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PWM整流器的控制策略可分为直接电流控制和间接电流控制,前者至少需要两个高精度的交流电流传感器,增加了系统的体积和成本。本文提出一种新型PWM整流器间接电流控制策略。该方法采用电流观测器获取电流反馈量,无需使用交流电流传感器。其电流环只包含有功电流反馈控制,对无功电流,则依据稳态电压平衡关系生成控制量,使其稳态时自然为零。对所提方法的电流响应进行深入分析,引入有源阻尼策略,使电流动态性能得到很大改善。仿真结果表明,本文提出的间接电流控制方法具有很好的稳态、动态性能。该方案成本低,性能高,且结构简单,是一种新颖的PWM整流器控制策略。  相似文献   

针对三相电压型PWM整流器和有源电力滤波器具有相同的拓扑结构,提出了一种预测直接功率控制(P-DPC)策略。以整流器交流侧输出电压为控制对象,使整流器不仅能够为负载提供能量,并兼具有源电力滤波器抑制电网谐波的功能,提高了设备的利用率。该控制策略与空间矢量脉宽调制相结合,与传统直接功率控制相比,不使用开关表和锁相环且开关频率固定,算法更为简单。李雅普诺夫稳定性分析证明了控制算法能够使系统全局渐进稳定。最后通过仿真验证了所提出的控制策略的正确性和可行性,仿真结果表明控制系统具有良好的动态性能和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

三相电压型PWM变流器是分布式可再生能源发电单元接入传统配电网的主要接口设备。在PWM变流器主电路设计中,采用LCL滤波器替代传统的L型滤波器已经被广泛地接受。针对含LCL滤波器的三相电压型PWM变流器,在系统输入输出模型与传递函数的基础上,提出了一种新型LCL滤波器优化设计方法。与传统L型滤波器相比,该方法具有电感总量小、动态性能好、系统成本低的优点。为了抑制LCL滤波器的固有谐振,在基于同步旋转坐标系的三相电压型PWM变流器控制中,通过在电流环中增加陷波滤波器的方法实现了LCL滤波器的有源阻尼。最后通过仿真和实验对所提出方法的正确性和有效性进行了证明。  相似文献   

A control method for current-type PWM AC-to-DC converters that realizes a sinusoidal AC input current and unity power factor is discussed in detail. In such converters, an LC filter placed on the AC side may cause a resonant problem, especially in the transient condition. To overcome this problem, state feedback control is introduced, and a control strategy suitable for DC-output current control as well as AC-side current control is proposed. Circuit parameters and feedback coefficients in the AC-side current control system are optimized on the basis of an analysis in which the system is treated as a sampled-data system. A method of investigating parameters in the DC-side current control system is shown. To confirm the effectiveness of the control strategy and the validity of the analytical results, an experimental investigation of the basic characteristics of the system is made. As an example, this system is applied to controlling the current waveform in the reactor. The experimental results for this application are also included  相似文献   

带无功补偿功能的PWM整流器及其电流复合控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种带无功补偿功能的电压型PWM整流器,该PWM整流器综合了高精度整流和动态无功补偿功能,实现系统的高功率因数运行,并且节约了系统所需无功补偿设备的成本。分析了带无功补偿功能的PWM整流器的数学建模,由此提出了一种电压外环、复合电流内环的无差拍控制策略。电压外环通过利用直流负载功率的前馈实现了系统的快速响应;电流内环通过复合控制实现了系统的冗余无功补偿和电流的无差跟踪。通过仿真和实验验证了带无功补偿功能的PWM整流器复合控制的正确性与有效性。  相似文献   

随着高端精密设备的增多,不间断供电电源(UPs)已广泛应用于各种重要负荷区.通过分析UPS在不同工况时其输入PWM整流器的工作状态,提出了输入PWM整流器复合功能控制策略.该控制策略利用UPS在轻载或空载时的输入PWM整流器剩余功率容量对整流器接入电网处的外部负载进行无功补偿,大幅提高UPS系统的设备利用率.仿真结果验证了本文所提控制策略的可行性和补偿效果.  相似文献   

Pulsewidth modulation (PWM) control techniques for rectifiers are widely used to improve the source current waveform and the input power factor. Recently, methods to reduce the number of detectors have been studied to simplify the system configuration and control of such rectifiers. It is known that a voltage detector on the ac side can be omitted, though a voltage detector on the dc side is needed for adjustment of the dc output of a PWM rectifier. In this paper, a method for controlling a single-phase rectifier without any voltage sensor is proposed. The ac-side voltage can be estimated from the input-reactor voltage when the ac side of the bridge is short-circuited. The reactor voltage is easily obtained by multiplying the inductance of the reactor by the derivative of the source current measured. The dc side voltage can be estimated by calculating the difference between the source voltage at the beginning of every switching period and the reactor voltage sampled and held in the previous bridge conduction mode. This paper describes the control scheme, its implementation, and the performance characteristics of the rectifier. The usefulness of the rectifier is confirmed by experiment. This method is applicable to various types of PWM rectifiers. © 1997 Scripta Technica, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 120(4): 90–96, 1997  相似文献   

Recently, PWM rectifiers which realize high-power factor and almost sinusoidal ac input current have been proposed and some of them have already been put into practice. In many cases the PWM rectifiers are of current type, that is, they have a smoothing reactor on the dc side. In such rectifiers, an LC filter has to be inserted on the ac side to reduce current harmonics due to the PWM operation. However, the LC filter may cause waveform distortion and transient oscillation of the ac side current. As a solution to this problem, a new control method is proposed introducing ac side current control by means of state feedback of the LC filter. In this case, both the dc output current and the ac input current controls should be achieved by the PWM operation of the rectifier. Furthermore, to obtain sufficient controllability regardless of the operating condition, the dc output and ac input current controls should be done independently. To meet these requirements, existing control methods for PWM rectifiers are not directly applicable. In this paper, a novel control circuit configuration and a method of generating a PWM pulse pattern suitable for the proposed control method are described in detail. From the viewpoint of stability, feedback coefficients and circuit parameters are investigated on the basis of root locus analysis. Some experimental results also are shown to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed control method and the validity of the analytical results. Improvement of the ac side current waveform and the stability of the transient response are demonstrated by these experimental results.  相似文献   

差模有源阻尼在PWM变流器中的应用分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
PWM变流器应用LCL型滤波结构来获得高的滤波性能。无源元件之间相互作用导致的谐振现象需使用无源阻尼或有源阻尼来抑制。相对于无源阻尼来说使用有源阻尼,采用合适的控制策略,能在保证滤波器性能的同时能耗也有所减少。提出了用有源阻尼控制策略去抑制两线间的振荡。该有源阻尼控制策略依据状态反馈的极点配置方法达到抑制共振的目的,并使用加权导纳函数来分析和选择合适的有源阻尼增益来抑制PWM变流器的低次谐波。给出了容量为10 k VA PWM变流器原型机的实验结果,实验结果验证了有源阻尼方法的有效性和设置阻尼增益方法的正确性。  相似文献   

刘丽莎  周雒维  罗全明  潘海龙 《电源技术》2011,35(12):1576-1579
对基于单周控制的三相四线制PWM整流器的工作原理和控制规律进行了全面分析.建立了三相四线制PWM整流器数学模型,在讨论单周控制原理的基础上,推导了实现单位功率因数所需的单周控制方程,对关键的电压平衡控制问题进行了重点分析,仿真结果表明该PWM整流器可以实现单位功率因数校正和低电流畸变,直流侧总输出电压稳定,且通过运用电...  相似文献   

LCL滤波的三相整流器主动阻尼控制方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
LCL作为三相电压型有源整流器的输入滤波器存在稳定性问题,通常安置阻尼电阻以避免系统发生谐振.为使LCL滤波的有源整流器在无阻尼电阻的情况下稳定运行,以电压空间矢量控制为平台,提出引入交流滤波电容电流环的主动阻尼控制策略,改变了系统原本不稳定的极点.考虑采样保持、运算及PWM更新引入的延时,建立了包括电流控制环和LCL滤波器在内的存在一个采样周期延时的简化离散模型,并在z平面分析系统的稳定性,优化滤波电容电流环的放大系数.LCL滤波的电压型有源整流装置实验结果表明,整流器未发生电流谐振现象,证明了所提出的主动阻尼控制策略及稳定性分析方法的正确性.  相似文献   

This paper presents a current-sensorless active rectifier specifically designed for low-cost applications. Both the control and the modulation use fuzzy logic. A simple model of the system is given in order to explain the current feedforward control using fuzzy logic and the fuzzy-logic-based modulation, then, the new algorithm is analyzed looking for high performance even using small passive elements and low switching frequency. Performance are compared with those of a closed-loop proportional-plus-integral (PI)-based rectifier with space-vector modulation (SVM). This comparison has been carried out either considering the whole systems or a combination of their components (PI control + fuzzy modulation or fuzzy feedforward control + SVM). The results show that even without current sensors, the low-frequency distortion of the line currents and the DC voltage oscillations produced by the proposed system are very limited, ensuring performance similar to those of PI-based closed loop active rectifiers.  相似文献   

This paper considers a scheme of a one-quadrant three-phase active rectifier (three-phase PFC), which consists of a bridge three-phase uncontrollable rectifier and boost dc converter. The converter provides a power factor of 0.955 with the possibility of improving and stabilizing the output voltage with minimal expenses for reactive elements and control circuits. The operation of the rectifier when powered by a nonsinusoidal and unbalanced network is considered.  相似文献   

一种PWM整流器的模型预测控制方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高脉冲宽度调制(PWM)整流器的动态响应速度,降低其对系统参数的依赖性,提出了一种改进的模型预测控制(MPC)方法。该方法以PWM整流器的一阶差分方程为预测模型,采用不同的控制周期分别对内环电流和外环电压进行预测,并实现对性能函数的优化求解,将传统MPC的三元高阶受限最优解问题转换为一个二元一阶非受限最优问题和一个一元一阶非受限最优问题,克服了传统MPC运算量大、难以实时控制的缺点,同时保留了传统MPC优化控制、反馈校正等优点。实验结果表明,相比于传统的矢量控制,所提方法能够有效提高PWM整流器的响应速度,并显著提高系统的鲁棒性,改进系统控制性能。  相似文献   

分析了PWM整流器直接功率控制方法的原理,对三相制控制系统的各个部分进行了详细的阐述。利用Matlab/Simulink软件建立系统模型进行仿真研究,得到了各个电气量的实时波形,结果表明,该方法控制效果优异,系统能够很好地实现有功功率和无功功率的控制,同时确保输入侧功率因数为1。  相似文献   

针对三相脉宽调制(PWM)整流器控制采用非线性反馈方法使控制器设计复杂化的问题,提出一种基于逆系统方法的三相PWM整流器的反馈线性化控制方法。利用三相PWM整流器数学模型,以直流输出电压、有功和无功电流作为状态反馈变量,推导出三相PWM整流器的逆系统,并构造出伪线性系统。通过对该伪线性系统的综合,设计出三相PWM整流器的闭环控制系统,实现了无功电流分量和直流电压的解耦,然后对该闭环控制系统进行了计算机仿真。结果表明,所采用的控制策略能够实现三相PWM整流器直流电压和无功电流的解耦控制,且性能良好。  相似文献   

详细分析了三相PWM整流器电压定向控制方法的基本原理,给出了其数学模型及控制系统的结构图,说明了各个部分的作用。利用Matlab/Simulink工具箱,建立了仿真模型进行了研究。仿真结果表明,该方法效果优异,系统能够很好地实现控制目标。  相似文献   

给出了四象限电压型PWM整流器(VSR)在dq坐标系中的简化数学模型.采用固定开关频率的双闭环直接电流控制策略,分析了电压和电流PI调节器参数的确定方法,指出交流侧电感和直流侧电容的选取对整个系统的影响,给出了设计方法,在Matlab/simulink下建立仿真模型.仿真表明:给出的调节器设计方法和电路参数设计方法正确,且可使能量双向流动,实现了能量回馈,对四象限PWM整流器的研制有重要的理论指导意义.  相似文献   

基于SVPWM快速算法的三相PWM整流器   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于传统的PWM整流器d-q模型具有典型的非线性,为此利用整流前后功率平衡原理,将三相VSRd-q模型进行线性化,得到改进后的d-q模型,并在此基础上建立了新的带有前馈解耦控制电压平方外环仿真模型。同时提出一种SVPWM的简化算法,大大缩短了模块的执行时间。最后利用simulink进行仿真,结果表明了新方法的正确性和优越性。  相似文献   

针对三相电压型PWM整流器在两相同步旋转dq坐标系下的系统模型为两个控制量、三个被控量的特点,提出由电压平方PI控制器控制直流电压、无源控制器控制交流电流的混合控制策略。该策略可使整流器实现网侧单位功率因数、电流低谐波及直流电压恒定控制,且具有强的鲁棒性和优良的动静性能。仿真和实验结果表明,该控制方案是可行的。  相似文献   

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