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There is considerable evidence that the hemostatic system is involved in the growth and spread of malignant disease. There is an increased incidence of thromboembolic disease in patients with cancers and hemostatic abnormalities are extremely common in such patients. Antihemostatic agents have been successfully used to treat a variety of experimental tumors, and several clinical trials in humans have been initiated. Although metastasis is undoubtedly multifactorial, intravascular coagulation activation and peritumor fibrin deposition seem to be important. The mechanisms by which hemostatic activation facilitates the malignant process remain to be completely elucidated. Of central importance may be the presence on malignant cells of tissue factor and urokinase receptor. Recent studies have suggested that these proteins, and others, may be involved at several stages of metastasis, including the key event of neovascularization. Tissue factor, the principal initiator of coagulation, may have additional roles, outside of fibrin formation, that are central to the biology of some solid tumors.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the research literature concerning fatigue in cancer patients, evaluating the quality of the evidence, thus helping to focus the direction and methodological rigour required in future investigations. Since fatigue in this population has been attributed to several mechanisms these will be discussed. The prevalence of fatigue in cancer patients will then be documented. An overview of what is currently understood about fatigue in cancer will follow. Based on the literature, conceptual and methodological difficulties will be described. Finally, gaps in understanding will be identified. Suggestions for future research will be formulated and potential interventions to decrease feelings of fatigue explored.  相似文献   

We present a 66 year-old woman in the cirrhotic stage of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), who developed hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). All serological tests for hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) were negative. We surveyed 16 reported cases (13 females and 3 males) of PBC associated with HCC in Japan. The presence of HCV RNA was determined by the polymerase chain reaction in all of the patients, 3 of whom (19%) were HCV RNA-positive. Although patients with PBC rarely develop HCC, it is suggested that HCV infection may play a minor role in the development of HCC in Japanese patients with PBC.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a radiosensitive tumor for which there is a high local control rate after radical radiotherapy (RT). However, for patients with locoregionally advanced disease, the rate of distant metastasis is high and the 5-year overall survival rate is poor. METHODS: A review of retrospective and prospective clinical studies was performed to assess the role of chemotherapy in three settings: metastatic disease; neoadjuvant and/or adjuvant; and concurrent chemotherapy with radiotherapy. RESULTS: Cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy results in a high response rate in patients with metastatic NPC, and a subgroup may achieve long term disease free survival. The use of neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy to treat locoregionally advanced disease has resulted in consistently high response rates, but no randomized trial to date has demonstrated an improvement in overall survival. A recent Head and Neck Intergroup study randomized patients in the United States to receive concurrent chemotherapy (cisplatin) and radiotherapy or radiotherapy only. Although this approach demonstrated significant benefit in overall survival favoring the use of concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy, its applicability in geographic areas of high NPC incidence remains to be proven. CONCLUSIONS: NPC is a chemosensitive tumor, and patients with metastatic disease have a high response rate. Further prospective studies will define the standard approach to treating locoregionally advanced NPC, which is likely to incorporate into the primary treatment some form of systemic chemotherapy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We conducted a population-based case-control study to describe the relationship between occupational exposure to estrogenic chemicals and the occurrence of breast cancer in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. METHODS: Incident cases of breast cancer (n = 261) diagnosed from 1983 through 1986 and controls (n = 753) were interviewed to gather information on breast cancer risk factors and all full-time jobs held since age 18. Blinded exposure assessments were employed using the data from the NIOSH National Occupational Exposure Survey, chemical production and usage information, and the expert judgement of a certified industrial hygienist. RESULTS: Overall, 29.5% of cases and 32.5% of controls had probable occupational exposure to one or more xenoestrogens. Probable exposure to nonylphenol (21.5% of cases, 21.4% of controls), butyl benzyl phthalate (10.0% of cases, 13.2% of controls), BHA (7.3% of cases, 9.6% of controls), bisphenol A (9.6% of cases, 11.6% of controls), and 4-tert-butylphenol (2.7% of cases and 5.3% of controls) were relatively commons, while probable exposure to the other xenestrogens was rare. Only PCBs and 4-octylphenol were associated with moderate increase in the odds of breast cancer (PCBs: 5 exposed cases and 6 exposed controls, adjust odds ratio: 3.2, 95% CI = 0.8-12.2, and 4-octylphenol: 6 exposed cases and 5 exposed controls, adjusted odds ratio: 2.9, 95% CI = 10.8).  相似文献   

We studied the effect of cytoreductive chemotherapy in head and neck cancer and analyzed it in terms of efficacy, remission rates, and duration, as well effect on survival. Single-agent chemotherapy, which formerly was used as a palliative therapy in recurrent and metastatic disease, had little affect on survival. More recently, multi-agent chemotherapy trials have shown significantly higher response rates, but this success has not translated into an added survival benefit. These findings led to the introduction of multi-agent chemotherapy into the induction (neoadjuvant) clinical setting. In these clinical circumstances, better objective response rates were found, particularly in the previously untreated patient. Although this therapy has resulted in better control of local disease, the impact on survival is not yet clear. Adjuvant chemotherapy is most useful in patients who have a high risk of relapse. Therapy appears to decrease its incidence, particularly at distant sites. Finally, chemoradiation trials have shown that this treatment provides a survival advantage, but at the cost of a significant increase in toxicity.  相似文献   

The role of radiation therapy in the management of bladder cancer continues to be controversial. Attention to the issue of response to treatment, instead of overall survival, ultimate local control and quality of life, has hampered progress in determining the optimal-treatment strategy for patients with bladder cancer. Although the heterogeneity of bladder cancer has been recognized for some time now, the trend has been to seek one cure for all, rather than to use the available modalities selectively and optimally. The use of continent urinary diversion has made cystectomy more acceptable, but no form of diversion is as satisfying as a natural, well functioning bladder. The case against definitive XRT has been built on the lack of total radiosensitivity of transitional cell carcinoma. It is interesting that the lack of total chemosensitivity of bladder cancer and total curability with surgery has not prevented those modalities from being widely used. The recognition of the systemic nature of invasive bladder cancer has appropriately led to increased attention to the control of systemic disease. However, this has led to, at times, compromised local therapy. The use of primary or adjuvant chemotherapy should not impede the pursuit of optimal local therapy in patients with bladder cancer with the emphasis on the optimal quality of life. In parallel, the goal of bladder preservation and improved quality of life should not overshadow the importance of local tumor control. Because metastatic bladder cancer currently is an almost universally lethal disease, we should optimize the use of effective treatment modalities to achieve modest improvements in cure rate. The idea that definitive radiation therapy has no role in the management of bladder cancer exists in the minds of those who hold strong convictions and see an alternative view to their own as being controversial. We believe that attention should not focus on this controversy but on the recognition of the reality that the best management of bladder cancer is a shared responsibility among the oncologists of all disciplines. With this recognition, clinical research toward improving outcome for patients with bladder cancer will move forward.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare and highly aggressive skin tumor. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of radiation therapy and chemotherapy in the treatment of patients with Merkel cell carcinoma. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of 27 patients treated at Rabin Medical Center in Israel is presented, focusing on the treatment details. Data for 40 patients (the authors' 27 patients and an additional 13 patients from the Israeli Cancer Registry), were analyzed for prognostic factors using univariate and multivariate analyses. RESULTS: Univariate analyses revealed regional lymph node involvement and the coexistence of a second primary tumor as unfavorable prognostic factors. On multivariate analysis, only lymph node involvement showed borderline statistical significance. Radiation therapy was highly effective when given as consolidation after surgery or chemotherapy. In 11 patients irradiated effectively, only 1 (9%) in-field recurrence occurred. Radiation therapy yielded responses in 15 of 15 measurable sites (5 complete responses and 10 partial responses). Chemotherapy produced responses in 18 of 26 patients (69%), mostly complete (41%). However, in the absence of radiation therapy, the responses were short lived. CONCLUSIONS: These data support the use of combined treatment with chemotherapy followed by radiation therapy for patients with advanced locoregional Merkel cell carcinoma. In patients with metastatic disease, chemotherapy as well as radiotherapy can provide effective palliation. Further large scale investigations are warranted to confirm this approach.  相似文献   

Osteopetrosis or Albers-Schonberg disease is a rare hereditary disorder of osteoclast function in which resorption of bone is diminished, resulting in abnormally dense bones. The condition is known to occur in at least four recognizable clinical patterns, each of which is variable. The optimal treatment of fractures and of bone deformity in these patients has not previously been made clear. To determine appropriate orthopedic management of the condition, we conducted a survey of the membership of the Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America. The combined experience of 57 surgeons who treated 79 patients with osteopetrosis was compiled. Four femoral neck fractures treated by closed reduction and internal fixation had a satisfactory result, but three treated nonoperatively developed varus and required osteotomy. A total of 20 hips was treated for coxa vara by various means, none of which was free of complications. Valgus osteotomy, when used as the primary treatment for coxa vara, was the most consistently satisfactory procedure, whereas in situ pinning failed in two of three hips. Fourteen subtrochanteric fractures and 31 other fractures of the femur were treated. Good results were reported with traction or casting or both in the majority of those fractures. Twenty-nine tibia fractures were treated successfully, the majority by nonoperative means. Upper extremity fractures healed well with closed reduction and casting. Vertebral fractures, spondylolysis, and back pain were most frequently treated without surgery.  相似文献   

The first attempted human orthotopic liver transplantation, in 1963, involved a child with biliary atresia, who died on the operating table as a result of uncontrollable coagulopathy. Improvements in immunosuppression, surgical technique, medical imaging and postoperative care, as well as more stringent patient selection, have allowed the development of liver transplantation and its universal acceptance as the treatment for a variety of liver diseases. The radiologist plays a major role in the multidisciplinary transplantation team and must be familiar with each stage of orthotopic liver transplantation and its associated complications. In the first article of this series (Can Assoc Radiol J 1997;48[3]:171-178), the authors reviewed the anatomic features and current concepts relevant to orthotopic topic liver transplantation. In this, the second article, they discuss the vascular and biliary complications of the operation, and the third article will cover the medical complications.  相似文献   

Pituitary tumors are mostly benign lesions, although 5-35% are locally invasive. A small number exhibit a more aggressive course, infiltrating dura, bone and sinuses, and are designated highly aggressive. However, the presence of metastases separate from the pituitary in the central nervous system or at a distance is necessary to designate pituitary tumors as carcinomas, i.e. truly malignant. When conventional therapeutic modalities fail, systemic chemotherapy remains the last option. We report seven such patients, three with highly aggressive and four with malignant pituitary tumors (n=4) four women; median age, 32 yr; range, 23-48 yr), who received one or more courses of chemotherapy with lomustine and 5-fluorouracil (median, two courses; range, one to six courses). Three patients with systemic metastatic disease had a shorter survival (median, 5 months; range, 1-14 months) than the one patient with central nervous system metastases alone (10 yr). A patient with an aggressive nonmetastatic prolactinoma who initially responded to chemotherapy died from another nondisease-associated cause. Two patients, one with an aggressive and one with a metastatic tumor, achieved symptomatic improvement with a median duration of 6 months. A hormonal reduction greater than 50% was observed in two of seven patients; only one patient who had an aggressive tumor obtained an objective tumor response. The median survival from the time of initiation of chemotherapy in patients with malignant tumors ranged from 3-65 months. Two patients with malignant tumors developed disease progression while receiving chemotherapy; no patient with extracranial metastases showed a response. Treatment was well tolerated, with minimal individual side-effects. Three patients with no response to initial treatment received different chemotherapeutic regimens with no additional response. All patients with metastatic malignant tumors eventually died. Treatment with cytotoxic chemotherapy is noncurative, and current experience is limited. Until another more specific form of treatment is available, chemotherapy may still be of some value in patients with highly aggressive and malignant pituitary tumors, at least in achieving a temporary remission or delay in progression. The combination of lomustine/5-fluorouracil proved easy to administer with minimal toxicity, although the response rate was only 14%. Until a more specific treatment is found, an optimal chemotherapeutic regimen needs to be established.  相似文献   

Recent reports describe successful treatment of interstitial ectopic pregnancies using methotrexate. While the number of reported cases is increasing, no consensus exists regarding the management of this complication of pregnancy. We present the successful use of combined systemic and direct intrasac injection of methotrexate for an interstitial pregnancy with the highest yet reported initial beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin concentration (102,000 mIU/ml). We also describe the use of Doppler ultrasound for monitoring treatment progression. Through a review of the current literature, we propose to facilitate management decisions and increase outcome success by summarizing previously reported treatment regimens and by describing enhanced parameters for patient selection and monitoring.  相似文献   

Experience with 28 patients with toxic dilatation of the colon is reviewed. The operative mortality in this series was 32% (9/28). Eight of the 9 patients who died were found to have colonic perforations at operation; in contrast, the group of patients with no perforations had a mortality rate of only 6%. Colonic perforation and sepsis were the most significant factors contributing to mortality and morbidity in this series. A review of the literature showed an overall operative mortality rate of 19.5% for patients with toxic megacolon; the mortality rate was 41% for patients with perforations and 8.8% for patients without perforations. It appears that the keystone to successful management is the avoidance of colonic perforation and sepsis; protracted medical management of toxic megacolon seems to have been at least partly responsible for these complications. Sixteen of the 18 survivors following subtotal colectomy required removal of the rectum within 9 months because of continued symptoms and disease in the rectal stump.  相似文献   

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