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针对目前并行Prim最小生成树算法效率不高的问题,在分析现有并行Prim算法的基础上,提出了适于GPU架构的压缩邻接表图表示形式,开发了基于GPU的minreduction数据并行原语,在NVIDIA GPU上设计并实现了基于Prim算法思想的并行最小生成树算法。该算法通过使用原语缩短关键步骤的查找时间,从而获得较高效率。实验表明,相对于传统CPU实现算法和不使用原语的算法,该算法具有较明显的性能优势。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new early terminating partial distortion search algorithm based on template search in fast motion estimation. Our algorithm accomplishes a parallel implementation technique by considering both the idea of partial distortion search and the advantage of the template search. With this technique, the proposed algorithm achieves a better performance by faster updating the current minimum distortion. The proposed parallel implementation that reduces a large amount of distortion computations between pixels outperforms the standard partial distortion search method by faster rejecting the unlikely candidate blocks. Our algorithm is embedded into the diamond search algorithm, star diamond search algorithm and three-step search algorithm respectively. According to the experiment results, it is proved that about 30% reduction of computational complexity has been obtained compared with the standard partial distortion search. Moreover, there is no degradation of the peak signal-to-noise ratio(PSNR) for motion estimation compared with the embedded block-based template search motion estimation algorithm.  相似文献   

采用一种并行的A*算法实现了复杂地理环境下低空飞行器的三维路径规划。该算法将A*算法的基本操作设计成并行执行形式,并利用OpenMP将其线程化,结合约束条件,最终完成在三维空间中避开障碍物的路径搜索过程。使用建模工具Creator和开发工具Vega为仿真平台,完成对复杂地形地貌场景的设计,在此基础上对上述算法进行了验证。仿真结果表明该并行方式较之串行方式能获得更快的寻优速度,加速比也随着规模的增大而提高。  相似文献   

针对多模式的块匹配运动估计技术中的运动搜索算法部分,研究了目前广泛使用的如三步法、菱形法等经典搜索算法,分析了其在实现编码过程中性能上速度和精度两方面的优势与劣势.在此基础上,结合相邻宏块的运动相关性,通过预测MV判断搜索起始点,并且在运动搜索中引入了一种依据阀值的提前终止策略,从而提出了一种新的带有阀值的自适应混合搜索算法.通过采用经典的JM8.6模型进行的仿真验证,结果表明该算法既显著降低了编码复杂度,又保证了预测的有效行和健壮性,具有很强的实用性.  相似文献   

We present new methods for load balancing of unstructured tree computations on large-scale SIMD machines, and analyze the scalability of these and other existing schemes. An efficient formulation of tree search on an SIMD machine consists of two major components: a triggering mechanism, which determines when the search space redistribution must occur to balance the search space over processors, and a scheme to redistribute the search space. We have devised a new redistribution mechanism and a new triggering mechanism. Either of these can be used in conjunction with triggering and redistribution mechanisms developed by other researchers. We analyze the scalability of these mechanisms and verify the results experimentally. The analysis and experiments show that our new load-balancing methods are highly scalable on SIMD architectures. Their scalability is shown to he no worse than that of the best load-balancing schemes on MIMD architectures. We verify our theoretical results by implementing the 15-puzzle problem on a CM-2 SIMD parallel computer  相似文献   

A tree T is labeled when the n vertices are distinguished from one another by names such as v1, v2…vn . Two labeled trees are considered to be distinct if they have different vertex labels even though they might be isomorphic. According to Cayley's tree formula, there are nn-2 labeled trees on n vertices. Prufer used a simple way to prove this formula and demonstrated that there exists a mapping between a labeled tree and a number sequence. From his proof, we can find a naive sequential algorithm which transfers a labeled tree to a number sequence and vice versa. However, it is hard to parallelize. In this paper, we shall propose an O(log n) time parallel algorithm for constructing a labeled tree by using O(n) processors and O(n log n) space on the EREW PRAM computational model  相似文献   

SIFT算法广泛应用于计算机视觉等领域,而该算法具有较高复杂度,为此提出了一种基于改进SIFT特征提取的视频全景合成方法。该方法采用了多核系统平台并行优化来实现SIFT算法,首先对相邻视点的特征进行配准,然后对重合区域进行双线性融合,减少了视差的影响,同时克服了SIFT算法高复杂度问题。实验结果证明,SIFT算法的并行实现能够实时处理视频拼接,并在大角度旋转情况下仍能较好地合成视图。  相似文献   

刘少东  邢永康  刘恒 《计算机应用》2012,32(10):2736-2741
针对异步共享内存模型下的并发搜索二叉树(BST)数据结构,提出了一种新的无锁实现方法。通过一种有效的节点重用策略,使得删除操作是无等待的,插入操作是无锁的。实验数据表明,该数据结构是高度可扩展的而且在高负载下能提供很高的吞吐量。  相似文献   

快速公交车辆调度优化的禁忌算法设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一类基于公交运营效益最大化的BRT调度问题并建立了数学模型。根据问题的特点设计了优化该问题的禁忌算法。通过多次仿真运算,计算结果及分析表明用禁忌算法优化此类调度问题是有效的。  相似文献   

This note presents a new method of parameter estimation, called cascading, for use in adaptive control. The algorithm is shown to be superior to a simple recursive least-squares estimator especially for a system characterized by noisy measurements. The algorithm can be implemented easily on a parallel processor such as ORAC [1], [2] or any sequential processor. When the algorithm is implemented on a parallel processor such as ORAC the real time used to compute the parameter estimates is of the same order as a recursive least-squares estimator.  相似文献   

In recent years several approaches have been proposed to overcome the multiple-minima problem associated with nonlinear optimization techniques used in the analysis of molecular conformations. One such technique based on a parallel Monte Carlo search algorithm is analyzed. Experiments on the Intel iPSC/2 confirm that the attainable parallelism is limited by the underlying acceptance rate in the Monte Carlo search. It is proposed that optimal performance can be achieved in combination with vector processing. Tests on both the IBM 3090 and Intel iPSC/2-VX indicate that vector performance is related to molecule size and vector pipeline latency.  相似文献   

针对典型RFID室内定位算法普遍存在计算量大、实时性差等问题,通过对基于虚拟信号强度的RFID室内定位算法中路径损耗指数N、虚拟标签RSSI估计以及定位过程等并行化特点分析,从任务分解、任务映射和任务合并等方面给出了并行化计算的解决方案。同时,在虚拟参考标签RSSI值计算和定位匹配过程中,提出了基于区域划分的并行定位处理方法。实验结果表明该方法具有较高的实时性和加速比,而且与串行化算法相比具有较高的稳定性。  相似文献   

基于FPGA的并行可变长解码器的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一种采用并行方式构建的多符号可变长码解码器。该解码器通过增加结构的复杂性和对硬件资源的占用,换取可变长码解码的高吞吐量。这种结构突破了可变长码码字之间的前向依赖性,可并行侦测出Buffer中的所有可能的码字。采用FPGA实现了这种结构。  相似文献   

通用视频编码系统一般基于标准视频压缩算法, 比如 MPEG4 和 H.264。但这些标准算法包括如离散余弦变换和运动估计等高复杂度的计算,所以为了实现实时通信,编码系统通常采用以硬件为基础的实现方法。然而以硬件为基础的视频编码系统具有实施周期长、成本高、灵活性差等不足。文章介绍了一种基于低计算复杂度自适应块截短编码方案的数据驱动并行视频编码系统,实验结果验证了编码系统的有效性。  相似文献   

We propose a hybrid local search algorithm for the solution of the Curriculum-Based Course Timetabling Problem and we undertake a systematic statistical study of the relative influence of the relevant features on the performances of the algorithm. In particular, we apply modern statistical techniques for the design and analysis of experiments, such as nearly orthogonal space-filling Latin hypercubes and response surface methods. As a result of this analysis, our technique, properly tuned, compares favorably with the best known ones for this problem.  相似文献   

针对双三次数值天气预报模式进行了并行算法研究。采用一维区域分解算法,借鉴块棋盘划分矩阵转置算法,设计和实现了数据转置通信算法,并采取计算与通信重叠技术减小通信时间对并行效率的影响,最终实现了双三次数值天气预报模式的并行算法,并在机群系统上进行了并行性能测试评估。结果表明,实现的双三次数值预报模式并行算法的并行效率较高,设计实现的数据转置通信算法、计算与通信重叠技术取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

To design and implement an open-source parallel GIS (OP-GIS) based on a Linux cluster, the parallel inverse distance weighting (IDW) interpolation algorithm has been chosen as an example to explore the working model and the principle of algorithm parallel pattern (APP), one of the parallelization patterns for OP-GIS. Based on an analysis of the serial IDW interpolation algorithm of GRASS GIS, this paper has proposed and designed a specific parallel IDW interpolation algorithm, incorporating both single process, multiple data (SPMD) and master/slave (M/S) programming modes. The main steps of the parallel IDW interpolation algorithm are: (1) the master node packages the related information, and then broadcasts it to the slave nodes; (2) each node calculates its assigned data extent along one row using the serial algorithm; (3) the master node gathers the data from all nodes; and (4) iterations continue until all rows have been processed, after which the results are outputted. According to the experiments performed in the course of this work, the parallel IDW interpolation algorithm can attain an efficiency greater than 0.93 compared with similar algorithms, which indicates that the parallel algorithm can greatly reduce processing time and maximize speed and performance.  相似文献   

韩峰  杨士元  汪锐  李牋 《计算机工程与设计》2005,26(4):1062-1063,1072
针对在采用无线技术替代打印电缆传送打印数据时遇到的如何获得打印数据的问题,提出了虚拟并口的解决方案。这种方案适用于各种型号的打印机,它不需要修改打印机驱动程序,也不破坏系统原有的结构。介绍了虚拟并口的实现方法。对虚拟并口的特点进行了总结。  相似文献   

采用加矩形窗的积累互相关法和基于Fourier变换频域移位性质的最小熵法进行一维距离像包络对齐。针对包络对齐算法数据量大、复杂度高、运行时间长等缺点,提出一种应用于多核处理器的包络对齐并行算法。该方法利用OpenMP编译指导指令#pragma omp section和#pragma omp for对积累互相关算法和最小熵算法进行多线程并行优化。理论分析和仿真实验表明,该方法大大提升了算法的执行效率。  相似文献   

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