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混合煤气压力和热值的模糊解耦控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论针对包钢现有高炉煤气和焦炉煤气混合调节计算机控制系统的缺陷,提出一种新的控制方法:模糊智能解耦控制,从而解决了高炉、焦炉混合煤气的压力和热值不稳定的难题。在简介煤气生产工艺的基础上,叙述了模糊控制原理和解耦控制方案,仿真结果表明了该方案的合理性与先进性。  相似文献   

本论文基于包钢现有高炉煤气和焦炉煤气混合调节计算机控制系统的缺陷,提出一种新的控制方法:模糊智能解耦控制,从而解决了当前冶金行业中高炉、焦炉混合煤气的压力和热值不稳定的难题。  相似文献   

文中将模糊控制技术运用到煤气混合串级调节系统中,介绍了系统的构成、原理及控制算法,有效地实现了混合煤气热值的检测和控制。  相似文献   

混合煤气在钢铁企业中用途非常广泛,一般是两种甚至是三种热值不同的煤气经混合、加压之后送至煤气用户比如加热炉等,而加热炉对煤气的压力、热值均有较高的要求,因此如何得到压力、热值均比较稳定的混合煤气就显得尤为重要。通过对煤气混合的原理分析,详细介绍了混合加压的流程及控制方案,并对某钢厂煤气混合站的实际数据进行分析,实践证明,分步控制方案能较好地解决热值及压力控制。  相似文献   

介绍煤气热值测量系统的组成、工作原理及系统特点,利用热值参数参与空燃比控制。系统运行良好,性能稳定,特别是利用热值参数鸽时调节空气、煤气的配比,调节各段温度。  相似文献   

带解耦和Smith补偿器的混合煤气热值控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
秦璐 《控制工程》2002,9(4):73-75
采用常规仪表对混合煤气热值进行控制,难以达到满意的控制效果,因为混合煤气热值控制是一个强耦合、大滞后控制系统。对系统的耦合和大滞后问题作了详尽分析,并采用小型DCS控制器进行控制,应用前馈补偿法对系统耦合进行了静态解耦,应用Smith补偿器对热值检测滞后进行了动态补偿。控制结果表明:混合煤气热值稳定,并且提高了系统的控制精度。  相似文献   

混合煤气热值智能PID控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对冶金系统的煤气混合工艺过程,根据常规PID算法,结合仿人智能控制原理,作者设计了一种简单的智能PID控制器。该控制器克服了混合煤气工艺过程工况不稳定的不定因素所带来的影响,实时控制结果表明,这种控制器的采用是有效而又合乎实际的。  相似文献   

本采用研华MIC-2000工业控制机,实现了对高焦混合煤气热值和压力“双稳”的自动控制,中介绍了系统控制原理,软件结构和硬件组成,并在太钢投入使用,取得了很好的控制效果。  相似文献   

混合煤气自动控制研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一种煤气混合加压自动控制策略,解决了热值与压力耦合问题.介绍了酒钢混合煤气加压站工艺及其计算机自动控制系统的构成及功能.实际运行效果表明,系统性能稳定,运行可靠,调节效果良好.  相似文献   

介绍了罗斯蒙特Delta V现场总线控制系统及其仪表的特点在煤气混合站中的应用。  相似文献   

介绍了高炉喷吹焦炉煤气的工艺、自动控制系统、控制参数及控制方法。该系统节能环保,在国内率先应用,能提高焦炉煤气价值和能量利用率,创造了可观的经济效益和社会效益。全自动化程度高,所有联锁和控制全部自动化,完全满足喷吹焦炉煤气工艺生产和安全的要求。该系统具有极大的推广应用价值,特别对于焦炉煤气放散还未合理利用的中小钢铁企业效益更加明显。  相似文献   

The main operations for a blast furnace are hot-blast supply and burden distribution, which adjust the gas utilization rate (GUR) on different time scales. However, most researches only focused on fixed-time scale relationships between the operations and the GUR. This paper presents a multi-time-scale fusion model to predict the GUR. First, this paper analyzes the multi-time-scale characteristics between the operations and the GUR based on the iron-making mechanisms. Then, this paper explains a decomposition method for the GUR based on empirical mode decomposition and a reconstruction method to get a short-time-scale part the GUR (SPGUR) and a long-time-scale part of the GUR (LPGUR). Next, this paper presents a short-time-scale model to describe the relationship between the hot-blast supply and the SPGUR and a long-time-scale model, between the burden distribution and the LPGUR. Finally, this paper fuses the results of the two models to predict the GUR. The analysis based on actual run data shows that the method predicts the GUR more accurately than that predicted based on a fixed time scale.  相似文献   

Modern blast furnaces use bell-less top systems for the charging of the solid feed into the furnace. The complete potential of the charging system for distributing the material in the furnace cross-section in any desired profile can be achieved only by using a suitable charge distribution model. By considering the flow of different types of solid particles like iron ore, sinter and coke through the bin and rotating chute, equations have been developed for the particle trajectories. The formation of the ring shaped hill of material by the accumulation of the falling material has been modeled considering the angle of repose, rolling and layer penetration. These relationships have been combined with appropriate corrections for the burden descent and the mixed layer formation to develop the overall geometry of the stock line. The burden charge model has been used in an optimization routine to determine the best charging pattern to transit from an existing stock line geometry to a new geometry. The models have been tested in an operating furnace and incorporated in a supervisory control system.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe the control challenges related to optimal operation of oil and gas production wells, and show that optimal operation can be achieved using simple feedback control structures. In particular, we find that conventional feedback control structures can efficiently handle changes in active constraint regions using simple logics such as split-range and selectors. This eliminates the need for complex models to be used in the optimization problem, and in addition eliminates the need to solve numerical optimization problems online. Thus, by using only simple feedback controllers that have been used widely in the oil and gas industry, it has a higher chance of implementation. We demonstrate the use of simple feedback controllers on two application examples; 1) a gas-lift optimization simulation study with a network of six gas-lifted wells, 2) an experimental study of optimal control of electrical submersible pump (ESP) lifted oil wells tested on a large-scale experimental test facility with a full scale ESP and live viscous crude oil.  相似文献   

介绍了AC800F系统在高炉鼓风机控制系统中的防喘振控制及定风量、定风压控制的控制方案。  相似文献   

针对微型燃气轮机在控制时由于压力不恒定而导致的运行效率低的问题,将模糊PID控制思想运用到控制系统。在传统的PID控制下加入模糊控制,使其PID参数具有在线自整定功能。仿真结果表明,该方法能够很好地提高压力控制效果。  相似文献   

介绍一套应用于天然气增压压缩机设备的P L C控制系统的设计与实现。  相似文献   

罗军 《传感器与微系统》2012,31(6):73-75,82
针对目前卟啉传感器气体检测系统中采样气体流量控制的不足,提出了一种控制精度高、响应速度快、超调量小的流量控制系统。该系统利用增量式PID算法调整PWM脉冲信号的占空比,从而间接地改变直流电机两端电枢电压的大小,实现对采样气体流量的控制。流量控制精度为±1.5 cm3/min,且气体流量仅需15.6 s就能达到稳定。实验结果表明:控制采样气体流量,有助于卟啉传感器气体检测系统准确、快速地实现对目标气体的检测。  相似文献   

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