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The current study was designed to examine the association between risky alcohol use and life goals among college students. Introductory psychology students completed a questionnaire that included measures of typical life goals and alcohol use behavior. Students listed their 5 most typical life goals and rated them each on a series of dimensions from which 2 factors were derived (i.e., Goal Meaning, Goal Efficacy). Hierarchical regression analyses showed that the lower levels of goal meaning were associated with more heavy episodic use of alcohol and alcohol-related negative consequences. Results are consistent with motivational models of drinking that depict alcohol use as a function of satisfaction from other life goals. Findings support the importance of understanding college student drinking within the broader context of life goal appraisal. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Explored the relationship between self-esteem, the perception of competence, and actual competence when performance is attributed to oneself or to someone else. 44 male and 43 female undergraduates with high and low self-esteem performed a concept-formation task and evaluated their performance; 1 wk later they either rerated their own performance after watching a videotape of their previous session or rated the videotaped performance of "another S," actually a model who mimicked their previous performance. High-self-esteem Ss perceived themselves as doing better on the task than low-self-esteem Ss, although their performance was actually comparable. The 2 groups' evaluations differed only when they thought they were assessing themselves and not when they felt they were evaluating someone else. Potential mechanisms accounting for the differences in self-evaluations are explored. (34 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present research examined continuity and change in the importance of major life goals and the relation between change in goals and change in personality traits over the course of college (N = 298). Participants rated the importance of their life goals 6 times over a 4-year period and completed a measure of the Big Five personality traits at the beginning and end of college. Like personality traits, life goals demonstrated high levels of rank-order stability. Unlike personality traits assessed during the same period and in the same sample, the mean importance of most life goals decreased over time. Moreover, each goal domain was marked by significant individual differences in change, and these individual differences were related to changes in personality traits. These findings provide insights into the relatively unstudied question of how life goals change during emerging adulthood. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Describes an experimental method in which the affective reactions evoked by primal-scene imagination were quantitatively assessed and systematically compared with those reactions evoked by the imagination of other scenes that usually elicit various theoretically related themes. 50 college-age persons, 25 males and 25 females, imagined a scene of their parents engaging in sexual relations, as well as other scenes emphasizing incestuous sexuality, loss and aloneness, or cognitive-confusion themes, and rated their reactions to each. Commonalities in reactions to the primal scene and the other scenes indicated that incest and aloneness themes underlie reactions to primal-scene imagery for this population. Data are consistent with observations from the clinical situation. It is expected that the scene-comparison method, which is a new research technique, will have further application for studies of unconscious processes and mental imagery. (11 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Action-oriented representations of implicit personality theories.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
120 female undergraduates rated significant persons in their lives on repertory test dimensions. The 5 independent variables were priming (for family life vs, peer life vs, no priming), instrumentality of the psychological dimensions to the actors' goals from family vs peer life, consistency of knowledge about family and peer actors' goals, types of rated persons, and concentration on the persons before ratings. Ratings on dimensions instrumental to family goals were more variable after priming for family life. In contrast, the dimensions instrumental to peer goals were more variable, after priming for peer life. These relations were more marked after concentration, especially among Ss with high consistency of knowledge about family or peer actors' goals. Results support the hypotheses that an individual may have alternative systems of psychological knowledge that are organized in the form of action-oriented representations and in which categories of actors' goals and psychological conditions of achieving the goals play a central role. Ratings in the no-priming conditions corresponded well to the findings of earlier studies on implicit personality theories. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Control beliefs play an important role in how people direct their own development during their life span. However, research into age differences in control beliefs has produced inconsistent results. In this study, 381 Ss (aged 19–71 yrs) completed a questionnaire in which they were asked to write down their goals and concerns. They were then asked to rate each on a 4-point bipolar rating scale measuring internality–externality. The results showed that Ss' control beliefs became more external with age. However, part of the increase in externality was found to be caused by increasing interest in domains that are generally considered uncontrollable. Ss' beliefs about health-, self-, offspring-, and property-related goals became more external with age, unlike goals concerning future education, occupation, family, and travel. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two studies explored potential bases for reality monitoring (M. K. Johnson and C. L. Raye [see PA, Vol 65:6694]) of naturally occurring autobiographical events. In Study 1, subjects rated phenomenal characteristics of recent and childhood memories. Compared with imagined events, perceived events were given higher ratings on several characteristics, including perceptual information, contextual information, and supporting memories. This was especially true for recent memories. In Study 2, subjects described how they knew autobiographical events had (or had not) happened. For perceived events, subjects were likely to mention perceptual and contextual details of the memory and to refer to other supporting memories. For imagined events, subjects were likely to engage in reasoning based on prior knowledge. The results are consistent with the idea that reality monitoring draws on differences in qualitative characteristics of memories for perceived and imagined events (Johnson & Raye, 1981) and augment findings from more controlled laboratory studies of complex events (A. G. Suengas and M. K. Johnson [see PA, Vol 76:14478]; M. K. Johnson and A. G. Suengas, in press). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Asked 26 Ss to recall and describe social situations in which either a close or a distant other performed better or worse than the self at an activity that was either high or low in relevance to the self. Ss then rated the extent to which they experienced each of 18 different emotions in each situation. They also rated each situation on a series of dimensions that C. A. Smith and P. C. Ellsworth (1985) found to be consequential for differentiating emotions. In a series of analyses guided by intuitive hypotheses, the Smith and Ellsworth theoretical approach, and a relatively unconstrained, open-ended exploration of the data, the situations were found to vary with respect to the emotions of pride, jealousy or envy, pride in the other, boredom, and happiness. Results are discussed in terms of their relevance to emotion theories and to the self-evaluation maintenance model of social behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, the efficacy of motor imagery for learning to type number sequences was examined. Adults practiced typing 4-digit numbers. Then, during subsequent training, they either typed in the same or a different location, imagined typing, merely looked at each number, or performed an irrelevant task. Repetition priming (faster responses for old relative to new numbers) was observed on an immediate test and after a 3-month delay for participants who imagined typing. Improvement across the delay in typing old and new numbers was found for the imagined and actual typing conditions but not for the other conditions. The findings suggest that imagery can be used to acquire and retain representations of sequences and to improve general typing skill. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Sehnsucht (life longings), the intense desire for optimal (utopian) states of life that are remote or unattainable, was recently introduced into life-span psychology as a concept of self-regulation (P. B. Baltes, 2008; S. Scheibe, A. M. Freund, & P. B. Baltes, 2007). The authors propose that as a compensatory strategy to deal with nonrealizability and loss, life longings may develop out of blocked goals. Individuals would cease to invest behavioral effort into its attainment and instead maintain the goal target in imagination. In a sample of 168 middle-aged childless women, the present study investigated the circumstances under which the wish for children emerges as a goal or life longing and whether the representation of the wish for children as a life longing is beneficial for well-being. The wish for children was expressed as a goal when participants rated this wish as currently intense and attainable. In contrast, it was expressed as a life longing when participants rated it as highly intense and long-standing. The pursuit of the wish for children as a life longing was positively related to well-being only when participants had high control over the experience of this life longing and when other self-regulation strategies (goal adjustment) failed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three studies are reported that assess 5-, 7- and 10-year-old children's cognitive inclusion of the ingroup in the self. Each study investigated a different ingroup: gender, family, and age group. Children were shown sets of cards identifying particular trait adjectives and were asked to rate the extent to which the traits applied to the self, the ingroup, and the outgroup. After a distraction task, they were asked to remember for whom (self, ingroup, or outgroup) each trait had been rated. In all studies and for all age groups, the authors found that traits rated for the self were confused more frequently with traits rated for the ingroup than with traits rated for the outgroup. It is concluded that, at least from the age of 5 years, psychologically relevant ingroups have become integral parts of the self-system. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assigned 45 20–70 yr old overweight clients to 1 of 3 treatment conditions to determine whether contact with the therapist can serve as a reinforcer for the performance of behaviors involved in weight loss. Group 1 had contact with the therapist noncontingent on weight loss. Group 2 had contact with the therapist contingent on meeting weight loss goals of 2 pounds (.91 kg) each week. Group 3 had contact with the therapist if they did not meet the weight loss goals. Results show that although there were nonsignificant differences between the groups in weight loss during treatment, Group 3 regained the most during the subsequent 6 mo and had the poorest results overall. (2 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study addressed the relations among personal strivings (daily goals) and future life goals and worst fears. Eighty undergraduate participants (62 women, 18 men) listed their daily goals, their ultimate life goals, and their worst fears, and completed questionnaire measures of subjective well-being. Daily goals were content-analyzed for relevance to attaining life goals or avoiding worst fears. Daily goals that were instrumental to life goals or that avoided worst fears were rated as more important but also more difficult by participants. Working on daily goals avoiding one's worst fears was negatively related to measures of subjective well-being, controlling for daily goal progress, difficulty, ambivalence, and importance. Working on daily goals that were instrumental to one's life goals only weakly predicted well-being. The avoidance of worst fears interacted with daily goal appraisals such that individuals who experienced little progress at daily goals that served to avoid their "worst case scenario" experienced the lowest levels of subjective well-being. In addition, progress at daily goals that were relevant to accomplishing one's life goals was significantly more strongly related to subjective well-being than progress at daily goals that were unrelated to one's life goals. Results indicate that daily goals are used to enact life goals and avoid worst fears and that these means--end relations have implications for well-being.  相似文献   

Reactions to trait self-enhancers were investigated in 2 longitudinal studies of person perception in discussion groups. Groups of 4–6 participants met 7 times for 20 min. After Meetings 1 and 7, group members rated their perceptions of one another. In Study 1, trait self-enhancement was indexed by measures of narcissism and self-deceptive enhancement. At the first meeting, self-enhancers made positive impressions: They were seen as agreeable, well adjusted, and competent. After 7 weeks, however, they were rated negatively and gave self-evaluations discrepant with peer evaluations they received. In Study 2, an independent sample of observers (close acquaintances) enabled a pretest index of discrepancy self-enhancement: It predicted the same deteriorating pattern of interpersonal perceptions as the other three trait measures. Nonetheless, all self-enhancement measures correlated positively with self-esteem. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three experiments explored the effects of rehearsal and the passage of time on qualitative characteristics of memories for perceived and imagined complex events. Subjects thought or talked about events, focusing on either the perceptual (e.g., colors, sounds) or apperceptive (e.g., thoughts, feelings) aspects of the events (Experiment 1). Thinking about apperceptive aspects of events decreased the salience of context and sensory characteristics of memories and made memories for perceived and imagined events seem more similar in the subjective amounts of thoughts and feelings included in the memories. When the aspects of events subjects thought about were unspecified, thinking about events primarily affected rated clarity (Experiment 2). The clarity of imagined events was more affected than was the clarity of perceived events by whether the memories had been rated previously (Experiments 1 & 3). Over 24 hrs, clarity and sensory ratings decreased more for imagined than for perceived events (Experiment 3). Implications for reality monitoring (M. K. Johnson and C. L. Raye [see PA, Vol 65:6694]) are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Developed a method for measuring goal heirarchies using an in-depth interview procedure with 25 male college seniors and 28 male blue-collar workers (aged 55–62 yrs). Ss were asked to describe (1) what they wanted out of life, (2) their daily activities, and (3) their goals in 6 domains of life: family, work and school, social life, leisure, personal growth, material, and other. A coding system was then used for constructing an Adult Intentional and Motivational Systems Chart for each Ss, using dimensions including life domain, level of generality, and means–end connections. Results indicate that people are aware of personal goals and satisfactions that guide their behavior. Evidence of validity and reliability suggest the continued use of the chart for research on self-direction and adult development as well as intervention efforts. Also, Ss who viewed their charts considered them to be accurate. (45 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three studies examined effects of different response measures on spatial updating during self-rotation. In Experiment 1, participants located objects in an array with a pointer after physical self-rotation, imagined self-rotation, and a rotation condition in which they ignored superfluous sensorimotor signals. In line with previous research, updating performance was found to be superior in the physical self-rotation condition compared with the other 2. In Experiment 2, participants performed in identical rotation movement conditions but located objects by verbal labeling rather than pointing. Within the verbal modality, an advantage for updating during imagined self-rotation was found. In Experiment 3, participants performed physical and imagined self-rotations only and used a pointing response offset from their physical reference frames. Performance was again superior during imagined self-rotations. The results suggest that it is not language processing per se that improves updating performance but rather a general reduction of the conflict between physical and projected egocentric reference frames. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Congestive heart failure (CHF) affects approximately one-half million Canadians and five million Americans. Patient education is a vital component of nursing care of this population, with the goals of improving the CHF patient's quality of life, minimizing symptoms and hospital admissions, and reducing length of hospital stay. A review of the literature related to the educational needs of CHF patients reveals minimal research. The purpose of this study was to compare the perceived learning needs of CHF patients by patients and nurses, and to identify existing gaps between their perceptions. Fifty (50) CHF patients and 47 cardiac nurses were surveyed using a modified version of the CHF Patient Learning Needs Inventory developed by Hagenhoff et al. This instrument measured the importance of specific learning topics within the categories of anatomy and physiology, medications, diet, risk factors, activity, psychological factors, and other pertinent information. The results indicated that both groups found most information "moderately" to "very" important to learn. The patients generally rated all information items higher than nurses did. The most significant finding was that the nurses rated the diet category as second in importance, while the patients rated it last. The results from the study will be incorporated into a needs-based educational program for CHF patients.  相似文献   

Ss rated the extent to which they expected to respond to each of the suggestions on a hypnotizability scale both before and after the administration of the preliminary hypnotic induction procedure. After the induction, Ss also rated the extent to which they planned to respond actively and passively to each suggestion. Contrary to strong versions of response-expectancy theory, the extent to which Ss planned to adopt an active interpretation predicted behavioral and subjective indexes of hypnotizability even after controlling for the effects of postinduction expectations. In addition, an active interpretation significantly predicted response to suggestion for which Ss held weak and uncertain expectations. The relationship between expectation and hypnotizability was found to be fan-shaped rather than linear. Implications are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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