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Environmental tools such as environmental impact assessment (EIA) and environmental management systems (EMS) can be applied to ensure that major projects are constructed and operated using an approach that enables effective environmental protection. Previous research has shown that these tools are frequently applied in isolation at different stages of the project life cycle. The extent of EIA/EMS integration amongst nine of the biggest UK waste management companies was investigated through semi-structured interviews with environmental staff and thematic analysis of their responses. The research found that partial integration of EIA and EMS is widespread. Companies recognised a range of potential benefits to more closely integrating their processes such as system efficiencies, data availability and recognition from the regulator. However, significant barriers to further integration were identified in the form of cost, company structure and the size of the organisation. In a context where the regulation of the waste industry is increasingly aligned towards a risk-based approach, there is a new opportunity to use EIA outputs in an enhanced EMS. More generally, companies should seek to maintain continuity of personnel across the project life cycle and structure their environmental functions so that EIA and EMS staff can work more closely. This would help ensure that the greatest benefit is derived from both tools.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the use of offsets in the Western Australian (WA) environmental impact assessment (EIA) process. First, an overview and analysis of offsets as a policy tool in EIA is provided, noting that it has its origins in the practice of ecological restoration and uses the principle of the no net loss (NNL). Second, the implementation of WA offset policy is discussed noting the emergence of two new types of offsets in response to the uncertainty associated with some major resource projects. The first type is a ‘residual risk’ offset, which is provided in recognition of the uncertain risks associated with the proposal. The second type is a ‘banked’ offset, which is called upon only in the event that negative environmental impacts occur. Finally, it is proposed that these ‘offsets for uncertainty’ could be used more broadly in EIA where there is significant uncertainty of impacts provided the residual risk is considered acceptable.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study are to provide an estimation of the incidence of transport injuries in a defined local community in Nicaragua by using the capture-recapture method, and to compare results using this method when data at different levels of severity are utilized.Two sources of injury data were used to monitor injuries: hospital data (inpatient and outpatient) and traffic police records. Characteristics available for matching included name, age, sex, and date of occurrence. The methodology of capture-recapture was used to estimate the ascertainment degree of both sources of data and the estimate mortality and incidence rates. Estimates were calculated both when all hospital data were taken into account (inpatient and outpatient combined) and when only inpatient records were matched against police records.First, including police records and all hospital data, the mortality and morbidity estimates were 35.5/100000 and 43.7/1000 per year, respectively. Second, when outpatients were excluded from the analysis, the corresponding estimates were 28.6/100000 and 7.5/1000, respectively. In non-fatal cases, the ascertainment-corrected coverage through police records was 2.6% and through hospital surveillance 19.0% when both inpatients and outpatients were included. In fatal cases, the corresponding rates were 56.1 and 22.8%, respectively. The combined data set pointed out pedestrians and cyclists as the main risk groups. Most fatalities were due to head injuries.Our results show that neither police records nor hospital records nor the aggregate database provided acceptable coverage of transport-related injuries. Combining police and hospital data by means of capture-recapture analysis produces more valid estimates, but caution must be given to the issue of severity heterogeneity between the two sources.  相似文献   


Failure to consider the cultural and social factors of projects can lead to situations where mitigation does not effectively address the impacts they were intended to alleviate, and can even create other impacts. We critically analyse the processes of designing and implementing a social and environmental compensation program for the Lajeado Hydroelectric Dam in the Amazon region of central-northern Brazil. This mitigation program caused a wide range of social and environmental impacts on the Xerente Indigenous people, such as intra-group conflict, and changes in agricultural practices and food regime. Based on qualitative fieldwork and an extensive document analysis, we present a contextualization of the region, the project, the Xerente people, and their cosmological understandings. We consider the perspectives of a broad range of stakeholders about the compensation program and its outcomes, and demonstrate how traditional cultural practices and values played a role in the unfolding of the program. Better comprehension of sociocultural aspects through the use of ethnography, ongoing consultation, and meaningful community participation in the planning and implementation of mitigation measures are recommended.  相似文献   

Deheuvels (1981a) described a decomposition of the empirical copula process into a finite number of asymptotically mutually independent sub-processes whose joint limiting distribution is tractable under the hypothesis that a multivariate distribution is equal to the product of its margins. It is proved here that this result can be extended to the serial case and that the limiting processes have the same joint distribution as in the non-serial setting. As a consequences, linear rank statistics have the same asymptotic distribution in both contexts. It is also shown how these facts can be exploited to construct simple statistics for detecting dependence graphically and testing it formally. Simulation are used to explore the finite-sample behavior of these statistics, which are found to be powerful against varions types of alternatives.  相似文献   

We model a value of statistical life (VSL) transfer function for application to road-safety engineering in developing countries through an income-disaggregated meta-analysis of scope-sensitive stated preference VSL data. The income-disaggregated meta-analysis treats developing country and high-income country data separately. Previous transfer functions are based on aggregated datasets that are composed largely of data from high-income countries. Recent evidence, particularly with respect to the income elasticity of VSL, suggests that the aggregate approach is deficient because it does not account for a possible change in income elasticity across income levels. Our dataset (a minor update of the OECD database published in 2012) includes 123 scope-sensitive VSL estimates from developing countries and 185 scope-sensitive estimates from high-income countries. The transfer function for developing countries gives VSL = 1.3732E−4 × (GDP per capita)2.478, with VSL and GDP per capita expressed in 2005 international dollars (an international dollar being a notional currency with the same purchasing power as the U.S. dollar). The function can be applied for low- and middle-income countries with GDPs per capita above $1268 (with a data gap for very low-income countries), whereas it is not useful above a GDP per capita of about $20,000. The corresponding function built using high-income country data is VSL = 8.2474E+3 × (GDP per capita).6932; it is valid for high-income countries but over-estimates VSL for low- and middle-income countries. The research finds two principal significant differences between the transfer functions modeled using developing-country and high-income-country data, supporting the disaggregated approach. The first of these differences relates to between-country VSL income elasticity, which is 2.478 for the developing country function and .693 for the high-income function; the difference is significant at p < 0.001. This difference was recently postulated but not analyzed by other researchers. The second difference is that the traffic-risk context affects VSL negatively in developing countries and positively in high-income countries. The research quantifies uncertainty in the transfer function using parameters of the non-absolute distribution of relative transfer errors. The low- and middle-income function is unbiased, with a median relative transfer error of −.05 (95% CI: −.15 to .03), a 25th percentile error of −.22 (95% CI: −.29 to −.19), and a 75th percentile error of .20 (95% CI: .14 to .30). The quantified uncertainty characteristics support evidence-based approaches to sensitivity analysis and probabilistic risk analysis of economic performance measures for road-safety investments.  相似文献   

This is a model of knowledge exchange by informal interaction among agents in a low technology cluster. The paper studies these knowledge exchanges in an environment of complex social relations. This study tests whether the small-world network structure is the most favorable for knowledge exchanges in these environments, and explores the influence of social relations and network distance on magnitude and equity of knowledge diffused. The results show that, when knowledge exchanges are undertaken in environments of complex social relations, a small-world network structure may still be the best network structure facilitating the highest performance, but it is not the best in terms of the most equitable knowledge distribution. The results also confirms that the highest and most equitable knowledge distribution is achieved when there is perfect affinity among the agents. These results contribute to the existing series of studies on efficient network structures for knowledge diffusion, and on the broader literature on the social forces shaping learning and knowledge diffusion.  相似文献   

国内外已公布了许多用于核电厂的人因工程学标准或导则,但用于核电建设项目全过程的导则则尚未见到。经过全面调研,作者草拟了《人因工程学用于核电厂建设项目的实施导则(初稿)》。文章扼要论述了该导则的主要思想和内容,强调应将人因工程学渗透进核电建设全过程,阐明编制并实施“人因工程学应用大纲”的方法及各阶段实施要点,说明应当在各级工作组织中设置人因工程学专业小组或人因工程师负责有关具体工作等  相似文献   

While Thai overseas investment projects (TOIPs) have become a key form of development in the region, their environmental impact assessment (EIA) quality has been criticized. This research sought to analyze the differences in EIA practices in terms of public participation (PP) in two TOIPs – the Hongsa coal-fired power plant (Lao PDR) and the Dawei special economic zone (Myanmar) – versus a national-level project, the Krabi coal terminal. For Laos and Myanmar, which did not previously require PP, the Thai consultants did not apply the Thai PP framework, leading to poor public participation index (PPI) scores = 0.02, indicating a negligible PP process. However, the consultant on the Krabi coal terminal claimed to abide by the Thai regulations, yet the PPI scores claimed = 0.81 (substantive rationale), were quite different from those indicated by the affected villagers = 0.39 (instrumental rationale). These villagers’ concerns resulted in conflict between the affected villagers and project owners. Our findings have revealed the true necessity of PP regulation and systems to monitor consultant performance to ensure sustainability of TOIPs in neighboring countries.  相似文献   

Humans walk and run at a range of speeds. While steady locomotion at a given speed requires no net mechanical work, moving faster does demand both more positive and negative mechanical work per stride. Is this increased demand met by increasing power output at all lower limb joints or just some of them? Does running rely on different joints for power output than walking? How does this contribute to the metabolic cost of locomotion? This study examined the effects of walking and running speed on lower limb joint mechanics and metabolic cost of transport in humans. Kinematic and kinetic data for 10 participants were collected for a range of walking (0.75, 1.25, 1.75, 2.0 m s−1) and running (2.0, 2.25, 2.75, 3.25 m s−1) speeds. Net metabolic power was measured by indirect calorimetry. Within each gait, there was no difference in the proportion of power contributed by each joint (hip, knee, ankle) to total power across speeds. Changing from walking to running resulted in a significant (p = 0.02) shift in power production from the hip to the ankle which may explain the higher efficiency of running at speeds above 2.0 m s−1 and shed light on a potential mechanism behind the walk–run transition.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationships between supply chain relationships/integration, innovative capabilities and manufacturing performance. The study adopts Institutional Theory and Resource-Based View Theory to assess relationships in 171 organisations drawn from three rapidly developing countries – Brazil, India and China. Data were collected using the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey (IMSS VI) and analysed using structural equation modelling. The study found that supply chain relationships and integration relate positively to both product and process innovative capabilities. The study also found that both product and process innovative capabilities relate positively to manufacturing performance. Furthermore, there was a positive relationship between product innovative capabilities and process innovative capabilities. The findings provide new insights into manufacturers in the three countries and show that the relationships they build with their customers have encouraged them to develop new innovative capabilities. These new capabilities, in turn, have enabled them to reap benefits of improved manufacturing performance.  相似文献   

Some of the primary objectives for importing foreign technology into developing economies are to provide essential amenities like potable water, stable electrical supply, and functional communication and health facilities. It is also aimed at improving the industrial development bases in order to achieve technological advancement. However, historical trends bear witness to the fact that a majority of these efforts by the governments of developing countries have failed because such technologies are not sustainable. This paper identifies a number of indices that decision makers can use to assess the suitability of a foreign technology being considered for import into the local economy and its likely sustainability over the long term. By identifying and examining sustainability factors in relation to the socio-political contexts of a specific culture and its techno-economic level of development, and by considering such factors in the decision-making process, the selection of appropriate technologies can be greatly enhanced and the enormous waste of economic resources can be avoided.  相似文献   

It is well known that the solution of an inverse problem is ill‐posed and not unique. To avoid difficulties caused by this, when solving such a problem, Tikhonov's regularization terms are usually added to the norm quantifying the discrepancy between the model's predictions and experimental data. This regularization term however is often inadequate to perform the identification of a field of material properties that varies spatially. This is all the more difficult when dealing with the numerical solution of this inverse problem, for the sought field is spatially discretized and this discretization can influence the result of the identification. We will here examine an overall strategy using classical adaptive meshing methods used to circumvent these drawbacks. The first step consists of using two distinct meshes: one associated with the discretization of the sought spatial field and the other associated with the solution of the mechanical problems (forward and adjoint states). In the second step, we will introduce local error estimators that allow an oriented refinement of the mesh associated with the sought parameters. This general strategy is applied to a practical case study: the detection of underground cavities using experimental data obtained by an interferometric device on a satellite. We will then address the question of how the regularization terms and the error estimator driving the mesh refinement were selected. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Chris Abel 《Design Studies》1982,3(3):127-132
This paper provides the essential background to the problems of design for a developing world in which mixed and ambiguous values and lifestyles are rapidly becoming the norm. It prepares the ground for an ensuing treatment of fields of identity.  相似文献   

Perhaps due to its origins in a production scheduling software called Optimised Production Technology (OPT), plus the idea of focusing on system constraints, many believe that the Theory of Constraints (TOC) has a vocation for optimal solutions. Those who assess TOC according to this perspective indicate that it guarantees an optimal solution only in certain circumstances. In opposition to this view and founded on a numeric example of a production mix problem, this paper shows, by means of TOC assumptions, why the TOC should not be compared to methods intended to seek optimal or the best solutions, but rather sufficiently good solutions, possible in non-deterministic environments. Moreover, we extend the range of relevant literature on product mix decision by introducing a heuristic based on the uniquely identified work that aims at achieving feasible solutions according to the TOC point of view. The heuristic proposed is tested on 100 production mix problems and the results are compared with the responses obtained with the use of Integer Linear Programming. The results show that the heuristic gives good results on average, but performance falls sharply in some situations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the fundamental building blocks of supply chain agility, which are conceptualised as supply- and demand-side competence. While the former refers to production and supply management related activities, the latter refers to distribution and demand management related activities. The model further assesses the influence of supply chain agility on operational performance, as well as its mediating role in the relationship between supply- and demand-side competence and performance. Within this framework, process compliance, i.e. how well supply chain management processes are internally executed by the firm's employees, is viewed as an enabler (moderator) on the relationship between supply chain competencies and supply chain agility. Theoretical substantiation is provided by the resource-based view of the firm augmented with the dynamic capabilities perspective. The model is tested with data from 121 supply chain management professionals. Implications for both academic theory development and supply chain and production management practice are provided.  相似文献   

Techniques and algorithms for the design of an optical system intended for decreasing the angular divergence of laser emission created by a flat optical resonator are proposed. __________ Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 4, pp. 26–29, April, 2008.  相似文献   

The Theory of Planned Behaviour model (Ajzen, 1985) was used to determine whether long-term experience with Intelligent Speed Adaption (ISA) prompts a change in speed related cognitions. The study examines data collected as part of a project examining driver behaviour with an intervening but overridable ISA system. Data was collected in four six-month field trials. The trials followed an A-B-A design (28 days driving with no ISA, 112 days driving with ISA, 28 days driving without ISA) to monitor changes in speeding behaviour as a result of the ISA system and any carry-over effect of the system. Findings suggested that following experience with the system, drivers’ intention to speed significantly weakened, beyond the removal of ISA support. Drivers were also less likely to believe that exceeding the speed would ‘get them to their destination more quickly’ and less likely to believe that ‘being in a hurry’ would facilitate speeding. However, the positive change in intentions and beliefs failed to translate into behaviour. Experience with the ISA system significantly reduced the percentage of distance travelled whilst exceeding the speed limit but this effect was not evident when the ISA support was removed.  相似文献   

Human behaviour plays an important role in the spread of infectious diseases, and understanding the influence of behaviour on the spread of diseases can be key to improving control efforts. While behavioural responses to the spread of a disease have often been reported anecdotally, there has been relatively little systematic investigation into how behavioural changes can affect disease dynamics. Mathematical models for the spread of infectious diseases are an important tool for investigating and quantifying such effects, not least because the spread of a disease among humans is not amenable to direct experimental study. Here, we review recent efforts to incorporate human behaviour into disease models, and propose that such models can be broadly classified according to the type and source of information which individuals are assumed to base their behaviour on, and according to the assumed effects of such behaviour. We highlight recent advances as well as gaps in our understanding of the interplay between infectious disease dynamics and human behaviour, and suggest what kind of data taking efforts would be helpful in filling these gaps.  相似文献   

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