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H. M. Kingston M. L. Kingstonz 《Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry》1994,16(2):43-57
These recommended terms have been prepared to help provide a
uniform approach to terminology and notation in laboratory
automation and robotics. Since the terminology used in laboratory
automation and robotics has been derived from diverse backgrounds,
it is often vague, imprecise, and in some cases, in conflict with
classical automation and robotic nomenclature.These dejinitions have been assembled from standards, monographs,
dictionaries, journal articles, and documents of international organizations emphasizing laboratory and industrial automation and robotics. When appropriate, definitions have been taken directly
from the original source and identified with that source. However,
in some cases no acceptable definition could be found and a new
definition was prepared to define the object, term, or action. Attention
has been given to defining specific robot types, coordinate systems,
parameters, attributes, communication protocols and associated
workstations and hardware. Diagrams are included to illustrate
specific concepts that can best be understood by visualization. 相似文献
Norwich Eaton Pharmaceutical recognized the benefits of using
automation systems in the laboratory over seven years ago and
created a robotic development area within the analytical method
development group. They now have eight complete robotic systems
and a large number of semi-automated systems in routine operation.This level of activity has provided many challenges for the
automation group. The success of this group has been very dependent
on the talents of people working these assignments. You can have the
best equipment and the vendor''s promises of success, but it is the
people who understand the products and the requirements that get
systems on line.Assembling an effective robotics organization requires prework on
the part of management. There must be a clear vision of the specific
types of activities the group will perform. This vision can be used to
establish a skills profile for the members of the team. It appears that
at least four people are required to provide the variety of skills and
keep the group going.Each member''s personality is an important component of
establishing a new team. In robotics, one of the most critical talents
is the ability to work on long term projects that constantly present
new challenges. The group members need to balance consistency of
purpose with the ability to creatively solve a variety of problems.
The group will not be effective in delivering new technologies unless
they have the talent to train the novice in a highly technical
environment.People who are successful in automation development are unique.
They should have the ability to work comfortably in a logic-based
environment, to become very creative on demand, and to communicate
highly technical information effectively. People do not usually
possess all these skills, providing their manager with challenging
coaching opportunities. 相似文献
Edward Jacob It-Koon Tan Kim-Seng Chua See-Heng Lim 《Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry》1992,14(6):223-229
This paper describes an integrated approach to the computerization
of all major disciplines of laboratory medicine and pathology.
Installed in the Department of Pathology, Singapore General
Hospital (SGH), the computer system discussed comprises a
RISC-based Data General Aviion 6200 computer and Meditech
MAGIC software. The system has been interfaced with the
hospital host IBM computer and supports patient information
transfer, result reporting, phlebotomy management, and compilation
of laboratory and financial management reports. The main
functions of the system include: on-line and off-line acquisition of
patient information and test data; preparation of single/combined/cumulative reports; transmission of reports within and between
laboratories; instantaneous provision of data in response to
telephone enquiries; calculations of quality control/workload/productivity statistics and indices; and generation of billing lists.
The computer enables reports to be provided on patient tests results
in individual wards, at various specialist out-patient clinics, and in
the Accident and Emergency Department of the SGH through the
IBM mainframe, as well as to remote printers installed at several
other major hospitals.The use of the MAGIC integrated laboratory information
system has resulted in a significant increase in laboratory efficiency
and productivity. 相似文献
《Coloration Technology》1989,105(1):35-35
The 35th examination for the Associateship of the Society was held in May 1988. The question papers and report of the Examinations Board are set out below. It is hoped that their publication will prove helpful both to prospective candidates and to teachers, and will inform members of the Society and others of the standard of knowledge expected of candidates for the Associateship. 相似文献
Steve Conder 《Journal of Automated Methods and Management in Chemistry》1994,16(4):117-119
The Analytical Research and Development Department of
Bristol-Myers Squibb has a laboratory dedicated to robotic analysis
of solid dose forms. It consists of eight individuals responsible for
nine robotic systems. The laboratory is dedicated to the support of
Phase III stability studies that require dissolution, potency, content.
uniformity and Karl Fischer moisture assays. The group performs
about 15000 assays a year for approximately six long-term stability
programs. The key issues for success were personnel selection,
methods development (methods transfer), routine assay support,
documentation, validation, training and support services. This
paper discusses the establishment of the laboratory and the future
issues important to continued success. 相似文献