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Nancy A. Van House 《Interacting with computers》2011,23(5):422-429
In this paper, I reflect on a specific product of interaction design, social networking sites. The goals of this paper are twofold. One is to bring a feminist reflexivity, to HCI, drawing on the work of Judith Butler and her concepts of peformativity, citationality, and interpellation. Her approach is, I argue, highly relevant to issues of identity and self-representation on social networking sites; and to the co-constitution of the subject and technology. A critical, feminist HCI must ask how social media and other HCI institutions, practices, and discourses are part of the processes by which sociotechnical configurations are constructed. My second goal is to examine the implications of such an approach by applying it to social networking sites (SNSs) drawing the empirical research literature on SNSs, to show how SNS structures and policies help shape the subject and hide the contingency of subject categories. 相似文献
Shaowen Bardzell 《Interacting with computers》2011,23(5):iii
As a word and as a set of theories and practices, feminism is a poorly understood concept. However, feminist perspectives have a lot in common with user- and value-centered design processes such as those espoused within the field of Human Computer Interaction. Examples include consideration of alternative viewpoints, considerations of agency (who get to say/do what and under what circumstances) and the development of reflective and reflexive methods for understanding how, when, where and why people do what they do. In the “Feminism and HCI: New Perspectives” special issue, we have invited researchers and practitioners to reflect on the ways in which feminist thinking, theory, and practice can and does have an impact on the field of Human Computer Interaction. This introductory editorial offers more background to our view that there is great value to understanding the actual and potential impact of feminist thinking on HCI, followed by a précis of each paper. We close with some observations regarding common themes, points of contention and possibilities for future work. 相似文献
网络技术和多媒体技术的发展,从硬件上促使了人们交互方式的转变和交互需求的提高。针对人机界面设计这一"软件",文章将符号学的理论和观点引入到人机交互的工程应用中,说明了符号学的成功应用可以明显的提高人机界面的设计质量,提高人机交互的效率。 相似文献
针对人机交互复杂性问题.介绍了符号学的概念及其在信息通信中的作用和地位,并将其应用人机交互任务模型的分析过程。说明符号学方法是研究人机交互复杂问题一致性表示的一种有效方法。 相似文献
Universal usability is an important component of HCI, particularly as companies promote their products in increasingly global markets to users with diverse cultural backgrounds. Successful anthropomorphic agents must have appropriate computer etiquette and nonverbal communication patterns. Because there are differences in etiquette, tone, formality, and colloquialisms across different user populations, it is unlikely that a generic anthropomorphic agent would be universally appealing. Additionally, because anthropomorphic characters are depicted as capable of human reasoning and possessing human motivations, users may ascribe undue trust in these agents. Trust is a complex construct that exerts an important role in a user’s interactions with an interface or system. Feelings and perceptions about an anthropomorphic agent may impact the construction of a mental model about a system, which may lead to inappropriate calibrations of automation trust that is based on an emotional connection with the anthropomorphic agent rather than on actual system performance. 相似文献
Objective: The current study examines the changes in functional connectivity that occurs when expert users adapt to an alternate mapping. Background: Research has indicated that interfaces that are similar will result in more errors and may contribute to confusion. Methods: Six volunteers were recruited to determine the neurophysiological changes that occur when users are exposed to an alternate mapping once an internal mental model is formed. Results: The results indicated a change in synchronization after alterations to the button mappings occurred. By altering the layout or order of the task, a difference in the activation pattern was observed. New areas became synchronized while synchronized activity that was present in the developed internal model became desynchronized. Altering the complexity of the task resulted in different patterns of activation recorded on the quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG). Conclusion: Users often form a schema when learning a device and subsequent interactions are compared to the mental model formed during the initial learning phase. If the newer interface differs significantly a new schema is formed, resulting in a different pattern of synchronization recorded on the QEEG. Application: The use of this knowledge can assist in the development of new interfaces. If the intent is to create a similar interface design, the activation pattern should remain the same indicating that the old schema can be applied. An interface that displays a different cognitive pattern will indicate that a new schema was developed. 相似文献
人机界面设计和开发已经成为国际计算机界最为活跃的研究方向,多通道交互作为人机界面的一种技术,因为适应"以人为中心"的自然交互准则而得到了迅速发展.在图形用户界面基础上进行多通道设计,提出了"基于剧情的设计"方法,以ATM取款操作为例进行介绍,操作顺序有所改进,相比传统的ATM系统具有更好的易用性. 相似文献
通过对蓝牙核心规范1.2的主机控制接口的研究,分析蓝牙基带层和主机侧的通讯机制以及通讯方法。并举例说明了一些蓝牙基本命令和事件,解释了相关接口,在此基础上能够方便的进行蓝牙HCI层的开发。 相似文献
We outline an alternative model of the interface in HCI, the ‘intraface’, in response to design issues arising from navigational and learning problems in hypertext domains. Ours is a model of general application to computer systems. It is composed of four key elements, identifiable within a dynamic interconnected context. These are the user; his/her interests; the tools employed and the ‘ensemble’ of representations brought to bear. In this paper we sketch the present shortcomings of HCI design before outlining the background for the model which draws upon two themes in contemporary psychology, conversational analysis and ‘affordance’ realist theories in perception. This framework allows for the development of principles of cooperation, user engagement and learning in HCI environments. 相似文献
根据实际应用情况,舰载作战指挥系统对人机界面风格的设计提出了动态切换的需求,通过组合策略模式和抽象工厂模式较好地解决了该需求问题。 相似文献
Two fundamental (and oftentimes opposing) metaphors have directed much of HCI design: HCI is communication and HCI is direct manipulation. Beneath these HCI metaphors, however, is the unspoken metaphor of computer is woman. In this paper we expose this foundational metaphor. We begin by identifying the origin of computer is woman in the early history of computing. Drawing upon postmodern feminist theory, we then explore how this metaphor has resulted in the feminization of HCI is communication and second person interfaces. We show how images of femininity proliferate, becoming the projected images of male fantasies and ideals of womanhood. In becoming these idealized images, the interface is revealed as man in female drag. Finally, not only do we undress the interface to uncover how HCI is communication wraps the computer’s difference from human being within the more basic metaphor of computer is woman, but we also disclose dangers that can arise when this metaphor goes unacknowledged and unexamined. 相似文献
Michael Muller 《Interacting with computers》2011,23(5):447-449
In this brief personal essay, I describe some of the ways that feminism has influenced my life as a researcher and practitioner in HCI and CSCW - in the creation of work to be read by others, in the critical reading of works that were created by others, and in the planning and framing of practical work in enterprise workplaces. I discuss three variations of “Who” questions that feminism helps us to ask in HCI: The “who” of the identity of the user; the “who” of the identity of organizational actors; and the “who” of the practitioner or researcher. 相似文献
蓝牙HCI接口及其在工控和智能仪器仪表中的应用 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
蓝牙技术在工控、智能仪器仪表等行业中有广阔的应用前景,HCI接口对蓝牙在上述行业中的应用意义重大。针对国内相关的实例和明确的应用指导尚不多见的情况,介绍了蓝牙HCI接口,给出了使用HCI的要点和示例。 相似文献
根据停-等流控原理构造了一种基于蓝牙HCIUART传输层的流控模型,并对该模型进行了流控效率的分析,给出了流控效率的数学表达式,提出了最佳流控效率的条件表达式,这对降低HCIUART低速率的瓶劲效能和提高蓝牙数据传输速率具有指导意义。在上述分析基础上,开发了一个基于HCIUART流量控制性能分析的仿真软件,仿真实验结果符合流控效率的理论分析。 相似文献
Interaction criticism: An introduction to the practice 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Jeffrey Bardzell 《Interacting with computers》2011,23(6):604-621
Though interaction designers critique interfaces as a regular part of their research and practice, the field of HCI lacks a proper discipline of interaction criticism. By interaction criticism I mean rigorous interpretive interrogations of the complex relationships between (a) the interface, including its material and perceptual qualities as well as its broader situatedness in visual languages and culture and (b) the user experience, including the meanings, behaviors, perceptions, affects, insights, and social sensibilities that arise in the context of interaction and its outcomes. Interaction criticism is a knowledge practice that enables design practitioners to engage with the aesthetics of interaction, helping practitioners cultivate more sensitive and insightful critical reactions to designs and exemplars. Benefits of such an engagement can include informing a particular design process, critiquing and innovating on design processes and methods more generally, developing original theory beneficial to interaction design, and exposing more robustly the long-term and even unintended consequences of designs. In this article I offer a synthesis of practices of criticism derived from analytic philosophy of aesthetics and critical theory, including the introduction of five core claims from this literature; I outline four perspectives that constitute a big-picture view of interaction criticism; and I offer a case study, demonstrating interaction criticism through each of these four perspectives. 相似文献
Architecture and applications of the FingerMouse: a smart stereo camera for wearable computing HCI 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this paper we present a visual input HCI system for wearable computers, the FingerMouse. It is a fully integrated stereo camera and vision processing system, with a specifically designed ASIC performing stereo block matching at 5 Mpixel/s (e.g. QVGA 320 × 240 at 30 fps) and a disparity range of 47, consuming 187 mW (78 mW in the ASIC). It is button-sized (43 mm × 18 mm) and can be worn on the body, capturing the user’s hand and processing in real-time its coordinates as well as a 1-bit image of the hand segmented from the background. Alternatively, the system serves as a smart depth camera, delivering foreground segmentation and tracking, depth maps and standard images, with a processing latency smaller than 1 ms. This paper describes the FingerMouse functionality and its applications, and how the specific architecture outperforms other systems in size, latency and power consumption. 相似文献
基于特征数据模型的GIS软件开发是一个重要方向。这就需要建立符合其特征的软件平台,以提高开发效率,减少重复应用。该文从软件框架的角度,利用设计模式分析了特征模型的软件结构,提出了GIS HCI框架,并进行了分析。 相似文献
徐佑军 《计算机工程与应用》2007,43(26):125-128
针对HCI UART传输层的二种流量控制方式,采用状态系列的分析方法,建立了流量控制模型,并给出了流控效率的数学表达式,总结出了最佳流控效率的条件表达式,这对降低HCI UART低速率的瓶劲效能和提高蓝牙数据传输速率具有指导意义。在上述分析基础上,开发了一个基于HCI UART流量控制性能分析的仿真软件,仿真实验结果符合流控效率的理论分析。 相似文献
Social practice art may suggest new understandings of and strategies for participation in HCI—but not in a straightforward way. Based on participant-observation at a major arts festival, we describe how a set of artists, concerned with environmental issues and community engagement, frame and enact participation, and describe how the nature of this participation deviated from both artists’ and our ideas of what participation would be. We delineate how the disciplinary context of art both enables and limits the kinds of participation that can be achieved. We characterize 3 strategies these artists use to achieve participation: participation in spectacle, participation in making, and participation in inquiry. We develop the implications of this work to inform HCI through three case studies related to sustainability – spectacle computing, heirloom computing, and citizen science – to demonstrate the potential for similar strategies for participation and to call attention to how HCI, too, implicitly constructs, enables, and constrains participation. 相似文献