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建筑信息模型(BIM)作为建筑领域的新兴技术,正在深远地影响着建筑行业的发展, 而人工智能(AI)技术的跨学科应用也日趋广泛。将 BIM 与 AI 方法结合,有着良好的可行性与 广阔的前景,但目前国内外的相关研究应用仍处于初级阶段。在广泛调研国内外相关研究的基 础上,从技术、系统、应用 3 个层面,对基于 BIM 的 AI 方法相关研究进行综述,介绍该领域 常用的 AI 技术,典型开发平台与开发方法,以及基于 BIM 的 AI 方法在设计、施工、运维等各 建筑阶段中的成功应用。在此基础上,对该领域存在的问题与挑战加以分析,总结问题原因, 并对其未来发展方向加以展望。  相似文献   

BIM技术在我国建筑、公路、铁路等行业均得到广泛推广,其应用在我国建筑行业也取得一定成果,它的价值与意义已经获得高度认可,在大型工程的各领域中都有极大的应用前景。随着BIM技术在交通建设中的广泛应用和工程项目质量管理要求的不断提高,将BIM技术应用于工程质量管理中,利用BIM技术的可视化、信息化等特点,不仅能让工程信息的传递直观且高效,还能为工程参建方提供更多便利。文章从工程质量控制体系与常见质量管理问题、BIM对工程质量管理的意义、基于BIM技术的工程质量管理、BIM技术在工程质量管理中的应用4个方面对BIM技术在工程质量管理中的应用情况做了分析和展望。  相似文献   

随着计算机信息技术在建筑行业的应用不断普及,建筑信息模型(BIM)已经成为建 筑行业先进且实用的技术,在工程建设领域发挥着重要的作用。BIM 内容库是用来对建筑信息 模型中的构件进行存储和管理的数据系统,是为构建工程设施的BIM 模型提供最底层的构件资 源支撑。国内外现有的BIM 内容库普遍存在构件组织混乱、资源利用率低下的问题,学术界对 BIM 内容库的组织和利用的相关研究也很匮乏。通过对BIM 内容库相关网站进行了调查,运用 层次分析法对BIM 内容库网站进行评价研究,建立BIM 内容库网站的评价标准,寻找出最优 的BIM 内容库组织结构,为BIM 内容库网站建设提供理论基础和应用指导。  相似文献   

对建筑运维管理的内涵和传统建筑运维管理存在的问题进行了阐述,利用BIM的优势,针对传统建筑运维存在的问题,研究了基于IFC标准的BIM运维系统的架构,设计了基于BIM的建筑运维管理系统总体框架,构建了基于BIM的建筑运维管理系统。实现了运维数据的集成共享,提高了建筑运维管理的效率和信息化水平,为以后建筑运维管理的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

数字信息化是建筑行业提高效率的关键。建筑信息管理(BIM)是建筑、工程和施工行业的主要发展,它提供一种技术和流程,将传统的设计和施工实践带入数字时代。介绍BIM信息化技术在建筑工程中的可视性以及协调性等优势,指出建筑工程管理中信息化程度较低、数据传递方式滞后以及管理模式落后等问题,分析BIM的信息化管理中可视化、信息化以及安全管理等方面在建筑工程中的应用,提出一些建议有利于促进建筑工程项目信息管理水平的提升,也为基于BIM的信息化管理在建筑工程中的应用提供一些新思路。  相似文献   

为进一步推进 BIM 与 GIS 技术在水利工程实践中的应用,提高水利工程建设信息化水平,研究 BIM 与GIS 技术协同中的数据融合问题。从建模语言、几何表达、语义信息等方面,介绍基于数据格式转换、标准扩展和本体技术集成的 3 种 BIM 与 GIS 数据融合方法,探讨并比较 3 种数据融合方法在水利工程项目中的应用场景,分析BIM 与 GIS 数据融合在水利工程全生命周期各阶段的应用内容,并以泰州引江河案例为例,对相关技术方法进行实证应用。研究表明:BIM 与 GIS 数据融合是水利工程领域新数据标准建立的重要基础与途径,对提高水利工程项目全生命周期管理及信息化水平具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为解决核电企业面临的海量数据组合查询搜索问题,江苏核电积极开展基于大数据技术和面向微服务架构的应用架构研究。以开源软件体系为依托,采用分层架构设计的方法,将大数据技术平台划分为数据采集层、数据计算层、数据服务层、数据应用层这几个层次。在各个层次上,研究和探索使用主流的大数据技术产品满足对应层次的需要。在应用架构上,创新性使用微服务架构来替代以往的单体应用开发模式,基于业内主流的Spring Cloud技术体系,实现了应用架构的全面微服务化。通过新的应用架构,不仅通过用户实时统计分析的应用开发来验证了微服务相关的服务注册中心、服务配置中心、服务发现、网关路由、服务高可用、服务负载均衡、服务快速API化等相关技术方案,而且为基于大数据与微服务的技术融合提供了一条可工程化的路径。  相似文献   

BIM技术是建筑行业发展中产生的一种有效的数字化信息模型技术,应用于建筑工程建设中,可以辅助工程设计、工程施工、工程运维等。应用BIM技术,可以实现建筑结构设计的可视化、分析建筑结构性能以及复杂的钢结构节点设计。BIM技术的有效应用,对于建筑领域良好发展起到促进作用,在建筑设计中,需要有效利用BIM技术,不断地进行调整,使建筑工程能在现代化社会中得到进一步的提升,推动建筑领域持续健康发展,贯彻落实科学发展观的理念。  相似文献   

近年来,云计算、大数据、物联网等技术不断涌现,并与建设工程中建筑信息模 型(BIM)技术的应用不断融合,越来越受到研究人员的关注。然而,这些技术尚未形成面向建 设项目的统一集成应用框架。通过广泛的文献调研发现,云、大数据、物联网与 BIM 技术缺一 不可,只有将其充分集成才能共同发挥价值,服务建设项目建设、管理。在此基础上,研究建 立了各项技术的统一集成应用框架。同时,从理论和应用两方面对有关技术与 BIM 技术集成的 研究与应用现状进行了综述,梳理了各项关键技术及软件系统研发现状,对已有工程应用进行 了总结。最后,对研究中存在的瓶颈与挑战进行了分析,指出未来仍需在基础理论方法、多技 术融合等方面开展深入研究。  相似文献   

王咸锋  王朔 《数字社区&智能家居》2014,(18):4143-4146,4157
在研究整合BIM与RFID的系统架构基础上,创建集成的BIM和RFID环境,描述BIM模型新参数的增加、基于BIM模型数据库的开发,确认RFID标签上数据存储的内容,最后探讨应用软件系统交互过程的实现。  相似文献   

陈泽琳  潘运军  何浥尘  齐德昱 《计算机科学》2014,41(11):107-111,117
云平台存储和管理应用复杂的海量数据已成为必然。建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling,BIM)是从全工程建设生命周期的视角组织相关数据并协同工作,所以BIM迫切需要云计算的支持。但是面对复杂的BIM应用,如何构建云平台的超级计算模式将是一个巨大的挑战。提出一个面向BIM应用的云服务框架,在Hadoop分布式软件框架上设计了云存储、云平台服务、应用服务和客户端应用四层结构。提出了该框架下的城市空间位置检索算法,该算法采用改进的KD树作为索引表。针对大用户群的并发访问,提出了面向空间位置检索的负载均衡算法,通过统计节点访问频度设计了数据块均衡分布策略。实验表明,该框架组织的建筑信息具有并发处理能力强、响应速度快等特点。  相似文献   

Building Information modeling (BIM) has the potential to advance and transform facilities Operation and Maintenance (O&M) by providing a platform for facility managers to retrieve, analyze, and process building information in a digitalized 3D environment. Currently, because of rapid developments in BIM, researchers and industry professionals need a state-of-the-art overview of BIM implementation and research in facility O&M. This paper presents a review of recent publications on the topic. It aims to evaluate and summarize the current BIM-O&M research and application developments from a facility manager's point of view, analyze research trends, and identify research gaps and promising future research directions. The scope of this research includes the academic articles, industry reports and guidelines pertaining to using BIM to improve selected facility O&M activities, including maintenance and repair, emergency management, energy management, change/relocation management, and security. The content analysis results show that research on BIM for O&M is still in its early stage and most of the current research has focused on energy management. We have identified that the interoperability in the BIM-O&M context is still a challenge and adopting the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Framework is a potential starting point to address this issue. More studies involving surveys are needed to understand the underlying O&M principles for BIM implementation – data requirements, areas of inefficiencies, the process changes. In addition, more studies on the return on investment of the innovative systems are required to justify the value of BIM-O&M applications and an improved Life Cycle Cost Analysis method is critical for such justifications.  相似文献   

Building information models (BIMs) provide opportunities to serve as an information repository to store and deliver as-built information. Since a building is not always constructed exactly as the design information specifies, there will be discrepancies between a BIM created in the design phase (called as-designed BIM) and the as-built conditions. Point clouds captured by laser scans can be used as a reference to update an as-designed BIM into an as-built BIM (i.e., the BIM that captures the as-built information). Occlusions and construction progress prevent a laser scan performed at a single point in time to capture a complete view of building components. Progressively scanning a building during the construction phase and combining the progressively captured point cloud data together can provide the geometric information missing in the point cloud data captured previously. However, combining all point cloud data will result in large file sizes and might not always guarantee additional building component information. This paper provides the details of an approach developed to help engineers decide on which progressively captured point cloud data to combine in order to get more geometric information and eliminate large file sizes due to redundant point clouds.  相似文献   

基于BIM 的运维管理研究与应用综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在建筑物的运营维护阶段中引入BIM 技术可以得到显著效益。尽管近年来相关文献 发表数量持续增长,但目前国内外运维阶段的BIM 研究与应用还处于初级阶段。为此在广泛的文 献调研的基础上,从技术层面和应用层面对当前国内外BIM 运维的研究和应用现状进行综述,介 绍其所涉及的关键技术及相关系统研发现状,进而归纳了已经实现的各种运维功能和项目应用情 况。在总结现状的基础上,最后讨论了该领域现存的挑战和瓶颈,并针对性地展望了BIM 运维未 来的发展方向。  相似文献   

3D point cloud data obtained from laser scans, images, and videos are able to provide accurate and fast records of the 3D geometries of construction-related objects. Thus, the construction industry has been using point cloud data for a variety of purposes including 3D model reconstruction, geometry quality inspection, construction progress tracking, etc. Although a number of studies have been reported on applying point cloud data for the construction industry in the recent decades, there has not been any systematic review that summaries these applications and points out the research gaps and future research directions. This paper, therefore, aims to provide a thorough review on the applications of 3D point cloud data in the construction industry and to provide recommendations on future research directions in this area. A total of 197 research papers were collected in this study through a two-fold literature search, which were published within a fifteen-year period from 2004 to 2018. Based on the collected papers, applications of 3D point cloud data in the construction industry are reviewed according to three categories including (1) 3D model reconstruction, (2) geometry quality inspection, and (3) other applications. Following the literature review, this paper discusses on the acquisition and processing of point cloud data, particularly focusing on how to properly perform data acquisition and processing to fulfill the needs of the intended construction applications. Specifically, the determination of required point cloud data quality and the determination of data acquisition parameters are discussed with regard to data acquisition, and the extraction and utilization of semantic information and the platforms for data visualization and processing are discussed with regard to data processing. Based on the review of applications and the following discussions, research gaps and future research directions are recommended including (1) application-oriented data acquisition, (2) semantic enrichment for as-is BIM, (3) geometry quality inspection in fabrication phase, and (4) real-time visualization and processing.  相似文献   

In recent years, exponential growth has been detected in research efforts focused on automated construction progress monitoring. Despite various data acquisition methods and approaches, the success is limited. This paper proposes a new method, where changes are constantly perceived and as-built model continuously updated during the construction process, instead of periodical scanning of the whole building under construction. It turned out that low precision 3D scanning devices, which are closely observing active workplaces, are sufficient for correct identification of the built elements. Such scanning devices are small enough to fit onto workers’ protective helmets and on the applied machinery. In this way, workers capture all workplaces inside and outside of the building in real time and record partial point clouds, their locations, and time stamps. The partial point clouds are then registered and merged into a complete 4D as-built point cloud of a building under construction. Identification of as-designed BIM elements within the 4D as-built point cloud then results in the 4D as-built BIM. Finally, the comparison of the 4D as-built BIM and the 4D as-designed BIM enables identification of the differences between both models and thus the deviations from the time schedule. The differences are reported in virtual real-time, which enables more efficient project management.  相似文献   

绿色建筑和建筑节能是建筑行业可持续发展的重要因素,然而建筑信息模型(BIM) 软件种类繁多、数据标准各异、软件之间的数据传递经常丢失信息。为解决不同软件之间的“信 息孤岛”问题和互操作性问题,分析了基于工业基础类标准(IFC)和gbXML 标准的绿色建筑模型 的结构框架,选取BIM 建模软件ArchiCAD 和绿色建筑性能分析软件Ecotec,对基于IFC 和 gbXML 标准的软件之间的互操作性进行了测试和评估,确定了建筑信息模型在交互过程中的问 题。针对相关问题本文提出了减少IFC 标准中的信息冗余、提高IFC 标准领域层对绿色建筑信 息的支持、提高资源层对相关信息定义的针对性等建议。  相似文献   

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