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针对在多种交易模式(联营体交易、双边交易、多边交易)共存的电力市场中,如何公平合理地分摊输电网的网损这一问题,给出了一种网损分摊方法.即以电流分解为基础,用电流表示交易,按网损分量分摊法将网损先分摊到交易,然后再对联营体交易(或多边交易)进一步分摊到参与该交易的发电机和负荷,每个输电设备追溯的网损成本一半分配给用它的发电机,一半分配给由它送电的负荷.通过对5节点系统进行算例分析,验证了该方法的正确性和合理性.  相似文献   

针对在多种交易模式(联营体交易、双边交易、多边交易)共存的电力市场中,如何公平合理地分摊输电网的网损这一问题,给出了一种网损分摊方法。即以电流分解为基础,用电流表示交易,按网损分量分摊法将网损先分摊到交易,然后再对联营体交易(或多边交易)进一步分摊到参与该交易的发电机和负荷,每个输电设备追溯的网损成本一半分配给用它的发电机,一半分配给由它送电的负荷。通过对5节点系统进行算例分析,验证了该方法的正确性和合理性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology based on the circuit theories for unbundling and allocation of transmission losses among the participants of a pool-based electricity market. Starting from a known operation point and using the basic network equations without additional assumptions, an expression of the branch losses based on nodal current injections is derived. Since the power flow equations and circuit theories are satisfied, the methodology turns explicit, in a natural way, separating the losses at each system branch and assigning the responsibility to the respective market participants. It means that the loss allocation of each branch, which is produced by each generator and consumer, is obtained. Extensions and strategies considering unsubsidized and predefined proportion-based loss allocation as well as issues related with the allocation fairness and transparency are also included. Comparisons with previous methods and validation tests of the proposed method are reported by using the IEEE Reliability Test System.  相似文献   

针对在多种交易模式(联营体交易、双边交易、多边交易)共存的电力市场中,如何公平合理地分摊输电网的固定成本这一问题,提出了一种新的固定成本分摊方法.即以电流分解为基础,用电流表示交易,按与复电流分量模成比例的分摊方法,将固定成本先分摊到交易,然后再对联营体交易(或多边交易)进一步分摊到参与该交易的发电机和负荷,每个输电设备的固定成本一半分配给用它的发电机,一半分配给由它送电的负荷.通过对5节点系统进行算例分析,验证了该方法的正确性和合理性.  相似文献   

针对在多种交易模式(联营体交易、双边交易、多边交易)共存的电力市场中,如何公平合理地分摊输电网的固定成本这一问题,提出了一种新的固定成本分摊方法。即以电流分解为基础,用电流表示交易,按与复电流分量模成比例的分摊方法,将固定成本先分摊到交易,然后再对联营体交易(或多边交易)进一步分摊到参与该交易的发电机和负荷,每个输电设备的固定成本一半分配给用它的发电机,一半分配给由它送电的负荷。通过对5节点系统进行算例分析,验证了该方法的正确性和合理性。  相似文献   

Congestion management design is key to a fair and efficient use of transmission facilities and an improvement of market efficiency. Emergence of bilateral electricity markets provides a more flexible, private and decentralized decision-making scenario, in which the self-interested players autonomously search for counterparts to negotiate profitable transactions. In competitive bilateral markets of imperfect and incomplete information and explicit consideration of the network constraints, which make the markets significantly complex, more sophisticated bargaining strategies and market evaluation tools are imperative to both players and regulators.In this paper, under an assumption of imperfect and incomplete information, evolutionary bipartite complex network theory is employed to develop quantities bidding strategies through a dynamic game, in which the players drive the evolution of the network while maximizing their own utilities with explicitly considering the congestion management results. Resorting to adjustment bids, two congestion management schemes, with and without balancing bilateral transactions, are considered.The approach is illustrated with an application to the IEEE30 test system, assessing the impact of different congestion management schemes on the negotiations, market equilibria, market performance and gaming opportunities for the market participants in congestion managements.  相似文献   

In this new deregulated environment, transmission networks should be regulated to ensure a competitive, open, and reliable market, which relies on the implementation of many transmission assessment functions. Among them, a key concept is the ability to quantify accurately and rapidly the capabilities of the transmission system. Accurate ATC values on major interfaces of the system can provide an important index to evaluate system security and reliability.

The main contribution of this paper is to propose a novel algorithm for contingency ATC computation and a sensitivity analysis for system uncertainties. It incorporates linear distribution factors and AC load flow sensitivity-based method in order to calculate ATC values efficiently and speedily considering line outages.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new method for allocating losses in a power system using a loop-based representation of system behaviour. Using the new method, network behaviour is formulated as a series of presumed power transfers directly between market participants. In contrast to many existing loss allocation methods, this makes it easier to justify the resulting loss distribution. In addition to circumventing the problems of non-unique loss allocations, a formalised process of loop identification, using graph theory concepts, is introduced. The proposed method is applied to both the IEEE 14-bus system and a modified CIGRE Nordic 32-bus system. The results provide a demonstration of the capability of the proposed method to allocate losses in the hybrid market, and demonstrate the approach's capacity to link the technical performance of the network to market instruments.  相似文献   

基于可中断负荷拍卖模型的电力双边交易阻塞管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了基于可中断负荷拍卖模型的电力双边交易阻塞管理方法,通过市场机制来确定最优的负荷削减程序.阻塞调度过程可以分为三个阶段:调度前阶段、无约束调度阶段和考虑可中断负荷拍卖的阻塞调度阶段.在第三阶段,用户可以向调度机构提交各自的可中断负荷服务报价曲线.构建了阻塞调度模型,综合考虑了最小化所中断的负荷量和最小化向用户支付的可中断负荷服务费这两个优化目标.最后用算例对所提出的模型进行了验证.  相似文献   

通过分析电力零售市场交易关系,提出售电商、用户和配电商共同承担网损的原则。定义了所有交易的功率传输因子矩阵,确定每笔交易的功率传输分布;通过对转移的网损积分等值,确定配电商购入功率的全网分布。基于功率分布,引入贡献因子理论,从支路功率的角度计算网损分摊系数,向所有市场参与者分摊网损。仿真结果表明,该方法有效、合理,能够完成竞争性电力零售市场中网损分摊的任务。  相似文献   

改进的Z-BUS网损分摊方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种改进的网损分摊方法RD-ZBS,并研究了其在不同电力市场模式下的应用。在联营模式下,该方法在Z—BUS法的基础上.根据系统总的收支平衡的原则将分配到发电机节点上的损耗份额进行二次分配.重新分配到负荷节点上,克服了Z-BUS法无法选择损耗分摊节点和发电机节点上损耗分摊量过大的缺点。在双边合同模式下.RD-ZBS法通过对Z-BUS法与增量法的结合.将Z-BUS法分配到发电机上的损耗份额重新分配给与之签订合同的双边交易上.并且考虑了双边合同模式下的联营交易.该方法很好地反映了网络的电气结构以及合同双方之间的网络联系对网损的影响。最后.通过几个具体算例对RD-ZBS法与其他几种网损分摊法进行了详细的比较与分析。计算结果表明,所提出的RD-ZBS法是一种公平、合理的网损分摊方法。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel approach for procuring VAR service in a competitive market‐based environment, in which the transmission operator (TO) is supposed to run the market and enter into long‐term contracts with the successful candidates for providing the required VAR whenever called upon. The proposed method is new in that the VAR procurement problem and control problem, including load shedding, are uniformly formulated so that N‐1 security is guaranteed. Voltage stability is newly introduced into the VAR market problem in an explicit manner for normal and emergency states. The objective function is the total cost for TO, which includes the payment to VAR providers, power loss cost for normal states, and control costs for emergency states. The explicit inclusion of voltage security margin enables the TO to easily identify the critical VAR providers who should be contracted to maintain the required security level. This implies that the VAR providers in this market will be fairly remunerated on the basis of their contributions to the system security that measures the relative worth of each VAR provider. The proposed method has been applied to the IEEE 57 bus‐system to demonstrate its usefulness. © 2006 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

For pt.I see ibid., vol.18, no.4, p.1389-94 (2003). This paper presents a new methodology based on the incremental transmission loss concept for allocating electric losses to generators and loads, participating in multiple interconnected energy markets. The main objective is to generalize the formulation proposed in the companion paper, Part I, in order to identify through a decomposition technique, the amount of losses that each participant in the market causes on all system areas. The concept of interchange losses is introduced: the total amount of losses that occurs outside a given market whose agents are responsible for causing them. Some criteria to share these losses among the market agents are presented and discussed. The IEEE Reliability Test System is used to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

A summary of demand response in electricity markets   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a summary of Demand Response (DR) in deregulated electricity markets. The definition and the classification of DR as well as potential benefits and associated cost components are presented. In addition, the most common indices used for DR measurement and evaluation are highlighted, and some utilities’ experiences with different demand response programs are discussed. Finally, the effect of demand response in electricity prices is highlighted using a simulated case study.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel framework for generation expansion planning (GEP) of restructured power systems under uncertainty in a multi-period horizon, which includes generation investment from a price maker perspective. The investment problem is modeled as a bi-level optimization problem. The first level problem includes decisions related to investment in order to maximize total profit in the planning horizon. The second level problem consists of maximizing social welfare where the power market is cleared. Rival uncertainties on offering and investment are modeled using sets of scenarios. The bi-level optimization problem is then converted to a dynamic stochastic MPEC and represented as a mixed integer linear program (MILP) after linearization. The proposed framework is examined on a typical six-bus power network, MAZANDARAN regional electric company (MREC) transmission network as an area of IRAN interconnected power system and IEEE RTS 24-bus network. Simulation results confirm that the proposed framework can be a useful tool for analyzing the behavior of investments in electricity markets.  相似文献   

A new loss allocation (LA) scheme based on the principle of equivalent bilateral exchanges (EBEs) is presented and compared with other available techniques. Formulation and results from extensive simulations including consistency tests show that the suggested methodology has several desirable properties: It is flow-based, requiring only a solved load flow for its implementation; it is not dependent on the choice of a slack bus; it is straightforward to apply; undesirable negative loss allocation is not produced; and low volatilities are shaped. An economic analysis with various LA methods is also carried out when these are integrated into a combined economic dispatch/load flow dispatch strategy, a likely scenario for LA in a real system. This combined dispatch strategy yields prices charged to the loads and rates received by the generators that account for loss allocation and loss supply. Results show that these economic indexes are very close to the marginal costs derived from an optimal power flow (OPF) approach with the advantage of reducing volatility.  相似文献   

In a competitive electricity market, Generation companies (Gencos) face price risk and delivery risk that affect their profitability. Risk management is an important and essential part in the Genco's decision making. In this paper, risk management through diversification is considered. The problem of energy allocation between spot markets and bilateral contracts is formulated as a general portfolio optimization problem with a risk-free asset and n risky assets. Historical data of the PJM electricity market are used to demonstrate the approach.  相似文献   

电力市场下的需求响应研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了电力市场下的需求响应,包括需求响应的概念及其分类、需求响应成本和需求响应效益.分析了需求响应的短期市场影响效益、长期市场影响效益以及系统可靠性的效益等.同时,介绍了市场下的需求响应在国外的应用情况,并给出了在我国电力市场下实施需求响应的一些想法.  相似文献   

Evidence of market power existing in the electricity markets has been empirically revealed, but the understanding of the market structure and generation companies' (GENCOs') strategic behaviors underlying the market power is far from satisfactory. This paper presents a theory and method for estimating the conjectural variations of GENCOs. Based on these estimates of conjectural variations in an actual electricity market, an empirical methodology is also proposed to analyze the dynamic oligopoly behaviors underlying market power. This is not only useful for system regulators to analyze the market structure but also to recognize and control the market power accordingly. The Australia National Electricity Market is used as the simulation case to test the proposed method.  相似文献   

王文山  王鹤  韩英豪 《华东电力》2007,35(11):72-75
在电力市场环境下,电价的制定应遵循优质优价的经济原则.对国内外实施高可靠性电价案例及收取方式进行了分析研究;基于边际成本理论和马尔科夫过程理论,研究给出了高可靠性电价的计算模型;提出高可靠性电价的实施方案建议.  相似文献   

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