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景德镇陶瓷绘画艺术历史悠久,在随着时间不断变迁和时代的发展,陶瓷绘画艺术有了多元化的发展。例如古彩、新彩、粉彩、绛彩、五彩等。本文中我们主要分析的是粉彩与新彩。粉彩是传统陶瓷绘画工艺之一,粉彩又名"软彩"以画面质感粉嫩与保存时间久不褪色等特点著称。新彩又名"洋彩",新彩用料较薄且颜色烧制不易变色等特点。  相似文献   

曲居仁 《陶瓷研究》1998,13(2):37-43
清代五彩、洋彩和珐琅彩的发展演变曲居仁清代距今天并不很遥远,但有些史实,在陶瓷史上已面目难辨了,诸如釉上彩绘的发展演变,粉彩与洋彩,五彩的衰落,珐琅彩的兴衰,以及它们相互间的关系等等。尤其是洋彩,在80年代出版的“中国陶瓷史》以及国内一些博物馆的陶瓷...  相似文献   

张树基 《景德镇陶瓷》2006,16(2):22-22,23
粉彩瓷,系景德镇四大传统名瓷之一。粉彩装饰,是在康熙五彩的基础上。吸收珐琅彩制作工艺而创制的一种釉上彩品种。又称“软彩”。它始于清康熙时期,初创时的粉彩瓷比较粗糙。仅在红色的花朵上运用珐琅彩中的胭脂红,其它颜色大多沿用五彩的作法.如北京故宫博物院所藏“大清康熙年制”的粉彩花蝶盘,花朵用胭脂红。光泽较足。但淡绿及翠色仍用五彩平涂法,白花朵和技干有粉质感。  相似文献   

徐筱莲 《陶瓷研究》2023,(5):165-166+169
斗彩、五彩、粉彩、珐琅彩是我国四大彩瓷,其中又以珐琅彩和粉彩最具特色。两种彩瓷在陶瓷发展史中占据重要位置。珐琅彩和粉彩除了独立的各自发展之外,彼此相互影响,在综合装饰中也是大展色彩,粉彩和珐琅彩在综合装饰中的运用可以使整件作品的色彩效果得到提升。本文从彩瓷中珐琅彩与粉彩在陶瓷综合装饰中的运用作论述,望对陶瓷发展有点滴作用。  相似文献   

釉上根雕名词是由陶瓷名家徐雪勇先生在景德镇率先提出,并形成自己独特的表现风格,在当今瓷坛独树一帜!釉L根雕是属于釉上彩系列,由粉彩与洋彩相结合并在陶瓷上形成独特的树根浮雕肌理效果,  相似文献   

陈志议 《佛山陶瓷》2013,23(7):40-41,44
粉彩始于康熙时期至今已有三百多年历史,它是在古彩的基础上,受珐琅彩制作工艺的影响而创作的一种釉上彩的新品种。初创时,彩绘方法与古彩很相似,多沿用古彩的彩绘方法,仅在红色的染色中运用了珐琅彩中才能见到的胭脂红,光彩较足。乾隆粉彩的装饰方面有独特的表现技法,如在色地上,除传统的白地粉彩外,出现了各种不同色地粉彩。它将西方洛可可风格植入中国陶瓷粉彩装饰,形成极具时代特色的中西合璧的工艺技法。本文通过对乾隆粉彩艺术特征进行深入分析,探讨乾隆粉彩对当代艺术的影响。  相似文献   

<正>一、陶瓷粉彩工艺的起源与形成粉彩初创于康熙晚期,由景德镇御窑厂画师首绘。粉彩瓷是在康熙五彩的基础上,受珐琅彩制作工艺的影响而创制的一种釉上彩新品种"。即粉彩瓷是在康熙五彩和珐琅彩的工艺基础,尤其是材质基础上产生的。粉  相似文献   

正新彩和粉彩虽然都是属于釉上彩的一个品种,但它们却存在着异同之处,它们的装饰特点存在着什么样的审美情趣?下面为大家一一道来。一、新彩粉彩之绚丽多彩新彩原名叫"洋彩",解放以前新彩所用的色料和表现技法都由外国输入,描绘的纹样也模仿西方,作品粗糙,技术不高,解放后,经过一系列的革新和研究,现在我国不仅能自己生产各种颜料而且在表现技法上吸收我国绘画的没骨法、工笔画法及写意画法,所谓"洋彩"已经失去了它的涵义,因此叫做"新彩"。新彩颜料呈色多  相似文献   

曹木林  曹致友 《景德镇陶瓷》2010,20(4):I0158-I0159
古往今来,人物画一直是人们探讨和关注的主题,人物画是历史发展不可缺少的艺术门类,随着生活的不断进步和发展,审美的要求越来越高,人物装饰艺术通过绘制的艺术形象来表现出一个时代的社会生活。从雍正、乾隆的"洋彩"(即现在的粉彩)就开始流行,演绎至今,表现了不同时代的特点。  相似文献   

在二十世纪之初,陶瓷画坛崛起了一批优秀的画家,他们以文人画派的浅绛画为基础.用洋彩颜料同传统的粉彩,浅绛彩相结合.开创了一代全新的粉彩风貌。而以珠山八友为首的一批画坛艺人则是当时的佼佼者。他们各抒己长.各具特色。以其中画人物的王琦、王大凡俩人而论.  相似文献   

玻璃和搪瓷行业兴办中外合资企业比较早,我国政府于1983年6月批准上海耀华玻璃厂与英国皮尔金顿公司合资11951万美元办厂,生产浮法玻璃。十年来,玻璃和搪瓷行业中外合资企业遍布各地,使玻璃和搪瓷行业引进了一批先进技术和设备,加快了玻璃和搪瓷行业的技术改造和发展,有不少新技术和新产品填补了空白,学习了国外先进的管理方法,利  相似文献   

The application of the process of electrostatic spraying to the porcelain enamel industry is described. The equipment which is used and the method of using it are discussed in detail. Particular emphasis is placed on the preparation of enamel for electrostatic spraying and on theoretical considerations which have a direct bearing on the spraying process. The applicability and limitations on the use of the equipment in the porcelain enamel industry are considered.  相似文献   

A method for determining comparative compressive stress produced in porcelain enamel on sheet iron is described. The method consists of preparation of laboratory samples under carefully selected and controlled conditions and measurement of the warpage produced in the sample due to application of enamel on one side. Data obtained by the above method are compared with expansion curves. Several methods of analyzing the curves fail to produce correlation between expansion as determined on frit samples and compression in the porcelain enamel as indicated by the warp of sample plates. It is concluded that expansion curves on frit samples are not a satisfactory means of evaluating compressive stress in the porcelain enamel coating on sheet iron.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed for relating the speed of flow of enamel on an inclined plate to the viscosity-temperature curve of the enamel. The results of the flow-button test are represented in three-dimensional flow diagrams. An equation was developed for the calculation of the viscosity-temperature curves of twelve types of enamels. The equation includes a constant Q , having a value of 2.565, for flow of enamel samples on a plate inclined at 45°. Application of this method as a control for enamel melts is demonstrated. The influence of overmelting and undermelting on the viscosity of the enamel at different temperatures was examined.  相似文献   

Enamels, in common with other types of glasses, are more or less soluble in water, depending on their compositions. The nature and quantity of salts dissolved from the enamel glass during milling have a very definite bearing on the suspension, work ability, and other properties of the enamel, such as pitting and crawling. Those enamels which produce mill liquors which are excessively alkaline have very poor floating qualities. The ratio of free alkali to boric oxide dissolved from the enamel frit is an important factor in the flotation properties of the enamel. The poor floating powers of certain enamels can be corrected by the addition of suitable electrolytes. The kind and quantity of salts dissolved from the frit will determine the selection of the proper electrolyte. Enamel compositions having minimum solubility for good suspension and other properties are given. The value of an enamel clay cannot be determined by floating the clay in water. Tests must be made with the clay in the type of enamel with which it is to be used. Any studies on the effect of aging of enamels on their working properties must give consideration to the constitution and quantity of the individual salts dissolved from the enamel frit, and to the action of carbon dioxide in neutralizing part of the free alkali.  相似文献   

过氧化脲可通过持续释放活性氧达到牙齿美白的目的,适用于各种原因引起的着色牙齿的美白。它可同时美白多个牙齿,美白效率高、费用低、使用方便和刺激性小,详细介绍了国内外专利配方及其使用效果;总结了国内外对过氧化脲牙齿美白剂的应用研究和对牙釉质、牙本质的影响;指出了国外研究的发展趋势,结合我国的实际情况对我国开发过氧化脲牙齿美白剂的方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

An enamel composition to which any workable enamel of this type must quite closely conform is given. Eighty-six per cent of the enamel composition must be held within definite proportions. The function of each of these constituents and the percentage required are discussed. The remaining 14% of the enamel may be supplied by combinations of BaO, PbO, and ZnO, with some latitude in proportions permissible. Results of a careful study of the influence of each on smelting properties, acid resistance, fusibility, covering power, color, and brightness are presented.  相似文献   

Enameled metal equipment exploits the strength of metal materials and the corrosion resistance of enamel; therefore, it is widely used in the chemical industry. However, the mechanical properties of the enamel restrict its service life. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) are one-dimensional nanomaterials with high-specific surface area, C–C bond structure, and SP2 hybrid orbital. Herein, the effect of the dosage of MWCNTs on the mechanical properties of enamel is studied by adding MWCNTs to improve the mechanical properties of the enamel. Microscopic observation showed that the toughening mechanism of MWCNTs was mainly manifested in fracture and pull out behaviors. According to three-point bending test, when 0.4 wt% carbon nanotubes were added, the reinforcing effect of enamel layer reached the best state. These results provide reference for optimizing the formulation of enamel and extending the service life of enamel.  相似文献   

朱竹芳  余高丰 《中国陶瓷》2006,42(6):24-24,37
景德镇的陶瓷在中国,乃至世界上都有着自己独特的地位。景德镇的一些陶瓷术语也与众不同。对其中术语的翻译的初探。  相似文献   

搪玻璃设备兼有金属强度和搪玻璃的耐高温、耐腐蚀、易清洁等优点,被广泛应用于医药、化工行业,成为当前化工行业不可替代的设备。但是,搪玻璃使用寿命短且其各项性能远达不到期望值,因此,通过引入添加物的方式提高搪玻璃理化性能对延长其使用寿命具有重要意义:通过提高搪玻璃网络结构的完整性,能够显著提高其化学稳定性;研磨添加剂以及硬质颗粒的添加降低了搪玻璃的孔隙率和摩擦系数,增强了抗磨损能力;界面处锚固点和枝晶体的增加能够显著增强搪玻璃的附着力;添加陶瓷颗粒能够降低热膨胀系数的差异,增强韧性以及阻氧能力,从而提高搪玻璃的高温防护性能。文章综述了添加物对搪玻璃耐腐蚀性、耐磨损性、密着性以及高温防护性能影响的研究,并进行了汇总分析,对后续开展试验研究具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

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