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否定选择算法将单个自体点和其邻近点作为自体区域训练检测器。研究了实值否定算法,定义了连续的自体区域,采用动态聚类法将自体样本点分类到自体区域,训练时根据自体区域半径和与自体区域重心之间的余弦距离做局部训练,并在自体区域内使用可变阈值检测器。实验证明当耐受自体点被当成一个整体使用时能提供更多的信息,可以探测出自体区域边界,使系统效率和检测率得到提高。  相似文献   

传统的否定选择算法无法有效识别落入到低维子空间的样本,导致算法在高维空间检测性能不佳。为此,本文提出了面向子空间的否定选择算法(Subspace-oriented Real Negative Selection Algorithm, SONSA)。在训练常规检测器的基础上,SONSA将搜索样本分布较密度高的低维子空间以进一步训练面向子空间的检测器,从而提高算法对低维子空间内样本的识别能力。实验结果表明在标准数据集Haberman’s Survival(3维)与Breast Cancer Wisconsin (9维)上,相对于经典的V-Detector算法以及采用PCA降维的V-Detector算法,SONSA能在误报率相似的情况下显著地提高检测率。  相似文献   

基于选择操作的量子粒子群算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对量子行为的粒了群优化(QPSO)算法存在早熟收敛的缺点,首先结合选择操作,提出2种改进的QPSO算法:基于锦标赛选择的QPSO算法和基十轮盘赌选择的QPSO算法,并施加到全局最优位置,以提高算法的搜索能力;然后证明了此算法的全局收敛性.典型标准函数优化的仿真结果表明,该算法具有较强的全局搜索能力.  相似文献   

Web service selection, as an important part of web service composition, has direct influence on the quality of composite service. Many works have been carried out to find the efficient algorithms for quality of service (QoS)-aware service selection problem in recent years. In this paper, a negative selection immune algorithm (NSA) is proposed, and as far as we know, this is the first time that NSA is introduced into web service selection problem. Domain terms and operations of NSA are firstly redefined in this paper aiming at QoS-aware service selection problem. NSA is then constructed to demonstrate how to use negative selection principle to solve this question. Thirdly, an inconsistent analysis between local exploitation and global planning is presented, through which a local alteration of a composite service scheme can transfer to the global exploration correctly. It is a general adjusting method and independent to algorithms. Finally, extensive experimental results illustrate that NSA, especially for NSA with consistency weights adjusting strategy (NSA+), significantly outperforms particle swarm optimization and clonal selection algorithm for QoS-aware service selection problem. The superiority of NSA+ over others is more and more evident with the increase of component tasks and related candidate services.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel multi-level negative selection algorithm (NSA)-based motor fault diagnosis scheme. The hierarchical fault diagnosis approach takes advantage of the feature signals of the healthy motors so as to generate the NSA detectors and further uses the analysis of the activated detectors for fault diagnosis. It can not only efficiently detect incipient motor faults, but also correctly identify the corresponding fault types. The applicability of our motor fault diagnosis method is examined using two real-world problems in computer simulations.  相似文献   

一种可变模糊匹配阴性选择算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对人工免疫系统中阴性选择算法机理的分析,定义了连续相似度与背离度,提出了一种可变模糊匹配阴性选择免疫算法.算法通过调整匹配阈值的方法降低黑洞数量;利用模糊思想,实现了具有一定连续相似度的模糊匹配,模糊程度可控;为了消除检测器间的冗余,提高检测器集的检测效率,算法在模糊匹配的基础上,生成了有效检测器集.仿真实验表明,可变模糊匹配阴性选择算法生成的成熟检测器检测范围较大,空间覆盖率明显提高,黑洞数量大幅下降,算法具有较强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

为了提高用户身份认证的有效性,给出了一个集成肯定认证机制和否定认证机制的双层认证模型.首先,基于人体免疫系统T细胞识别自体和非自体的原理,设计了基于否定选择的身份认证机制;接着研究了否定认证机制的关键技术;最后给出双层认证模型的实现细节及性能分析.仿真实验表明,该身份认证模型能够承受各种口令攻击,有效过滤非法用户的登录请求,具有较好的鲁棒性和可用性.  相似文献   

胡博  胡敏 《计算机应用研究》2010,27(8):2931-2932
为了提高否定选择算法的性能,提出一种集成点估计的算法。在检测器生成时,采用期望的覆盖率估计值作为算法的一个控制参数,并采用基于基因库的初始检测器生成机制提高检测器的成熟效率。通过人工合成和实际数据集对算法进行了验证,实验结果表明,本算法复杂性较低,所需的检测器数量减少,检测率提高。  相似文献   

为提高否定选择算法中检测器集的检测率,提出改进的检测器集生成方法。其主要针对检测器在检测边界元素时遇到的困境问题,把自体点和它的临近点一起作为自体区域,处理自体的泛化问题。给出算法的具体实现过程、优势分析,并通过人工合成数据集2DSyntheticData和实际Biomedical数据集对算法进行了验证。实验结果表明,本算法检测率较高,尤其可以有效检测到处于自体与非自体边界处的点,具有一定的优越性。  相似文献   

Chen  Jinyin  Wang  Xueke  Su  Mengmeng  Lin  Xiang 《Applied Intelligence》2021,51(7):4525-4547
Applied Intelligence - Inspired by biological immune systems, the field of artificial immune system (AIS), particularly the negative selection algorithm (NSA), has been proved effective in solving...  相似文献   

针对最小二乘支持向量回归缺乏传统SVR的稀疏性和鲁棒性等问题,综合矢量基学习和自适应迭代算法的优势,提出了一种改进的加权最小二乘支持向量回归算法(LSSVR)。该算法通过引入用矢量基学习和自适应迭代相结合的方式得到一个小的支持向量集,可以避免递推时可能出现的误差积累问题,有效提高算法的稀疏性和稳定性;同时采用加权方法确定权值系数以减小训练样本中非高斯噪声的影响。实验结果表明,改进的LSSVR具有较好的鲁棒性、支持向量稀疏性和动态建模实时性。  相似文献   

遗传算法求解车辆路径问题时,优秀基因片段易被破坏,导致算法效率不高等问题,因此遗传算法在解决车辆路径问题时有一定的局限性。通过对该问题的深入分析,提出基于正向变异的遗传算法。控制变异的方向,尽量避免破坏优秀基因的同时大量破坏较差基因,得到更多较优的新基因片段。实验结果表明,该算法有效提高了遗传算法解决车辆路径问题的效率。  相似文献   

NSGA-II-DE算法是在NSGA-II算法的基础上利用DE算法的收敛速度快、鲁棒性高的特性得到的改进算法,该算法提高了原算法的收敛速度,同时也降低了原算法对参数的依赖性.然而,原算法的解群分布性却没有得到提高.鉴于此,提出一种基于种群扩张与稀疏化策略的改进型NSGA-II-DE算法.该算法利用种群扩张增加候选解的数量,再利用稀疏化策略从候选解中选出使得整体分布尽可能均匀的最优解.种群扩张通过在进化最后的若干代保留每代中的第一非支配面上的个体来实现.在迭代结束后,对种群进行非支配排序,去除第一非支配面以外的个体,以提高解群质量.进行稀疏化处理,即对扩张后的全部个体按目标向量的某一维度排序,再筛选出相邻间距最接近期望距离的个体,以达到改善解群分布性的目的.仿真实验表明,所提出的算法在改善原算法的解群分布性上表现优异,但算法的时间和空间复杂度较原算法有所增加.  相似文献   

基于改进否定选择匹配算法的异常检测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
使用了一种改进的否定选择匹配算法来检测异常行为。在这种算法中考虑了位置因素对两个序列匹配度的影响,从而能够更加准确识别自体与非自体,有效地减小检测集的规模。首先使用正常的序列调用生成初始检测集,然后通过学习来扩充检测集,使用最终得到的检测集扫描一定长度的调用序列,通过其中异常序列的比例来显示该段序列调用是否出现了异常。最后给出了实验结果。  相似文献   

刘殊 《计算机应用》2009,29(6):1582-1589
针对阴性选择算法缺乏高效的分类器生成机制和“过拟合”抑制机制的缺陷,提出了一种面向多类别模式分类的阴性选择算法CS-NSA。通过引入克隆选择机制,根据分类器的分类效果和刺激度对其进行自适应学习;针对多类别模式分类的“过拟合”问题,引入了检测器集合的修剪机制,增强了检测器的分类推广能力。对比实验结果证明:与著名的人工免疫分类器AIRS相比,CS-NSA体现出更高的正确识别率。  相似文献   

A neural networks-based negative selection algorithm in fault diagnosis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Inspired by the self/nonself discrimination theory of the natural immune system, the negative selection algorithm (NSA) is an emerging computational intelligence method. Generally, detectors in the original NSA are first generated in a random manner. However, those detectors matching the self samples are eliminated thereafter. The remaining detectors can therefore be employed to detect any anomaly. Unfortunately, conventional NSA detectors are not adaptive for dealing with time-varying circumstances. In the present paper, a novel neural networks-based NSA is proposed. The principle and structure of this NSA are discussed, and its training algorithm is derived. Taking advantage of efficient neural networks training, it has the distinguishing capability of adaptation, which is well suited for handling dynamical problems. A fault diagnosis scheme using the new NSA is also introduced. Two illustrative simulation examples of anomaly detection in chaotic time series and inner raceway fault diagnosis of motor bearings demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed neural networks-based NSA.  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络免疫入侵检测中否定选择算法采用r-连续位二进制串匹配度作为亲和力,检测率低且无法反映WSNs在一段时间内的动态特性这一现象,提出采用RNS-WSNs算法,该算法用一段时间内属性值的变化率构成向量作为抗原和抗体,通过计算向量间的曼哈顿距离作为亲和力。在NS3上模拟WSNs进行实验,结果显示在能量消耗相当且误报率相同的情况下,RNS-WSNs算法具有更高的检测率。  相似文献   

傅明  任贤  陈曦 《计算机应用》2006,26(10):2304-2306
为提高智能邮件过滤系统的识别能力和抗欺骗能力,设计并实现了一种基于否定选择变异算法的电子邮件过滤器。其机理是应用人工免疫算法使得过滤系统具有自学习、自适应能力,同时采用双层过滤方式来提高系统过滤准确性。试验表明该过滤器在正确率、漏报率、误报率三方面具有良好的性能,达到了预期目的。  相似文献   

The negative selection algorithm (NSA) is an important detector generation algorithm for artificial immune systems. In high-dimensional space, antigens (data samples) distribute sparsely and unevenly, and most of them reside in low-dimensional subspaces. Therefore, traditional NSAs, which randomly generate detectors without considering the distribution of the antigens, cannot effectively distinguish them. To overcome this limitation, the antigen space density based real-value NSA (ASD-RNSA) is proposed in this paper. The ASD-RNSA contains two new processes. First, in order to improve detection efficiency, ASD-RNSA utilizes the antigen space density to calculate the low-dimensional subspaces where antigens are densely gathered and directly generate detectors in these subspaces. Second, to eliminate redundant detectors and prevent the algorithm from prematurely converging in high-dimensional space, ASD-RNSA suppresses candidate detectors that are recognized by other mature detectors and adopts an antibody suppression rate to replace the expected coverage as the termination condition. Experimental results show that ASD-RNSA achieves a better detection rate and has better generation quality than classical real-value NSAs.  相似文献   

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