diagnosis of albinism, and such testing can be easily performed during a routine EEG recording.  相似文献   

The objective is demonstrate that subarachnoid anesthesia with 2% isobaric lidocaine at low doses (0.5 mg/kg) is safe and effective for outpatient arthroscopic surgery of the knee. This was a prospective study of 150 ASA I-III patients undergoing arthroscopic knee surgery as outpatients under subarachnoid anesthesia. With no prior vascular filling, we provided blockade by administering 2% isobaric lidocaine at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg through a Sprotte 25G needle without vasoconstrictor. We assessed effectiveness and degree of sensory-motor blockade, cardiovascular repercussions, recovery time (until reversal of blockade, ambulation, micturition and discharge) as well as side effects observed. The mean dose of lidocaine used was 33.44 +/- 4.16 mg. The sensory-motor blockade achieved provided optimum conditions for prevention of ischemia and the practice of the surgical procedure in all cases. Surgery lasted a mean 38 +/- 10 min. Hemodynamic changes were not clinically significant and no patients additional fluids, atropine or vasopressors. Time from start of blockade until ambulation, micturition and discharge from the recovery unit were 123 +/- 8.3, 175 +/- 12.4 and 194 +/- 13.4 min, respectively. Micturition was spontaneous in all cases. Complications recorded were cephalea and backache. In conclusion, subarachnoid anesthesia at low doses of 2% isobaric lidocaine provides excellent conditions for practicing arthroscopic surgery of the knee on outpatients, with minimum side effects.  相似文献   

A randomized, controlled study was conducted in patients undergoing elective arthroscopic knee surgery to assess the effects of tourniquet release time on analgesia after intraarticular (I.A.) injection of morphine. Standardized general anesthetic and surgical techniques were used for all patients, including a thigh tourniquet inflated at pressures between 300 and 350 mm Hg. At the conclusion of the arthroscopic procedure, 5 mg morphine in 25 mL saline was administered I.A. Patients were then randomized to one of two treatment groups. In Group 1 (n = 20), the tourniquet was kept inflated for 10 min after I.A. injection, whereas in Group 2 (n = 20), the tourniquet was deflated immediately after I.A. injection. Postoperative pain was assessed using a visual analog scale in the recovery room when the patients were awake and at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 24 h after I.A. injection. Patients who complained of pain in the recovery room received increments of intravenous meperidine 25-50 mg. On discharge from the recovery room, patients received oral mefenamic acid 250-500 mg for pain relief. The time and quantity of analgesics required were recorded. Patients in Group 1 had significantly (P < 0.05) lower pain scores than those in Group 2 at 2, 4, 6, and 8 h postoperatively. These low pain scores were associated with lower requirements of supplementary analgesics. We conclude that, as compared with releasing the tourniquet immediately after I.A. injection of morphine, maintaining the tourniquet inflated for 10 min provides superior analgesia and decreases the need for supplemental analgesics.  相似文献   

The results are presented of the study of the effectiveness of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (Apranax, Voltaren) on the basis of observation of 60 patients in a double blind trial after knee joint arthroscopic operations. The administration of Apranax 550 or Voltaren 50 within the period of 10 days after the operation decreased significantly the incidence of inflammatory reactions. Apranax 550 was acting more rapidly and more effectively in elimination of clinical signs and symptoms of inflammation, and the patients were not reporting any adverse effects.  相似文献   

An unusual case of osteonecrosis of the knee following an arthroscopic laser meniscectomy is presented. The unusual presentation of the osteonecrosis and the chronology suggest that the osteonecrosis of the knee resulted from damage to the articular cartilage and subchondral bone at the time of the arthroscopic laser meniscectomy.  相似文献   

A prospective, randomized, double-blind, controlled study was conducted to assess the efficacy of intra-articular bupivacaine and diamorphine. Ninety-six day-case patients were allocated randomly to receive intra-articular injections of either 20 mL 0.9% saline (control, n = 35), 20 mL 0.5% plain bupivacaine (n = 31), or 20 mL 0.9% saline with 5 mg diamorphine (n = 30) prior to tourniquet release. Visual analogue scales (VAS) were completed at 1 h, 3 h (discharge) and 24 h, and supplementary analgesia noted. Intra-articular analgesics conferred a noticeable improvement in patient comfort. First, the quantity of supplementary analgesia required prior to discharge was significantly reduced (P = 0.016); second, patients reported a less disturbed night's sleep (P = 0.034).  相似文献   

目的:探讨关节镜清理术对不同分期膝关节骨性关节炎(OA)的临床疗效,为膝关节OA患者关节镜清理术手术时机的选择提供依据.方法:根据Kellgren-Lawrence X线及Outerbridge关节镜分级标准将134例膝关节OA患者分为早期(58例)、中期(28例)和晚期(48例),并对不同时期的膝关节OA患者进行相应清理术治疗.术后平均随访18.6 个月,对早、中、晚期膝关节OA患者的主观满意度、VAS和HSS评分进行术前与术后比较及不同组间的比较.结果:患者主观评定,早期患者满意40例(68.9%),中期患者满意16例(57.1%),晚期患者满意6例(12.5%),即满意患者所占构成比早期及中期患者高于晚期患者( P<0.05),早期患者高于中期患者( P<0.05);早、中和晚期OA患者膝关节VAS评分术后较术前均明显降低( P<0.05),HSS评分术后则较术前明显升高( P<0.05);术后中期和晚期OA患者VAS评分高于早期组( P<0.05),HSS评分低于早期组( P<0.05);术后晚期OA患者VAS评分低于中期组( P<0.05),HSS评分高于晚期组( P<0.05).结论:关节镜清理术对早期及部分中期OA患者术后患者满意度较高,VAS和HSS评分疗效好,提示OA患者应在患病早期及时行关节镜手术治疗.  相似文献   

March, 1991, to June, 1992, five lung transplantations for end-stage lung disease were successfully performed at the Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico in Milan. All patients underwent high-resolution CT (HRCT) of the lung in a complex follow-up program to identify specific abnormalities of acute and chronic rejection (bronchiolitis obliterans) and to monitor the resolution of the bronchial anastomosis. Twenty-two HRCT exams were performed. In patients with acute rejection HRCT failed to identify specific abnormalities of lung parenchyma. In contrast, in one patient with pathological evidence of early bronchiolitis obliterans HRCT showed decreased peripheral vascularization. In the study of the bronchial anastomosis, HRCT showed optimal anastomosis resolution in 4 patients, whereas in one patient with a granuloma demonstrated by fibrobronchoscopy it confirmed the lesion showing also a small pneumomediastinum. Even though the HRCT finding of decreased peripheral vascularization does not appear to be specific for bronchiolitis obliterans, it may be of value in suggesting the diagnosis of early bronchiolitis obliterans in lung transplant. HRCT should be used in all patients with bronchoscopic diagnosis of bronchial complication to study the lesion and its mediastinal spread.  相似文献   

关节镜外科近年来有了飞速发展,它具有诊断准确性高、损伤性小的优点.关节镜手术是骨科微创手术,它通过关节部位2-3个各约5毫米的小切口,在电视监视器下便可看到关节内的病变,对患者的关节疾患进行观察与精细治疗.关节镜的适应证有:膝骨性关节炎、膝变型性关节炎、化脓性膝关节炎、膝关节结核,膝关节半月板损伤,膝关节前十字韧带损伤及后十字韧带损伤,膝关节游离体,膝关节类风湿性滑膜炎,风湿性关节炎,色素绒毛膜样滑炎,不明原因的膝关节炎.  相似文献   

The cause of the breaststroke swimmer's knee with medial pain of the knee joint has not been clearly identified. Breaststroke swimmers with knee pain were, therefore, examined arthroscopically. None showed any other disorders of their knees than medial synovitis in seven of nine swimmers. Since structural abnormalities could be ruled out, biomechanical analyses utilizing cinematographic techniques were used to study patients swimming in a special flume with the speed set at 90% of their best competitive performance. The results indicate that the extension and flexion and also in some cases the hip abduction and adduction movements of the whip kick were performed with high peak angular velocities. No significant differences in swimming technique among the six patients studied and three controls could be observed. It is concluded that a combination of high angular velocities at the hip and knee and external rotation of the tibia relative to the femur repeated in excessive amounts might be the primary cause for the medial synovitis documented in these patients. The breaststroker's knee thus seems to be an overuse syndrome.  相似文献   

The efficacy and safety of Naprelan (naproxen sodium) 1000 mg once daily (QD) and nabumetone 1500 mg QD were compared in a multicenter, randomized, parallel-group, placebo-controlled, double-masked, 4-week study of adult outpatients with active osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Nabumetone 1500 mg was chosen for comparison because it is commonly prescribed in a QD dosing regimen for OA. After a washout period free of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, 279 patients were enrolled and assigned randomly to treatment with either Naprelan 1000 mg QD (n = 92), nabumetone 1500 mg QD (n = 93), or placebo (n = 94). All treatments were evaluated for efficacy and safety at baseline and at weeks 2 and 4 of the treatment period or at discontinuation. Demographic characteristics were comparable among all treatment groups. As might be expected in a study of OA of the knee, a majority of patients enrolled were women (68.8%), and many were obese (mean weight, 195.6 lb; mean height, 66 in). Significantly fewer patients (13) treated with Naprelan prematurely discontinued the study than did patients treated with placebo (27); there was a lower rate of discontinuation for insufficient therapeutic effect in the Naprelan group compared with the nabumetone and placebo groups. Using an intent-to-treat model, the overall distribution of scores in all three primary efficacy assessments (investigator's global assessment of OA, patient's global assessment of OA, and walking pain) at week 2 and at the last visit was significantly better for the Naprelan group compared with both the nabumetone and placebo groups. The mean improvement from baseline was also significant for Naprelan compared with the nabumetone and placebo groups for all three assessments at week 2 and for investigator's global assessment of OA and walking pain at the last visit. The nabumetone-treated group showed significant improvement over the placebo-treated group in only one primary assessment: mean change from baseline in patient's global assessment of OA at week 2. At week 2, significant differences favoring Naprelan versus nabumetone and placebo were measured in overall distribution of scores for joint tenderness and nighttime pain. Distribution of quality of sleep and inactivity stiffness scores also improved relative to placebo at week 2. At the last visit, nighttime pain scores were still significantly better for patients receiving Naprelan versus nabumetone and placebo. Patients receiving nabumetone had statistically significant improvement from baseline in inactivity stiffness compared with placebo at week 2. There were no clinically important differences among treatment groups in the occurrence of adverse events or laboratory abnormalities. The results of this 4-week study of Naprelan 1000 mg QD compared with nabumetone 1500 mg QD demonstrate at least equal efficacy (superior efficacy was demonstrated for several parameters) and equal safety in adult outpatients with active OA of the knee.  相似文献   

Removal of the initiator methionine and/or acetylation of the alpha-amino group are among the earliest possible chemical modifications that occur during protein synthesis in eukaryotes. These events are catalyzed by methionine aminopeptidase and N alpha-acetyltransferase, respectively. Recent advances in the isolation and characterization of these enzymes indicate that they exist as isoforms that vary in cellular location, function, and evolutionary origins.  相似文献   

We compared the anesthetic combination of detomidine, ketamine, and halothane in control horses not undergoing apparently painful procedures with that in horses during arthroscopic surgery. The effectiveness of this regimen in suppressing neurologic response to surgery was, thus, evaluated. In this study, significant differences were not observed in electroencephalographic total amplitude, spectral edge, or beta-to-delta frequency ratio between surgically treated and nonsurgically treated (control) horses. On the basis of its attenuation of encephalographic responses, we conclude that detomidine (20 micrograms/kg of body weight, IV) and ketamine (2.2 mg/kg, IV) induction of anesthesia followed by maintenance with halothane is an effective regimen for control of pain in horses during arthroscopic surgery. The insignificant frequency changes observed without any other signs of inadequate anesthesia or pain may indicate a surgical stress response. We hypothesize that brain activity monitoring may give an earlier index to initiation of surgically induced stress than do hormonal responses, because endocrine alterations are not as rapidly perceived as is the electroencephalogram. Analysis of spectral edge frequency changes could be used to evaluate anesthetic regimens to find those that cause the least stress to the CNS during surgery in horses. Differences in species responses to an anesthetic agent or the regimen's effectiveness in prevention of pain during surgery may be identified by adoption of the study model. Evaluation of cardiopulmonary variables during anesthesia, with and without surgery, did not reveal any alterations that would be relevant to CNS responses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in diagnosing knee pathology in the pediatric and adolescent population is not well established. The purpose of this study was to correlate the findings of MRI and knee arthroscopy in children and adolescents. One hundred and eight consecutive knee arthroscopies performed in patients ages 4-17 years between 1992 and 1996 were retrospectively reviewed. Fifty-three of these patients underwent preoperative MRI. Age-related comparisons were then made between MRIs and observed intraoperative meniscal and anterior cruciate ligament pathology. The pediatric group (ages 4-14 years) was demonstrated to have an appreciable decrease in sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and accuracy for essentially all categories of pathologic changes. Conversely, negative predictive values for the pediatric group exceeded those of the adolescent group (ages 15-17 years) in each category. The ability of MRI to predict intraarticular knee pathology among adolescents is comparable to that in adults, whereas it is much less accurate in the pediatric population.  相似文献   

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