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Results of an experimental study on clear-water scour at submerged cylindrical obstacles (circular cylinders) in uniform bed sediments under steady flow are presented. The scour depths at submerged circular cylinders are compared with the scour depths at corresponding unsubmerged cylinders (extended above the free surface of flow) of the same diameters under similar flow and bed sediment conditions. The scour depth decreases with an increase in submergence ratio. A submergence factor is introduced to determine the scour depth at a submerged cylinder from the information of the scour depth at an unsubmerged cylinder of the same diameter. In addition, the flow fields along the upstream vertical plane of symmetry of unsubmerged and submerged cylinders are presented through vector plots, which reveal that the dimension and strength of the horseshoe vortex decreases with an increase in submergence ratio. The horseshoe vortex circulations, which decrease with an increase in submergence ratio, are computed from the vorticity contours by using the Stokes theorem.  相似文献   

Experimental results on scour below a high vertical drop (drop height/critical depth >1) in uniform sands and gravels are presented. The experimental results are used to describe the effects of important parameters, identified from the dimensional analysis, on equilibrium scour depth. The important observations are that the equilibrium scour depth increases with increase in densimetric Froude number, whereas the scour depth decreases with increase in sediment size and tailwater depth. The time scale of scour depth that follows an exponential law is determined. The nondimensional time scale decreases with increase in densimetric Froude number.  相似文献   

A complex problem of turbulent-sediment interactions in an open-channel flow is approached experimentally, using specially designed field experiments in an irrigation canal. The experimental design included synchronous measurements of instantaneous three-dimensional (3D) velocities and suspended sediment concentration using acoustic Doppler velocimeters (ADV) and a water sampling system. Various statistical measures of sediment concentration fluctuations, turbulent sediment fluxes, and diffusion coefficients for fluid momentum and sediment are considered. Statistics, fractal behavior, and contributions of bursting events to vertical fluxes of fluid momentum and sediment are evaluated using quadrant analysis. It has been found that both turbulence and sediment events are organized in fractal clusters which introduce additional characteristic time and spatial scales into the problem and should be further explored. It is also shown that Barenblatt’s theory of sediment-laden flows appears to be a good approximation of experimental data.  相似文献   

Experimental results on local scour in long contractions for uniform and nonuniform sediments (gravels and sands) under clear-water scour are presented. An emphasis was given to conduct the experiments on scour in long contractions for gravels. The findings of the experiments are used to describe the effects of various parameters (obtained from dimensional analysis) on equilibrium scour depth under clear-water scour. The equilibrium scour depth increases with decrease in opening ratio and with increase in sediment size for gravels. But the curves of scour depth versus sediment size have considerable sag at the transition of sand and gravel. The scour depth decreases with increase in densimetric Froude number, for larger opening ratios, and increases with increase in approaching flow depth at lower depths. However, it becomes independent of approaching flow depth at higher flow depths. The effect of sediment gradation on scour depth is pronounced for nonuniform sediments, which reduce scour depth significantly due to the formation of armor layer in the scour hole. Using the continuity and energy equations, a simple analytical model for the computation of clear-water scour depth in long contractions is developed with and without sidewall correction for contracted zone. The models agree satisfactorily with the present and other experimental data. Also, a new empirical equation of maximum equilibrium scour depth, which is based on the experimental data at the limiting stability of sediments in approaching channel under clear-water scour, is proposed. The potential predictors of the maximum equilibrium scour depth in long contractions are compared with the experimental data. The comparisons indicate that the equations given by Komura and Lim are the best predictors among those examined.  相似文献   

Clear-Water Scour below Underwater Pipelines under Steady Flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experiments on clear-water scour below underwater pipelines (initially laid on the sediment bed) in uniform and nonuniform sediments under steady flow were conducted. Equilibrium scour profiles were modeled by a cubic polynomial. The experimental results are examined to describe the influence of various parameters on equilibrium scour depth. The equilibrium scour depth ds increases with increase in approach flow depth h for shallow flow depths, becoming independent of higher flow depths when h/b>5, where b=pipe diameter. However, the curves of scour depth versus sediment size d and Froude number Fb have a maximum value of ds/b = 1.65 at b/d = 27 and Fb = 0.6. The influence of sediment gradation on scour depth is prominent for nonuniform sediments, which reduce scour depth to a large extent due to the formation of armor layer within the scour hole. The influence of different shaped cross sections of pipes on the scour depth was investigated, where the shape factors for circular, 45° (diagonal facing) and 90° (side facing) square pipes obtained as 1, 1.29, and 1.91, respectively. Using the data of scour depths at different times, the time variation of scour depth is scaled by an exponential law, where the nondimensional time scale increases sharply with increase in Froude number characterized by the pipe diameter. In addition, clear-water scour below circular pipelines laid on a thinly armored sand bed (the sand bed is overlain by a thin armor layer of gravels) was experimentally studied. Depending on the pipe diameter, armor gravel, and bed-sand sizes, three cases of scour holes were recognized. The comparison of the experimental data reveals that the scour depth below a pipeline with an armor layer under limiting stability of the surface particles (approach flow velocity nearly equaling critical velocity for surface particles) is greater than that without armor layer for the same sand bed, if the secondary armoring formed within the scour hole is scattered. In contrast, the scour depth with an armor layer is less than that without armor layer for the same sand bed, when the scour hole is shielded by the secondary armor layer.  相似文献   

Results are presented from laboratory studies investigating the behavior of fine sand particles within turbulent open channel flow conditions flowing over rough, porous beds. A particle tracking technique was employed to record and analyze sand particle motion within the flow, while mean and fluctuating flow velocities were measured by an acoustic Doppler velocimeter probe. Measured particle settling rates show a strong influence from flow turbulence, being generally enhanced in the near-bed and intermediate flow regions and retarded in the outer flow region, compared to their fall velocity in still water conditions. Experiments also reveal the relative degree of settling enhancement to increase with decreasing particle size. Correlation between particle and small-scale fluid motions is demonstrated through a quadrant analysis technique, with higher-order events for the two phases found to be dominated by ejections and sweeps associated with the bursting process. Particle interactions with large-scale turbulent flow structures, revealed through flow visualization with a moving frame of reference, are found to result in particle accumulation in peripheral trajectories on the downflow side of local eddy structures. Analytical and theoretical considerations suggest that both these turbulence scales provide preferential transportation mechanisms that will account for the enhanced sand particle settling rates observed.  相似文献   

Temporal Scales for Live-Bed Scour at Abutments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Live-bed scour at a vertical-wall abutment is experimentally investigated with specific attention paid to the conceptual issues concerning the temporal development of local scour phenomenon. First explored are the time scales for the initial rising phase of the time variation of scour depth. An appropriate identification of such scales and of their normalizing parameters makes it possible to recognize a quantitative dependency of nondimensional time scales on flow intensity. Second, the time scales for the subsequent fluctuations around a mean equilibrium value are considered. Experimental results indicate that the quasiperiodical fluctuations of scour depths do not always correspond to those of bed forms. A conceptual model is outlined to explain this aspect.  相似文献   

The results of an experimental investigation of the time variation of scour hole and the flow characteristics of the quasi-equilibrium state of scour of a cohesive bed downstream of an apron due to a submerged horizontal jet issuing from a sluice opening are presented. Experiments were carried out with natural cohesive sediment for various sluice openings, jet velocities, and lengths of apron. Attempts are made to explain the similarity existing either in the process of scour or in the scour profiles that the scour holes follow downstream of an apron. The scour profiles at different times follow a particular geometrical similarity and can be expressed by a polynomial using relevant parameters. The characteristic parameters affecting the time variation of scour depth are identified based on the physical reasoning and dimensional analysis. An equation for time variation of maximum scour depth is obtained empirically. The diffusion characteristics of the submerged jet, growth of boundary layer thickness, velocity distribution within the boundary layer, and shear stress at the quasi-equilibrium state of scour are also investigated. The expression of shear stress is obtained from the solution of the von Kármán momentum integral equation.  相似文献   

Through using a kinetic model for particles in turbulent solid–liquid flows, underlying mechanisms of sediment vertical dispersion as well as sediment diffusion coefficient are investigated. Four hydrodynamic mechanisms, namely gravitational settling, turbulent diffusion, effect of lift force, and that of sediment stress gradient, coexist in two-dimensional (2D) uniform and steady open-channel flows. The sediment diffusion coefficient consists of two independent components: one accounts for the advective transport of sediment probability density distribution function due to sediment velocity fluctuations, and the other results from sediment–eddy interactions. Predictions of the kinetic model are in good agreement with experimental data of 2D open-channel flows. In such flows, it is shown that: (1) the parameter γ (i.e., the inverse of the turbulent Schmidt number) may be greater than unity and increases toward the bed, being close to unity for fine sediments and considerably large for coarse ones; (2) effects of lift force and sediment stress gradient become significant and need to be considered below the 0.1 flow depth; and (3) large errors may arise from the traditional advection–diffusion equation when it is applied to flows with coarse sediments and/or high concentrations.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of suspended sediment transport in open channels under various flow conditions through a kinetic-model-based simulation. The kinetic model, accounting for both sediment-turbulence and sediment-sediment interactions, successfully represents experimentally observed diffusion and transport characteristics of suspended sediments with different densities and sizes. Without tuning any model coefficients, the nonmonotonic concentration distribution and the noticeable lag velocity with a negative value close to the wall are reasonably reproduced. Examination of flow conditions typical of suspension dominated rivers shows that the conventional method may overestimate or underestimate unit suspended-sediment discharge, depending on the Rouse number, sediment size, as well as shear velocity. The error may be less than 20% for dp<0.5?mm and might exceed 60% for dp>1.0?mm under typical flow conditions where shear velocity ranges from 1.0?to?12.5?cm/s and flow depth ranges from 1.0?to?5.0?m.  相似文献   

Clear-Water Scour at Abutments in Thinly Armored Beds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experiments on local scour at short abutments (ratio of abutment length to approaching flow depth less than unity), namely vertical-wall, 45° wing-wall, and semicircular, embedded in a bed of relatively fine noncohesive sediment overlain by a thin armor-layer of coarser sediment, were conducted for different flow conditions, thickness of armor-layers, armor-layer, and bed sediments. The abutments were aligned with the approaching flow in a rectangular channel. The armor-layer and the bed underneath it were composed of different combinations of uniform sediments. In the experiments, the approaching flow velocities were restricted to the clear-water scour condition with respect to the armor-layer particles. Depending on the approaching flow conditions, three cases of scour at abutments in armored beds were identified. Effects of different parameters pertaining to scour at abutments are examined. The comparison of the experimental data shows that the scour depth at an abutment with an armor-layer in clear-water scour condition under limiting stability of the surface particles (approaching flow velocity nearly equaling critical velocity for the threshold motion of surface particles) is always greater than that without armor-layer for the same bed sediments. The characteristic parameters affecting the maximum equilibrium nondimensional scour depth (scour depth-abutment length ratio), identified based on the physical reasoning and dimensional analysis, are excess abutment Froude number, flow depth-abutment length ratio, armor-layer thickness-armor particle diameter ratio, and armor particle-bed sediment diameter ratio. The experimental data of clear-water scour condition in thinly armored beds under limiting stability of surface particles were used to determine the equation of maximum equilibrium scour depth through regression analysis. The estimated scour depths were in agreement with the experimental scour depths. Also, an equation of maximum equilibrium scour depth in uniform sediments was obtained.  相似文献   

This paper reports an experimental investigation on the velocity and turbulence characteristics in an evolving scour hole downstream of an apron due to submerged jets issuing from a sluice opening detected by an acoustic Doppler velocimeter. Experiments were carried out for the conditions of submerged jets, having submergence factors from 0.96 to 1.85 and jet Froude numbers from 2.58 to 4.87, over sediment beds downstream of a rigid apron. The distributions of time-averaged velocity vectors, turbulence intensities, and Reynolds stress at different streamwise distances are plotted for the conditions of initial flat bed, intermediate scour holes, and equilibrium scour hole downstream of an apron. Vector plots of the flow field show that the rate of decay of the submerged jet velocity increases with an increase in scour hole dimension. The bed-shear stresses are determined from the Reynolds stress distributions. The flow characteristics in evolving scour holes are analyzed in the context of self-preservation, growth of the length scale, and decay of the velocity and turbulence characteristics scales. The most significant observation is that the flow in the scour holes (intermediate and equilibrium) is found to be plausibly self-preserving.  相似文献   

Bed sediment entrainment function is derived based on kinetic theory. The entrainment rate is expressed as an upward flux by integrating the particle velocity over all possible upward motions. The possibility of upward motion is determined by a sediment particle velocity distribution function, which is obtained by solving the Boltzmann equation instead of using a prior assumed distribution. External forces and turbulence intensity of the flow are shown to exert significant influences on the velocity distribution function and, in turn, the entrainment rate. Comparisons between available laboratory data and the entrainment function show that the calculated entrainment rates agree well with the observations. Applications of the entrainment function to the specification of the bottom boundary condition for convection-diffusion equation of suspended load are also presented, which show that the calculated concentration profiles are in good agreement with observations. The study also suggests that kinetic theory is a promising analytical approach for the study of sediment motion near a riverbed.  相似文献   

Characteristics of Horseshoe Vortex in Developing Scour Holes at Piers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The outcome of an experimental study on the turbulent horseshoe vortex flow within the developing (intermediate stages and equilibrium) scour holes at cylindrical piers measured by an acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) are presented. Since the primary objective was to analyze the evolution of the turbulent flow characteristics of a horseshoe vortex within a developing scour hole, the flow zone downstream of the pier was beyond the scope of the investigation. Experiments were conducted for the approaching flow having undisturbed flow depth ( = 0.25?m) greater than twice the pier diameter and the depth-averaged approaching flow velocity ( = 0.357?m/s) about 95% of the critical velocity of the uniform bed sand that had a median diameter of 0.81?mm. The flow measurements by the ADV were taken within the intermediate (having depths of 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 times the equilibrium scour depth) and equilibrium scour holes (frozen by spraying glue) at a circular pier of diameter 0.12?m. In order to have a comparative study, the ADV measurements within an equilibrium scour hole at a square pier (side facing the approaching flow) of sides equaling the diameter of the circular pier were also taken. The contours of the time-averaged velocities, turbulence intensities, and Reynolds stresses at different azimuthal planes (0, 45, and 90°) are presented. Vector plots of the flow field at azimuthal planes reveal the evolution of the characteristics of the horseshoe vortex flow associated with a downflow from intermediate stages to equilibrium condition of scour holes. The bed-shear stresses are determined from the Reynolds stress distributions. The flow characteristics of the horseshoe vortex are discussed from the point of view of the similarity with the velocity and turbulence characteristic scales. The imperative observation is that the flow and turbulence intensities in the horseshoe vortex flow in a developing scour hole are reasonably similar.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to measure the three-dimensional turbulent flow field, using the acoustic Doppler velocimeter, at a short vertical-wall abutment (ratio of abutment length to approach flow depth less than unity) before and after the development of a scour hole under a clear water scour condition. In the upstream, the presentation of flow field through vectors at vertical sections shows a primary vortex associated with the downflow. In the downstream, the upward flow is comprised of with irregularities owing to the vortex shedding. The flow separation near the bed and within the scour hole is evident from the turbulent kinetic energy distribution. Using Reynolds stresses, the bed shear stresses are calculated.  相似文献   

Eulerian equations for the vertical flux and momentum of suspended particles in dilute sediment-laden open-channel flow in equilibrium have been derived using the two-fluid approach. Reynolds averaging has been applied in order to allow validation of individual terms with experimental data. Consideration of the various terms of the vertical momentum balance with experimental flume data indicates that the drag force has to be separated into a mean and a turbulent contribution with different timescales, respectively, the (gravitational) particle timescale and the integral turbulence timescale. The resulting formulation further provides a new theoretical closure for the turbulent Schmidt number.  相似文献   

The influence of suspended sediments on coherent flow structures has been studied by simultaneously measuring the longitudinal and vertical components of the instantaneous velocity vector and the instantaneous suspended particle concentration with an acoustic particle flux profiler. The measurements were carried out in clear water and in particle-laden open-channel flows. In both cases, they clearly show the predominance of ejection and sweep phases that are part of a burst cycle. The analysis further demonstrates the importance of the ejection and sweep phases in sediment resuspension and transport. Ejections pick up the sediment at the bed and carry it up through the water column close to the surface. It is shown that ejections and sweeps are in near equality in the near-bottom layer, whereas ejections clearly dominate in the remaining water column. The implications of these results for sediment transport dynamics are discussed.  相似文献   

The characteristics of fully developed turbulent flow in a hybrid domain channel, which consists of a clear fluid region and a porous bed, are examined numerically using a model based on the macroscopic Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations. By adopting the classical continuity interface conditions, the present model treats the hybrid domain problem with a single domain approach, and the simulated results are noted to coincide with the existing experimental data and microscopic data. The effects of porosity ? and Darcy number Da on the flow properties over and inside the porous bed are further investigated in the selected ranges of 0.6 ? ? ? 0.8, and 1.6×10?4 ? Da ? 1.6×10?2. It has been demonstrated that the presence of the porous bed causes the significant reduction of the flow velocities inside the clear fluid region relative to that of a smooth impermeable bed, and also reduces the magnitude of the integral constant B of the velocity logarithmic distributions from its traditional value 5.25. Moreover, turbulent shear stress within the upper part of the porous bed increases significantly with the porosity ? and Darcy number Da. The thickness of turbulence penetration remains proportional to the values of porosity ? and Darcy number Da.  相似文献   

An exponential distribution of the bed-pressure fluctuations is used to estimate the depth within a porous gravel bed from which fine sediment of a given size can be removed. The coarsest grain size of the fine sediment that might be washed out is of O(10?1) in relation to both the gravel grain size and the equivalent grain roughness. A higher equivalent grain roughness results to a larger absolute cleaning depth, whereas the averaged gravel grain size is seen to be less important. The results are successfully tested for plausibility against the grain size distributions of an armored gravel bed and its underlaying bimodal layer as found in situ in the river Rhine. However, qualitative and quantitative experimental data for an in-depth validation remain to be performed.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional buoyancy-extended version of k–ε turbulence model was developed for simulating the turbulent flow and heat transport in a curved open channel. The density-induced buoyant force was included in the model, and the influence of temperature stratification on flow field was considered. The flow and temperature fields were simulated simultaneously. The model was validated by comparison with laboratory measurements, and the simulated fields were generally in good agreement with experimental data. A comparison of velocity fields in thermal and isothermal flow in curved open channel is presented and the effects of channel curvature and buoyant force on the velocity fields are also discussed.  相似文献   

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