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Theoretical arguments and experimental evidence are presented to show that the two fundamental normal modes of a coupled waveguide structure have different attenuations in traversing such a structure. The effects of this phenomenon on evanescent wave directional couplers and interferometers are derived. Parasitic effects in Mach-Zehnder and Sagnac interferometers utilizing directional couplers are described. An asymmetric output for the recently demonstrated all-single-mode fiber resonator is predicted and compared to experimental results. Some qualitative results are presented for integrated optic directional coupler switches.  相似文献   

A new substrate integrated circuits (SICs) fabrication technique is proposed for realizing nonradiative dielectric (NRD) waveguide circuits. This new technique called substrate integrated NRD (SINRD) guide allows the NRD guide be integrated within a dielectric substrate by drilling a pattern of air holes. Dispersion analysis and design considerations of the new structure are discussed. A hybrid integrated scheme of planar and SINRD circuits is demonstrated for the first time with simulation and measurement results.  相似文献   

The development of a corporate feed for application to antennas fed from a nonradiative dielectric (NRD) waveguide is described. A feed was constructed and tested, and its performance evaluated by allowing the unterminated circuit to radiate as an antenna  相似文献   

A leaky-wave mechanism in a nonradiative dielectric (NRD) waveguide is described. The antenna used in the analysis consists of a long slot in one ground plane of the NRD guide; the currents present in the side walls cause the slot to radiate as a traveling-wave antenna. The antenna was designed to operate at 9.5 GHz to reduce the costs involved in working at high frequencies. The analysis of the slot follows the procedure outlined by L.O. Goldstone and A.A. Oliner (1959). A simple expression for the amount of coupling from the guide is derived under certain assumption made because information on the reactances necessary to model the slot is not as yet available. The theoretical coupling values verified by measurement and the design, construction, and performance of both leaky-wave antennas are described  相似文献   

The performance of multihole directional couplers can be considerably improved by placing a second hole structure to the existing one. The improvement may be aimed at directivity or at suppression of certain unwanted modes propagating either in forward or backward direction.  相似文献   

A travelling-wave antenna for integrated use in nonradiative dielectric waveguide is described. The antenna is constructed by cutting a longitudinal slot in the waveguide side wall. Results are presented showing the comparison between measured and calculated data.  相似文献   

A novel antenna array that radiates a single mode of multiple coupled nonradiative dielectric (NRD) waveguides, is described. The array is fed by a single NRD waveguide, which is designed to propagate a wave with the same wave number as that of free-space. The individual radiators of the array are spaced at one free-space wavelength, but due to the narrow beamwidth of the individual radiators, grating lobes are effectively suppressed. An eight-element array is described and measurements presented, but the design method can be extended to any number of elements  相似文献   

Two types of directional couplers for transverse electric (TE) modes are described: short and multihole couplers, respectively. They selectively pick one mode out of a mode mixture in an overmoded circular waveguide system. Unwanted modes are either statistically kept at low level or are suppressed by destructive interference in the coupling waveguide. Mode selectivity and directivity in multihole couplers oscillate up and down with an increasing number of holes, finally reaching a minimum of approximately 20 dB, unless there are competing modes with rational fractions of the beat wavelength. A multihole coupler for the TE02 mode (28 GHz, 63.4 mm waveguide diameter, 41 holes) and a length of 1.6 m shows a calculated directivity of 68 dB and suppresses the unwanted modes TE01 with 34 dB (24 dB), TE22 with 37 dB (45 dB), and further modes TE?m (?<5, m<6) with 17 dB to 34 dB in forward direction (figures in parentheses are for unwanted modes propagating in backward direction). A short directional coupler for the TE01 mode (28 GHz, 63.4 mm waveguide diameter) with 16 holes and a length of 230 mm shows a directivity of 55 to 100 dB between 27.9 and 28.1 GHz, suppressing the TE02 mode with 35 to 80 dB, the TE03 mode with 30 to 65 dB, and the TE22 mode with 30 to 70 dB.  相似文献   

In this paper a formula for determining the characteristic impedance of the nonradiative dielectric waveguide (NRD-guide) is presented. The numerical results are obtained, which are very useful for designing NRD waveguide components, such as impedance transformers, filters, branch-line hybrids, and active circuits. As a practical example for applying the formula, a 3 dB brainched NRD-guide directional coupler was designed and fabricated. The experiments show good consistency with the theory.  相似文献   

The physical construction of a Gunn diode oscillator in non-radiative dielectric waveguide is described. A stripline construction is used for biasing, and the diode is mounted so as to feed a slot which in turn launches the wave into the wave-guide.  相似文献   

Multilayer MMIC directional couplers using thin dielectric layers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Low-loss and small-sized MMIC directional couplers utilizing a multilayer structure composed of coupled thin-film transmission lines on a GaAs wafer surface are newly proposed. The fundamental characteristics of the couplers are discussed through calculations by numerical analysis, and the performance of the couplers and an application to reverse-phase hybrid ring are demonstrated. The results show that a 3 dB coupler can be designed within a 0.8 mm×0.8 mm area for a center frequency of 20 GHz. Coupling losses of 3.7 dB±0.2 dB over a 4-GHz bandwidth and isolation of better than 26 dB in the frequency range of 0-30 GHz are achieved. The proposed coupler configurations can be applied to the high-density and multifunction integration of MMIC's  相似文献   

A broadband optical waveguide star coupler with asymmetric directional couplers is proposed. A coupling or splitting ratio of the coupler is flattened with respect to wavelength by choosing appropriate values for Δβ and complete power transfer length. The wavelength characteristics of uniform and alternating Δ&thetas;b directional couplers are investigated, and their broadband operation is shown theoretically. To demonstrate the feasibility of the new proposal, 8×8 star couplers composed of such asymmetric directional couplers are fabricated by using high-silica waveguides on a silicon chip. A star coupler composed of asymmetric directional couplers exhibited 2-dB loss variation in the wavelength range of 1.3-1.55 μm, and this value was almost one fourth of that of a star coupler composed of symmetric directional couplers  相似文献   

The operating theory,design method and experimental results of the nonradiative dielectric waveguide (NRD-guide) transmitting front-end in millimeter wave band are related in details in this paper. As a kind of dielectric waveguide,the NRD-guide possesses fine transmission performances, and it can be used to fabricate the millimeter wave hyterodyne integrated circuits. The two kinds NRD-guide transmitting front-ends substantiated in the paper, the voltage controlling oscillator(VCO) and twin-Gunn-diode power-combiner,have very similar structures to each other and possess compact sizes, fine machinery and electric performances.For the VCO front-end in Ka-band, the frequency modulation band is greater than 150MHz, the output power is larger than 20mW.For the power-combiner, the output power is larger than 40mW,the combination efficiency is better than 90%,the frequency stabilization reaches 1.68×10?5. Combined with the receiving front-end reported before,the transmitter and receiver can be composed to a dielectric waveguide R/T module to be applied in some millimeter wave sub-systems.  相似文献   

In contrast to etched channel waveguide couplers, directional couplers UV-written into a photosensitive layer can be both down and up trimmed by UV post-illumination of the waveguide cores and of the separating photosensitive region, respectively. Theoretically, the coupling length can be corrected by 10%-40% several times, before the third supermode starts to propagate  相似文献   

The propagation characteristics of the dominant mode in magnetized-ferrite-loaded double-layered nonradiative dielectric waveguide are studied. The analysis is based on mode-matching method. Numerical results are presented for various values of structure and material parameters.  相似文献   

This letter describes a new dielectric characterization technique, based on the resonant nonradiative waveguide structure described by Yoneyama and Nishida , for permittivity measurements at microwave and mm-wave frequencies. The measurement system is modeled as a resonator comprised of two parallel conducting plates with a rectangular dielectric slab sandwiched in-between. Resonant frequencies of the longitudinal section electric (LSE) modes and the unloaded Q of the cavity are used to determine the permittivity of the dielectric and its loss tangent, respectively. The technique is shown to be accurate for measuring the dielectric properties of a wide array of polymer and oxide materials. For materials with small dielectric loss tangents, an accuracy of better than /spl plusmn/0.4% is attained in the measurement of the relative dielectric constant of the material.  相似文献   

The E-plane waveguide branch directional couplers are analyzed by a method which combines the multimode network theory with rigorous mode-matching approach. The electromagnetic field components are expanded by the superposition of LSEx modes rather than TE and TM modes in the mode-matching procedure. Meanwhile, the electromagnetic problem is transferred into the network problem through the mode-matching treatment. It is shown that the present method has the advantages of simplicity and less computation without affecting the accuracy of the calculation.  相似文献   

The nonradiative dielectric (NRD) waveguide has been identified as a promising candidate for use at millimetre-wave frequencies. To realise this promise NRD waveguide must support the design of the necessary active and passive components for the realisation of systems and subsystems. The authors describe the principle of a novel modulator for use with NRD waveguide and present preliminary results  相似文献   

A computer aided design technique has been developed for the design of a beam splitter coupler and a distributed type coupler using inverted strip dielectric waveguides. The optical beam principle has been used for the beam splitter coupler. Numerical results for these couplers at 80 GHZ with minimum directivity of 30 dB and VSWR of 1.15 have been presented.  相似文献   

A simple and accurate method is presented for studying the coupling characteristics of 3D diffused channel waveguide directional couplers. The method is based on the scalar variational principle and differs from other methods as it does not require any assumption for the functional form of the trial field. The authors also propose an equivalent 2D directional coupler that also gives accurate results and, hence, saves considerable computational time, Comparison with experimental and other theoretical results is also presented  相似文献   

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