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We investigated simultaneous and consecutive analytical methods for pesticide residues in large numbers of vegetable and fruit samples. Extraction of the sample with acetonitrile was followed by a salting-out step using a graduated cylinder. Co-extractives were removed by gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and the pesticide eluate was separated to 2 fractions. Firstly, the second fraction (85-125 mL) was passed through a silica-gel mini-column. After putting a Florisil mini-column before the silica-gel mini-column, the first fraction (55-85 mL) was passed through the tandem mini-columns, which were then eluted with 15 mL of 50% acetone/petroleum ether. The eluate was subjected to dual-column GC with dual FPD (P mode, column Rtx-OPPesticides) and NPD (column Rtx-200) detectors. Recoveries of 63 organophosphorus pesticides from fortified spinach, tomato, apple and strawberry, ranged from 71 to 126% with RSD values of 1-18%, except for the RSDs of omethoate, isoxathion, and pyraclofos (20% <). Detection limits of pesticides were 0.5-2 ng/g. Surveillance of pesticides in vegetables and fruits was carried out by using the present method. From 20 out of 30 samples, 15 pesticides (39 in total) were detected. The results indicated that the present method can be applied as an efficient and reliable tool for monitoring organophosphorus pesticide residues in vegetables and fruits.  相似文献   

We evaluated a multiresidue method for determination of pesticides in agricultural products by SCAN mode GC/MS coupled with three kinds of database for 253 pesticides: relative retention time, mass spectra and calibration curve (SCAN method). Twenty-six pesticides, a total of 131 pesticides were detected in samples by the SCAN method. The detection results agreed closely with those of the SIM mode GC/MS method using calibration standards (SIM method). The ratios of the SCAN method to the SIM method ranged from 0.3 to 3.1 with SD values of 0.63. It was judged that the SCAN method could be applied to the screening analysis of pesticide residues in agricultural products, provided that the sample preparation method makes it possible to effectively remove sample matrixes with minimal loss of analytes.  相似文献   

An analytical method was developed for determination of organochlorine, pyrethroid and nitrogen-containing pesticide residues in agricultural products by GC/MS, GC-ECD and GC-FTD. Pesticides were extracted with acetonitrile, and the organic layer was cleaned up on C18 and ENVI-Carb/LC-NH2 cartridges. Pesticides were determined by GC/MS, GC-ECD and GC-FTD. Detection limits of pesticides by GC/MS and GC were below 1-30 ng/g and 1-3 ng/g, respectively. Recoveries of 27 out of 53 pesticides determined by GC/MS and 47 out of 53 determined by GC were 70-120%. This method was useful for the multiresidue analysis of pesticides in agricultural products. Pesticide residues in 81 domestic crops were investigated from April 2001 to March 2002. Residues of 31 pesticides were detected from 21 crops.  相似文献   

A multiresidue method that enables determination of many pesticides in agricultural products by GC-ECD was studied. First, 63 pesticides were selected as agrochemicals commonly used in crop protection in this country, and/or found in agricultural products over the past 6 years (April 1996-March 2002) in Aichi Prefecture. A sample was extracted with acetonitrile and the acetonitrile layer was separated by salting-out. The extract was purified on a GPC system with a graphitized carbon columns, and then by a Florisil mini-column fractionation. The test solution was subjected to one-injection, dual-column GC with dual ECD (column: Stx-CLPesticides and Stx-CLPesticides2). The detection limits of the pesticides were in a suitable range (0.0001-0.01 microg/g) for monitoring pesticide residues in agricultural products. The method was applied to 203 commercial agricultural products to demonstrate its suitability for routine analysis.  相似文献   

Determination of hymexazol in agricultural products by GC-NPD   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A method for the determination of hymexazol in agricultural produdcts by gas chromatography with a highly sensitive nitrogen-phosphorus detector (GC-NPD) was investigated. Hymexazol was extracted with acetonitrile, and the acetonitrile layer was separated by salting-out. The water layer was loaded onto a Chem-Elut column. Hymexazol in the water layer was adsorbed on the column, and eluted with ethyl acetate. The acetonitrile layer and the eluate were mixed and evaporated. The residue was dissolved in ethyl acetate, and the sample solution was cleaned up on a C18 column. Hymexazol in the eluate was analyzed by GC-NPD with a high-polarity capillary column (DB-FFAP) and highly deactivated inlet liner.Recoveries of hymexazol spiked in agricultural products (tomato, lemon, soybean and other samples) at the level of 0.1 mug/g ranged from 65.0 to 84.7%. The limit of detection was 0.02microg/g.  相似文献   

We evaluated simultaneous analytical methods for organophosphorus pesticides in cruciferous vegetables by gas chromatography (GC). Firstly, 36 pesticides were selected on the basis of monitoring data (April 1996-March 2003) in Aichi Prefecture. A sample was extracted with acetonitrile and the acetonitrile layer was separated by salting-out. The extract was cleaned up with gel permeation chromatography (GPC), and then with a tandem silica-gel/PSA mini-column. The test solution was subjected to dual-column GC equipped with a pulsed FPD (P mode, Rtx-OPPesticides column) and a FTD (Rtx-OPPesticides 2 column). Organophosphorus pesticides in such sulfur-rich matrices as cabbage and radish were determined without any serious interfering peaks on the pulsed FPD chromatograms after diluting the extracts 10- to 20-fold (0.25-0.5 mg/L of sample). The method was applied to cruciferous vegetables to demonstrate its usefulness in routine analysis.  相似文献   

A multiresidue method using dual-injection, dual-column, and dual-micro electron capture detection gas chromatography (dual-column GC-μECD) was developed for the determination of PCB, organochlorine pesticides and chlordanes in marine products. The sample was extracted with hexane-acetone (2 : 1), and the extract was cleaned up by gel permeation chromatography(GPC)/solid-phase extraction (SPE). The GPC fraction was selectively collected, and loaded directly onto a graphitized carbon/PSA 2-layered column. After fractionation by 4% hydrated silica-gel column chromatography, each fraction was determined by dual-column GC-μECD. Recoveries of PCB, organochlorine pesticides and chlordanes were in the ranges of 84-109% (RSD ≤ 21.6%), 74-117% (RSD ≤ 14.6%) and 69-114% (RSD ≤ 12.9%), respectively. This method is superior to single chromatography for the determination of total PCB, and should be useful for monitoring of these pollutants in marine products.  相似文献   

Matrix effects observed during the multiresidue analysis of seven organochlorine pesticides in six different agricultural products with GC-ECD were assessed. The presence of matrix coextractives, a major cause of observed matrix effects, directly and/or indirectly influenced the chromatographic responses of some pesticides. Two types of external calibrations, solvent calibration (SC) and matrixmatched calibration (MC), were used to assess matrix effects. Greater matrix effects were observed at the lower concentrations of each pesticide. The extent of matrix effects varied unpredictably with matrix type. Among the analyzed pesticides, iprodione, cyhalothrin, and cypermethrin exhibited greater matrix effects (>150%) for almost all matrices. The pesticide recovery rates obtained with MC were not statistically different from a 100% recovery rate in most samples, which indicates that MC may diminish the overestimates occurred due to matrix effects in GC analysis.  相似文献   

A method for simultaneous determination of multiple pesticide residues in agricultural products was developed by using a pretreatment with ultrafiltration, followed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). The pretreatment process (extraction of pesticides from agricultural products with methanol, dilution of the extract with water, and ultrafiltration) gave recoveries in the range of 50-150% for 63 of 83 pesticides spiked at 0.25 microg/ g into 6 agricultural products. The detection limits of pesticides by LC/MS/MS were below 0.0005-0.05 micro/g. This method is useful for screening purposes and for multiresidue analysis of pesticides in agricultural products. Pesticide residues in 50 domestic crops were investigated by this method, and residues of 14 pesticides were detected in 30 crops.  相似文献   

氨基甲酸酯类农药的快速检测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为快速检测农药残留,建立了一种快速检测方法-酶抑制率法,确立了最优化条件,得出了普遍公式,根据我国国家标准允许残留限量可知其对应的抑制率阈值.该方法所需时间短,操作简便,成本低廉.  相似文献   

A simultaneous determination method of 7 N-methylcarbamate and 7 urea pesticides in agricultural products by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) has been developed. Under reversed-phase liquid chromatographic conditions, 14 pesticides were analyzed using electrospray ionization (ESI) with simultaneous acquisition of positive ions and negative ions. Fourteen pesticides were extracted with acetone, 10% NaCl solution was added, and the pesticides were re-extracted with dichloromethane. The extract was concentrated under reduced pressure, and dissolved in methanol. The detection limits of 14 pesticides ranged from 0.0012 to 0.0056 microgram/g. The recoveries of pesticides were from 36.5 to 112.5% [RSD (n = 3) ranged from 0.5 to 48.1%] for 4 agricultural products.  相似文献   

A simple, sensitive and selective method with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) has been developed to detect 342 pesticides and veterinary drugs contaminating bovine milk at the maximum residue limits (MRLs) defined in the "positive list system". Sample preparation was performed by extracting the analytes with acetonitrile, followed by salting-out with sodium chloride. For some pesticides, the extract was further cleaned up by n-hexane partitioning and PSA cartridge column chromatography. GC/MS-EI or -NCI was used to determine pesticide residues, while LC/MS/MS-ESI was applicable to the determination of pesticide and veterinary drug residues. The variation of the recoveries of these drugs at MRL was relatively wide; however the relative standard deviations of the recovery of each drug were within 28%, suggesting that the present method is good enough for use as a screening test for contaminants at the MRLs. These results show that this method is useful for multiresidue analysis of numerous pesticides and veterinary drugs in bovine milk.  相似文献   

We investigated the determination of N-methylcarbamate pesticides and their metabolites in agricultural products by HPLC with post-column fluorescence detection after clean-up with an SPE cartridge. The homogenate of agricultural products was extracted with acetone. The crude extract was partitioned between 5% sodium chloride solution and dichloromethane, and the dichloromethane layer was concentrated to dryness. The residue was dissolved with a mixture of acetone and n-hexane, and purified by using Supelclean ENVI-Carb SPE, Bond Elut Extraction Cartridge PSA and SAX in series with a mixture of acetone and n-hexane. N-Methylcarbamate pesticide was analyzed by HPLC with post-column reaction and fluoresce detection. N-Methylcarbamate pesticide in citrus fruits and various kinds of agricultural products could be analyzed accurately by the presented method. Recoveries of N-methylcarbamate pesticides added to several agricultural products at the level of 0.10 ppm were mostly in the range of 60-110%. The limit of detection was 0.005 ppm.  相似文献   

农药对农产品营养和风味的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农药对防控农作物病虫草害、促进农产品高产贡献巨大,然而其大量使用常导致农产品农药残留、环境污染,同时还对农产品营养品质及风味造成影响,如改变农产品营养成分,导致农产品产生异味等变化等,应当引起重视。本文综述了农药对农产品营养物质及风味的影响及机制探究,以期为农产品安全及质量品质保障提供理论参考,为农药科学使用提供合理建议。开展农药对农产品营养品质及风味评价及作用机制研究,改善和提升农产品品质和营养水平,将是该领域未来研究的方向。  相似文献   

Gloss is considered one of the most important visual attributes of many foods, which is difficult to measure objectively. In this paper, a gloss imaging system (GIS) was implemented to evaluate the suitability of four indexes for measuring gloss from intensity images in flat and curved surfaces and to analyze gloss of some fruits and vegetables. Three indexes were computed from goniometric curves: maximum intensity (MI), width of the curve at 50% (WC), and area under the curve (AC). The fourth index was computed from the same intensity images as the average of the reflected luminance flux (LF) at the surface of the image. The results showed linear relationships (R2 = 0.97) when values of MI, AC, LF for flat and curved gloss targets in the range of 4–90 units of gloss (GU) were compared with their standard gloss levels. However, the measured gloss was significantly affected by curvature and unevenness of the surface of fruits and vegetables. In spite of this, we concluded that a colour digital camera of moderate cost combined with simple image analysis procedure can yield parameters which correlate highly with the gloss appearance of fruits and vegetables and allow measurements over a very wide range of gloss with high sensitivity.  相似文献   

A multiresidue analysis of pesticides in tea using supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) and GC-MS was developed. The preprocessing using SFE shortened the total analysis time. The SFE extract contained less matrices than the extract obtained with organic solvents. However, these matrices disturbed instrumental analysis. So, the extract was cleaned up with ENVI?-Carb/NH2 and InertSep? SI cartridge. A recovery test was carried out for 245 pesticides spiked in samples at the level of 0.1 μg/g. Recovery rates of 178 pesticides ranged from 70 to 120%, the relative standard deviations (RSDs) were less than 15%, and quantitation limits were between 0.01 and 0.05 μg/g. Based on these results, this method is considered to be useful for multiresidue analysis of pesticides in tea samples.  相似文献   

新烟碱类农药具有独特新颖的作用方式,良好的根部内吸性,高效、广谱和环境兼容性好等特点,被广泛用于农业生产中,目前已成为世界上增长速率最快的一类杀虫剂。近年来,因新烟碱类农药的广泛使用,该类化合物在食品和环境中不断被检出,给人类健康及生态环境带来极大的安全隐患。由于检测样品种类繁多,基质复杂,农药残留的检测需要进行提取、净化、浓缩、测定等步骤。目前,常用的前处理方法主要包括液液萃取法、固相萃取法以及新型的基质分散固相萃取和液液微萃取法等;常用的检测分析方法主要包括光谱法、色谱法、质谱法等。本文结合国内外文献报道,就农产品中新烟碱类农药残留的前处理技术和检测技术进行归纳和比较,以期为检测工作者提供参考。  相似文献   

目的了解农产品中食源性致病菌的污染状况,为政府监管提供依据。方法共抽取430份农产品样品,监测项目为沙门氏菌、单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠埃希氏菌O157:H7、霍乱弧菌、志贺氏菌、副溶血性弧菌和诺如病毒。采用全自动基因指纹分析仪对分离到的部分沙门氏菌和金黄色葡萄球菌株进行核糖体基因指纹鉴定。结果农产品中存在食源性致病菌的污染,畜禽产品中检出单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌22株、沙门氏菌17株、金黄色葡萄球菌7株;水产品中检出霍乱弧菌7株;鲜食蔬菜中检出金黄色葡萄球菌11株,72%的金黄色葡萄球菌产肠毒素。全自动基因指纹分析仪的鉴定结果和国标方法完全一致。结论应重视农产品的源头污染,加强监控。全自动基因指纹分析仪可用于食源性致病菌的快速鉴定和溯源。  相似文献   

An analytical multiresidue method for the simultaneous determination of various classes of pesticides in vegetables (pepper and tomato) was developed. Vegetable samples are extracted with acetone and the pesticides are partitioned into ethyl acetate/cyclohexane. Final determination was made by gas chromatography with nitrogen–phosphorus detection. Confirmation analysis of pesticides was carried out by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry in the selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode. The identification of compounds was based on retention time and on comparison of the primary and secondary ions. Recovery studies were performed at 0.05, 0.1 and 0.02 mg kg−1 fortification levels of each compound and the recoveries obtained ranged from 70.1% to 128.5% with relative standard deviations lower than 7%. The method showed good linearity over the range assayed 50–1500 μg l−1 and the detection and quantification limits for the pesticides studied varied from 0.1 to 4.4 μg kg−1 and 0.4 to 14.5 μg kg−1, respectively. The proposed method was used to determine pesticides levels in peppers and tomatoes grown in experimental greenhouses.  相似文献   

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