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蔡庚洋  贺俏毅 《规划师》2011,27(12):67-71
科学准确地预测应急避难场所需求量是应急避难场所规划的关键,是决定规划建设避难场所规模的基础,直接关系到政府资金投入和场所建设实施的可行性.杭州市在进行应急避难场所需求量影响因素分析的基础上,确定从区位地质条件、人口密度分布、危旧房面积和不同性质用地面积四个方面构建应急避难场所需求量影响因素评价指标体系,计算各项指标值,...  相似文献   

作为城市中一项重要的公共设施,城市应急避难场所是在城市面临地震、台风等突发性自然灾害时提供城市居民安全庇护的空间。因此,其空间选址及规模大小必须合理,做到既不浪费城市资源又能在关键时刻提供居民庇护空间,达到最优社会效益。文章以厦门本岛为例,基于GIS的网络分析法构建了服务面积比、人均可达避难面积和服务重叠率3个关键指标,以可达性视角分析厦门本岛19个应急避难场所空间布局的合理性。  相似文献   

我国对城市应急避难场所的研究和实践正在由过去的单一功能模式向多元复合的避难空间转变,城市应急避难体系的完善将成为新时代安全城市发展的有效保障。本文立足于建筑学科,兼顾多种学科,综合已有的研究内容及研究方法,从社会人文学、经济学、城乡规划学、地理学、心理学对应急避难场所相关研究概括总结,完善现有城市应急避难场所研究框架。当前数字化技术成为研究热点,数字模型与量化分析等技术的运用值得关注;城市应急避难场所的可达公平性需要被重视,结合避难行为看待避难空间,进一步发挥应急避难场所在城市发展中的价值。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化进程的不断发展,为应对城市面临的灾害危机,安全问题日益紧迫,应急避难场所建设日趋重视。利用城市地下空间开发资源,兼顾应急避难场所建设是解决城市安全问题的重要措施之一。地面应急避难场所与地下空间根据不同需求可实施不同的联动模式。以上海交通大学徐汇校区地下车库应急避难场所的规划方案为例,提出地面应急避难场所与地下空间联动的原则和技术要求,进一步完善防灾体系。  相似文献   

北京市昌平区区委、区政府高度重视城市应急系统建设,为了增强城市应急避难能力,区政府将亢山广场地震应急避难场所建设纳入了昌平区2006—2008年迎奥运环境整治工程。2006年3月开始进行亢山地震应急避难场所建设,同月竣工。亢山广场地震应急避难场所占地40850平方米,地势平坦,绿地和步行道相间呈环状分布。灾时可利用面积36765平方米,疏散灾民18382人。在地震等自然灾害或其他应急状态下,附近居民可在政府的组织下,紧急疏散到地震应急避难场所。  相似文献   

就聊城市防震减灾应急避难场所的建设现状和存在的问题进行分析研究,结合聊城市的地质构造、人口分布、用地资源等实际情况,提出聊城市应急避难场所在布局中的对策和建议,以提高聊城市防震减灾的能力。本文可为其他城市应急避难场所的布局研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

地震应急避难场所是城市应对突发性事件的一项灾民安置措施,是城市民众用于躲避地震、火灾、爆炸、洪水等重大灾害的安全避难场所。文章在对国家一些典型城市地震应急避难场所建设情况分析的基础上,研究了宿迁地区地震应急避难场所的布局规划和建设案例,对指导宿迁市今后地震应急避难场所建设具有重要意义,同时为其他城市地震应急避难场所建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文以安徽省全省地震应急避难场所为研究对象,利用ArcEngine开发组件在应急基础数据库的基础上实现地震应急避难场所展示、管理及空间分析功能,综合避难场所的可容纳人数和人口密度公里网格数据等影响因素对避难场所适宜性的分布进行分析评估,为今后避难场所的建设和规划提供科学有效的依据。  相似文献   

通过对城市应急避难场所设施设计现状、受灾群体心理需求、通讯设施等方面进行分析,从平震结合角度对应急避难设施设计方法进行了论述,提出了基于平震结合理念的城市应急避难场所设施的设计方法,为城市应急避难场所设施设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

文章以典型滨海城市厦门市为例,进行 风暴潮灾害情景下的灾害影响分析及应急避难 场所分布、可达性、服务性进行评价,为滨海城 市在风暴潮灾害情景下的城市韧性建设提供一 定的参考。结果表明在1.08 m及4.92 m海洋增水 情况下厦门市将分别有331和632个重要城市基 础设施处于灾害风险中。根据应急避难场所可 达性及服务评价,现有的82处大型应急避难场 所和234处其他紧急避难场所不能有效覆盖和 服务灾害风险区域,对此提出了一些应急避难场 所优化和增设的建议。  相似文献   

全球灾害的频发,使得人们深切体会到应急救援以及建造灾后庇护所的重要性和迫切性,文章就灾后庇护所的设计方面进行简要介绍,包括群体规划、单体功能、材料选择、结构设计、建造方式几个方面的内容和国内外案例介绍。  相似文献   

浅析城市中水利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
摘由于水资源的日益短缺,必须大力发展中水利用。文章介绍了目前城市中水利用的状况,提出并分析了大中型城市建立中水系统的必要性及紧迫性。  相似文献   

胡若文 《城市建筑》2014,(23):202-203
全球灾害的频发,使得让人们深切体会到应急救援以及建设避难场所的重要性和迫切性。文章就建筑中避难所的设计以及在城市安全中的应用进行了简要地介绍,包括其概念、方式、详细的设计内容及国内外建设简况等。  相似文献   

This study reviews the literature on the design, construction, testing and cost of blast and fallout shelters. The researchers found that nuclear weapon effects and shelter design are well understood; however, cost is an important barrier to the construction of permanent shelters. Single-purpose blast shelters have costs ranging from U.S. $500 to 2500, or more, per occupant (or per space), depending on size, hardness, location, and whether the shelter is part of new construction or retrofit. Multiplied by a risk area population of approximately 160 million, the cost of a blast shelter construction program would rival that of a major strategic weapon system. Options in the mid-range of expense, i.e. a few tens to a few hundreds of U.S. dollars per space, include: (1) requiring modification of limestone mining practices, where appropriate, to generate usable shelter space near cities; (2) encouraging the construction of earth-sheltered housing and other buildings; and (3) requiring and/or subsidizing the construction of dual-use basement shelter in new construction. A program using this approach would require an annual expenditure equal to approximately 1% of the annual defense budget for 10 or more years. The very low-cost (and less effective) options open to the U.S. government, with its current civil defense budget, remain as follows: (1) maintain the inventory of fallout shelters and identify space with some blast protection potential; (2) plan for “crisis upgrading” to improve existing space in a crisis; and (3) plan for construction of expedient shelters in a crisis. The crisis-implemented options require several days' warning in order to be effective. While much of the technology for protecting people against nuclear weapons effects originated in the U.S., we have not solved the political problem of allocating the resources to protect our own population.  相似文献   

西南地区乡村城市化评价指标体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建设与发展小城镇是我国全面建设小康社会的一个重要方面。我国的具体国情决定了小城镇建设与城市化是一项极为艰巨的任务。要实现农村城市化和我国城市/城镇体系的健康协调发展,合理制定城市化评价指标体系及正确评价城市化的各个因素是十分必要的。而我国区域差异与不平衡现状客观上要求对城市化进行区域性及差异性研究。本文通过深入研究建立了我国西南地区城市化评价指标体系,并采用层次分析法建立了该指标体系的评价模型,旨在为我国西南地区农村城市化提供理论及实践上的服务。  相似文献   

在重庆市旧城改造中经常会遇到抗日战争期间遗留下的废弃防空洞,防空洞的处理需谨慎,若处理不当会造成资源上的浪费或不能保证建筑物的结构安全。本文结合工程实践,从防空洞的复测、废弃防空洞的施工处理、局部开挖封仓回填工艺等几个方面对此进行了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

This article compares patterns of homeless shelter use in Denmark and the USA. Combining data from homeless shelters in Denmark with population registers, we find that the prevalence of shelter use is substantially lower in Denmark than in the USA. A cluster analysis of shelter stays identifies three types of users similar to findings from US research: the transitionally, episodically and chronically homeless. However, the transitionally homeless in Denmark have a higher tendency of suffering from mental illness and substance abuse than the transitionally homeless in the USA. The results support Stephens and Fitzpatrick' hypothesis that countries with more extensive welfare systems and lower levels of poverty have lower levels of homelessness, mainly amongst those with complex support needs, whereas in countries with less extensive welfare systems homelessness affects broader groups and is more widely associated with poverty and housing affordability problems.  相似文献   

The combined challenges of a high fire risk and poor vehicle access in mountainous regions have led planners and emergency management authorities to consider non-traditional alternatives to complete evacuation of a region under threat. Community fire shelters have been put forward as one such alternative; however, their benefits remain contested. In this paper a series of experiments are designed in the Dandenong Ranges in Australia and presented to elucidate the relationship between shelters and community safety in wildfire scenarios. Our approach utilises a multi-stage simulation workflow to evaluate the outcome of 64 shelter configurations subject to three different fires. When compared to a scenario without shelters, some shelter configurations result in up to 10% reduction in the median exposure count, while some other configurations increase it. It is found that the efficacy of shelters strongly depends on the relative location to the ignition point and the trend of fire progression. The most effective shelters are identified for the specific fires that we simulate. The results demonstrate that sophisticated modelling and simulation is necessary for decision makers to determine a beneficial shelter placement strategy that remains effective across a number of likely wildfire spread scenarios.  相似文献   

朱学晨 《华中建筑》2009,27(12):5-9
天然洞穴这种自然界普遍存在的景观和建筑有着不解之缘,它不但为人类提供了最初的庇护所,还为人类建造自己的房屋提供了参照。此外,天然洞穴中的一些现象还被人们赋予了独特的意义,成为建筑创作的灵感源泉,该文论述了洞穴中的各种现象及其与建筑的关联,以期对建筑创作有所启发。  相似文献   

In this study, we performed a series of trials to measure the infiltration air exchange rate (ACH) of several single-family dwellings throughout Catalonia, as well as the ACH of sealed rooms that could be used as indoor shelters. A shelter is an indoor room where people can take protection in case of a toxic gas release, while the toxic cloud passes through the dwelling. Experimental measurements were made using the tracer gas decay technique with CO2 as the tracer gas in 2 periods—summer and winter—with the aim of characterizing air infiltration in Catalan dwellings. The geometric means obtained for the ACH of shelters and dwellings were 0.16 and 0.23 h−1, respectively, that is, lower than those reported for North American (0.56 h−1) and Greek (0.76 h−1) dwellings. In general, the ACH was lower for shelters than for dwellings, and the average reduction obtained in shelters with respect to dwellings was 35%. The largest reductions were obtained in old dwellings with small floor areas and few stories. As for meteorological conditions, we found that the ACH of dwellings was more closely linked to wind speed than indoor–outdoor temperature difference, while the ACH of shelters was more affected by indoor–outdoor temperature and temperature differences inside the dwelling, particularly in dwellings with 3 or more stories.  相似文献   

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