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Eukaryotic cells have evolved a network of control mechanisms, known as checkpoints, which coordinate cell-cycle progression in response to internal and external cues. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been invaluable in dissecting genetically the DNA damage checkpoint pathway. Recent results on posttranslational modifications and protein-protein interactions of some key factors provide new insights into the architecture of checkpoint protein complexes and their order of function.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells must be able to coordinate DNA repair, replication and cell cycle progression in response to DNA damage. A failure to activate the checkpoints which delay the cell cycle in response to internal and external cues and to repair the DNA lesions results in an increase in genetic instability and cancer predisposition. The use of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been invaluable in isolating many of the genes required for the DNA damage response, although the molecular mechanisms which couple this regulatory pathway to different DNA transactions are still largely unknown. In analogy with prokaryotes, we propose that DNA strand breaks, caused by genotoxic agents or by replication-related lesions, trigger a replication coupled repair mechanism, dependent upon recombination, which is induced by the checkpoint acting during S-phase.  相似文献   

In response to a light pulse, hamsters normally generate phase advances that are positively correlated with the length of their circadian period (tau). To determine whether this is a general property of the phase-shifting oscillator, the present study looked for a correlation between tau and phase-advance size not only for photic but also for nonphotic shifts. Syrian hamsters, Mesocricetus auratus, were entrained to light-dark cycles with a periodicity of either 23.67 h (the short-T group) or 24.33 h (the long-T group); after release into constant darkness, the short-T and long-T groups exhibited short and long taus, respectively. These animals were then induced to run in a novel exercise wheel for 3 h, starting at circadian time (CT) 7, or were exposed to 20 min of light, starting at CT 19. The size of the ensuing phase advances did not differ between the short-T and long-T groups not only for the nonphotic stimulus but also for the photic one, an unexpected result for the photic stimulus. Within the short-T groups for photic and nonphotic stimuli, the shorter tau was, the larger the phase advances were, another unexpected relationship. Another experiment where phase delays were induced by light pulses at CT 15 also failed to yield significant differences between the short-T and long-T groups. Independently of their after-effects on tau, T cycles may influence the capacity of the pacemaker to phase shift in ways that are still unclear but at least similar for both photic and nonphotic shifts.  相似文献   

CDC5 and CKII control adaptation to the yeast DNA damage checkpoint   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A single double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) break will cause yeast cells to arrest in G2/M at the DNA damage checkpoint. If the dsDNA break cannot be repaired, cells will eventually override (that is, adapt to) this checkpoint, even though the damage that elicited the arrest is still present. Here, we report the identification of two adaptation-defective mutants that remain permanently arrested as large-budded cells when faced with an irreparable dsDNA break in a nonessential chromosome. This adaptation-defective phenotype was entirely relieved by deletion of RAD9, a gene required for the G2/M DNA damage checkpoint arrest. We show that one mutation resides in CDC5, which encodes a polo-like kinase, whereas a second, less penetrant, adaptation-defective mutant is affected at the CKB2 locus, which encodes a nonessential specificity subunit of casein kinase II.  相似文献   

Ataxia-telangiectasia (AT) is a complex, autosomal recessive disorder characterized by cerebellar ataxia, believed to result from progressive neurodegeneration, and telangiectasia, dilation of blood vessels within the eyes and parts of the facial region. AT patients suffer from recurrent infections caused by both cellular and humoral immune deficiencies and as a population, are significantly predisposed to cancer, particularly lymphomas and leukemias. Early attempts at treating these malignancies with radiotherapy revealed another hallmark of AT, a profound hypersensitivity to the cytotoxic effects of ionizing radiation (IR) which is recapitulated at the cellular level in culture. Predisposition to cancer and radiosensitivity observed in AT has been linked to chromosomal instability, abnormalities in genetic recombination, and defective signaling to programmed cell death and several cell cycle checkpoints activated by DNA damage. These earlier observations predicted that the gene defective in AT may encode a protein which plays a crucial role in sensing DNA damage and transducing signals that promote cell survival. Through the combined efforts of linkage analysis and positional cloning, a single gene was identified on chromosome 11q22-33 by Shiloh and colleagues and was found to be mutated in all four complementation groups previously characterized in cell lines derived from AT patients (Savitsky et al., 1995a,b). The predicted ATM gene product shows considerable homology to an emerging family of high molecular weight, phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI-3 K)-related proteins involved in eukaryotic cell cycle control, DNA repair, and DNA recombination (Zakian, 1995). This landmark discovery has triggered a resurgence of biochemical and genetic studies focusing on ATM function which has brought forth insights regarding ATM activity and its role in DNA damage signaling.  相似文献   

An improved procedure is described for the recovery and purification of the coenzyme A-synthesizing protein complex (CoA-SPC) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers' yeast). The molecular mass of the CoA-SPC, determined prior to and following its purification, is estimated by Sephacryl S-300 size exclusion chromatography to be between 375,000-400,000. Two previously unreported catalytic activities attributed to CoA-SPC have been identified. One of these is CoA-hydrolase activity which catalyzes the hydrolysis of CoA to form 3',5'-ADP and 4'-phosphopantetheine, and the other is dephospho-CoA-pyrophosphorylase activity which catalyzes a reaction between 4'-phosphopantetheine and ATP to form dephospho-CoA. The dephospho-CoA then reacts with ATP, catalyzed by the dephospho-CoA-kinase, to reform CoA. This sequence of reactions, referred to as the CoA/4'-phosphopantetheine cycle, provides a mechanism by which the 4'-phosphopantetheine can be recycled to form CoA. Each turn of the cycle utilizes two mol of ATP and produces one mol of ADP, one mol of PPi, and one mol of 3',5'-ADP. Other than the hydrolysis of CoA by CoA-SPC, the 4'-phosphopantetheine for the cycle apparently could be supplied by alternate sources. One alternate source may be the conventional pathway of CoA biosynthesis. Intact CoA-SPC has been separated into two segments. One segment is designated apo-CoA-SPC and the other segment segment is referred to as the 10,000-15,000 M(r) subunit. The 5'-ADP-4'-pantothenic acid-synthetase, 5'-ADP-4'-pantothenylcysteine-synthetase, 5'-ADP-4'-pantothenylcysteine-decarboxylase, and CoA-hydrolase activities reside in the apo-CoA-SPC segment of CoA-SPC. Whereas the dephospho-CoA-kinase and the dephospho-CoA-pyrophosphorylase activities reside in the 10,000-15,000 M(r) subunit. Thus, the 10,000-15,000 M(r) subunit mimics the bifunctional enzyme complex that catalyzes the final two steps in the conventional pathway of CoA biosynthesis.  相似文献   

A checkpoint responding to DNA damage in G2 results in a delay in the onset of mitosis through inhibition of p34cdc2 kinase activity via maintenance of inhibitory tyrosine phosphorylation. Genetic analyses of this checkpoint in fission yeast have identified single alleles of several genes, suggesting these screens are not yet saturating, and hence further genes await identification. To fully understand the complexity of this checkpoint it will be necessary to define all the genes involved. To this end we screened for new mutants defective in the ability to delay mitosis in the presence of DNA-damaging agents. Twenty-four mutants were isolated that were defective in UV-C and MMS-induced checkpoint delay. Amongst these mutants was an allele of cut5 that was also defective in the checkpoint responses. We show here, contrary to previous reports, that the UV-C induced checkpoint response is defective in cut5 mutants. Therefore, like all other checkpoint mutants, cut5 is required for G2 checkpoint arrest following DNA damage, regardless of the nature of the lesions involved.  相似文献   

The intensity dependence of the rose bengal (RB)-photosensitized inhibition of red blood cell acetylcholinesterase has been studied experimentally and the results compared to a quantitative excitation/deactivation model of RB photochemistry. Red blood cell membrane suspensions containing 5 microM RB were irradiated with 532 nm, 8 ns laser pulses with energies between 1 and 98.5 mJ. A constant dose (7 J) was delivered to all samples by varying the total number of pulses. At incident energies greater than approximately 4.5 mJ/pulse, the efficiency for photosensitized enzyme inhibition decreased as the energy/pulse increased. The generation of RB triplet state was monitored as a function of laser energy and the triplet-triplet absorption coefficient was determined to be 1.9 x 10(4) M-1 cm-1 at 530 nm. The number of singlet oxygen molecules produced at each intensity was calculated from both the physico-mathematical model and from laser flash photolysis results. The results indicated that the photosensitized inhibition of acetylcholinesterase was exclusively mediated by singlet oxygen, even at the highest laser intensities employed.  相似文献   

The ARG-11 gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a protein with the characteristic features of a family of 35 related membrane proteins that are encoded in the fungal genome. Some of them are known to transport various substrates and products across the inner membranes of mitochondria, but the functions of 29 members of the family are unknown. The yeast ARG-11 protein has been over-produced as inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli. It has been solubilized in the presence of sarkosyl, re-constituted into liposomes and shown to transport ornithine in exchange for protons. Its main physiological role is probably to take ornithine synthesized from glutamate in the mitochondrial matrix to the cytosol where it is converted to arginine.  相似文献   

Replication factor C (RF-C) is a five subunit DNA polymerase (Pol) delta/straightepsilon accessory factor required at the replication fork for loading the essential processivity factor PCNA onto the 3'-ends of nascent DNA strands. Here we describe the genetic analysis of the rfc2 +gene of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe encoding a structural homologue of the budding yeast Rfc2p and human hRFC37 proteins. Deletion of the rfc2 + gene from the chromosome is lethal but does not result in the checkpoint-dependent cell cycle arrest seen in cells deleted for the gene encoding PCNA or for those genes encoding subunits of either Pol delta or Pol straightepsilon. Instead, rfc2 Delta cells proceed into mitosis with incompletely replicated DNA, indicating that the DNA replication checkpoint is inactive under these conditions. Taken together with recent results, these observations suggest a simple model in which assembly of the RF-C complex onto the 3'-end of the nascent RNA-DNA primer is the last step required for the establishment of a checkpoint-competent state.  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in nanomolar concentrations (20-100 nM) stimulated the growth of small (diameter 100 +/- 30 microm) multicellular prostate cancer spheroids and increased c-fos expression. H2O2 transiently raised [Ca2+]i by Ca2+ release from intracellular stores as the transient persisted in low (10 nM) Ca2+ solution but was abolished when intracellular Ca2+ stores were depleted by thapsigargin or chelation of [Ca2+]i with BAPTA. The H2O2-induced [Ca2+]i transient was furthermore inhibited by the P2-purinoreceptor antagonists suramin and basilen blue, indicating that H2O2 may act via purinergic receptor stimulation. Treatment of spheroids with either suramin, basilen blue or BAPTA inhibited the H2O2-induced growth stimulation and c-fos expression, indicating that the H2O2-mediated growth stimulation of multicellular spheroids is mediated via a Ca2+-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight site-directed mutations were introduced into the fission yeast gene (pcn1+) that encodes proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and their in vivo effects analyzed in a strain with a null pcn1 background. Mutants defective in enhancing processivity of DNA polymerase delta have previously been identified. In this study, we assessed all of the mutants for their sensitivities to temperature, hydroxyurea, UV irradiation and methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), and specific mutants were also tested for sensitivity to gamma irradiation. One cold-sensitive allele, pcn1-3, was characterized in detail. This mutant had a recessive cold-sensitive cdc phenotype and showed sensitivity to hydroxyurea, UV, and gamma irradiation. At the non-permissive temperature pcn1-3 protein was able to form homotrimers in solution and showed increased stimulation of both synthetic activity and processivity of DNA polymerase delta relative to the wild-type Pcn1+ protein. Epistasis analyses indicated that pcn1-3 is defective in the repair pathway involving rad2+ but not defective in the classical nucleotide excision repair pathway involving rad13+. Furthermore, pcn1-3 is either synthetically or conditionally lethal in null checkpoint rad backgrounds and displays a mitotic catastrophe phenotype in these backgrounds. A model for how pcn1-3 defects may affect DNA repair and replication is presented.  相似文献   

The spontaneous mutation rate per replication per genome is nearly invariant in microbes; however, the rate of spontaneous genomic mutations in higher eukaryotes is much higher. Furthermore, the mutation rates per locus per generation among Drosophila, mice and humans are similar, despite the large differences in generation time. A simple explanation for these findings is that mice and humans have a specific antimutagenic mechanism that is lacking in Drosophila. I propose that apoptotic repair-deletion of genotoxic damage-bearing cells-operates in mammalian germ cells and that it works more accurately in humans than in mice because of a slower rate of cell turnover and a longer generation time. It has been a long-standing puzzle that germline mutation frequencies decrease markedly as the dose-rate of radiation is lowered in mice but not in Drosophila. This can be readily explained by p53-dependent apoptotic repair, because the p53 gene is absent from the genome of Drosophila. Fetuses of p53+/+ mice have proficient apoptotic repair capacity for X-ray-induced teratogenic damage, but p53-null fetuses completely lack this capacity. Further, I propose that the primary role of the p53 gene is to guard germ cells and embryos from genotoxic damage. This implies that the tumour suppressor function of the p53 gene results from p53-dependent apoptotic deletion of cells with genotoxic damage. The reasoning behind this proposal is given by reviewing reports that Drosophila larvae are insensitive to tumour formation after irradiation. Finally, I discuss the genetic effects of radiation in humans.  相似文献   

In wild-type diploid cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, an HO endonuclease-induced double-strand break (DSB) at the MAT locus can be efficiently repaired by gene conversion using the homologous chromosome sequences. Repair of the broken chromosome was nearly eliminated in rad52delta diploids; 99% lost the broken chromosome. However, in rad51delta diploids, the broken chromosomes were repaired approximately 35% of the time. None of these repair events were simple gene conversions or gene conversions with an associated crossover, instead, they created diploids homozygous for the MAT locus and all markers in the 100-kb region distal to the site of the DSB. In rad51delta diploids, the broken chromosome can apparently be inherited for several generations, as many of these repair events are found as sectored colonies, with one part being repaired and the other part being lost the broken chromosome. Similar events occur in about 2% of wild-type cells. We propose that a broken chromosome end can invade a homologous template in the absence of RAD51 and initiate DNA replication that may extend to the telomere, 100 or more kb away. Such break-induced replication appears to be similar to recombination-initiated replication in bacteria.  相似文献   

Although glutathione is an important scavenging molecule within the cell, it can also act as a pro-oxidant and at biological concentrations (1 mM) can induce DNA damage. We have used a sensitive cell-free Comet assay for DNA strand breakage to investigate this damage and to try to determine the active species involved. We show a substantial protection against glutathione-mediated DNA damage by superoxide dismutase (200 U/ml) and complete protection by combined superoxide dismutase and catalase. Damage is also prevented by EDTA but only at 100 mM and is not prevented by the chelating agent diethylenetriamine-pentaacetic acid (100 microM). Although superoxide is known to potentiate DNA damage by other reactive species, none of these indirect mechanisms seem to account for our results and it is possible that superoxide may damage DNA directly. Under the same experimental conditions, S-nitrosoglutathione requires ultraviolet A photolysis to cause DNA strand breakage and superoxide dismutase increases the level of this damage. When intact human lymphocytes are incubated with glutathione (1 mM) in phosphate buffer, DNA damage is also observed, but in this case it is completely preventable by catalase, with no protective effect of superoxide dismutase. Since cellular scavenging systems are not completely protective against reactive species formed from autooxidation of extracellular glutathione and since glutathione and oxygen are ubiquitously present within cells, our results imply that cells may have a mechanism of preventing autooxidation, rather than simply relying on scavenging the reactive species formula.  相似文献   

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